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  • in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #605457

    How would my files become corrupt? I downloaded from Envato, and I have even completely deleted and reinstalled both wordpress and enfold and the demo. I have created a quick php file for you to view that I have already changed the memory limit – please help me – I have paid for this – no one can seem to make it work. I have done everything right, and it may work for thousands of other people, but it is not working for me. I simply want to alter the demo construction content on the page “Home” – I have included a php file to view php info in the private.

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #605440

    Here is ftp info AND the WP site info together: (in private)

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #605432

    Here are the credentials: In private – THANK YOU!!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #605404

    Hi, Andy

    My problem is different – I tried the above – no luck. Basically, as it is stated in the post above, please try to duplicate my error by going through steps 1-5. I have tried everything. I am so confused and frustrated! It has been a week and a half, and I can’t edit the Construction Demo content!! I really am behind now! PLEASE HELP!! Thank you!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #604712

    Hi Vinnie!

    Okay, since I previously used the automatic installer through cPanel in Bluehost, I deleted the previous installation and decided to start over. I then manually installed WordPress (latest version) new on my server in a new directory: I have included login information for this new wordpress account. I am still having the same problem. I honestly do not know or understand what is going on. please see if you can duplicate my frustration:

    1) log in to my account (I have included info in private)
    2) Go to “Pages > All Pages >Home >Edit”
    3) Click on the section that reads “Reliable construction service since 1973. We are not just building houses. We are building dreams.” and change this heading text to something else.
    4) Click save in the dialogue box that popped up. (It will appear that the changes are saved)
    5) Click “Update” to save the new changes/page.

    This is where nothing happens. It reverts back to the original dummy text “Reliable construction service since 1973. We are not just building houses. We are building dreams.” instead of what it was changed to. I have no idea what to do – this is the issue I have had for over a week – since I purchased this theme. I don’t understand that I am the only one to ever have this issue. There are thousands of files/dozens of folders…you mentioned changing file permissions – but which ones? Also, shouldn’t these permissions already be set correctly by default in a new WP installation?

    Please help me get this sorted out – I am so far behind right now!! Thank you!! So much!!!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #604252

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #604245

    The error won’t duplicate? So, when you log in via the info i provided – you are able to change text on the homepage of the construction demo import in my account? From what you are saying, this is true – that is what “Can’t duplicate error” means, correct? Would you mind doing a test change in the content on the home page? Maybe replace some text with the phrase “This really does work?” Thank you – I am not trying to be a pain – I installed a fresh install of WP via my Bluehost/Simplescripts CPanel. I then paid for the theme you offer, and uploaded the theme via FTP and I have also tried using teh WP uploader. I even tried to create a child theme. I have repeated this process several times. I have also changed the PHP memory limit – to 256MB. Nothing is working. Any other ideas? I am really in need of help! Thank you!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #603917

    Yes…This morning – wasting a LOT more time, I completely deleted the Enfold theme from my server. I then re-installed and activated via the WP interface. No change, still can’t change the text and save it on the demo construction file. So, next I install and create a child theme to see if there is a difference. Nope. Still can’t change it. This is going on almost a week! I really need assistance on this – please help! I bought this and I can’t use it! I have a deadline! PLEASE help me!!!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #603367

    Please help! This is three days later – I bought a product I can’t use! There is a bug/issue where I can’t save anything!!! PLEASE RESPOND – already sent all login credentials…yesterday. Thank you so much in advance!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #602793

    Are you still with me? Please let me know if we are making progress – thank you!!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #602778

    Any issues in logging in via FTP? Please keep me updated. I can’t use this download until this is resolved. Please help!

    Thank you!!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #602722

    OOOps! Here you are: (I know, crazy password) lol!

    The install is at

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by jellyfish007.
    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #602708

    Sure, they are included here

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #602702

    I also deactivated the two plugins that were activated – still no luck – PLEASE HELP! I have a theme I can’t change! LOL!!!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #602671

    Hello! I changed the memory limit to 128M in /wp-includes/default-constants.php I included a screenshot. This is what the link you sent said to do – strange. I don’t want to deactivate all of the plugins – that’s not a good way, right? I’ll fill you in on what I did – I installed a fresh version of WP in I then imported the Enfold theme. I then activated it, and finally, I imported the construction dummy/demo content. I went to pages, and am trying to make simple edits in the text on that page. The changes appear to save until I click “update” then they revert back. What am I doing wrong?? Thank you!!! SO Much!!

    in reply to: Saved changes won't stay #602646

    Please someone help me! Thank you!

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