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  • in reply to: Testimonials Large #409112


    I am afraid I am not entirely sure why this happens. I can sometimes reproduce it, even though it works fine for me most of the time. I will probably need to wait for a few more user reports on the issue to be able to identify whats causing the bug :/

    Sorry that I cant offer an immediate solution, but its on my investigation list


    in reply to: Controlling the 'BOiNG' #409108


    Great will add the little workaround to the theme :)


    in reply to: Avia Principles Feature #409094


    Sorry we currently dont share this element since its in no way easy to edit. It also adds a little uniqueness to our site which is really necessary as a theme provider using a template ;D

    We will probably share the element in the future though. In any case sorry for that :)

    in reply to: no longer receiving forum posts via email #409084


    I noticed that you have subscribed to the whole enfold forum instead of just a few threads. would you mind trying to disable the subscriprion from the forum to see if you then get mails for individual threads?


    in reply to: enfold theme latest version of wordpress #409076


    sorry for the delay, just sent the mail ;)


    in reply to: Downward Arrow #409028


    I am afraid there is currently no solution for this, the parallax section and the down arrow simply cant work together. I will see if I can find an easy solution but there is a good chance that we wont be able to solve this, since the overflow:hidden; which prevents the arrow from displaying is unfortunately required for the parallax section to display properly

    Best regards,

    in reply to: a conflict with Gravity Forms #409009

    we will include a solution in the next update (3.1) that will arrive early tomorrow ;)
    thanks for helping us debug the issue

    in reply to: Custom menu widget no longer works #409008


    yes, i have added the fix to our default css ;)


    in reply to: Post Slider incorrect for datepublished #409000


    thanks for the notice was able to fix the issue ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold 3.0.8 Google Maps Widget #408873


    I think that has to do with using single quotes in the description. will add a fix for that in the 3.1 release ;)


    in reply to: Configuring RSS Feeds #408845

    thanks for the notice. WIll be fixed with the next upgrade, the proper check needs to read



    in reply to: Colour Changes: Meta Colour and H1, H2, H3 colours #408836


    Those colors are calculated by the theme based on your other selection, but funny enough the upcoming 3.1 releases later today or early tomorrow will allow you to set the colors in the backend, since I figured that most users like to have direct control of these color values.

    So if you simply update once the new version is released you will be able to change everything from your general styling panel :)


    thanks :)
    Added to the next update

    in reply to: Problem after updates WP and Enfold – website broken #407381


    Hab mir das nun mal selbst genauer angesehen.

    #1) War tatsächlich ein Theme Bug den ich mit einer extra Zeile im quick-CSS beheben konnte, wird im nächsten Update auch drinnen sein. Danke fürs darauf aufmerksam machen.

    #2) Das Theme interpretiert seit ein paar Versionsnummern sonderzeichen wie zB “>” das ihr als simplen Pfeil verwendet habt als HTML. Das ermöglicht es den usern zB strong oder img HTML tags an orten zu verwenden wo das vorher nicht möglich war. War ein oft gewünschtes feature. Gleichzeitig ists es aber leider nicht mehr möglich einfach so ein HTML closing tag als pfeil zu verwenden ohne damit den code zu beeinträchtigen, ich musste die tags also löschen. Ich empfehle entweder darauf zu verzichten, oder den HTML code für Pfeile zu verwenden:

    #3.) Hier gehört der inhalt nach dem Trennzeichen shortcode wie auch der davor in ein Layout element, in dem fall ein 1/1 Column. Hab ich euch auch eingefügt. Das Problem mit dem Footer Backlink kann man folgendermaßen beheben:

    Ich habe euch den entsprechenden [nolink] tag auch geadded

    #4) Hier gibt es leider keine einfache Möglichkeit: Tatsächlich war eines der meistgewünschten requests schon vor über einem Jahr die alte lightbox endlich loszuwerden und gegen eine moderner aussehende besser auf mobilen Geräten funktionierende Lightbox auszutauschen. Die lightbox kann im backend unter Enfold-> theme options deaktiviert werden und es kann ein Plugin installiert werden das eher zusagt. Unsere alte Lightbox hat auf basiert. Empfehle trotz allem eher den Kunden zu überreden die neue version zu verwenden da wir für das plugin keine Kompatibilität anbieten und es auch nicht wirklich Mobil-tauglich ist

    Hoffe das hat geholfen und bring etwas licht in die ganze Sache. Danke für die Gedult ;)

    in reply to: Sprachbehandlung des Templates ENFOLD #404427


    Danke für die Info. Scheint als ob die Fuzzy tranlsations sich irgendwie in die endversion eingeschlichen haben. Wir werden das beim nächsten update beheben :)


    Hi Daniel!

    If someone would have gotten access to our database, which I really doubt, I think we would have faced similar issues (if not worse, is a Page Rank 7 domain and spam links from high level domains are worth a lot)

    Unfortunately without any more information I guess there is a small chance that we will solve how the user got access to your site. Bruteforcing is definitely an option though…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: How to Disable Image hover and Icon #403612

    Easiest way to disable the overlay in general:

    in reply to: Video Fly-throughs of new features #402575


    I do like the idea :)
    Feel free to send me a mail here: so you can explain to me what exactly you have in mind


    in reply to: Advanced Layout Editor #402371


    I can reproduce the problem on your site when trying to use the drag and drop feature. Since its not happening on our test or live servers I would guess the problem is caused by an incompatibility with one of your plugins. Since I am not sure which one I would recommend to try and deactivate them temporarily one by one and see if this fixes the issue. If thats not the case please let us know…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: 15 Copies of each image? That's a problem. #401744


    Thanks for your answer @joeathomas, I appreciate it.
    I don’t really have a lot to ad. As was said before, the theme generates that amount of thumbnails to make sure that your end user does not need to load an image that is much bigger than necessary. Webspace is so cheap nowadays that only a someone with 1000s of images uploaded might run into trouble. For everyone else our solution is superior because it makes sure that page loading speed is kept to a minimum.

    Thomas answer is also true for the layout builder. I know this is a thing of preference and I am sorry that Enfold does not operate the way you like it but at the same time there are quite a few people who prefer the way we do things :)

    Your feedback is appreciated nevertheless.


    in reply to: sidebar shortcode in main content (background) #401275


    it seems that you have somehow added a “pre” html tag in your content. Please see if you can find it and remove it, I think thats what causing the problem. If you cant find it please post a link to your site and your login credentials as a “private reply” so we can have a look ourselves ;)


    PS: I also replied on themeforest, just in case you didnt notice: Unfortunately you did something in this thread which works bad with the current system as described here:

    The current system works in a way that threads are answered from oldest to newest. By repeatedly bumping you own thread with follow up questions you moved it back to the start of the queue several times. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    in reply to: Feed /feed on sites does not work #400474


    In your downloads section at themeforest you can set a checkmark to receive an email if we do an update. or you make sure that your envato credentials are added to your theme at enfold->updates, then you should see a update notification as well in your backend

    in reply to: Username in URL of Topics / Nickname in old topics #399578


    I have changed the username to “cdev2015” for you

    Cheers ;)

    in reply to: Broad CSS rules are big fat NO-NO #398616


    In general thats what a theme is for. making sure that styling is consistent across all plugins. I agree though that the labels display:block rule is messing up too many plugins and will remove it


    in reply to: Feed /feed on sites does not work #398428


    It took me a little while but I found whats causing the problem and fixed it. The next update will contain the fix. Meanwhile you dont have to worry about duplicate content since the canonical tag is set on all of those pages so google only cares about the original pge


    in reply to: custom post and category and blog post and category conflict #397558


    The problem is that categories from this plugin are shared with blog categories. On the default blog of either enfold or any other theme that wont be a problem since they are set to only fetch entries of the post type “post”

    However the masonry elements fetches not based on post type but based on category. Before I make any changes to the element I will wait for wordpress 4.2. They have announced that those shared taxonomies will no longer work the way they do now, and I am not sure if everything will be fixed by itself or if I have to change a lot in the masonry…

    in reply to: Chrome osx&windows dont fixed background image #397367


    Please update the theme to the latest version (3.08). This is a Bug with the latest version of Chrome and the update should fix the issues you are currently experiencing :)

    To update to the latest version follow the instructions here:

    If that does not help let me know :)


    PS: Please dont “push” your threads with multiple replies since each new reply will move the thread to the end of the support queue. Thats why your post was only answered by one person by now…

    in reply to: custom post and category and blog post and category conflict #396988


    2 quick questions: which plugin are you using to add your custom post types and are these posts also being displayed if you switch from enfold to the default wordpress theme?

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #389931

    Thanks a lot guys!

    And super bigs thanks to Remco for the full Dutch translation and the funny private post :)

    in reply to: Symbole werden auf Startseite nicht angezeigt #389915


    Was vermutlich funktionieren würde ist die Einstellung auf das alte Setting (das ja anscheinend grundsätzlich funktioniert hat) zurückzustellen und dann die Cross Domain settings des servers umzustellen um das iconproblem zu lösen


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