Forum Replies Created
July 18, 2014 at 11:29 am in reply to: How to update the theme, i am not receiving update notifications #292905
Hello Devin,
Thanks for providing the link. Although i am still not getting the update notification, but i will wait for more time, no problem.
1. My question is will i still get update notification even if i am using child theme.
2. And should i also get update notification even i have changed the theme folder name from enfold to labhanshi (from ftp, in order to show “labhanshi” while someone view it using source code from the browser)
3. To wait for 12 hours is a minimum time, or it may show update notification even after few minutes or couple of hours also.Thanks
OK, thanks
Hello Josue,
I have changed the folder name as suggested and set it from “labhanshi Child” to “labhanshiChild” (without quotes)
But i haven’t changed the name in child’s css and it is still “labhanshi Child” as was suggested earlier that i need to change it in only in folder name. Is that OK.
Can you now check at your end whether is it still throwing 404 error. As for above link it is now fine at my end.
Also, on which other page/s at frontend it was showing 404 error other than the link you have given above. How did you replicate it. Because, before changing the name, i didn’t find the 404 error at that time on any page.Hope you might have got some clue from the video too regarding other problem.
Thanks :)
Ok, i will change folder name to “LabhanshiChild”, wish that will be ok.
Also, “Can you please let me know where the 404 error is coming on my site.”Thanks :)
Hello Josue,
Thank you for looking into the issue again. I think i was not being able to clarify the color selector issue. Let me try again as at 0:18 your video didn’t attempt what i actually want to inform.
Say, If someone clicks on the empty field area first (where hex color value appears), then also the pop-up box opens where one selects the color. And when someone selects the color from there and then closes that box by clicking on “select color” button. Then that glitch will start appearing. From that point onward, when someone clicks on any other field then that color selector box keeps pops-up everytime.
For that you can check my same video from 0:24 seconds onwardsDo you mean by the name “Labhanshi Child”. Should i remove the gap in between these two words and make it “LabhanshiChild”.
Do i have to make this change both in Folder name and style.css. As i am using the same name at both places.Can you please let me know where the 404 error is coming on my site. And the magnifying glass icon issue can be seen in the theme demo also.
Thanks :)
Hello Devin,
I changed the column count to a higher number just now for that single item which shrunk the thumbnail and made it appear not blurry since its container is smaller.
I already did so and found earlier that it was working fine with increase in column count, as it is currently working too. But was surprised to see the results when i set the column size to 4 or less. The thumbnail gets blurry then.
But with your suggestion of changing thumbnail size from Settings>Media>thumbnail size in WordPress, i get fair idea about it, that the images container is somewhat bigger than thumbnail size set in settings to be of 80×80, when i was using 4 columns, hence they appeared blurry. Did you mean to say so, am i right.
And if i want to set 4 columns, then i may have to increase the size of thumbnail images under settings as suggested and then run the plugin to regenerate the sizes.
Is that what you all want to suggest. If so, thanks a lot. I got it perfectly.Thanks a lot :)
rseybold, that’s a great reduction in time. Superb. Can i ask where did you find such information as Devin said not all hosts allow the same settings. Means, these codes may not that much famous over internet and not suggestive in general for all. By the way great work, Cheers. :)
Can anybody explain what each of the below lines individually stands for and how they correlates, if they are being allowed on my server, i would like to try to use these too-
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
StartServers 150
MinSpareServers 150
MaxSpareServers 300
MaxClients 1000
MaxRequestsPerChild 112500
Hello Yigit,
I didn’t mean by bigger image here. I request you to kindly read my 3rd point again, what i want to ask about is the thumbnail images.
Now the problem is that, the thumbnail images are blurry as compared to original images, even though i have uploaded bigger images.
To my surprise there is no such option also to set the Size, neither for “Gallery Big preview Image size” nor for “Gallery preview image sizes” or thumbnails.Means, if thumbnail images could reproduce the same quality which is shown in bigger one – even if it is like the quality same as of 710×575 size. Here I am accepting the quality of bigger image which is shown with the size i have selected – 710×575, then why the smaller image (thumbnail) of the same is so blurry, i think it should be comparatively much better than that.
I request you to kindly check at your end again and provide me some solution or workaround.
Also, if it is possible please add an option for thumbnail images too so that we can select the size for those too at backend.
I request you to kindly pass over this suggestion to kriesi also.Thanks
This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by
Thanks for your response. Although Masonry layout didn’t solve my problem and is not the solution for which i want to achieve. Even if i don’t want buttons on images. I am looking for something else.
Anyway thanks a lot for your kind help.
The ticket can now be closed.Thanks
April 8, 2014 at 10:48 am in reply to: Image preview not showing in Blog Multiple image Gallery format #248721Hello Josue,
Can you please answer to point 1.b). too. Will this be solved in next update. Can you please convey this message to kriesi too.
For rest, thanks a lot, got it. :)
Hello Devin,
Thanks for quick response. I have gone through that documentation.
The only thing that i was missing was “Featured image” which i haven’t Set that time. I added it now and it is showing the image now :)
So 1, and 2 are resolved now, thanks.But, my problem stated in 3rd point still remains as it is. The image thumbnails are still blurry and there is no such explanation in the documentation and no such option while adding those to set the sizes of images.
Kindly do the needful
ThanksThis reply has been marked as private.April 7, 2014 at 8:39 am in reply to: Image preview not showing in Blog Multiple image Gallery format #248083Hello Josue,
Thanks for replying.
1. Yes, i was testing with different options that is why you might have not find the grid layout for blog at that time. But i gave you the admin credentials, so that you can test with Grid Layout of Blog. I had again reset that option. I again request you to kindly check it, as with this option it is not showing the Image of first post on blog page. However it shows only on individual blog post.1. a). Also, you can see it is not showing the preview thumb of post image in sidebar widgets and footer.
This shows something is missing.1. b). I also come to find out that once we start creating a gallery for blog post via “Add Media”, there is an option for “Set Featured Image”, but that option is not available once we created the Gallery and try to Edit it. The same way Insert from URL is also not available.
Availability of these options would have ease its task to edit the existing gallery.2. By this did you mean to say, that the slug – “blog” was already being used by one of the page that is in trash, hence wordpress was not able to create the same slug (permalink) and was automatically creating “blog 2” as the slug.
And once you delete the default Blog page from the trash and then you edit it from the Blog page within, it accepts.Thanks
Hello Josue,
Thanks for trying at your end too. But I would like to request you to check the 2nd video again – (4.
Here i want to point out the empty area where the color hex value is shown once after selecting the color.For 1st and others, i would like to ask you what could be the issue, because i don’t have any plugins installed from the beginning and till now.
Everything updated, browser, theme. I tried with different locations, different computer, and internet connection, but the problem persists.Kindly do the needful.
Hello Ismael,
Thanks for bit more clarification. Although i did not get the actual response for what i am exactly looking for and facing troubles for.
But never mind, i will try to proceed as per the suggestions.
And yes, i understand this could be due to different images with different ratios.The ticket can be closed now.
Thanks for helping out :)This reply has been marked as private.Hello Ismael,
But i wanted to make myself clear, that does style.css also gets updated often with theme update and In that case, should I also have to overwrite style.css file and then just change the above lines. Is this the only option left.
Or there is some other workaround too.2. I could have open it, but i started the thread for this query itself, i don’t want to start all over for this one again.
You can see with the title of the thread and my first post i submitted in this thread is related to Grid layout question only.
I keep asking it couple of times, but never received reply even once for this query.
I wanted to know somewhat this sort of Grid Layout. How can i achieve this with Gallery and Image Media elements individually.Hence, i request you to kindly reply over here only
April 2, 2014 at 9:29 am in reply to: Image preview not showing in Blog Multiple image Gallery format #246425This reply has been marked as private.Hello Devin,
I have tried making videos for the problems / bugs / glitches that are arising. I tried on different computers, browsers, different internet connection, but problem persists.
For problem numbers stated above, video links are below-3.
However, the 1st problem gets resolved somehow, so i didn’t created video for that. But if that arises again, i will surely let you know.
For 2nd, you already agreed, hope the kriesi will take care of that too.I request you to kindly check the video links, may be i was not being able to clarify the issue or glitch type.
Hello Ismael,
Thanks for appreciation.
While i will follow your suggestion with next update. But do you mean to say, that i should overwrite all files except style.css
But what would happen, if the file style.css also gets updated with any update of theme. Means if Kriesi and team also updates style.css with any of the coming update.In that case, should I also overwrite style.css and then just change the following lines from file manager inside cPanel (or first change the below lines on my computer and then upload that file)-
For Parent theme –
under style.css = Theme name: labhanshi
(means changing the name from Enfold to labhanshi)Or is there some another way or procedure to follow the update process in order to overwrite the style.css also.
Kindly suggest.
Another thing-
One of my query asked above (in my 2nd response) still remains unanswered for point 3.
That is, My query regarding Grid Layout. Is there any way i can use Grid Layout using images.
For your kind reference, i wanted to have this sort of Grid LayoutThanks
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
Hello Ismael,
As per your suggestion, I again switch to child theme. Did imported the parent theme settings. And found that again only the Menu Bar was breaking. Then I just realised and figured out one basic thing. I have to switch and add the Menu bar to the proper location from Appearance > Menu > Menu Settings > and set from there.
Surprisingly, it is now working perfectly as of now. I am amazed to find out that, it even copies the quick css from the parent theme. Did those settings intentionally made to work like that also, if so then perfect.Now just have one thing to ask-
When any new updates comes, and I want to upload / update the Parent theme via WordPress dashboard only, then how should i actually proceed, in order to not to break the child theme.
Putting this into consideration, that i have already changed the name of theme in style.css and its respective folder name.
How and what i did is –
For Parent theme –
Folder name set to = labhanshi
under style.css = Theme name: labhanshiFor Child theme –
folder name set to = labhanshi Child
inside style.css = Theme name: labhanshi Child
and Template: labhanshiSo, how actually do i have to proceed if i want to update / upload via WordPress dashboard only, so as to retain “labhanshi” word when anybody views it from “Source Code” of any page of my site and in Dashboard itself it is reflecting “labhanshi” (for theme options) instead of Enfold (as currently also it is reflecting the word labhanshi which i have set)
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
Hello Ismael,
I have already gone through that video. Thereafter i tried, but Menu bar didn’t worked properly that time. I will try again. Just wanted to know further, I have only few quick css and home page with one more page. Rest nothing. So if i activate child theme. Will everything be exactly like the Parent theme including theme options too.
Thanks for sharing the link though :)3. I will try that option. Thanks for clarifying more. This additional tip helped me a lot. Wish the team could add this tip also in the link posted above by Peter.
Thanks again
OK, no problem. And will not it work even if we use either the Boxed layout or full-width layout.
Hello Peter,
1. Even i would also like to use child theme. But when i first install it, i found the menus were breaking on main navigation bar. So at that time i skip and then use the parent theme. As i want to change the theme name from Enfold to our Site name in source code and has already working with changed name. I may create another ticket to take help on using child theme, if using child theme creates any problem that time.
3. I read the information from the link provided by you. Looks very much helpful. But just wanted to know what this 2nd point refers –
“Add Custom Classes to your Elements”. I mean how and where to add custom class. And how will it correlate with the quick css code you provided.Can you help me with any example or video.
Hello David,
Thanks for giving perfect explanation with technical reasons. :)
Although i have read and understand your each and every point, but for point 1 i wanted to know just one thing.Did you mean to say, that if i set the size of an image under “Gallery Big Preview Image Size” to be 300 x 300 px (instead of 180 x 180 which i used earlier), then it should show clear image for 1/3 layout element i am using (which is showing 286 x 286 px).
Because this size of image will be bigger than the container size and hence should display clear image.But when i tried with 300 x 300 also, then –
1. That not only distorts the image, but
2. It also shows the container size in portrait rather than square. Earlier it was showing square size when i used 180 x 180 px. (and 300 x 300 is also square)Note: Just for your experiments, the image i am using here has actually a size of 350 x 717 px
May be there could be some other reason for this, for which i would like you to help me the same way you did in earlier response.
Kindly help me to resolve this problem.By the way thanks again for clarifying the things :)
Hello Ismael,
The code works, but for top and bottom margins. How to reduce space / padding in left and right also.
I am using three 1/3 elements in a row, but there is such a huge gap in between all these. I tried using padding-left and padding-right in addition to above code, but it didn’t work.
I think it’s not padding which is taking extra space. Can you please share the code to minimize that gap.Thanks
March 27, 2014 at 1:39 pm in reply to: Header Menu items gets break up while scaling down the browser window #243824Hello Yigit,
The code worked perfectly. :)
The ticket can now be closed. ThanksHello Ismael,
Thanks for your response.
1. I tried again by deactivating the plugin, but the problem persist for Search box. The same thing is happening on demo site also as i mentioned earlier.2. Regarding rest, all of the issues still occurs, i have again tried from different locations, different browsers (firefox, chrome) updated one, next day or other. But same problem persists.
I again request you to kindly recreate those issues by reading the problems points again, that i mentioned above. I am sure you will be able to reproduce those errors.Thanks
March 27, 2014 at 12:57 pm in reply to: How to achieve bottom colored border effect under Main Menu of Header like Demo #243801Hello Yigit,
That code also works perfectly. :)
Thanks, the ticket can now be closedHello Peter,
Yes, i see it is showing at the bottom, just above footer.
I will try to check it by removing color sections either on other page or some other testing domain, for the HOME page.I wonder isn’t there any way to show both the color selectors and the sidebar on side of the main content.
This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by