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  • in reply to: Featured Image Not Displaying on Post Page #856073

    Alright, thanks, i thought so, at least.

    in reply to: Featured Image Not Displaying on Post Page #856036

    thanks for replying, i mean isn’t there still any possibility that posts build with the layout builder will show the feature image without an extra image box, because the screenshot from the options dialog from maximaker (“Single post with big preview image(featured image”), reply #773311) implied that this feature was intended. Or is that just a misunderstanding or a “typo”?
    To put it in a nutshell, why is there a possible setting, when it does work on this way? Or is this a setting concerning just pure word posts (not build with layout builder)? Do you know what i mean?
    Thx Markus

    in reply to: Featured Image Not Displaying on Post Page #855877

    Hello, is there something new about this options item? Is this a mistake or does it yet work, even though it’s not intended?
    thx Markus

    in reply to: Hiding codeblock with custom css for all ALB doesn't work #736568

    Alright, thanks

    in reply to: Hiding codeblock with custom css for all ALB doesn't work #736510

    Hello Yigit, hm, that work reasonably, but that means the custom code for all ALB elements doesn’t work and i can’t address these elements with a defined class (codeblock in this case)? You know, this codeblock container just has the sense to contain a shortcode. If i want to get rid of him i also could delete the codeblock and paste the shortcode somewhere else.

    in reply to: Social Icons on top in boxed layout #735938

    Hello Yigit,
    now i want to reproduce the error and copied your code again in the child function.php and now the page is loading without error, sorry. Probably my computer was the guilty part.
    But as good, as bad, the social icons doesn’t appear underneath the logo.
    I added your code as it was at the very end of the functional.php

    function av_move_social(){
    jQuery(".html_header_sidebar .av-sidebar-social-container").detach().prependTo('.html_header_sidebar #header .container .inner-container')
    add_action('wp_footer', 'av_move_social');

    Also i tried it now to copy it to the parent enfold function.php (parallel), but then i got an 500 error.

    in reply to: Social Icons on top in boxed layout #735777

    Hello Yigit, thanks for the code, but i tried to add it to my enfold-child function.php and it broke the page. I tried several <?php and ?> combinations, but no luck. Can you tell me what is missing? My function.php is the folllowiing:

    * Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file. 
    * WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then.
    /*m_code Adding Google Font*/
    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font',  'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Merienda'] = 'Merienda';
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font',  'avia_add_content_font');
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro'] = 'Source Sans Pro:400,600,800';
    return $fonts;
    /*m_code: Trial Adding FOOTER fullwidth section DIV*/
    /*--> footer.php: <div id="yourfooterwidgetid">*/
    //register_sidebar(array('name'=>'Fullwidth Footer Widget',));
    /*m_code: Adding HEADER fullwidth section DIV*/
    //add_action( 'ava_after_main_menu', 'enfold_customization_header_widget_area' );
    //function enfold_customization_header_widget_area() {
    //	dynamic_sidebar( 'header_extra' );
    // m_code: Enable shortcodes in text widgets
    add_action('in_widget_form', 'awts_get_widget_id');
    function awts_get_widget_id($widget_instance)
    // Check if the widget is already saved or not.
    if ($widget_instance->number=="__i__"){
    echo "<p><strong>Widget ID is</strong>: Pls save the widget first!</p>" ;
    } else {
    echo "<p><strong>Widget ID is: </strong>" .$widget_instance->id. "</p>";
    // m_code:  * add option to edit elements via css class

    Thanks Markus

    in reply to: Hiding codeblock with custom css for all ALB doesn't work #735211

    Hi Rikard, the border and background are just for the showing effect and yes, i’ve done the steps in the alb posting/tutorial, this line of code is in my enfold-child functions.php (first i also tried it in enfold/functions.php):

    //  add option to edit elements via css class

    and on this screen you see the class i’ve given the codeblock on the homepage.
    But nothing happen. And i don’t know why.
    br Markus

    in reply to: Hiding codeblock with custom css for all ALB doesn't work #734662

    Hello Rikard,
    that wasn’t your best hint ;-), that makes the most content (except the sidebar menu and the footer) disappearing (screen).
    But that’s not the real point, the very special question is, why does the “custom css for all ALB” function do not work or how can i get it to?
    Or do i something wrong with some syntax?
    best Markus

    in reply to: Social Icons on top in boxed layout #734281

    Hello Yigit,
    Here is a screenshot. I mean the red marked place with “social icons” underneath the logo and it’s a boxed layout.
    br Markus

    in reply to: Hiding codeblock with custom css for all ALB doesn't work #733978

    Hello Rikard, i commented off that function/hook in enfold functions.php, also added it to enfold-child functions.php, added a codeblock to a page and this css to the quick field:
    .codeblock {
    display: none !important;
    border:10px solid #ff0000 !important;
    background-color: #ff0000 !important; }

    with no effect. The coeblock still is visible: (The white block on top).
    By the way, why isn’t that function enabled by default?
    br Markus

    Ok, i deleted the closing ?> tag at the end of enfold-child function.php now.
    Solved now.
    Sorry and thanks

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by markkus2.

    Hello, now i replaced the functions.php files with the very beginning files and it worked again, but when i put this code in the enfold-child function then it’s breaked again (before it has worked …):

    * Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file. 
    * WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then.
    /*m_code Adding Google Font*/
    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font',  'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Merienda'] = 'Merienda';
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font',  'avia_add_content_font');
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro'] = 'Source Sans Pro:400,600,800';
    return $fonts;

    Hello Guenni, Rikard,
    thank you for suggestions, especially for the menu screen options (you live and learn), but i’ve found the evildoer, it was an entry in the header/transparency options tab, there was a setting for the Transparency menu color which overruled everything else.
    Thank you very much anyway.

    Oh yes Rikard, you’re absolutely right. Great, great, great. Where can i give you the laurel wreath?
    For to say it with the norwegian: Huh, huh, huh, huh …
    Thx a lot

    Hello Andy, thanks for the care, but no, at the moment the page is only local.
    But it’s anyway a general question. I want to know how i can get a sidebar/widget is beside the content (maincontent?) of a page?
    Do i have to handle it with the shortcodes on every single page or is there a change to get it “WP-like, classical” with the settings of the pages? I tried all different settings on the pages like “attributs, layout/sidebar settings, etc.” on the right side of the backend, but just get the sidebar (Archive) underneath the page content like in screen 1:
    But i want them abosolutely beside the content.:
    Thanks Markus

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by markkus2.

    Oh, an own goal.
    Thanks Markus

    Hello Rikard, this is not a problem request, i just wanna tell the forum another solution for this strange editor-problem. I primary wanted to reply that to an older request in the Enfold forum, but the request already was closed. But thanks for asking. And yes, i then created a new admin user and the problem has gone. I don’t know exactly why, but in this case it had something to do with the users code it seems..

    Hi, already found something:

    @media (max-width: 900px){
    div#layerslider_3 {
    width: 100% !important;

    that works

    Hello Andy, thanks for the hint, this doesn’t do it at all, but this is working:

    div#layerslider_3 {
    width: 78% !important; //curiously, because sidebar maincontent is 20 | 80%
    float: right;

    !!! But, can you perhaps add something which makes the slider come back to 100% again in smartphone view?

    And for all who can’t find the quick css field, it’s the one in the Enfold Child Options at the bottom under general sytling with the palette icon.

    in reply to: Where the Masonry Gallery shortcode has gone? #618445

    Hello Yigit,
    yes i know, but before i didn’t got the same appearance, so i tried to have a look on the demo backend. Meanwhile i’ve got it.
    Thanks again

    Hello Yigit, i read the popular ones until page 7, if you can provide the link i will do it.
    By the way, can you tell me where the forum link “Add new thread/post” on the support page has gone?

    Hello Ismael, many thanks to have a look. So far i know already, but the problem was, how do i get the markup into the add. editor, the shortcode wand hasn’t worked last week but now all of a sudden it works.
    Thank you

    Hello Ismael, i see, when i switch to the ajax mode i have to insert the accordeon separately in the Add Preview Text editor. I’ve tried that now with “insert theme shortcode” button (the little magic wand), but it doesn’t generate any markup?! And also switching generally to the standard editor only shows an empty editor field. So the question is, how doe i get the code into the Add Preview Text editor?

    Hello Rikard, i saw now it’s the missing text in the tab “Vorschau-Text hinzufügen”, but that’s also strange, because i’ve added the accordeon tabs in the content element and haven’t deleted the “Vorschau” text, perhaps on some but it’s gone on all portfolios.

    But the problem is, and i’ve tested it on a fresh local installation, if you delete the toggles/accordeons and add some new, the “Vorschau-Text hinzufügen” field still shows the old entries. So the question is, how do i get the markup for the accordeons back in this field which seems neccesary for the ajax mode?

    Thanks Markus

    Hello Rikard,
    here’s the admin login.
    thx Markus

    in reply to: Footer with 3 columns but splitted into 1/4 1/4 2/4 witdhs #497791

    Thanks great.

    in reply to: css path lost #441994

    Hello, the problem has been solved meanwhile. Some reloadings has wiped away the problem.
    And at the moment i only have a local installation, but i’ll come back if it occurs again.
    Thanks Markus

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