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  • Hi!

    Actually there is a much easier solution. just add a 1/1 column to your page and put the maps widget inside. it will no longer stretch across the fullwidth but only take up the space beside your sidebar :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Links Window Does Not Open Up Properly #272286

    Hey Ivana!

    Mind posting the login credentials to one of the installations with problems so we can take a look at it? I cant reproduce the problem with the latest version of the theme, running on the latest version of wordpress.

    Please make sure to mark the post as private reply so only moderators can see the login data :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Calendar and Banner plugin #271968

    Hey Peter!

    Unfortunately I have no idea about banner plugins but “the events calendar” plugin for wordpress works quite nice with the theme out of the box and we are also planning a deep integration to match the styling of theme and plugin so I would recommend this one:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Button Element broken? #271051


    Thanks for the follow up! Truth to be told, you seem to have a much better understanding of servers than I do so I don’t think there is anything I can help with other than implementing ready made suggestion that might fix the problem ;D


    in reply to: Button Element broken? #271003


    Everything seems to be up to date. I have checked the builders html output and its ok. Also what gets sent via ajax to the modal window and thats ok as well. The only possible explanation I got at this point is that there is a server setting that vastly differs from our other 30.000 customers since this is the first time ever that this has been reported :)

    I am really not an expert when it comes to servers and I really cant think of any special configuration that might let php use one file or class instead of another… (in this case config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/table.php instead of config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/buttons.php)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Icon Links not showing #270999


    Although some of your theme files seem to be updated properly others are not. Not sure what went wrong with your update but the javascript files in your config-templatebuilder folder are not updated at all and thats causing the problem. I would recommend to use ftp and completely remove that folder, then upload it again. this should fix the problem ;)


    thanks. wil be fixed with the next update :)
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Graue Linien im Head Bereich #267397


    Kann sein. leider kann ich das nicht sagen da wir diese modifikation momentan noch nicht offiziell supporten. Ich plane zwar in den nächsten updates so etwas ähnliches einzubauen aber derzeit kann ich leider nicht feststellen warum der slider da rumzickt :/

    Best regards,


    I am afraid the import process added a very weird html structure with tables around those images in some of the posts and that is whats causing the problems. I would recommend to remove the table html from the posts to make everything look nic ein those browsers as well


    in reply to: Breadcrumb Duplicated #267381


    I checked in and the problem occurred because there was no page selected that should show the blog under enfold->theme options. once i set it the option to “Microstock Blog” everything started to work fine :)


    in reply to: Ipad Issues #267374


    Checked in on my ipad and everything works as it should. which generation do you use?

    Please also be aware that in order to save power, the ipad does not do any animation while scrolling. so if you scroll down the scroll to top button will only appear once there is no scroll movement at all. Same for the header fade in :)


    in reply to: Missing Images in FireFox 29 #267369


    Since the admin user you have posed cant do a lot int he backend: mind disabling the plugins you are using one by one to see if there are any conflicts caused by one of them?

    If that doesnt help, would you mind posting the ftp credentials to the installation so we can maybe replace the javascript file with a new version and check if that changes anything?


    in reply to: Hello Kriesi ! #267360


    Mind posting us the credentials to your backend in a private reply? The frontend seems to have enough memory, maybe there is somethin going on in the backend which we are not aware of.


    in reply to: Chrome Partner/Logo Element bug & Styling bugs #267064


    Seems to be a strange problem with the css. I have changed some css rules and suddenly everything started working as expected.

    The solution will be added to version 2.8 ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Next / previous blog post bug #266941

    Hey Guys!

    Was able to reproduce it and apply a fix. will be shipped with version 2.8 ;)


    in reply to: Cuts off copy in Chrome on any mobile phone #266917


    It is indeed, especially with the multitude of android mobiles out there :)
    Currently I only got access to a nexus 7 but will see if I can get my hands on a samsung device in the next days :)

    If I got any news I will let you know here ;)

    in reply to: font import #266911


    We added some additional fallbacks and checks with the next version (2.8)
    ETA is within the next week, so once we update please do the same and let us know if the uploader is still not working :)

    To prevent any thread hijacking by other users I will close this one for now, if the error isn’t solved with the next update feel free to open a new one and reference this one ;)


    in reply to: Cuts off copy in Chrome on any mobile phone #266910


    Sorry for the late reply, was just doing a lot of android debugging and now checked your issue as well. Problem is everything looks great on my chrome version, so I would guess this is either a device issue or you are using an older version of chrome. Mind updating to the latest chrome version and letting us know if the problem persists?

    And if so, which device are you using?


    in reply to: Some issues on Android #266905


    I am afraid that right now I can’t do a lot about this. I checked with my android device and it looks great on every browser but on firefox. firefox though does not respect even the most basic rules and whatever I tried during the last two days: whenever I fix one issue another 2 arise. Upon reading a little bit in forums it seems that the browser is simply not up to the necessary standards. Right now its basically the internet explorer 6 of android :P

    The good thing though is that the marketshare is basically non existent. In desktop vs mobile the mobile versions only account for a few % of traffic and even here firefox only has a market share of 0.11%

    Thats probably why the development didnt receive any priority by mozilla.

    Sorry about that :/

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Button Element broken? #266428


    Very weird. Mind posting your ftp credentials as well so we can take a look at the theme files?


    in reply to: Layout builder: nest one column within another #266042


    Thanks again. I have copied the files for future reference, but it is indeed a little hackish ;D
    If I am ever going to implement this I would of course need to position the existing column elements within each other which would make the whole thing much more complicated :)

    Thanks a lot nevertheless :)



    This seems related to the fact that some items are a little bit larger, due to the fact that their description is 2 lines of text instead of one. I am afraid, since we are relying on a third party script to activate the animation I can’t easily fix this.

    So for now you either need to change the icon descriptions to 2 lines for all icons or to 1 line for all if this is important for you ;/


    in reply to: Options for Mobile Menu Display #266040


    Indeed a little out of our usual scope of support but since I had a few minutes to spare right now: add this to your custom.css file or to your child themes style.css file

    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1000;
    padding:89px 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    border-left-style: solid;
    border-left-width: 1px;
    margin:0 0 0 -2px;
    -webkit-transform: 	scale(1);
    -moz-transform: 	scale(1);
    -ms-transform: 		scale(1);
    transform: 			scale(1);
    -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease;
    -moz-transition: 	all 0.6s ease;
    transition: 		all 0.6s ease;
    -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%;
    -moz-transform-origin: 0% 0%;
    -ms-transform-origin: 0% 0%;
    transform-origin: 0% 0%;
    .csstransforms3d #mobile-advanced{
    -webkit-transform: 	scale3d(1);
    -moz-transform: 	scale3d(1);
    transform: 			scale3d(1);
    .show_mobile_menu #mobile-advanced{
    -webkit-transform: 	translate(0, 100%);
    -moz-transform: 	translate(0, 100%);
    -ms-transform: 		translate(0, 100%);
    transform: 			translate(0, 100%);
    .csstransforms3d .show_mobile_menu #mobile-advanced{
    -webkit-transform: 	translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
    -moz-transform: 	translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
    transform: 			translate3d(0, 100%, 0);


    in reply to: mobile view of blog entries etc. #266037

    this is fixed now :)
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Masonary Product Slideshow Including invalid items #265777


    Would you mind posting us the login credentials to your site in a private reply so we can take a look at your backend settings as well? :)
    Make sure to mark the reply “private” so only moderators can see it :)

    in reply to: Footer (layerslider) only showing up on Home page… #265371


    The layerslider requires a lot of overhead like additional javascript and CSS files. Therefore our theme checks if the content of a page contains the shortcode and only then loads all the scripts. Since your frontpage contains a layerslider within the content it also works in your footer. On all other pages the whole script is not loaded because the page content does not contain the layerslider shortcode.

    Probably the easiest way to fix this right now is to open the theme file and copy (not move) the config-layerslider/Layerslider folder into your wordpress plugin folder and activate the slider as a plugin. that way it will be loaded on each page…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Error when uploading new Fontello Icon Font #265309


    That was fortunately an easy one. It seems that there were some leftovers in the temporary folder created by the theme that caused the issue. Once I deleted them I was able to upload files easily ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Problem mit Schriftformatierung #264792


    Vielleicht überseh ich etwas aber die webseite ist durch nen maintenance mode gesperrt und ich kann mir leider gar nichts ansehen ;D


    in reply to: Main menu above centered logo #263997

    great to hear :)

    in reply to: Main menu above centered logo #263835


    Mind trying the following css snippet:

    #header_main_alternate {
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);

    Best regards,

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