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  • in reply to: jQuery issues #989650

    Hi Jordan,
    I didn’t try, because I simply migrated the website from a test domain as it was and it worked fine in the old location.
    But well, on the new installation I added a cookie bar plugin and I discovered it caused the issue.
    Anyway, I’d love to use your built in cookie solution, but unfortunately your bar only inform, but doesn’t block cookies as requested by the EU Law: do you have in mind to fix that?

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    in reply to: jQuery issues #989339

    Only logged users can view the page, so the error code is the following:

    `’); } function sp_cdm_load_file_manager(){ sp_cdm_loading_image(); jQuery.get(sp_vars.ajax_url, {action: “cdm_file_list”, uid: “1”}, function(response){ jQuery(“#cmd_file_thumbs”).html(response).hide().fadeIn(); }) cdm_ajax_search(); } jQuery(document).ready( function() { var pid = jQuery.cookie(“pid”); if(pid != 0){ sp_cdm_load_project(pid) }else{ sp_cdm_load_file_manager(); } }); function sp_cdm_load_project(pid){ sp_cdm_loading_image(); jQuery(“#cdm_current_folder”).val(pid); jQuery(“.cdm_premium_pid_field”).attr(“value”, pid); jQuery.cookie(“pid”, pid, { expires: 7 , path:”/” }); if(pid != 0 && jQuery(“#cdm_premium_sub_projects”).val() != 1){ jQuery(“.cdm_add_folder_button”).hide(); }else{ jQuery(“.cdm_add_folder_button”).show(); } cdm_check_folder_perms(pid); cdm_check_file_perms(pid); jQuery(“#sub_category_parent”).val(pid); jQuery(“.cdm_premium_pid_field”).val(pid); jQuery.get(sp_vars.ajax_url, {action: “cdm_file_list”, uid: “1”, pid: pid}, function(response){ jQuery(“#cmd_file_thumbs”).html(response).hide().fadeIn(); }) }

    in reply to: Main menu space and column width #985916

    Hi Victoria,
    thank you very much! The code works, but at
    .av-main-nav ul.sub-menu,
    .av-main-nav ul.sub-menu .menu-item {
    width: 120%;
    I had to insert px value instead of %
    Anyway now we can test different sizes to choose the best one.

    Thank you for the private note too, I was working on the main language and I didn’t noticed the error in English menu, anyway I fixed it.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Main menu space and column width #984708

    Hi Victoria,
    well, as I told in previous post the website is and Enfold is already installed.
    If you need more info, login data or anything else, please let me know.

    Thank you

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