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  • Thanks Ismael for this information

    Best regards,

    Hi Rikard, I make some test now and I know what happens, if I switch (Styling / Background Image / Background Attachment) from (Fixed) to (Scroll) it works.

    in reply to: Privacy policy multilingual #1335203

    Awesome Ismael, it works! I hadn’t thought of being able to use “: lang pseudo-class” to perform this task.

    In my case I used “nth-child(3) and nth-child(4)”


    in reply to: Privacy policy multilingual #1334934

    Hi, I use Cookie Handling Message, how can translate (or set diferent Button Link) when I chose (Button Action = Link to another page)?

    I want to set link to cookie policy details in each language that I have in my site, polylang function doesn’t work in this case, thanks!

    in reply to: Easy Slider double quotes ('') #1232619


    in reply to: Small Padding Color Section (hidden) #1232498

    Hi Victoria, thanks for your message, I found the problem, I have a custom CSS style to hide [related products] in woocommerce products single pages

    .avia-section.avia-section-small { display: none; }

    You know if I can change this custom style to only hide ([related products] in woocommerce products single pages) and does not affect the style of color sections with small padding?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: entypo-fontello.woff gets enqued instead woff2 #1230601

    Hi Günter, I have updated file and works perfectly

    Performance Scores


    PageSpeed Score (99%)
    YSlow Score (94%)
    Fully Loaded Time 4.4s
    Total Page Size 737KB
    Requests 36


    PageSpeed Score (99%)
    YSlow Score (94%)
    Fully Loaded Time 3.2s
    Total Page Size 728KB
    Requests 34


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Gabri.
    in reply to: entypo-fontello.woff gets enqued instead woff2 #1230073

    Hi Günter, thanks for your reply.

    It isn’t really a critical error, but if you know how to fix it I can update code myself and test it on my website to see if it works correctly.

    If not, I’ll wait for next version update.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: entypo-fontello.woff gets enqued instead woff2 #1229946

    Hi, I am testing with gtmetrix and I think this does not work, the file that loads my website is .woff.


    in reply to: GOOGLE ERROR schema deprecated #1177911

    We need to wait an updated version of breadcrumbs that uses new markups.

    in reply to: GOOGLE ERROR schema deprecated #1177588

    Hi, more info here

    We need update for “framework\php\class-breadcrumb.php”, thanks!

    in reply to: Fatal error #1176306

    Solved, there is a mistake on line 981 of /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/timeline/timeline.php

    I changed

    if( !rray_key_exists( ‘font-size’, $this->title_styling ) )


    if( !array_key_exists( ‘font-size’, $this->title_styling ) )


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Gabri.
    in reply to: Fatal error #1176302

    Hi, I have the same problem, can you send me the file please.?


    in reply to: Change default H4 heading to H3 in iconlist title #1140429

    Hi Guenni007, your solution has been perfect, thanks!

    in reply to: Remove "nofollow" from search item of main menu #1057354

    Hi Nikko, thanks for your quickly response, your code works fine,


    in reply to: main-title entry-title Woocommerce in header #819172

    Hi Ismael, thanks for your answer, finally I use your code but I make a little change because I saw that the permalink goes to (shop main page), not to (current product page)…

    add_filter('avf_title_args', 'avf_title_args_mod', 10, 2);
    function avf_title_args_mod($args,$id)
         if ( is_singular('product') ) {
            $args['title'] = get_the_title($id);
            $args['link'] = get_permalink($id);
        return $args;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: main-title entry-title Woocommerce in header #817806

    Hi Victoria, you need to preview products in spanish, or create a new product in english, also check “private content”

    in reply to: main-title entry-title Woocommerce in header #817545

    Hi Victoria, now you have admin privileges, thanks!

    in reply to: main-title entry-title Woocommerce in header #816917

    Hi John, thanks for your answer, I provide credentials in private content section…

    Hi Ismael, thank you for your answer. The problem is in Widged Portfolio items, you can check this (here).
    I don’t know why in google testing-tool hentry don’t generate any error, but in Google Webmaster Tool can see (missing author and updated) for this elements.

    If you open hentry elements can see only:
    @type hentry
    entry-title Project x

    In other elements, same as blog magazine appears:
    @type hentry
    entry-title Some blog post title
    updateddate of post
    -@type hcard
    -fn authorname

    Don’t worry if you think that it’s correct, I only want to explain that I detect this issue
    Thanks for your patience
    Best regards

    Hi Yigit, thanks for you answer, I know that use child theme is an option, but I think that my question is not about customisation (all who use enfold have the same problem, another thing is that they do not verify Google WMT errors)

    If you agree and you can, send this incidence to the developers to implement correct labeled. thank you very much

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #729205

    Hey, my showcase is here..:
    – Multilingual (using Polylang)
    Woocommerce (custom product pages)
    – Contact Form 7 (For file upload option)
    – AMP Ready
    – File Download (using WP-DownloadManager)
    – Yoast SEO
    Some tweaks (Thanks to enfold support team)
    – Search icon on mobile, next to hamburger menu
    – Return to top
    – Ajax search multilingual
    – Exclude tax language on post
    – Fix breadcrumb (Auto Draft) text


    in reply to: Logo URL #722880

    You need a custom function to do it:

    function avf_logo_link_custom()
        return "";
    add_filter('avf_logo_link', 'avf_logo_link_custom');
    in reply to: Create Translation-Site with POLYLANG #722868

    Hi Danielrad78, I’m not from kriesi support team, but after read your message I would like to help you. I use Enfold with polylang and after apply few custom functions I translate 100% of content.

    To use custom header text/extra elements in enfold options need this code:

     * [polylang lang="en"]English[/polylang][polylang lang="es"]Spanish[/polylang]
    function polylang_shortcode($atts, $content = null)
    	if (empty($content))
    		return '';
    	extract( shortcode_atts( array('lang' => ''), $atts ) );
    	if (empty($lang))
    		return "<h3>You must specify 'lang' using shortcode: polylang</h3>";
    	return ($lang == pll_current_language()) ? $content : '';
    add_shortcode('polylang', 'polylang_shortcode');

    Then you can use –> [polylang lang=”en”]English content[/polylang][polylang lang=”es”]Spanish content[/polylang]

    To create copy of title / content on translation need this:

     * Make sure Polylang copies the content when creating a translation
    function jb_editor_content( $content ) {
        // Polylang sets the 'from_post' parameter
        if ( isset( $_GET['from_post'] ) ) {
            $my_post = get_post( $_GET['from_post'] );
            if ( $my_post )
                return $my_post->post_content;
        return $content;
    add_filter( 'default_content', 'jb_editor_content' );
     * Make sure Polylang copies the title when creating a translation
    function jb_editor_title( $title ) {
        // Polylang sets the 'from_post' parameter
        if ( isset( $_GET['from_post'] ) ) {
            $my_post = get_post( $_GET['from_post'] );
            if ( $my_post )
                return $my_post->post_title;
        return $title;
    add_filter( 'default_title', 'jb_editor_title' );

    To delete language category on blog entries:

    function avia_exclude_tax($tax,$post_type,$id){
        $tax = array_merge($tax, array('language', 'term_language', 'post_translations', 'term_translations'));
        return $tax;
    add_filter('avf_exclude_taxonomies', 'avia_exclude_tax', 10, 3);

    To use ajax search with current language only:

     * Ajax Search Query current language
    function avf_modify_ajax_search_query($search_parameters)
        $language = pll_current_language();
        parse_str($search_parameters, $params);
        $params['lang'] = $language; 
        $search_parameters = http_build_query($params);
        return $search_parameters;
    add_filter('avf_ajax_search_query', 'avf_modify_ajax_search_query', 10, 1);
    function avf_modify_ajax_search_messages($search_messages)
    	    $search_messages[all_results_link] = pll_home_url().'?'.http_build_query($_REQUEST);
            $search_messages[no_criteria_matched] = '<a class=\'ajax_search_entry ajax_search_entry_view_all\' href=\'' .$search_messages['all_results_link'].'\'>'.$search_messages['view_all_results'].'</a>';
        return $search_messages;
    add_filter('avf_ajax_search_messages', 'avf_modify_ajax_search_messages', 10, 1);

    Then, from Settings/Languages/Strings translations you can translate widgets.

    I hope this helps you…


    in reply to: Breadcrumb error (title and url) #684823

    No one? there are same problem in demo page
    Test in:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Gabri.
    in reply to: Validation of (Select Element) in contact form #604270

    great! thanks for your response, now it works fine!

    Best regards

    in reply to: Enfold + Polylang (Ajax Search) #604125

    Hey Andy, the problem is not the time, I search now how to add_filter in wordpress, I read ( and create a new function to include and solve the problem:

    function avf_modify_ajax_search_messages($search_messages)
    	    $search_messages[all_results_link] = pll_home_url().'?'.http_build_query($_REQUEST);
        return $search_messages;
    add_filter('avf_ajax_search_messages', 'avf_modify_ajax_search_messages', 10, 1);

    Please, check the code and include the code in (( to help others.


    in reply to: Validation of (Select Element) in contact form #604063

    Hi Yigit, thanks for your response, I also run in currently 3.5.1 version of enfold, I create a test page (link in private), check it out please..

    I don’t know how to create select element with validation, can you give me instructions to create a select element same as:

    Select element default option: Please, select an option
    Select element options: Option 1, Option 2, Option3

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Enfold + Polylang (Ajax Search) #603926

    Hi Ismael, thanks for your answer.

    Before open this topic I take a few minutes to find an answer in forums/documentation, I find the answer you comment in enfold documentation referring to this post ( and it solved a part of the problem, the function is to filtering results in current language and it works properly.

    My problem, or problem with all people who use polylang is that (View all results link) don’t work properly, do a test in my website. (links in private)
    I found 2 options to solve this:

    1) Hidden “view all results link” with css. I’m not happy with this option
    2) Editing “functions-enfold.php” line:137
    According to polylang documentation, the code to refer a “home_url()” in current language is “pll_home_url()”.
    For now I edit functions-enfold.php:137
    //’all_results_link’ => home_url(‘?’ . http_build_query($_REQUEST)),
    ‘all_results_link’ => pll_home_url().’?’.http_build_query($_REQUEST),
    And now, (View all results link) works fine! I don’t know if there are another solution to fix it.
    The strangest thing is that the magnifying glass always it works with current language, and really do the same result that (View all results). I don’t know why enfold team generate a different link for (view all results) and not the same..?
    Please, can anyone help me to create a function to fix the problem with (View all results) link and not have to update every time the file functions-enfold.php:137..?

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Enfold + Polylang (Ajax Search) #602417

    Hi, I answer below…

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