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Image is still there. After soooo many moons. And the problem is still present. Even with the most up-to-date version. Site is still kept on localhost.
I’ve stopped making my website because the bugs I’ve reported got frustrating and I got no help. Now I’m back on it hoping that the new version of the Enfold Theme (3.6.1) would magically solve them. It didn’t. What’s up?
I can’t give you access since I’m working on localhost. But the recipe for creating the bug is straight forward. I’v posted it above, but here you go again:
Install fresh WP with Enfold theme, import Default Demo, go to General Layout and change the default “Top Header” to any of the two others (Left or Right Sidebar). You should see the same thing that I do. Here’s what I see with a description. Quick CSS trick doesn’t help. Only creates more problems.
It’s the most basic feature of the theme and it doesn’t work? Try it, find the bug, fix it. It’s annoying.Thanks. This works.
Yes! This works. Thank you. Now is there a way to maybe set the link manually? As you see the “a” tag is added automatically. My “inject” filter only adds the “img” tag, but it is wrapped in the “a” to begin with.
Also… how would I turn of the thumbnail image entirely (in the blog-grid)? I’ve found a post about it but it didn’t help me. believe this is the part you asked for?
<article class='post-entry post-entry-type-standard post-entry-1323 post-loop-1 post-parity-odd post-entry-last single-big with-slider post-1323 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-after-effects tag-animation tag-particles tag-text tag-articles' itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" itemprop="blogPost"> <div class="big-preview single-big"> <a href="" title="The Matrix Raining Code"><img src='' title='The Matrix Raining Code'> </a> </div>
Somehow I can’t make it work. I like the default grid layout with three columns. I just want to get rid of the thumbnail, so this is my code, after adding your bloc-index-no-img img to the Quick CSS.
[av_blog blog_type='posts' categories='32' link='category' blog_style='blog-grid' columns='3' contents='excerpt' content_length='content' preview_mode='custom' image_size='thumbnail' items='12' offset='0' paginate='yes' custom_class='bloc-index-no-img liste-objets']
Any ideas?
I don’t really see which part turns off the images for the posts? I see custom_class=’bloc-index-no-img liste-objets’ but no bloc-index-no-img in the CSS. Any help? I also want to remove preview images for one of my categories, or actually… have the thumbnail/feature images show up only for one category.
Ok. I understand. The problem might be caused by injecting feature images via functions.php. I wrote a post about it here Some problems in there still remain and maybe they are causing this behavior.
After a while…..
And I was right. Injecting the feature image as described in the link above apparently changes some styling and Ismaels code doesn’t work, however when the feature image is there to begin with the code works. That also means that the solution that I found to inject images is not a good one (as Yigit claimed it to be) because it does not cause Enfold to “think” the image was already in the DB to begin with.
That’s problem one.Problem two still not answered here is this:
Also, I’d like to remove the “hover” action on the feature image when viewing a single post, or to change it’s icon to ue80d and a title to “Watch now” and have the feature image behave the same as the button (open lightbox with self-hosted video).
As you can hopefully see this time, this is not only about removing the hover effect. In fact I would be sort of ok with it being there if I could set the link of the image manually, to a self hosted video or a youtube/vimeo wideo, remove the white overlay, leaving the icon there but changing it to ue80d or whatever else. Or… simply… do not link to anything – if my understanding is correct, if there was no link in the image, there would be no hover, no overlay, no problem.
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
maltaannon. Reason: link to the post was missing
I don’t see how the link would help, but I can’t post it anyway. It’s being developed locally.
The code works, but it’s a very “naive” solution. There are two main problems that I have with them:
1. I have some conditions which define if the injection should happen or not. When I do not want to inject anything I’d like it to behave like it normally does without the add_filter (so what your theme provides for posts with no feature image). Unfortunately when I simply return empty $html from my function it causes a blank result, which is different from theme’s default (icon representing type of post. I’d like this to be as if there was no add_filter when I don’t want to inject anything. I tried remove_filter, but since that happens from withing the function after checking is done it changes nothing.
2. When I inject $html with thetag than no matter what I add as alt or title in the
, the template always takes part of the content (usually excerpt) as the alt/title parameter. I think it has something to do with the <span> tag that the
is wrapped in which to my understanding is causing the hover effect.
And the hover effect leads me to another, less urgent problem, but still important – how do I turn it off and get rid of the link (which points to the image file itself in a lightbox) when viewing the post (is)singular / is_single / is_page)?
For video that is out of the question unfortunately. What of my other questions? The hover effect, the link, and one more: any way to set the size of the lightbox manually for each instance? I mean manual – like adding something to the link to force it to open up in a specific size, which may be different depending on some conditions?
While I waited for an answer I figured it out with the ?iframe=true, however this still does not answer my original question in full. When I do that, the self hosted video opens up in a lightbox, but it is being played back by a browser video player, not the one included with the theme (av_video). And if it would, the player would still be missing the fullscreen button.
As for the feature image maybe I wasn’t precise. By hover actoin I mean not only the overlay, but the entire link. I guess that if the ling would be gone, the hover would not happen as well. So How to I remove the link being added to the feature-image? Please not that I’m using this technique to add feature images: On top of that I’ve just added the css you posted to Quick CSS and it did not remove the hover effect.
By the way… is it possible to open that (inject feature image) thread up again? There are still some things, notes, and additional questions that need to be added there and I don’t want to start a new thread.
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
I’ve just noticed that the same thing happens (or even worse) when Boxed Layout and Right/Left Sidebar are set in the General Layout section. What’s up with that? I did clean installs, turned off all my functions from a child theme, and it’s always the same. Need a fix. I will provide the server details once I put it up on a test domain, but until then maybe you could replicate this bug locally?
I wish I could. I’m working on localhost at the moment. You can try and do the same. Install fresh WP with Enfold theme, import Default Demo, go to General Layout and change the default “Top Header” to any of the two others (Left or Right Sidebar). You should see the same thing that I do. I’ve tried it several times when I was starting to play with the theme and figured it would be an easy fix. Turns out it’s not the case, so I posted it here.
If you mean Quick CSS in the General Styling section in the admin panel, than it did not help. Adding it to the style.css of the child theme did not help either.
Heh. As always – chances of solving the problem on your own increase with desperation and amount of posts published about it on the net. Finally I’ve solved this issue. Here is the code added to the functions.php of the child theme.
function _jdutils_inject_thumbnail( $html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr ) { if ( empty( $html ) ) { $post = get_post($post_id); $html = "<img src='someimage.jpg' atl='$post->post_title'>"; } return $html; } add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', '_jdutils_inject_thumbnail');
Still I’d love if someone more competent than me could look at it and confirm this is the best way to go about it.
Thank you.Ok. So I have solved the problem described above. This is what I’ve done. Maybe it will be useful to others as well.
// function called by a filter by reference. // needs no return statement. changes WP_Post object. function _jdutils_inject_excerpt($post) { // extract the text before the <!--more--> tag to be treated as excerpt $post->post_excerpt = preg_split( '/<!--more(.*?)?-->/', $post->post_content )[0]; } add_filter('the_post', '_jdutils_inject_excerpt');
This code is in my_own_functions.php in the enfold-child folder, and it is declared by require_once statement in the functions.php of the child theme. Could someone double check if this is the best possible way to do this please? When I list posts using a “Blog Posts” element, or simply by listing posts in category, some posts break the template causing elements to shift and not display correctly. I tried to pinpoint where the problem might be in those specific posts but found nothing. Thank you.
Hi. My issue may be a bit different, however the title of this post is perfect, so I figured not to start a new thread. I’ve just recently purchased Enfold after long and careful consideration. I am a control freak and I like elegant solutions. To meet my own desires for things to he handled nicely I’ve used my-hacks.php when I first made my website. From that you can already tell it was a looooong time ago :)
To the point: I am now upgrading to Enfold theme and I love how it is constructed, however I knew there would be some things I’d like to change. Note here that I don’t consider myself a programmer, but I am clever enough to understand and write some code. What I have is redundancy. On my website I have crafted the posts in such a way that after the first two sentences there’s a <!–more–> tag, but no excerpt – because I didn’t need it. Why would I put the same sentences in the post and in the excerpt. See my point?
All of that is good, however now when I’m building a site using your Advanced Editor and adding a Blog Posts element to it with “Define Blog Grid layout” option set to “Title and Excerpt” the sentences get trimmed, because there is no real excerpt in the posts to be shown, so the default behavior of trimming the text kicks in.
After this long description this is my question: how can I change that behavior, so that the Blog Posts element shows the content of the post up to the <!–more–> tag when listing the posts?
I understand that modding the template is not part of the support, but any pointers and hints would be appreciated, not to mention adding this functionality to the Blog Posts element itself. I bet I’m not the only one who did this.
Thank you.
Thanks for the fast response. Much appreciated.
I can’t send you a link. I’m building and testing on localhost.
Here’s what I see with a description. -
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by