Forum Replies Created
Oke.. tried the whole thing another time and now it works..
Still stays weird.. it ain’t my first time editing a child theme :-P I’ve build a 100+ websites with Enfold ^_^
anyway.. Thanks a lot! I was kinda desperate.. Good Mega menu option are hard to come by.. and this goes a long way :-)
Thanks!! That is awesome.. If I copy the code to my functions it results in a critical error tho :-(
So to simplify my question.. is there a way to display both the Menu Title AND the description?
at the moment the options to build really cool mega menu’s only seem to come from Elementor.. and I’m just to invested in Enfold to switch :-P
I’ve seen a few pricing table builders but if you’re used to th Avia builder most other things are annoying usability wise
Thanks Yigit!!
@Guenni007 if it was a bug that was triggered on every Enfold site out there no matter the server configuration it already would have been fixed of course.. Over the past years I probably build over 200 Enfold sites with my buddies and most of em are doing fine on php8..Ahh.. sorry.. forgot that one
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
Thanks Guenni.. but there’s no Child theme active.. I’m quite the experienced webdesigner (20+ years.. haha) :-P but I try to stay away from everything that’s code except CSS :-P
I got another one.. discussed it with the client I can leave it crashed for today since it’s only a coming soon page
Hi Yigit,
Got no crashed one currently, it happens right after updating the theme tho.. I run into it again i’ll get back to you..
July 13, 2021 at 12:47 pm in reply to: Enfold contact form includes the URL of the page it is sent from #1309942Hi
My php skils kinda stink
How would I format it to get
Sent from: Page title ?This would be a good standard function btw.. usually in the websites that I build I put contact forms on every single page.. on the sites where this really matters to me I switched to Gravity Forms almost solely for this reason.. haha.. I should’ve searched a bit more maybe
ow.. my bad.. i mean the social share buttons..
Edit: uuuh.. okey.. I feel really stupid now.. it was AdGuard that removed the share icons :-P haha..
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
February 26, 2021 at 5:51 pm in reply to: Feature req.: Select individual WC products in Product grid to insert into pages #1283904Sorry I see I didn’t reply anymore.. I probably got distracted while typing my reply ^_^
But You’re correct.. the WC shortcode would work yes but it breaks the style and the ease of use is completely gone.. this would work for me but I woundn’t feel comfortable telling my clients to do this :-P
Altright.. is this problem back yet again? I think all the site i’m working on which are all up to date have it.. Linkedin and Email survived the icon slaughter somehow :-P
February 25, 2021 at 6:57 pm in reply to: woocommerce 3.4 – terms and conditions dosen't open in checkout!! #1283732Thanks!
February 23, 2021 at 11:46 am in reply to: woocommerce 3.4 – terms and conditions dosen't open in checkout!! #1283039Interesting one ^_^ can you guys make it so if its an ALB page it opens in a new tab/window?
I got a few clients that are getting funky with their Terms and Conditions.. and they actually try to make them understandable by human beings.. the current situation is neat.. people don’t leave the page so the chance that they get distracted while checking out is minimized.. but it doesn’t leave any room for other interpretations
Have you watched the video? That makes the function I’d like to see in Enfold crystal clear..
I know WP semantic structures.. no need to dive into that.. I’d like to see the same function that that video with Toolset & Gutenberg shows in Enfold of course with the ability to use custom fields
Hi Mike, thanks for the reply.. but what I mean is a level up from posts.. I have noticed the locking feature.. but I have not run into a project yet where this would proof useful.. I like the direction of the thought behind it..but it is way to strict for the type of clients I have.. in larger organisations it might be useful tho..
I just found that Toolset has build exactly what I’m looking for here (but for the Gutenberg editor)
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
February 18, 2021 at 1:22 pm in reply to: Feature req.: Select individual WC products in Product grid to insert into pages #1281982Ha.. my reaction is even sloooower.. man…
What I mean is that I would like the possibility to select 1 (or more) specific products or posts.. let’s say I have a book publishing company and I write a blog article with a bit of background on the book and the author and I want to insert that specific book into the blogpost.. Now I can do that by creating a tag or category for that purpose only and select that one as I insert the product grid (or masonry element) in the blogpost.. but it’s not very neat :-P and the taxonomies become very polluted if I’d make that a daily practice :-P can’t imagine Google liking that very much
Sounds like a good function but I don’t think that’s what I mean..
It’s kinda hard to explain maybe.. I would like to use the ALB one level up from the blog posts.. so I can design a standard format for all posts ( or per category or tag).. Now I got a whole bunch of clients who just use the standard WP text field only for their posts.. and they are content with that.. but lets be honest :-P the standard blog layout looks “kinda” outdated
And since Gutenberg will most likely overtake Enfold within a year or two if things don’t progress this would be a very good addition.. taking that “super theme” game to the next level ^_^ and I’d love nothing more then to see the Enfold theme still on #1 in 10 years ^_^
Or maybe I don’t understand the description :-P and this is exactly what you guys are doing :-P
Thanks for the reply anyway
Yeah.. same here on multiple different sites and servers..
Sweet! :-D Thanks for the quick reply ^_^
Would be nice if you could activate this in the ALB settings under the theme settings
Alright.. what I did was I copied the button html and put it in the codeblock element with the onclick code in it.. seems a lot easier..
This would be a nice function to have tho
December 6, 2019 at 3:17 pm in reply to: I want to change the amount the header scrolls with the "unstick topbar" #1163392Hi Victoria,
Thanks.. but that was not what I was looking for..
for now I changed js/avia-snippet-sticky-header.js line 54
form topbar_height = header.find(‘#header_meta’).outerHeight(), to topbar_height = 128,
I might have to tweak some other stuff in CSS but this works for now
May 14, 2019 at 4:49 pm in reply to: Can I change the properties of the portfolio items? #1100669This bit.. It’s not for the site in this picture :-P on my own site it’s quite appropriate :-P
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
For custom taxonomies you can use this one that’s what I was looking for at first as well.. but my programming skills are kinda limited.. can any of you see what goes wrong?
I would love to se a pages option in the masonry grid :-)
And since the feature request is out of order for 3 months already :-P I guess the way to go is to spam the forum and the commentsection at themforeset
JK :-P
I still have the same issue.. super annoying :-(
Would be nice the solution gets shared :-)
Feature request is down it seems :-P
This would be a huge win.. layerslider is way to complicated.. with a few small additions the tabsection is an awesome slider..
But with only autoslide as an option it’s already super useful.. (for custom testimonials for instance)
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by