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I could work it out now, but I am not sure if this fits with mobile gear too (responsive view) :
h1.avia-caption-title {
background-color: #f0931a !important;
margin: 0 20% !important;
}or even better this workaround:
h1.avia-caption-title {
background-color: #f0931a !important;
max-width: 52% !important;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
}I hope that does it on Mobiles too, probably going to hide the sliders (or slider text) on iPhones anyway ;-)
Going to check this out…
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Steve Webgecko.
You need to Login for Preview mode as the WS is in Maintenance Mode:
vorschau21!Yes please:
I need the
.avia-caption-title {
background-color: #f0931a !important;
}only on TItle H1, not over the full width, means, only on
«VW Hippie Bus»Any ideas?
Hi Yigit
With.avia-caption-title {
background-color: #f0931a !important;
}I get this: need this: Color in Text only, not Fullwidth
Any ideas?
Got the Token, but after Updating to Version 4.8 my Website has gone! Blank White Space only on thr screen.
There was a incompatibility with the used Child Theme, which I installed with the previous ENFOLD Version 4.7.6So I keep the ENFOLD Version as it is and try 4.8 with my next Website project ;-)
Unfortunately not working using a Envato TOKEN key when a CHILD theme is installed.
So I have to stay with ENFOLD Version 4.7I have ENFOLD
Is it different to Version 4.8?
So I need to check out, how I get the «Envato Personal Token».
Looks a little bit confusing.The main problem is the lightbox preview stays in bigger size mode. I prefer that it shrinks to original thumbnail size when Mouse-Out.
Possible?OK, I think it’s an Update Issue.
Using ENFOLD 4.5.5 the three fields in THEME OPTIONS / FOOTER
«Spalten Fußzeile»
«Soziale Netzwerke»disapeared. I guess with Version 4.7.6 it’s fixed. How can I update to newest Version of ENFOLD?
I have a Licence Key but no TokenOk, I got it! Found the strings with Loco Translate:
The file «ENFOLD de_DE_formal.po» is not correctly translated: «Your» is not «Deine» but «Ihre» in formal German. again, took some time sorry.
Yes, you are right, the PHP Snippet «Logo TITLE+ALT tag» works again. I guess some other Secure Plugin (like «Wordfence») blocked the PHP Snippet somehow… I had to «whitelist» this action first ;-)
Yes thank you, I need to check it out with my client ;-)
Ok thanks. And yes, we block every Mail from Hotmail and Gmail as well here ;-)
Hi there again.
PHP Snippet doesn’t work now with newer version;
function custom_logo_attributes(){
$(‘.logo img’).attr({ title:”custom_title”, alt:”custom_alt” });
add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘custom_logo_attributes’);any ideas how to set TITLE tag for the Image SPAN class «logo» in HEADER?
- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Steve Webgecko.
Lightbox with WooCommerce is working now somehow without additional Plugin. I added some PHP Snippets.
I was pretty sure that it was possible to activate/deactivate the Lightbox function in a previous WooCommerce version. With the newest WC Version, I can’t find this option any more… somehow.
Thanks for support anyway.
Hi there
CSS Syntax was wrong on line 7 and line 8:, it’s fine, thank you ;-)
This CSS code doesn’t work. I get several error messages.
Look here, I mean the PLACEHOLDER text in th INPUT fields, should come in a different color or brightness then filling out the fields:
Yes, this is it! Shouldn’t that be found under MAIN MENU? Imo ;-)
I need a MAIN Hover Menu with Underline like this:
How can I add this in ENFOLD?Would be great to get ALT and TITLE tag with the logo IMAGE as default with a future release without PHP snippet
Good evening and thanks all
it works fine, the «paper plane» icon is not the original TELEGRAM icon, but it’s ok for me ;-)
This works fine_
// Register new icon as a theme icon
function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) {
$icons[‘telegram’] = array( ‘font’ =>’entypo-fontello’, ‘icon’ => ‘ue8b7’);
return $icons;
add_filter(‘avf_default_icons’,’avia_add_custom_icon’, 10, 1);// Add new icon as an option for social icons
function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) {
$icons[‘Telegram’] = ‘telegram’;
return $icons;
add_filter(‘avf_social_icons_options’,’avia_add_custom_social_icon’, 10, 1);and for the «hover a», I did like this_
#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-telegram:hover a {
color: #fff;
background-color: #2e87ca !important;
}Not working with Fontello :-(
Is it possible to use FONT AWESOME Icons within Enfold?
<i class=”fab fa-telegram-plane”></i>Is it poosible to add TELEGRAM icon with the next update?
Thank you
As I need the «Telegram» Social Icon, is there a PHP snippet for that?
I found a solution, it just works perfect With the plugin «WP Show Posts» from Tom Usborne. You can put [Shortcodes] anywhere, which is amazing! ;-)
In other words:
this (with a Custom Post)
must appear like this: I use the Plugin «Simple Custom CSS» which adds/overwrite theme CSS. Nothing happens. «Cookie Notice» text still appear in the WCMP dashboard outside / bottom of WCMP content «wrapper» using
.logged-in #av-consent-extra-info, .logged-in .avia-cookie-content {
display: none !important;
}I need those classes disapear/display:none OUTSIDE the <div id=”wrapper” class=”wcmp-wrapper”>
<div class=”avia-cookie-consent”>
<div id=”av-consent-extra-info” >Any ideas?
Unfortunately not working
.logged-in #av-consent-extra-info, .logged-in .avia-cookie-content {
display: none !important;
}Any other ideas?
So there are two incompatibilities/bugs using ENFOLD with the Vendor AddOn WCMP «Multi Vendor Marketplace».
1. The whole «Cookie Notice» text appears in the bottom of Dashboard
2. it is not possbile to UPLOAD images when editing or start a new product, adding pictures disabled. The Media window does not open.Changing the theme to «TwentyTwenty» everything works fine as it should. Any ideas?