Forum Replies Created
October 7, 2014 at 5:04 pm in reply to: Incompatibility with Yoast WP SEO (blank page editor) #331761
I am afraid I couldn’t quite reproduce the issue. Would you mind giving me a step by step instruction on how to create the error? :)
Something like:
– create a new page
– switch to layout editor
– add element X
– etcBest regards,
KriesiHey danfarberoff!
I am afraid there is currently no option available for that sorry :/
Please update the theme to the latest version. (3.0) That should fix any issues you are currently experiencing :)
I checked your site and it seems to work perfectly fine for me, the windows are overlaied correctly:
Maybe you need to refresh your browser cache?
Hab bereits einen kurzen blick ins backend geworfen aber könnte jetzt ohne großes herumprobieren auch nicht sagen was das problem ist :/
Hoffen wir einfach mal, dass alles weiterhin glatt läuft ;)Cheers!
KriesiHi Martin!
Um der Wahrheit die Ehre z u geben habe ich leider keine Ahnung was da genau bei euch vorgefallen ist. Bin mir auch nicht sicher ob ich aus dem letzten Post ganz schlau werde: passt nun alles oder nicht?
Konnte leider keinerlei Probleme mit WSOD auf meiner multisite installation feststellen, die einzige Möglichkeit das anzutesten wäre wohl im trial/error verfahren auf eurem server, was – so denke ich mal – nicht wirklich eine option ist.
Das update hat nichts mit diesem Thread hier zu tun, waren hauptsächlich ein paar kleine styling bugs die uns mir version 3.0 reported wurden die behoben wurden.
Can you post the necessary passwords and credentials as a private reply so we can access the installation and take a look?
Devin is correct, once commented out there should be nothing in the theme that affects your event calendar. However I noticed that the google maps element simply lacks a height value. Not sure why this is, probably a plugin issue but you can fix it if you add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->General Styling:.single-tribe_events .tribe-events-venue-map > div { min-height: 300px; }
Best regards,
you would need to rename it to de_DE.po and drop it into the enfold/lang folder along with the file
I am sorry about the confusion, the option if the sidebar should be displayed or not is the select dropdown called “Sidebar on pages”. Thats the place to disable your sidebar. The checkbox you are talking about only adds a menu of nested pages to the sidebar if its available :)
Best regards,
KriesiOctober 5, 2014 at 12:35 am in reply to: [Enfold + WooCommerce] No link to the cart or checkout on mobile #330349Hi!
Thanks for the suggestion. I have improved the cart icon display on mobile devices and it will be available with the next version ;)
KriesiOctober 5, 2014 at 12:03 am in reply to: Bug: Inline-headers on tables in mobile-view is wrong #330339October 4, 2014 at 11:53 pm in reply to: Issue with Categories and Tags when using Masonry grid #330335Hey!
Unfortunately it would not be that easy to change the whole functionality of the masonry to work like this. It would also probably confuse people who are fine with the way the masonry works right now so I think I can only consider this if it really gets a good amount of upvotes on the feature request system. Sorry for that :/
Best regards!
1.) this was probably because of a different maximum width of the template. This should have been imported with the update but just to make sure you can change the maximum width in your backend at enfold->general layout->dimensions now. Simply increase the value for maximum container width
2.) it seems you have added quite some modifications. I think this one causes the header to background to shine thorugh:
.header_color .header_bg { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
changing the background color to a solid white should do the trick…
.header_color .header_bg { background: #fff; }
KriesiDoesn’t sound very likely. The backend language is defined by your wordpress installation, not by the theme itself…
Would you mind trying to re-save the Enfold options in your backend. I think this is just a stylesheet caching issue that should be fixed once you re-save :)
Right now there are other requests that I consider more important than this, so I am not sure if and when this will make it into enfold in the foreseeable future . Sorry for that. However feel free to submit a feature request here and if people like it we will give it a shot:
Best regards,
KriesiSeptember 30, 2014 at 8:32 pm in reply to: LayerSlider slide transitions not working after Enfold update #327567Hey!
We will update the layerslider to the latest version today which according to the layerslider author should fix all issues. if it does not for you feel free to open a new thread. In that case please add login credentials to the private data field so we can take a look at the backend
KriesiSeptember 30, 2014 at 7:17 pm in reply to: Which customer support service/plugin are you using? #327527Hi!
Most of these customizations are very specific and wouldn’t benefit anyone who is not selling large volumes on themeforest (themeforest api keys and purchase codes used for exapmle). In addition to that I usually take the “quick and dirty” approach when I add small features to the forum, since I know that no one else will ever get to see that code. I do this mostly to get more done. However this also leads to a codebase that I really cant share with anyone else, since the solutions are more often than not rather hackish and not documented at all
Sorry for the delay. It too k me a while but apparently that happened with the update to the latest version of the sorting script. The author of that script didnt mention that he has removed some parameteres.
I have added a fix and it should work fine again with version 3.0 which we will release later today :)
Yes there is a reason. adding content and relying only on the text editor to save all the shortcodes often times lead to problems with formating. Problems were mainly caused by the wordpress autop function which ads paragraphs and line breaks were they are not supposed to be. I probably could have cleaned that up with another regular expression but felt it would be less prone to errors to simply save the data in a separate field ;)
KriesiHi jalmz!
You can change the related entries in your backend at Enfold->Blog->Related Entries
There is no option to hide the prev/next button but here is a simple css snippet to remove them:
add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->General Styling:#top .avia-post-nav { display: none; }
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
You can manage your subscriptions here:
Seems you have by accident subscribed to the whole “Enfold” forum, not only this thread :)Best regards,
KriesiYour complaint has been noticed.
I will keep this one short: Themeforest explicitly states that support is not mandatory. We simply do it because we feel its good business and we like happy customers. So you are receiving support, free of charge, in a very busy forum in a reasonable amount of time. If you are not happy with an answer you can always reply back and the team will try to provide a better one. So to be perfectly honest I am not sure what the problem is :)
I will close this thread now, if there is anything you would like to add feel free to send a mail to (Email address hidden if logged out)
I usually take one or two of the more popular requests and a few others that are not so popular but seem to make sense :)
I have updated the feature request “in progress” section with a few things I am currently working on, but Enfold 3.0 is so big, I don’t really want to spoil the surprise on whats coming there ;D
Kriesi -
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by