Forum Replies Created
That did it!
Again, really appreciate your help!
Looks awesome! You’re a genius, thank you!
I’m sorry for asking (because I know it’s not your job to do everyone’s website, but…)
How can I:
1. Change the date format to: YYYY/MM/DD
2. Change the order to: Icon, Date, Headline (or even delete the icon)
3. Make the date and the blog title heading the same
Thank you so much again!
Thanks for the quick reply. I cleared the cache but that didn’t work.
Will attach the info.
Thank you
Thanks so much for the help, but it didn’t seem to work.
I’m just supposed to copy the edited “loop-index.php” file to the Enfold child theme folder right?
I also added the lines of code to the Enfold child theme general style CSS, but no dice…
Would appreciate your help.
Thank you!
Ugh…COMPLETE brain fart on my part.
I uploaded the updated style sheet to the wrong directory (multiple times).
I’m SO sorry for wasting your time.
Thank you for your continued support.
You guys are the best!
Additional steps I’ve taken:
-Downloaded the style.css sheet to another computer to verify I have removed the line of code.
-Checked my site from another computer to verify the problem exists on the other computer.Is it possible that my hosting provider also caches the site, then loads the site from that cached version.
Thank you again.
I look forward to your reply.
And, how do you get a 3/4 layout element (on its own, without a 1/4 layout element) to center align?
It’s even wrapping the text on a normal 17-inch desktop monitor.
I’ll attach the info in the private content
I actually expanded the layout element to 3/4 which keeps it inline, BUT…I can’t seem to get that 3/4 element to center.
Any advice on that?
That half worked thank you!
Ideally I’d like the image to stay in the same line.Hmm….
March 22, 2017 at 11:32 am in reply to: Connect post slider to subdirectory installation of WordPress #764714Victoria,
Thank you for your reply.
Hmm…The point is that I’d like to continue making blog posts from our WordPress installation in the BLOG subdirectory.
But, I’d like to show posts from the BLOG subdirectory on our MAIN SITE (which is frun from a separate WordPress installation in a different subdirectory [using Enfold]).
Enfold’s post slider is really nice so I thought it would be a good way to display posts (from the blog subdirectory) on our main site.
Does that make any more sense?
March 18, 2017 at 4:54 am in reply to: Connect post slider to subdirectory installation of WordPress #762816Victoria,
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, every time our existing blog creates a post, it automatically posts the article to various social networking sites. In order to not create a ton of dead links, I’d like to keep the blog in its existing sub directory.
Is there no way to point the post slider to that sub directory?
If not, I understand and I’ll have to look for a plugin to do it.
Thank you!
This one also seems resolved.
Thank you!
It seems to have worked after flushing both the plugin cache and browsing cache!
Thank you so much for your help again and I apologize for giving you extra work.
You guys are geniuses. Perfect!
Thank you so much again!
Any advice?
Thank you!
Didn’t work unfortunately.
Sorry about that.
I just made the site live today and hadn’t updated my links in these forums:
Thank you so much again.
And sorry about that.
It looks like it’s fixed. Thank you!
I may be back if it comes back though. Ha ha.
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for your help!
I used the property inspector to fine the border, and added this code:
.page-id-2973 .main_color, .main_color div, .main_color header, .main_color main, .main_color aside, .main_color footer, .main_color article, .main_color nav, .main_color section, .main_color span, .main_color applet, .main_color object, .main_color iframe, .main_color h1, .main_color h2, .main_color h3, .main_color h4, .main_color h5, .main_color h6, .main_color p, .main_color blockquote, .main_color pre, .main_color a, .main_color abbr, .main_color acronym, .main_color address, .main_color big, .main_color cite, .main_color code, .main_color del, .main_color dfn, .main_color em, .main_color img, .main_color ins, .main_color kbd, .main_color q, .main_color s, .main_color samp, .main_color small, .main_color strike, .main_color strong, .main_color sub, .main_color sup, .main_color tt, .main_color var, .main_color b, .main_color u, .main_color i, .main_color center, .main_color dl, .main_color dt, .main_color dd, .main_color ol, .main_color ul, .main_color li, .main_color fieldset, .main_color form, .main_color label, .main_color legend, .main_color table, .main_color caption, .main_color tbody, .main_color tfoot, .main_color thead, .main_color tr, .main_color th, .main_color td, .main_color article, .main_color aside, .main_color canvas, .main_color details, .main_color embed, .main_color figure, .main_color fieldset, .main_color figcaption, .main_color footer, .main_color header, .main_color hgroup, .main_color menu, .main_color nav, .main_color output, .main_color ruby, .main_color section, .main_color summary, .main_color time, .main_color mark, .main_color audio, .main_color video, #top .main_color .pullquote_boxed, .responsive #top .main_color .avia-testimonial, .responsive #top.avia-blank #main .main_color.container_wrap:first-child, #top .main_color.fullsize .template-blog .post_delimiter, .main_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a { border-color: #ffffff; }
It seemed to remove the line, but it seems like I may be covering too much. Can you pare that down to the smallest amount of code that I need?
Thank you!
Well it seemed to work on my iPhone after all (after clearing the browsing data/cache), but I checked on a friend’s phone and it’s still not resizing.
I successfully logged in using the username/password provided above, but I will include them again.
Thank you!
That didn’t seem to work either.
Have you checked it with a mobile device? The Google captcha doesn’t seem to be resizing.
That didn’t seem to work…
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, that did not fix the problem.
Can you please log in and see what the problem might be?
Thank you for your continued support!
Anyone there?
This issue seems to have miraculously solved itself (without me making any adjustments).
Thank you anyhow.
Sorry about that. Brain fart.
Thank you!
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
This one is longer, but not being a coder, I’m not sure if it’s necessarily better.
Thanks again.
@media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) { #recaptcha_challenge_image{ margin: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; } #recaptcha_response_field { margin: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; } .recaptchatable #recaptcha_image { margin: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; } .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r1_c1, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c1, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c2, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r7_c1, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r8_c1, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c3, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r2_c1, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c1, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c2, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c4, .recaptchatable .recaptcha_image_cell { margin: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; background: none !important; } }
This reply was modified 8 years ago by