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  • in reply to: Logo center and split menu left right #1212608

    Hi! Sorry I think I’ve created it the way I want now. Had to change the default logo to left: 53% in stead of 50% and change the margin-right in the first CSS code in this topic.


    in reply to: Translation of 'share this entry' not showing #1212551

    Yes that works, but when you select the text the white text is visible. Is there another way to remove it totally? Weird that it’s not working by .po file right..

    in reply to: Logo center and split menu left right #1212550

    Thanks Mike, it’s working. The only problem I have is the logo at default header is aligned left. The size is different than the transparent header. How can I fix that? See link!

    Hi! When I change the number to 1500 it has some delay. On my iphone / Safari it’s a fast jump, when I make my Google Chrome internet browser smaller on my laptop, than it’s a smooth scroll.

    Is it possible that the smooth scroll is not working on iphone safari?


    in reply to: Align testimonial name left #1209888

    Yes, it’s working! Thanks a lot!!

    What is the reason why I had to disable and than re-enable file merging?


    in reply to: Align testimonial name left #1209615

    Hi! Thanks, but I dont want the text to be centered. I tried text-align: left but that doesnt work..

    Hi! Thanks a lot! This is what I meant, perfect!

    Is is possible to let it scroll smoothly? And when you click on ‘Nijmegen’ you see the last grid content in stead of the first. Is it possible to always show the first portfolio items?

    Thank you very much!! Love your support!

    in reply to: Translation of 'share this entry' not showing #1206218

    Hi, unfortunately the translation is still not working. I’ve downloaded the plugin and when I go to the theme translation file (dutch) and look for ‘share this entry’ the translation is ‘share this story’. Because that’s what I filled in the .po file. But it still says ‘deel dit stuk’ on the site.

    Any ideas?

    in reply to: Logo center and split menu left right #1206213

    Thanks, that’s working but now my default header is also changing. I only want to apply these css codes to the transparent header. How can I do that?

    Tried to add .av_header_transparency to the css codes, but not working.


    in reply to: Show text when hover image #1205780

    I’ve created it with a tab plugin (Everest Tab in my case) Thanks!

    in reply to: Translation of 'share this entry' not showing #1203552

    Yes I’ve regenerate the .mo file, because I want to use not so many plugins. But I can try this one! I’ll let you know

    in reply to: Show text when hover image #1203537

    Hi Nikko,

    No it’s not fixed. The first images are opacity 1 when hovering, but there is no text when you hover them.

    In the bottom of the page you see the tab element. But that’s not what I want, but that are the texts that should be visible in the images above. That’s why I didn’t remove them.

    So I’m talking about the images 1 to 7 which are standing under eachother NOT next to eachother.

    When you hover an image, the text in the right column should be visible.


    in reply to: Full Height Column #1201926

    Yes, perfect!! THANK YOU!

    in reply to: Translation of 'share this entry' not showing #1201925

    Hi! See private data!


    in reply to: Customize new scroll down arrow in color section #1199544

    No, it’s working now! Thanks!

    in reply to: Customize new scroll down arrow in color section #1199294

    Ah sorry, I see I had to add this code also:

     * ----------------------------------------
     * animation scale-down-center
     * ----------------------------------------
    @-webkit-keyframes scale-down-center {
      0% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
                transform: scale(1);
      100% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(0.5);
                transform: scale(0.5);
    @keyframes scale-down-center {
      0% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
                transform: scale(1);
      100% {
        -webkit-transform: scale(0.5);
                transform: scale(0.5);

    Now it’s working! THANKS!

    in reply to: Customize new scroll down arrow in color section #1199290

    I know tried this code:

    #top .scroll-down-link {
    -webkit-animation: scale-down-center 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate both;
    animation: scale-down-center 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate both;
    bottom: 40px;

    But now there is no animation at all. Any ideas?

    in reply to: Customize new scroll down arrow in color section #1199288

    Sorry, i’m not talking about the scroll to top button but the scroll down link, the arrow what sent you to the section down under.

    I dont understand your css code. What are the classes “.avia_pop_class, .avia-search-tooltip”? Or do I need to fill in my own class here? The class of the scroll down arrow is:

    #top .scroll-down-link {
        -webkit-animation: avia_fade_move_down 2s ease-in-out infinite;
        animation: avia_fade_move_down 2s ease-in-out infinite;
        bottom: 40px;
    in reply to: Full Height Column #1199185

    Hi! Yes I want the pink column to reach the top of the screen. Now it stops at the bottom of the header menu, but I’m using the transparency header so I would like the pink column to go behind/above the header menu. I’ve made a screenshot and added a pink color in it so you can see what I mean.


    in reply to: Make backgroundimage column responsive #1199092

    Yes! That’s working, but now I would like to center the image and make him fit the column if you understand what I mean. When I make the browser smaller the image is not totally visible anymore and when the layout changes to 1 column the image is too small for the whole column.

    Hope you understand me. Open the link in your browser and then make the screen smaller. The image of Maarten (the first one) is the only one i’ve changed for now.

    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Logo center and split menu left right #1199023

    Hi! I also tried the code snippet above, but how can I make the logo bigger? The logo in transparent header is now max 100px width, while the logo is much bigger. I tried changing the max-width to 200px but then half the logo is visible. Any ideas? See link in private data!


    in reply to: Customize new scroll down arrow in color section #1197131

    See private data!

    in reply to: Customize new scroll down arrow in color section #1197117

    Hi! How can you change the sort of animation. Now its fading down. But is it possible to only fade in one time, or to pop up… or another animation?

    animation: avia_fade_move_down 2s ease-in-out infinite

    What is “avia_fade_move_down” is that a class? Are there more classes for animations?

    Hope you understand me! Thanks!

    in reply to: Full Height Column #1197094

    Hi! I want to achieve sort of the same for my site. This code is not working, but I can do it with padding top and bottom. Than the background is sort of full height, but the pink background stops at the menu header. Is it possible to make the content of this section go behind the transparent header? See link attached!

    Thanks a lot! Janneke

    in reply to: Make backgroundimage column responsive #1192518

    Hi! The background is working, but that has been working all the time. The only thing thats not working is background-size: cover. When you make the internet browser on desktop smaller you see that sometimes the image is bigger than the column. Now i’ve changed the size for some different screen sizes but it should be on every screen 100% with of the column.

    You understand me now?

    And another question: what css code can i use to make the picture a little bit fade into the other?

    Thanks a lot! Janneke

    in reply to: Make backgroundimage column responsive #1192367

    Hi! Sorry for the late reply but now working on this again. I got two ID’s with the same name because one element is not visible at small screens and the other not on big screens. Is that a problem when it’s the same element? Now changed the ID and tried your css code but the image is gone again.

    Any ideas? See website.

    in reply to: Read more button blog not working #1186350

    Hi! See private data! Thanks!

    in reply to: Tab section: slide to change tab on mobile #1185994

    The feature request page is not working so I’ll say it here: I would also really love it when the tabs (images/icons) on mobile can be swiped. Now nothing happens but when you swipe the text you go to the next tab. Thats perfect! But now it’s not totally clear as a visitor on my site that there are more tabs ‘outside’ the mobile screen.

    Hopefully it can be implemented as feature function :) Thanks!

    in reply to: Post slider carousel one by one #1185369

    That would be nice! Thanks!

    in reply to: Post slider carousel one by one #1184964

    Hi Rikard,

    I’ve 3 column layout but when you click on the right arrow, to see more portfolio items, you see 3 new items, but when you have 4 portfolio items you see only 1 item when you scroll. So I would like the slider to slide one by one.. am I more clear now?


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