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  • in reply to: Can't upload basic files to Media Library #737458

    Try this. Open wp-config.php at the root of your site and add the following near the top of the file after all the comments:

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );
    define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

    Your host might not allow that much memory so if you get an error message, reduce the 512M to 256M or even 128M. Then create a new file in the root of your website called .user.ini (notice the period at the start of the file name). Then add the following to it:

    memory_limit = 512M
    upload_max_filesize = 1000M
    post_max_size = 1005M
    max_execution_time = 240
    max_input_time = 120
    max_input_vars = 6000

    I can’t swear this is the answer but I had this issue off and on for a year and this solved it. Give it a try and let me know if it works. If you get any errors, you should be able to delete the .user.ini file and back out your changes to wp-config.php to get back to normal.

    in reply to: Unable to change menu link colours #737029

    You’ll have to give us more information. What have you tried? Have you looked at Theme Options > Advanced Styling?

    in reply to: Cannot upload ENFOLD to my WordPress #737027

    Hi. Did you upload the zip file from themeforest? Or the expanded theme folder with style.css and the rest of the files at the root of that folder? Did you upload to /wp-content/themes/enfold?

    You might be better off downloading the installable theme zip file (without docs and such) from Themeforest and uploading it through Appearance > Themes > Add New. This will expand the theme and put it where you want it.

    in reply to: How to use Portfolio-Items as "parent" for normal pages #737026

    I’m 99.9% sure this isn’t possible. When you declare a custom post type you can indicate that it’s hierarchical but then posts of that type can only be hierarchical to one another; not across post types.

    in reply to: Boxed layout only above a certainly width? #736103

    Thanks, Yigit! This was very close to what I needed. For anyone else who finds this thread, I added the following to the Quick CSS:

    .responsive .boxed#top, .responsive.html_boxed.html_header_sticky #header, .responsive.html_boxed.html_header_transparency #header{
    max-width: 1440px !important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1440px) {
    .responsive .boxed#top, .responsive.html_boxed.html_header_sticky #header, .responsive.html_boxed.html_header_transparency #header {
    width: 100%!important;
    max-width: 100%!important;

    in reply to: No longer able to upload PDFs #735570

    That’s great! Glad it worked out for you.

    in reply to: Contact form not sending to all emails in list #735460

    Your best bet is to set up the WP SMTP email plugin and send your mail through an honest-to-goodness email box on your mail server. Some email providers are very finicky about what messages they will allow in. Messages sent from a web server (rather than a real email box) can get hung up. If it comes from a real email box though your chances of deliverability go up dramatically.

    in reply to: No longer able to upload PDFs #735158

    Happy to help, Rikard. I’m hoping to get an answer to one of my issues so I thought I’d help clear your plate a bit with some easy answers. :-D

    in reply to: Adding link in footer #735157

    You’ll have to be more descriptive of what happened. That should definitely work if it’s copied and pasted correctly. It’s possible that copying it carried over some special HTML characters. You might have to retype it. Creating a link in HTML in this way is pretty easy and straightforward though.

    in reply to: No longer able to upload PDFs #735127

    Sorry, I really don’t. You might ask your hosting company if you can change back and forth between the versions. If so, I would try 5.5.33 since it’s the latest and then downgrade if you have any issues.

    in reply to: Center Special Heading #735123

    Change the Heading Style on the Special Heading to Heading Style Modern (Centered).

    in reply to: Adding link in footer #735119

    Theme Options > Footer > Copyright. Replace this

    © Copyright - Otway Junction - Site by Johanna Web Designs

    With this

    © Copyright - Otway Junction - <a href="" target="_blank">Site by Johanna Web Designs</a>

    in reply to: Enfold Background Change #735118

    What I need to see is below what’s shown in that screenshot. Can you take multiple screenshots, scrolling down after each to show all of the items in the Advanced Layout Builder? It could 3 or 4 screenshots to cover it all.

    in reply to: Enfold Background Change #735079

    I’m assuming this is your website: I don’t see a link in your previous posts.

    Those look like standard Color Sections to me. You should be able to go to the Color Section properties and choose a different image on the Section Background tab. The What Are You Waiting For section is slightly different in that it has a background video but it’s still the same concept.

    When you say that they “can’t be changed. At least not easily.” what does that mean? What do you see on the background settings for those color sections?

    If you can take a screenshot and save it as a JPEG, you could upload it to and post a link here.

    in reply to: Google Services Error #735075

    Great to hear. Happy to help!

    in reply to: Google Services Error #735070

    Can you post a link to the site? You’d have to do it publicly since I’m not a moderator.

    I would still try disabling all the plugins. You never know what’s interacting in a way you didn’t expect. That said, have you tried a Shift + Refresh to force the page to reload all of the assets from the server?

    in reply to: No longer able to upload PDFs #735068

    According to this page ( the minimum version is 5.2.4 or greater. Perhaps this is the issue.

    Note: If you are in a legacy environment where you only have older PHP or MySQL versions, WordPress also works with PHP 5.2.4+ and MySQL 5.0+, but these versions have reached official End Of Life and as such may expose your site to security vulnerabilities.

    in reply to: Enfold too many redirects problem #735066

    Any idea what changed 10-15 days ago? Have you asked your hosting support about this issue? It sounds much less like an Enfold issue than a general WordPress/hosting issue.

    in reply to: Problem with slider on mobile versions #735065

    The sliders aren’t fully responsive. Since the content of every slider is different you basically have to set up some additional CSS in Theme Options > General Styling to scale the title/caption for the various device sizes.

    in reply to: Google Services Error #735061

    Just a few ideas on what to try: Have you tried disabling all plugins? Switching to the main Enfold theme if you’re using a child theme? Deleting the map builder block and recreating it? If you’re using Chrome, you could also open the Developer Tools (CTRL + Shift + I) and check out the Console tab to see if there are any JavaScript errors being thrown. If there are, it could be preventing other scripts on the page from running correctly.

    in reply to: Enfold Background Change #735058

    Are you talking about (for example) the background behind the What Our Customers Say section on this page?

    I haven’t installed this particular theme demo but just about all background images like that are in the Color Section that surrounds the section. You’d have to go to that part of the page in the Advanced Layout Builder, click the Color Section to edit it and then go to the Section Background tab.

    in reply to: Google Services Error #735055

    You should be able to right click on the page and choose View Source (or something similar) and find some code that looks like this except it would have your API key in it:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
     /* <![CDATA[ */  
    var avia_framework_globals = avia_framework_globals || {};
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_api = 'BlXTeACnIsVgIzaSysy4V5CWty3r8kqDrXCmIF5';
    /* ]]> */ 

    Maybe search the source code for “avia_framework_globals” and see what you find. If I had to suspect I would say this is still related to the key being valid (or not). Just a guess though.

    in reply to: Google Services Error #735052

    Hmmm. I’m not sure what to tell you without looking at your Google account and the site itself. Are you 100% sure you’re putting the key in the Google Maps API Key field? Does the key show in that field when you go back to the theme options? When you save your Theme Options, are you definitely getting the “Alright Sparky. All Options saved, no problems whatsoever.” message?

    in reply to: Instagram cross the bottom of the website #735047

    Looks great!

    in reply to: Instagram cross the bottom of the website #735025

    It seems like it’s doing what you told it to do then. :-) If you want them horizontal you’d have to configure it to display in NINE columns.

    in reply to: No longer able to upload PDFs #735024

    Can you check your server and see what version of PHP is installed?

    in reply to: Instagram cross the bottom of the website #735021

    Hmmmm. What are the settings on the Instagram widget? Such as number of photos, number of columns and photo size?

    Do you feel comfortable posting a link to the site? FYI, I’m not a moderator, just another user, so you’d have to post in a public comment.

    in reply to: Google Services Error #734996

    To get it to work on my sites, I have to set the Key Restriction to “HTTP Referrers (websites)” and add the following to the “Accept requests from these HTTP referrers”*

    Also, the page where you create the credentials says “Note: It may take up to 5 minutes for settings to take effect”.

    Also also, you might make sure you’ve saved the settings correctly. For some reason, you can click save after entering each of the HTTP referrers but then you have to save it one last time to actually commit your changes.

    in reply to: Simple Layout seems impossible to achieve #734991

    That layout is definitely possible but (respectfully) the Kriesi team doesn’t offer detailed “how to” instructions of all the things necessary to set up a site like your design. What have you tried so far? I would recommend building it as closely as you can and then posting a link to what you’ve done to get advice. Or if you don’t feel confident doing that yourself, you might try hiring a developer to do the bulk of the work.

    FYI, I’m just another forum user and don’t mean my suggestions to sound snide.

    in reply to: Instagram cross the bottom of the website #734988

    Yes it is. Do you mean in the footer or in the body of a page? If you want to do it in the footer, you’d go to Theme Options > Footer and change the Footer Columns option to 1. Then go to Appearance > Widgets and insert the Enfold Instagram* widget into the Footer Column 1 widget area. Then configure the widget as needed.

    If you want to insert it into the body of a page, create a new widget called something like “Instagram Feed” and insert the Enfold Instagram* widget into that area. Then go to the Advanced Layout Builder for the page and insert a Widget builder block and select the Instagram Feed widget area.

    * May be called something other than “Enfold Instagram” if you’re using a child theme with a different name.

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