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  • in reply to: Burger Menu Missing #933859

    @Mike thank you for your help.

    Was this something that was caused by an update (ie. 4.2.6)? It still seems odd that this issue just happened, appears not just to our company web site but it seems like quite a few others from other posts I’ve seen on here and also to the other users in this post like @ccpwebteam and @cmgnaomi. How can we avoid this from happening in the future?

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Burger Menu Missing #933311

    Any help with this Kriesi?

    in reply to: Burger Menu Missing #933044

    Hi Vinay,
    theme has been updated to the latest version as requested, no change, still no burger menu.

    Thanks again.

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Burger Menu Missing #932775

    As requested, see below, thanks again.

    in reply to: Burger Menu Missing #932660

    Hi Basilis,
    Thank you for your reply… I cannot disable the cache on our LIVE site for a number of reasons, but please see our STAGING site instead, where caching is automatically disabled and we’re also having the same issue there. URL posted below, both our LIVE and STAGING are running Enfold 4.2.3 as a child theme.

    I was temporarily able to get the burger menu back with one breakpoint, using media queries, but only with one breakpoint doesn’t seem to work with any other smaller sizes.

    If you have other questions please let me know.

    Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by JeeBar.
    in reply to: In WP-admin, actual Admin Options are gone #884772

    Web host support knuckleheads were, as I and y’all had suspected, flat out wrong. Feel free to delete this whole damn thread, if you can.

    in reply to: In WP-admin, actual Admin Options are gone #878273

    Thanks, that’s the validation I needed — I *knew* that was a bullcrap answer! They were supposedly checking php-my-admin and telling me that so I believed them, I should have access myself and will double-check,then (almost surely) call BS and get to work on the actual problem.

    in reply to: In WP-admin, actual Admin Options are gone #877769

    Yes. This is the email address I’d remembered using as with primary admin,
    and when I was on with HostGator support they confirmed that this is the
    username and email address set as admin.

    in reply to: Mobile Burger Missing #861328

    Was something with my CDN. Deactivated, reactivated, all good now. Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Mobile Burger Missing #858603
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Need Help with Lightbox Size #854432

    Thanks, I figured it was something like that but just scraping the HTML/CSS wasn’t working as a “figuring out” strategy. I’ve removed that CSS.

    Credentials for admin access in private content. Please let me know when you’ve done your thing.

    in reply to: Links in Partner/Logo Element Acting Funny #743043

    That changes the behavior slightly, but not in a way that works. It pushes the text of the link down, and it doesn’t flash anymore, but it’s very low, and when you try to mouse over it and click the link, it disappears!

    Can you please provide an example of a page, demo or otherwise, where a Partner/Logo Element thing with links works properly?

    in reply to: Links in Partner/Logo Element Acting Funny #742905

    Added. Behavior is same. You’re seeing the problem, right?

    Can you provide an example of a page, demo or otherwise, where a Partner/Logo Element thing with links works properly?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by JeeBar.
    in reply to: Disable Loading Animation of Masonry #724986

    OK, it seems that i have a caching issue, and this has in fact addressed the issue even though I myself still see them animate in my main browser.

    in reply to: Disable Loading Animation of Masonry #723916

    OK, we’re getting close.
    Now the items in the gallery load along with the page, which is nice.
    But when you scroll down to where they are, they animate in place.

    in reply to: Disable Loading Animation of Masonry #722638

    Sigh. Thanks but no. That didn’t do it either. No discernible difference in behavior.
    The images are still not loading until you scroll to that section of the page.

    Here’s the sum total of the CSS I’ve got now:

    /* make it so masonry galleries load with page instead of as you scroll to them */
    .avia_desktop.avia_transform3d .av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-loaded .av-inner-masonry {
        -webkit-animation: none !important;
        animation: none !important;
    .av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-loaded {
        opacity: 1 !important;
        visibility: visible !important;
    .avia_sortable_active .isotope {
        -webkit-transition: none;
        transition: none;
    in reply to: Disable Loading Animation of Masonry #720392

    Hmm. Better. Kinda. Different anyway, but not what I really want though.

    The galleries still aren’t loading as part of the initial page load.

    They only load when you scroll to that section. Only difference this made is that now the elements “appear” one at a time (pop pop pop pop) and quickly instead of zooming in one at a time after a brief delay.
    I really do just want these galleries to load automatically as part for the page loading.

    in reply to: Missing Space in Metadata on Author Page #719031

    No, I had not edited that file. But that fix did work, so thanks. All good.

    in reply to: Disable Loading Animation of Masonry #718977

    No, I don’t care about when they load to that level of detail — I just want the masonry galleries to load along with the rest of the page, instead of only popping into existence when you scroll down to that section. Because right now they don’t appear until you scroll down to them, and there’s a 2-3 second delay even when you do, so it looks like the page is blank and people are noticing/complaining.

    in reply to: Modify Layout of Events Calendar Single Event #713199

    Thanks Basilis, understood. I’m not looking for you guys to do any customization, just to tell me how you overwrote the default The Events Calendar’s default layouts, i.e. which Enfold files/templates define the layout so I can get in there and monkey around with it/them myself.

    in reply to: Default Template Settings Missing from Event Calendar Pro #713119

    Any progress on enabling the disablement of the style override in child theme?

    in reply to: Category Archive Page Jacked Up #712354

    Seems that the problem has resolved itself.

    in reply to: Line Break before Read More Links in Archive Pages #708746

    I guess that fix you made actually DID work, maybe just didn’t take effect right away?
    Because my Read the rest links are now appearng on a new line just like I wanted them to. So thanks!

    in reply to: Line Break before Read More Links in Archive Pages #707606

    I don’t understand what you mean. It’s just a setting in the “Blog Posts” content element,
    I set “Blog Content Length” to “Excerpt with Read More Link.”

    in reply to: Line Break before Read More Links in Archive Pages #706519

    Ok. See below.

    in reply to: Styling Next/Prev Post Buttons #705925

    Yup, I see it now too and fresh changes take immediate effect. Cool.
    Hmm, I woulda sworn I’d shift-refreshed, not sure why it was sticky. Whatever.

    New related question — how can I style the thumbnail image that appears when the tab slides out?
    I wanna make it square, and might change the size, not sure. Thanks.

    in reply to: Styling a Fullwidth Sub Menu #705646

    That styled my site’s MAIN menu at the top of the page. Quite colorful and fun, but not what I’m going for. : )

    I need to style a “Full Width Sub-Menu” element within a page.
    In fact, just one specific one, seen on just this one page for now, which I’ve assigned CSS class of “blogsubmenu:

    in reply to: Profile Pics for Authors w/o Gravatars #704182

    Figured it out using WP User Avatar plugin and changing default avatar settings. Please mark resolved.

    in reply to: Excerpts Not Being Respected/Used #704077

    Or at least tell me how to set the number of characters or words at which the archive pages automatically introduce the “Read the Rest” link, as I can’t find any rhyme or reason to it. Posts display between 125 and 200 words, 1000 and 1200 characters, etc.

    in reply to: Excerpts Not Being Respected/Used #704070

    Can I get some help with this? It’s really annoying that some archive page layouts are displaying full post content while otehrs display excerpts which is what I want. I can limit what’s displayed on my archive pages by manually adding <!–more–> tags to my posts but that’s pain in the ass over several hundred posts.

    I found this two-year-old thread that offers a piece of code to add to functions.php, but I did that and nothing changed.

    Can you provide updated instructions?

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