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  • in reply to: Social icons to the right of centered menu? #756403

    Hi, Ismael. That doesn’t work when the header is the way I mentioned above (centered logo with the menu below). I think you might have seen the site while I had it set to logo left, menu right which is only temporary.


    in reply to: How to copy a color section between pages #754767

    Glad to help!

    in reply to: Don't receive email #754659

    Hi, @dierbewust25. One of the things that I’ve noticed with SMTP plugins is that the FROM email on the form, the FROM email in the plugin settings and the address of the mailbox you’re logging into have to all match or things don’t work reliably. Have you tried this?

    Also, I use this plugin very reliably. You might give it a try.

    in reply to: How to copy a color section between pages #754652

    Happy to help @rikard. You guys rock!

    in reply to: Blog categories and breadcrumbs #753937

    One more question: If you’re just displaying blog posts and no other content, why create a page dedicated to displaying them instead of using the actual category archive pages? That seems redundant to me.

    in reply to: Blog categories and breadcrumbs #753935

    I just tested this using Simple 301 Redirects and it worked fine. You should test it yourself but here’s what I did:

    1) Load and activate the plugin.
    2) Go to Settings > 301 Redirects
    3) Enter the URL of your category such as “/category/uncategorized” in the Request column. The actual URL will vary depending on how you have your permalinks set. You can go to Posts > Categories and get the actual URL of the category by mousing over the category and looking at the View link.
    4) Enter the page you created for the blog posts in the Destination column. For example “/my-cool-page” or “”.
    5) Click the Save Changes button.

    This is kind of a brute force way to accomplish this but it seemed to work. The main downside is that you’d have to go through this process for any future pages you create or any future categories. Plus the breadcrumb will show the URL of the category if you mouse over it rather than the URL of the parent page.

    Let me know what you think.

    I’m not an admin but you may need to post an admin login in Private Content for one of the mods to take a look. If you haven’t already, that is.

    in reply to: Can't Update to Version 4.02 #753395

    It could be related to the issues that Amazon S3 was having today. Have you tried again recently?

    in reply to: Footer height on mobile #753393

    Can you post a link to your site? If you have multiple widgets the spacing can get to be a bit excessive. You should be able to alter the spacing by using CSS targeted as different resolutions.

    in reply to: Features seem to be broken #753392

    Can you post a link to your site? I’m not an admin so if you put it in Private Content I can’t see the address…

    in reply to: Blog categories and breadcrumbs #753391

    Just out of curiosity, why not use the category archive pages? Do you have other content on the pages you created?

    Have you tried setting up a 301 redirect for the category archive URLs to your custom pages? I can’t promise it will work but you could use a plugin like this: Or you could do it in your htaccess file in the root of your website directory.

    That seems to be the case. I had an issue with Layerslider previously and had to buy/install a standalone version of the plugin to work around it.

    in reply to: How to copy a color section between pages #753387

    Yes! This is very simple actually. Mouse over the color section in the editor and notice the icons that show up in the upper left corner. Click the first icon (labeled Save Element as Template), enter a name for it and click Save. Then go to the other page that you want to insert the section into and make sure the Advanced Layout Builder is active. In the upper right corner of the editor find the button/menu marked Templates and click it. You’ll see the name of the template you created earlier. Select it and it will be inserted into the editor. That’s all there is to it!

    Bear in mind that each instance of the template in your content is completely separate so changes you make to one would not be reflected on other pages. You’d have to resave the section and reinsert it wherever you need it.

    Please let me know if this solves your issue.


    in reply to: Mysterious border #743801

    Well, for whatever reason, this isn’t happening anymore in Chrome. Feel free to close/delete this thread. I’ll open a new one if I can reproduce the issue. Thanks!

    in reply to: Mysterious border #743589

    I really appreciate you wanting to help Guenni007. I often find myself in the same position when trying to contribute to forum posts. My client is pretty persnickety about their reputation so I can’t post their site info in public. I’m hoping to hear back from one of the moderators. Thanks, though!

    in reply to: WPML changing heading content on save #743435

    Okay thanks. I have submitted the issue to WPML. Please leave this thread open and I’ll post a solution if we get one worked out. Thanks!

    in reply to: 100% height color section with max height? #743434

    Please see the image in the attached link. This is after applying the CSS code with a max height of 1080px. The semi transparent content box should be centered vertically over the top picture but it extends into the bottom picture. Any thoughts?

    in reply to: Z-index of secondary menu dropdowns #743427

    That did the trick! I never would have figured that one out. Thanks for your help. :-)

    in reply to: 100% height color section with max height? #741616

    Sure. See private content.


    in reply to: A little sliver of background is showing… #741541

    I rebuilt this section in a different way and it solved the issue. You can close this thread. Thanks!

    in reply to: 3.8.5 and Yoast SEO #741534

    Which version of WordPress SEO are you using?

    in reply to: Can't upload basic files to Media Library #741431

    I’ve never used filezilla to edit files. I wouldn’t recommend it because it’s an FTP client not an editor. I would recommend doing what Nikko and I suggested above or calling GoDaddy and having them walk you through it.

    That said, you’ll want to find the line in wp-config.php that says “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” and put a couple of blank lines above that line. Then put any new code in those blank lines. Before you do this, you might consider copying the entire contents of wp-config.php into Notepad so you have a copy in case you break something.

    Again, if you don’t feel comfortable doing this, you should call GoDaddy for support or hire a local web developer.

    in reply to: Hamburger Menu Issue #740865

    HI, aron8778. I just checked out your link and the hamburger icon looks totally normal both on my laptop (Chrome) and phone (Safari). Can you upload a screenshot to and post a link here so we can see the issue?

    in reply to: A little sliver of background is showing… #740032

    No, it’s not corrected on my end. I’m using Chrome on Windows 10. See the link the Private Content. What are you using?

    in reply to: Homepage back-end not working #738568

    Have you tried disabling all your plugins and then re-enabling them one at a time? If you’re using a child theme, have you tried switching back to the parent theme? Either one of these should help you isolate further where the issue is coming up.

    in reply to: Can't upload basic files to Media Library #738426

    I don’t remember the exact links you click on. If I recall correctly it’s in My Account > websites > Manage or something similar. Then you might have to select the website you want to work on. Then you should see a bunch of links for managing the website, database, etc. You’ll probably have to call GoDaddy or Google more detailed instructions. Let us know how it goes though.

    in reply to: Can't upload basic files to Media Library #738126

    wp-config.php isn’t available through the editor. You’ll have to log in through GoDaddy and use their file manager to edit/create files. They’re likely stored in the public_html directory in the root of your account. When you open the file manager it may ask you if you want hidden files to be shown. You do since any file name that starts with a period (like .user.ini) is hidden. Depending on your type of hosting this may be a setting you have find and turn on though.

    Also (in my humble opinion) I’m not a fan of GoDaddy’s hosting. They do all kinds of things that slow down web sites and disable large and small features without telling you. Then they offer no help when you call about it or point fingers at WordPress, your theme or a plugin. I can’t say this is related to your issue but personally I avoid them at all costs.

    That said, try my suggestion above and let me know if it helps. Good luck!

    in reply to: Contact form doesn't work #737831

    Hi, Sadegh. You should check with your email provider and see if your mailboxes support smtp and if it’s enabled. Once you find that out, you should be able to get the rest of the info such as port, etc and fill in all the options on the plugin. This will send the mail through them mailbox just like Outlook would do and the changes of delivery go up to basically 100%.

    in reply to: Contact form doesn't work #737464

    This could be a domain SPF record issue where the IP of your web server isn’t set up to allow mail from the web server to be seen as valid. It could also be an issue with how your web server is configured if (for example) you host your mail and website on two different servers. Your best bet overall is to send your mail through an honest to goodness email box via SMTP. I use this plugin and it has solved 100% of my delivery issues.

    That said, in my case, it took some trial and error to figure out that the “from” address on the email messages has to match the email box being used to send the messages. That might not be true on all hosts but it was on quite a few of mine.

    in reply to: Form Spam even with captcha #737460

    How often are you receiving them? It’s possible a human is filling out the form and there’s no way to exclude them unless you can figure out their IP address.

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