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  • in reply to: Line Height Not Working with LayerSlider #1005109

    Thanks Mike! This worked perfectly. Should I have any concern with future updates to LayerSlider and or Enfold? Can I simply change the line height in Advanced Styling for the h1 fonts? We’re in the process of cleaning up our massive custom css file if possible. Thanks again. As usual Enfold support is 50% of the reason it’s the top theme for WordPress. :)

    in reply to: Line Height Not Working with LayerSlider #1004752

    I just set up a test page with a clone of the slider. The url for the slider’s setting page is also included. All are included in the private section. Let me know if you need anything else to help troubleshoot. Please note we’re doing a bunch of development on the version of the site so let me know if you need to update any of the custom css or anything else that may affect the rest of the site. Thanks!

    in reply to: Line Height Not Working with LayerSlider #1004740

    Ha, we’re cross messaging. The problem still exists. See my previous post. Appears to be a bug in Layerslider or Enfold but enabling opening text transitions in layerslider forces the slider to ignore line height specifications in text styles set in layerslider.

    in reply to: Line Height Not Working with LayerSlider #1004738

    Through some detective work, I figured out more specifically where the problem lies with the line height and layerslider ignoring its own text styles. Whenever you use opening text transition enabled and apply animation, the text ignore certain text styles–in this case line height. I disabled open text transitions and the line height went back to normal. Ugh, what a pain. Is this something the theme is affecting in Layerslider or a bug in Layerslider? Any ideas of how to fix? Be great to be able to start applying text animation to our sliders. Thanks!

    in reply to: Line Height Not Working with LayerSlider #1004731

    Hi Mike,
    Yes, you are correct. It seems that what’s appearing on the page isn’t what is designated in Layerslider under the styles attributes settings. I do know the fnnt size and line height will adjust as the screen/browser expands or shrinks but the size and height should be proportional. We have set 60px for line height but when the slider renders in a browser it reverts to what you’re seeing in the browser inspector at much smaller. Seems to be the same height across the board on all sliders we’ve created. Regardless of font size or line heights designed in Layerslider, the line heights revert to some preset height that doesn’t change.

    I’m assuming the line height in layer sliders would override all other theme related line height designations?
    Thank you,

    in reply to: Centered Logo Menu Items Responsiveness #1004228

    Thanks Victoria, unfortunately that reverted the menu back to it’s original state with the logo aligned left. Here’s the custom css code we’re using supplied within the Enfold documentation. This aligns the logo vertically and horizontally perfectly as well as keeps the menu items balanced on screens wider than 1200px:
    @media only screen and (min-width: 780px) {
    /*In the below code nth-child(x) the value of x should be half the number of total menu items*/
    #top #header .av-main-nav li:nth-child(4) {
    /* Adjust the width of the logo */
    #header .main_menu {
    /*background: gold;*/
    width: 100%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%);
    .av-main-nav-wrap {
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%);
    #header .logo {
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%);
    #header .logo img {
    top: 50%;
    transform: translateY(-50%);
    max-width: 300px;

    It’s when you view the site on smaller screens or shrink the browser window does the mobile menu break. So essentially i’m seeking help to fix the mobile menu when using the Enfold solution for a split menu with centered logo.

    in reply to: Menu with center logo and Shrinking Header #1003272

    Hi Enfold Support,
    I moved my previous request to another thread as it’s more about responsiveness vs the shrinking header. Thanks!

    in reply to: Remove images from Blog Grid layout #964580

    Hi Enfold Support,
    We’re in a similar boat but just want to remove the featured image from our post slider for certain post types. Can you please send the custom post slider CSS snippet that would remove the featured image preview from a post slider of post types with category of “XXXXX”?

    in reply to: How to use images instead of icons in an icon box? #950499

    Sure but this doesn’t have anything to do with the change in where the icon images are stored with the recent upgrade. If you look at the custom css that enfold Support provdided, is it easy enough to update the image URLs? We’re you able to access the wp admin areas to troubleshoot? Thanks!

    in reply to: Partner Logo Element Images Scale too big update 4.3 #950361

    Hi E-Support,
    The latest update to 4.3.1 put in a fix for the partner logo element images upscaling. You added the setting to not fill space with image and that worked perfectly. Thanks for the quick fix and update to the theme!

    in reply to: How to use images instead of icons in an icon box? #949188

    Hi Ismael,
    We updated the recaptcha to be less strict. You should be able to access the wp admin area now. Regarding the image URLs, the front end of the site is hidden so any images URLs will break if you aren’t logged in. Btw, i noticed something interesting… on the staging site where the theme update occured the url for the images is different now than on the production site where we’re still running enfold 4.25. See private area for image location differences. Looks like you’re now referencing the images from the dynamic avia folder and then /wp-content/uploads/… folder.
    Any ideas on how to fix? Thanks!

    in reply to: How to use images instead of icons in an icon box? #948235

    i’m seeing there are quite a few other bugs with 4.3. Currently we have two other major CSS problems since the upgrade–including this one. Were you able to see the new screenshots and issues regarding the missing iconbox icons?

    in reply to: Partner Logo Element Images Scale too big update 4.3 #947462

    Hi Enfold Support,
    We have the same issue with the partner/logo element. it appears the css controlling the size of the images (responsive or not) has been removed/changed and the images are upscaling. The images we’re using are 120×60 and we have the “No scaling. Original X Width Original Height” option for logo sizing selected. Turning on and off Performance features (deleteing old CSS, optimizing CSS files) had no affect.
    Selecting different logo sizes in the partner/logo element settings has no affect. Also when we shrink the screen size the the logo images scale up even bigger i.e. in mobile protrait mode. It’s as if the css is forcing the 120×60 sized logo images to fill the entire space available.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Eric.
    in reply to: How to use images instead of icons in an icon box? #947449

    @Ismael, updated URLs. firefox’s screen capture only works on public sites. sorry.

    in reply to: How to use images instead of icons in an icon box? #946791

    Hello Enfold support,
    We just updated one of our staging sites with Enfold 4.3 to test it out. We noticed a couple things that “changed” after the update. Regarding the icons we used the solution you have above i.e. using images as icons within the icon boxes. Specifically they disappeared! We did set the “Performance” to delete all old CSS but when looking in our custom CSS, the code was still there. Any idea why our ALB set up to place images in the iconboxes is now not working? Custom CSS and links to changes in private for you to review.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Eric.
    in reply to: Version 4.2.6 is crashing website #938376

    Suhweet! Thanks guys for keeping Enfold a solid theme! Seriously we’ve used Avada, Jupiter and a bunch of the top wordpress themeforest themes and i’d say Enfold’s support tops them all. Cheers to Kriesi and the Enfold support crew.

    in reply to: Version 4.2.6 is crashing website #937953

    Hi Yigit,
    The updated header.php file fixed the crashing problem with Enfold update 4.2.6. The only problem is that when you update to 4.2.7 will you be replacing the header.php file? If so, will the fixes be included? Should we put the new header.php file in the child theme folder to avoid this problem?

    We can’t upgrade to php 7 with our hosting provider but will be moving to another dedicated host with php 7+. For now we’d like to update Enfold to 4.2.6. Will the upcoming 4.2.7 update address this issue with old PHP versions?

    in reply to: Update 4.2.6. broke the site #932016

    Hi Victoria,
    Will check error logs. We use a child theme. Will your proposed fix work with a child theme set up? Thanks!

    in reply to: Update 4.2.6. broke the site #931708

    Hi Enfold Support,
    What’s the status with this problem with the 4.2.6 update? Thankfully we have a staging site where we test all plugin, theme and wordpress core updates on and during the 4.2.6 update, saw the entire site go down–even with all the plugins deactivated. We then reverted back to enfold 4.2.5 and all was back to normal. Is it directly related to php version or something else?

    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #889474

    Thanks Ismael! Works great.

    For future enfold customers is this the script that fixed the problem?
    add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘ava_custom_script_tab_section’ );
    function ava_custom_script_tab_section() {
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    (function($) {
    function scrollToTab(s, e,) {
    $(s).on(e, function(event) {
    var anchor, loc, cur, hash, tab, parent, pos;

    if( e == ‘load’ ) {
    loc = window.location.hash;
    hash = loc;
    } else {
    loc = $(this).attr(‘href’);
    hash = loc.substring(loc.indexOf(‘#’));

    tab = $(‘.av-section-tab-title[href=’+ hash +’]’);
    parent = tab.parents(‘.av-tab-section-outer-container’);
    pos = parent.offset();


    if(hash) {
    setTimeout( function() {
    $(window).scrollTop( – 100 )
    }, 500 );

    scrollToTab( ‘.menu-item a’, ‘click’ );
    scrollToTab( window, ‘load’ );

    // custom script
    //add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘ava_custom_script’ );
    function ava_custom_script() {
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    (function($) {
    function a() {
    $(‘.menu-item’).on(‘click’, ‘a’, function(e) {
    var anchor, loc, cur, hash, tab, parent, pos;
    anchor = $(this).attr(‘href’);
    hash = anchor.substring(anchor.indexOf(‘#’));
    tab = $(‘a[href=’+ hash +’]’);
    parent = tab.parent(‘.av-tab-section-tab-title-container’);
    pos = parent.offset();

    if(hash) $(window).scrollTop( – 100 );


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Eric.
    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #889388

    Hi Ismael, thanks for updating the script. It looks like it works when clicking on the main nav when on the page where the tabbed content resides. Unfortunately if you’re on any other page and click on the link to the tabbed content found in the main nav menu, the target tab opens but doesn’t scroll down to the tabbed content.

    Is there additional script to force the browser to scroll to the tabbed content when clicking from a different page with the same URL that contains the tabbed content anchor? Thanks!

    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #887710

    Hi Ismael, we turn off access for security purposes. it’s accessible now for you. Please comment on what’s been modified so we can replicate on production. Thanks!

    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #887673

    @ismael, you should be able to see the issue on my client’s site. Credentials and page URL are located in private area. And yes your 2017 demo does have the same issue as Jay points out. Again, all this worked fine several updates ago when we first started playing with using the tab element feature.

    One thing we noticed was anchoring to the tab section. For whatever reason that will have the browser scroll to the tab section and has a function in the avia element builder to designate which tab to open to. Seems we simply need a similar function to scroll to the tab section and open to a specific tab.

    Hope this helps solve the mystery of the busted tab element UI. :)

    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #885942

    We do have the script added to the functions.php file in the child theme directory and it helped in that the menu anchor link now goes directly to the selected tab. Although the browser still does not scroll down to the tabbed content. The user is expecting to go to the content described in the link but instead may think the link is broken.

    Very strange that this used to work as expected last summer ie both anchor links to target tab AND scrolling down the page so all the tabbed content is above the fold.

    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #885657

    Hi all, I too have tried the script and am still seeing the problem Jay describes above. I did notice the script fixes clicking to a tab from the menu if on the same page. That wasn’t working before the functions.php script update.

    Oddly clicking on an anchor link and having the browser scroll to the tabbed content worked when we first added the tabbed content in the beginning of last summer. Something happened that broke this functionality between updates from then until a couple updates ago. IThanks!

    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #873520

    Ok so we deactivated all the plugins with no change in the menu anchor link behavior. The main issue is the anchor link to the tabs don’t tell the browser to scroll to the tab section on the page. Only if we use a section ID for the anchor will the browser scroll to the tabbed section and then it’ll only open to the tab designated in the tab section edit screen (see screenshot in private area).

    Any idea what might be causing this behavior? Thanks!

    in reply to: Anchor Links Not Scrolling to Tab Section Tabs #869311

    Please note that the top link in the main navigation is set to go to the tab section on the page and to open tab number 1 but that also isn’t working as expected.

    Thanks everyone! I’ll have my developer make the modifications to the portfolio.php file. I’ll post the solution here for future reference. Thanks!

    Thanks Ismael! Would we put this in the child theme where our modified functions.php file is located?

    Ok, it was human error as the portfolio items weren’t categorized properly. Although on a related topic, we were wondering if there’s a way to create a multiple sort / filtering function with the portfolio items using top level categories.

    This could eliminate the need to use tabs and give the user a much more streamlined user experience for filtering portfolio items. See private section for examples.
    Lastly, is there a way to put the filtering/sort items in a drop down menu for mobile? With the number of filters, it creates a lot of links above the portfolio gallery.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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