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  • in reply to: Enfold – Barrierefreiheit #1322310

    ich habe vor 2018 für eine Kommune eine Enfold-Website auf Grundlage von “Church” erstellt. Jetzt muss diese Seite barrierefrei werden. Gerade für “Church” wäre es sinnvoll, barrierefrei umgesetzt zu werden, denn es eignet sich insbesondere für Einrichtungen, die verpflichtet sind, Websites nach BITV 2.0 barrierefrei zu erstellen.
    Gibt es Pläne, die Barrierefreiheit von Enfold Church zu ermöglichen? Oder gibt es ein Theme, welches diese Voraussetzungen schon erfüllt?

    Hi Victoria,
    thank you for your support and the screenshots :-)

    The old view doesn’t work for me, but it doesn’t bring a solution either. I have now pushed the style block in front of the featured image. Yes, I can also close the block. But if I need it, I have to open it. Also that doesn’t change the fact that the selection box solution was much more convenient. I send a picture of what the sidebar looks like now. The red bordered part was previously just a check box under the featured image – as in the picture above :-(

    It is very large...

    After a long search I have finally found the place where I can now set the visibility of the futured image. I had to turn on the style display first. I had disabled the display of the style settings because I don’t need them in my daily work. Now my sidebar is very long and I have to scroll down to make this selection.

    Too bad, in some places you have the manageability after version 4.5. worsened.
    Also, in my opinion, the setting of the number of articles to be displayed in the magazine has deteriorated. She was previously in the Content tab – which was good because it influences the content. Now she is far away under Style -> Pagination.

    Please help me! I urgently need a solution for my customer’s portal.
    I cannot remove all feature post images via css. Where I have pictures they have to stay above the article. Where I had no pictures, I have to take pictograms. However, they must not be displayed above the article because they are too large.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by MargitW.

    Ich habe die Einstellung selbst gefunden. Sie befindet sich jetzt leider nicht mehr bei “Inhalt” sondern bei “Stil –> Paginierung”.

    in reply to: Set number of articles to be displayed in Magazine? #1193148

    I found the settings. It is now no longer in “Content” but in “Style -> Pagination” :-(

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by MargitW.
    in reply to: Galerie: Nicht verbundene Bilder erkennen und löschen #1165268

    Thank you, you can close this topic.

    in reply to: Galerie: Nicht verbundene Bilder erkennen und löschen #1165023

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Ich werde es ausprobieren ;-)

    in reply to: A bug with Advanced Post Types Order #812523

    Yes, you can Close this.

    Best regards

    in reply to: A bug with Advanced Post Types Order #812480

    Thank you for your many answers. Unfortunately I could not react, I was on holiday. The “Advanded PostTypes Order” plugin allows you to manually sort posts by drag and drop. This function was required on the start page. I wanted to show 2 main categories in the magazine and sort these posts manually if needed. This don’t work with the plugin and also don’t work with the filter scripts. The problem I have now solved differently. I have the categories displayed in separate magazines. Within these categories I sort the posts now by changing the date of the posts. This is cumbersome, but I find no other solution.

    in reply to: A bug with Advanced Post Types Order #805794

    I also sort my blog posts in the backend manually with the plugin Advance Post Types Order. When it comes to the output of the content element “blog posts”, this works as well. But it does not work with content element “magazine”. I included the filter in functions.php of my enfold child theme, but it did not work in the “magazine”. How can i adjust the filter? Or the filter does not work in “magazine”?
    How can I output the posts in the “magazine” in the same order as the “blog posts”?

    Best Regards,

    Hallo @aerobis,

    now I found my solution in the Theme Documentation :

    add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_category_blog_layout', 10, 2); 
    function avia_change_category_blog_layout($layout, $context){
    if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'blog-grid';
    return $layout;

    Available layout are single-small, single-big, blog-grid and multi-big.

    Well, the blog page remains custom.

    Hey aerobis,

    thank you for your solution. I’ve been looking for that But can these pages also be displayed in Masonry style?
    In the solution of this thread

    the blog page is also changed and all Masonry elements on other pages are no longer displayed.

    Thank you in advance for a reply

    in reply to: Problems with list view in the event calendar #691685

    Hi Andy,
    now I have found the solution. The plugin “Post Types Order” has the events “sorted” irrespective of the date in the order of entering. In the forum of the plugin I found a code that prevents.
    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Problems with list view in the event calendar #686479

    Here the correct login. Sorry for the mistake. The translator has changed the input ;-(

    in reply to: Problems with list view in the event calendar #685761

    I built the calendar into enfold, no using an other event plugin.The temporary admin login you find in the private content section. Thank you for your help!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by MargitW.
    in reply to: Again: Sidebar Menu nested at 2nd level #683632

    Oh shame. Then there is probably no solution. Then I have to remove the code again and leave the second level visible. Nevertheless, thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Again: Sidebar Menu nested at 2nd level #682239

    Thank you for your help! It already looks good.

    But with your code the submenu in the main menu also invisible ;-(
    So I changed the css-code:

    .widget_nav_menu .submenu-hide{
    	display: none !important;
    .widget_nav_menu .submenu-show{
    	display: block !important;

    Now the sumenu of the Main Menu remains visible.

    But there is yet another problem in the widget nav menu:
    If you click on the menu item in the first level, the submenu is visible. That’s right. But when the menu item also has a content page, then this contents page is not called, the link no longer works. Can you change that? That would be great.

    Incidentally, I have found that I always get errors when I change the functions.php with Notepad and FTP. I have only now seen that I can functions.php in WordPress editor edit. This works – comical.

    in reply to: Again: Sidebar Menu nested at 2nd level #681491


    Here the Login for the website. Please do not deactivate plugins, if it destroys the website. Thank you for your help!

    in reply to: Again: Sidebar Menu nested at 2nd level #681070

    Hey Vinay,

    I’m sorry that you could’nt understand my question.
    I have a custom menu in the sidebar. It has a first and a second level. Only I want to be visible the menu items of second level when I click on the menu item of the first level.
    When I click of the main menu item “Tourism”, to first in the sidebar I want to be visible the menu items of the first level: In Example “restaurants”, “camping”, “sights” …. The second level is to be still invisible.
    Only when I click of the first level menu item – in example “sights” – I want to be visible the 2nd level menu items: “church”, “castle”, “mill”….
    I tryed the code from this thread:, but it did’nt work.
    I hope, you can understand me now. If not, then I must to write later in German. My english is bad. I often use Google Translator :-(

    in reply to: Back-Icon in single.php #663287

    Thank you, Ismael. That was the solution. I’ve already tried this before, but Notepad ++ always made the symbol to a question mark. Now I have tried in the editor explicitly set the encoding of the file to utf8. And now the icon is maintained. I am very happy!

    in reply to: Back-Icon in single.php #661683

    I have now inserted the code in the single.php. It works, but it does’nt appear the icon but the numbers “ue830”. What code should I add to make the icon appear? Now, in the code: data-av_icon = ‘ue830’. See the link please – you can see this over the title.

    in reply to: Icon Font Manager – embed a icon not work #661680

    I do not dare to disable the plugins. I want nothing to destroy the installation.
    I have another testinstallation. I have in addition a test installation.
    I have in addition a test installation. There the error appears: “Fatal error Class ‘ZipArchive’ not found in ../font-manager.class.php
    I have now disabled the plugin, which is active in both installations. The import of the font does not work anyway.

    in reply to: style.css in child theme not work #660174

    The problem is solved. It was my fault. Yet again many thanks and best regards.

    in reply to: style.css in child theme not work #659892

    Do you know where the CSS statements in Dashboard Editor is stored (or saved?) on the server? Firebug says the file is in the child theme under /style.css?ver=2. But this file I can’t find in my WP installation. And the normal style.css in child theme is empty.

    Thank you very much for your help!!!

    in reply to: style.css in child theme not work #659601

    I think I’ve found the solution. I’ve entered the statements directly with Notepad in the style.css of child theme on the server. The theme editor under Design -> Editor I found only now. When I write the CSS statements in there, they will be executed. Why this is so, however, I do not understand. Where will save the statements from theme editor? Is the theme editor update-safe? When I open the style.css in child theme on the server, this file is empty.

    in reply to: Icon Font Manager – embed a icon not work #659552

    Thanks for your efforts.
    The Icon: –> Font Awesom –> icon-file-pdf

    Unfortunately I can’t upload here the font zip-file.

    in reply to: Latest News #659546

    Hi Rikard,
    I tryed the CSS, but it hide also the date. It would be better if only the time disappears.

    in reply to: Back-Icon in single.php #659544

    Where should I insert the code block? Below the article I tested this code. He destroyed the post. The title disappears. Please visit the link. In the future, there are several editors. These editors are not to insert a block of code. I want to display the icon automatically over any post over the post title.

    in reply to: style.css in child theme not work #659514

    The problem with the functions.php is solved. I have read that you have to copy the content of the functions-enfold.php in the function.php of child theme. Since the turn of the custom css works in the elements.
    But the problem remains with the style.css in child theme.

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