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  • Hi Vinay – sorry for the delay in responding. No, I only tried it with products that allow backorder or that I knew there was plenty of stock in, and I couldn’t REDUCE the amount in the cart either.

    Also, This EXACT same behaviour is happening on my photography site at as well, and again there are no stock issues preventing quantity changes there. The problem does not appear to occur in internet explorer. We were made aware of the problem from complaints from several customers using a safari, chrome and IE. We believe the update did correct this for customers who have not been on the cart page before, but it seems to be a residual problem if it’s a repeat customer (I have a repeat customer who says the problem is still there while others reporting all is well when I’ve asked them to check this for me). So I’m suspecting some type of cache issue.

    Thank you for your help. I’m now more concerned about another issue that has cropped up which I opened a separate topic for 2 days ago: …I’d greatly appreciate assistance on that one if you have a moment.

    With appreciation,


    Thanks, Basilis – understandable. I do appreciate the Kriesi support and your team trying to help your customers and users in such situations. I was getting a little anxious because of the 3-day delay in initial response, with customers of ours continuing to inform us they were frustrated or went elsewhere. I’m having a hard time determining whether the issue is continuing at the website level or just browser level now.

    With appreciation,


    Thank you for your help, Vinay! I am still facing this issue, at least with my primary browser (Chrome). I can adjust the quantity in the cart with the + and – buttons but when I click Update Cart absolutely nothing happens…it does not even attempt to reload the page, etc., it just acts like a non-functioning button. The button does change appearance when I mouse over, but clicking does not do anything further.

    I was able to get it to work on my laptop and my desktop with Internet Explorer. On my laptop, it still didn’t work in Chrome but doing a Ctrl+R did correct the issue. I’m unable to get it to work on my desktop, which means it’s likely a cache or something on this system? Keep in mind I had another customer last night voice the same complaint, but that could mean that they had been on the site and cart page prior to the update?

    For what it’s worth, I’m on a Dell XPS desktop running Windows 8.1 at 64-bit, my version of Chrome was Version 54.0.2840.99 m but I’ve updated to Version 55.0.2883.75 m with no change to the issue.

    I do appreciate your help, but I’m guessing the issue was LIKELY corrected upon updating Enfold to 3.8 and both myself and several customers just need to clear the cache for it to take effect?

    Thanks so much…


    Thank you, Vinay! I did install and run the transient cleaner but am getting the same statement described above under Enfold > Theme Update (running 3.5.3, no updates available). I do have a question re API keys…I have purchased Enfold 4 times and installed on 4 sites…I generated a new API key to try here with no change in results. Do I need to be using a specific key on each site or do they all work or?? Sorry, not terribly versed in API keys.

    EDIT: I went back and cleaned all transients instead of just expired and did get the update option to show and completed the update successfully. UNFORTUNATELY I still have the same cart problem! You can click the + or – to change quantity of an item but when you click update cart to effect the change absolutely nothing happens.

    This is the same problem I reported my other topic (I have not had any assistance with this after 2 days) at

    Both sites are now running current versions of WP, woocommerce and now Enfold 3.8…we are losing orders and frustrating customers and desperately want to resolve this.

    Thank you!!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by johnlaunstein.

    Can someone please help us with this issue? We’ve had 5 people contact us in the last two days complaining about this and 3 have walked away from orders.

    in reply to: Masonry Gallery – Images Stacking On Top Of Each Other #434631

    Hey sorry to jump in on this thread but just wanted to say I’ve had the same issue since launching my enfold site in Nov…I’ve always kept up to date and tried a few things that were suggested when I started a similar topic. If the mods here have hit on a solution, I’d sure love to know how to incorporate it!

    in reply to: menu forcing smaller page view on mobile since theme update #396115

    Thank you so much, Yigit! You guys are awesome! Worked like a charm.

    in reply to: Masonry Gallery overlapping images #386627

    Hi Andy – thank you for your response, but I have had the issue since building my first masonry gallery in November and have updated Enfold twice since then. Further, I had NO plugins whatsoever on the site until last week…was just running pure Enfold/WordPress. So I’m 99.something% sure neither of these suggestions point to the issue. I’ve had friends from around North America mention the issue to me since we launched the site in November. I upgraded my hosting package to a WordPress hosting plan which promised faster load times earlier this month and find the problem to be less prevalent, but it still happens regularly.

    Do you have any other thoughts?

    I had an Enfold update alert when I logged in on Sunday and performed the update then so I’m surprised to hear I’m not current at the moment, but again the issue has been present from the beginning and consistent through three Enfold updates.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Megamenu not going live on front end #369357

    Thanks, Elliott! I appreciate your help in both helping me get the megamenu live and helping me understand what I had missed.



    in reply to: Megamenu not going live on front end #368509
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