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  • in reply to: problem with search on support page #380402

    thanks for the notice, I was able to solve the issue ;)
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Problem with Search on #380400


    thanks for the note. Will try to improve the search so there are no problems with / anymore ;)


    in reply to: Layer slider #380315


    Thanks for the info but our themes do not use the Slider revolution plugin. We use the Layerslider Plugin ;)



    We are aware of the issue and investigate it. Since We already got a thread with this issue I am going to close this one now. Please monitor:

    for updates on the matter ;)
    Best regards,

    I think we found a solution for this. next update (3.05) early next week will include that. If you experience any problems with that let us know ;)

    in reply to: Übersetzung des Theme in Deutsch #380270

    Hi Biggy!

    Wir werden mit dem nächsten update anfang nächster Woche ein paar Kleinigkeiten ändern die hoffentlich dazu führen das die Übersetzungen ordentlich erkannt werden :)


    in reply to: The translation of the theme does not work on my site #380267

    Update: Found a solution. Will be added to the next theme update ;)

    in reply to: Fontello in Admin #380007


    Wordpress got a function called is_ssl() that I have used to create a fix. the problem with your solution is that it assumes that the files are always directly saved to the uploads folder which is usually not the case.

    I think my solution should work for you even if you update and lose your modifications. If thats not the case please let us know with a reference to this thread :)


    in reply to: IE8 Animated Number #379967

    I am afraid since I could not find a better solution right now we will use this fix by default, at least for the time beeing so IE8 users at least see the correct number, even if its not that fancy…


    in reply to: Valid Frontpage #379964

    thanks, we have added this to the theme ;)

    in reply to: The translation of the theme does not work on my site #379906

    We wil investigate the issue. Not sure why translation is not working for the theme options…
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Avia Framework and WPEngine hosting #379886


    Actually I am not sure if understand the problem. I have created a test page and saved it as a draft:

    Whenever I add new elements or change existing ones and then hit the preview button the changes display just fine in the preview.
    Would you mind giving me a detailed step by step walkthrough on how to reproduce the issue?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Advanced Layout Builder tab issue since WP 4.1 #379707


    Thanks for reporting guys! The next minor update which should arrive soon will fix the issue, I already found a solution :)


    in reply to: Header spacing problem #372556

    Very weird, looks perfectly fine to me. Which browser and operating system are you using?

    in reply to: Insert social share section into the breadcrumbs area #372555

    Hm, might be possible by using the following filter + your function:

    /* Enable Social Share Buttons */
    add_filter('avf_title_args', 'avia_add_social_toolbar_template_builder', 10, 2);
    function avia_add_social_toolbar_template_builder($args, $id)
    	$args['additions'] .= avia_social_share_links(array(), false);
    	return $args;

    this is untested and even if it works will probably required addition CSS to position and style the elements…

    in reply to: Meet the team modification #372553

    Hi codecreative!

    Unfortunately there is no theme option for this. you would need to edit the php file directly. the file is located in enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/team.php

    Scroll down to line 311 that starts with


    and copy all the content down to line 359. then paste it just before the line that reads

    "$output .= "< /section >";"

    at the end of the function.

    Another option that does not involve coding would be to simply omit using the image element and then placing a second team member element below that only contains the image.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Responsive table #372550

    Hey codecreative!

    The table element has a mobile setting that you might want to set to “adjust table to screen size”:
    Might help in this case :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Can't edit my web page #372549

    Hi mcarmel!

    Would you mind adding some more information? we need a detailed error description and a link to your site in order to help you :)
    Postin your login credentials might also help. (if you do please make sure to set your reply as “private reply” so only modeerators can see the login data)


    in reply to: trouble with shifting between editor layouts #372548


    I am afraid the login does not work for me. Are you sure there are no typos?

    The code snippet metnioned above should usually help. Where exactly did you add it? it needs to be added to the themes fucntion.php file (or if you use a child theme to the child themes function.php file)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: show map at full width #372546


    The theme comes with a fullwidth google map element that you can use. (advacned layout editor in “media elements”)

    Should be much easier than using an external plugin. If the plugin offers some functionality that you need I would recommend to place it inside a color section and add a unqiue ID to the section (can be done in the section options). We can then help you with some custom CSS rules to stretch it fullwidth :)


    in reply to: Wp 4.1 Issue with the visual and text tabs #372539

    Thanks. Will try to find out whats causing the problem and fix it as soon as possible.

    All the best in 2015 to you too ;)

    in reply to: Importing Demo Default #372538

    Hi Pete!

    The default Demo does not include all the images we are using on our installation, sorry for that. Its mostly because our demo contains 60+ different images and it would take too long to import them. The bigger problem is that we don’t have a redistribution license for those images, so we needed to replace them with placeholders.

    The other demos dont have that problem since we took care of those issues with them, but unfortunatelywe were not able to obtain the redistribution licenses for the default demo images. If you really want to use those images: most of them are available on


    in reply to: Insert social share section into the breadcrumbs area #372535

    Hi ybema!

    If I understand you correctly you want to show some social icons beside the breadcrumb navigation? If thats the case then I am afraid this is not easily done without major customization. Truth to be told I am not even sure what the best way would be, but it certainly would take a couple of hours to implement and test a solution, so I am afraid this is outside the scope of our support. Sorry for that.

    If you are not very good with PHP, which is a requirement for this customization, I would recommend to hire someone for a custom job at

    Best reagards!

    in reply to: Wp 4.1 Issue with the visual and text tabs #372533

    Hey, thanks for the quick follow up!

    I was now able to reproduce the issue. I hope to release a patch for this problem with the next update ;)


    in reply to: magazine element picture recent article #372531

    You are welcome ;)

    in reply to: Menu wont save more then 72 entries #372530

    Hey Dersan!

    There is usually a server limit on how many POST requests the server accepts when sending a form (which the menu manager basically is, a complex form) and this is causing your problem. Here is a detailed article about the problem, its not really a theme problem but rather a wordpress related one:

    Probably the easiest solution is to add this line of code to the .htaccess file of your installation:

    #allow the wordpress menu to save many more items
    php_value max_input_vars 6000

    A little down bellow in the article you can find a section with various other solutions:


    in reply to: magazine element picture recent article #372524

    Hey studioinktvis!

    I am not 100% sure what you mean but I guess you want to show an uncropped picture?
    If thats the case you need to edit the picture size for the magazine element in your functions.php file. In the functions.php file at around line 107 you need to change:

    $avia_config['imgSize']['magazine'] = array('width'=>710, 'height'=>375 );	// images for magazines


    $avia_config['imgSize']['magazine'] = array('width'=>710, 'height'=>375, 'crop'=>false );	// images for magazines

    Once that is done all images uploaded from this point wont be cropped and are just smaller versions of the original images. These changes dont apply to existing uploads. If you would want to change that you need to use a plugin to regenerate the thumbnails:


    Hey Danny!

    Yes this is possible as can be seen in the one page restaurant demo:

    The easiest way would probably be to import the demo and see how its done but its actually quite simple:

    You need to create a new page and activate the advanced layout builder for that page. For each main menu link you want to add later you need to add one color section. Each color section can receive a unique ID when editing it. EG: about, contact, etc

    Once you have added some content to the page you can create a new menu in appearance->menus and link to the color sections by creating a link like this: or

    Hope this helps, best regards,

    in reply to: Header spacing problem #372518

    Hi Bart!

    I just checked the page and can’t see a problem. My best guess is that its either a browser caching issue or a problem only visible for logged in users.

    I would recommend to shift+reload your site to clear the browser cache and if that does not help also log out to see if it still happens for you. If it does a screenshot of what we are dealing with might also help ;)


    in reply to: Color section with slider and fixed text #372516

    Hey Monique!

    I am afraid using a background slider is currently not possible, sorry :/
    You might want to add it as a feature request here:

    However this is a complex change and would at the very least require several days to implement, so it would be mandatory to get a bunch of uploads to consider it. Sorry for that…


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