Forum Replies Created
When i say i see the complete feed just by adding the URL of my Twitter-profile its not your job to doubt it.
Its your job to find the reason for the issue and deliver a solution.Plus:
Either our site it is on localhost – than you cant see.
Or it is live and in this case…do you really expect me to leave a situation online that could cause a lawsuit and gives our users the impression of complete incompetence?PROOF:
And please stop doubting always what we say – we are not stupidBoth URLs are examples.
None of them is ours.
So we proofed that it is not related to login status cause we are not logged in into one of them.SAME issue with Flickr
AND as you see …again problems with that weirdo editor removing always breaks like mentioned in my other thread.
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
InSilentio. Reason: added something
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
InSilentio. Reason: added "SAME issue with Flickr"
I already noticed that “powered by” even before posting here.
I did not install any other editor plugin.
I disabled all plugins and i still get the issue sometimes.
I did not do any customization besides some CSS – but that does not bring a new editor in charge.
Even the “normal” editor behaves weird – breaks are gone when i open the page again for editing. That is soooooo timeconsuming…None of these plugins brings a Tiny with it:
Custom Post Type UI
Version 1.11.2 von WebDevStudios (Aktuelle Version: 1.12.1)
Faster Appearance – Menus
Version 0.1.1 von Chris Mavricos, SevenSpark
Featured Image from URL (FIFU) Premium
Version 5.4.2 von
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Version 1.4.5 von The community
Matomo Analytics – Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.
Version 4.6.0 von Matomo (Aktuelle Version: 4.10.0)
Version 5.2.3 von John Godley
SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2
Version 1.535 von Purwedi Kurniawan
SEO Smart Links
Version 3.0.1 von Vladimir Prelovac
Version 1.8.3 von pluginkollektiv
UberMenu 3 – The Ultimate WordPress Mega Menu
Version 3.6.1 von Chris Mavricos, SevenSpark
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
Version 1.22.14 von UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson
WP Fastest Cache
Version 1.0.3 von Emre Vona
WP Media folder
Version 3.8.5 von Joomunited (Aktuelle Version: 5.4.5)
WP Migrate Lite
Version 2.3.1 von Delicious Brains (Aktuelle Version: 2.3.2)
Yoast Duplicate Post
Version 4.4 von Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast (Aktuelle Version: 4.5)
Yoast SEO
Version 19.3 von Team YoastEvi
It gets even more weird:
-The Editor changes almost everytime when i save.
– I edit something, i save. Its OK. I edit something else and all the edits i have done before are lost. Specially breaks.This is the editor i expect and i am used to and which i get in about 50% of all cases: is the “weird” editor which seems to cause the trouble and which i see in the other 50% of all cases: when this weird editor “magically” comes in charge the HTML shows a lot of markup i did not add like this:
<span dir="ltr" role="presentation"></span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation"> <br role="presentation" /><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">
And this “weird Editor” does not give the option to add ALB elements like the other editor does
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
InSilentio. Reason: added something
Your answer has no relation to the issue i mentioned / the question i asked.
The issue is:
I want to hide a video by using your responsiveness settings but it does not hide.
At least not at the breakpoints given in the settings.elvira
there is a widget called “Enfold latest Portfolio”.
“Portfolio” is a custom post type.
So there must be a simple way to either change the code somewehere so that this widget shows “classes” instead of “portfolio” or duplicate the widget.
Please tell me at least where i find the code that is responsible for echoing the “latest portfolio elements”or, better, the code for the functions.php that adds a widget “showing latest classes”.ADD:
How do i give the CPT called “classes” the same capabilities as “portfolio”?
Specially: Ajax-functionalitythanks
There is also a breadcrumb issue.
The breadcrumb for the post from the CPT “classes” should be like this:
Home–>classes–> name of the lecture
But it only shows:
Home–>name of the lectureI guess there needs to be some lines for the functions.php like there is for the well known “double breadcrumb”-issue.
The issue is not about the CPT-Settings – they are correct:
name: kurs
label: Kurse
singular_label: Kurs
description: Unsere Kurse
public: true
publicly_queryable: true
show_ui: true
show_in_nav_menus: true
delete_with_user: false
show_in_rest: false
rest_base: “”
rest_controller_class: “”
has_archive: false
has_archive_string: “”
exclude_from_search: false
capability_type: post
hierarchical: true
can_export: false
rewrite: true
rewrite_slug: kurs-workshop
rewrite_withfront: true
query_var: true
query_var_slug: “”
menu_position: “”
show_in_menu: true
show_in_menu_string: “”
menu_icon: “”
custom_supports: “”
enter_title_here: “”-
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
InSilentio. Reason: added something
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by
InSilentio. Reason: added something
You cant actually see it public since this part is still on localhost and not live.
But you can ask me about my settings and i will do my best to answer with a screencast or so.
Or maybe you can just try to reproduce it on your testing environments. No?Where would i have been included the scrset? I cant remember that i would have done this.
Kind regards
If you have a table with data, 10 rows, 5 columns and you watch it on a mobile you will not be able to understand which “desc-col” belongs to which data cell.What is a possible und reasonable solution to that?
kind regards
i doubt that your solution for number 3 is correct since it does not target the causing element..
I fiddled around with my poor CSS knowledge and could get some results by targeting “av-click-overlay” but i guess they are not really correct.
This needs to be fixed asap since it is blocking the whole idea.
A video where users cant put the sound on or level the loudness is absolutely useless.Kind regards
ElviraHello Yigit,
Sorry, but i didnt get it.
Problem one:
Filesize of small version is bigger than the original.
You gave me the solution described in Ismaels post
(Although i dont understand how a smaller version can have bigger filesize than the big one – but OK. )Problem two:
Although i defined in my functions.php that the modal window / lightbox should only load the original, precompressed file Enfold seems to generate at least 4 versions.Can we, for a better understanding, walk through the single questions?
1: Is the code i have in my functions.php (see above) correct?
2: Why does Enfold still generate multiple versions?
3: Is this conclusion correct?: “The more responsiveness, the more pageload“?Your advices:
1: There are three “checkboxes” (Which arent in fact checkboxes).
Which one do i have to disable?
2: When a “checkbox” is already blue and the added text says “Check to ENable theme support for responsive images ” it is very confusing.
(Unfortunately this kind of misleading translation is seen often in your theme)
Please tell me which “checkbox” i need to set and if i need to set it on “blue” or “grey” and please let me know what happens when i do.
3: Ismaels Post did not answer my second question:
“How do i fix this for all the 4160 images i already uploaded?”
What will happen with all these unwanted image versions when i disable “Responsive images”?
Will they disappear from my server by disabling?
If not – how do i get them removed from the server? I dont want my webspace bloat by unused files.Kind regards
ElviraSorry Rikard,
but i have to tell you that i prefer to have my requests answered by another moderator.
You seem to have, anyway how precise i describe a problem, only one standard answer: “Whats is the URL?”
Even if i tell you that there is no public URL cause i build it on my localhost.
So please be as polite and respectful to your customers as you expect them to be towards you.Not to talk about the fact that i needed to wait for 11 days and another post is still waiting since FOUR WEEKS.
You havent even answer a question which does not need acess or URL to be answered: “What is “Pa Color”?”Elvira
PS: This issue has already been solved – cause i cant wait almost two weeks for an “answer”
I already described the problem:
“columns stack below since nobody will ever understand how all the data belong to each other.”Elvira
Yes i see but it does not explain the first mentioned issue:
“why do i have an image like this in my source code?
I have a slider that is 1920 x 765 with an image of 1920 x 765”The slider i added shows an image that has 1920px width.
Slider & image is full width.
Why do i get images with 1500px width?Elvira
The same happens with the “normal” slider.
1: Why is there a 1500 when i use a 1920?
2: When a 1500 is stretched to 1920 it looks bad.
(The setting is: “Use original size” but obvious it doesnt)-
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
Hi Guenni,
meanwhile i found the reason.
I had a link to a podcast embedded and that one was loading a lot of stuff and since i am not so confident with network-inspection i didnt see it.Its solved.
thanks for helpingElvira
Looked deeper:
This is what i added:
[av_gallery ids='27745' style='thumbnails' preview_size='no scaling' crop_big_preview_thumbnail='avia-gallery-big-no-crop-thumb' thumb_size='portfolio_small' columns='5' imagelink='lightbox' link_dest='' lightbox_text='caption' lazyload='animations_off' img_scrset='' html_lazy_loading='enabled' alb_description='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' av_uid='av-rgbict4' sc_version='1.0' admin_preview_bg='']
This is what i get and this is definitely not what it supposed to be
One image added, got 4 different in my HTML that bloats my pageload<a href="" data-rel='gallery-1' data-prev-img='' class='lightbox ' data-onclick='4' title='' itemprop="thumbnailUrl" ><img loading="lazy" class="wp-testimage-27902 avia-img-lazy-loading-27902" data-avia-tooltip='' src="" width="260" height="185" title='' alt='' /><div class='big-prev-fake'><img loading="lazy" class="wp-testimage-27902 avia-img-lazy-loading-27902" width="1583" height="800" src="" title='' alt='' srcset=" 1583w, 1030w, 80w, 768w, 1536w, 1500w, 705w" sizes="(max-width: 1583px) 100vw, 1583px" /></div></a>
1: When i add a masonry gallery with “portfolio smalll 260 x 185” i see a gallery with thumbnails.
Every thumb should be 260 x 185. Right?2: When the thumbnail is linked via lightbox with the big image, the image should be loaded when a user clicks on it (because this is what a link does)
Not before, Right?Weird:
– About 50% of all images do not show the original image like i defined in my functions.php
They are like image-1500×710.jpg” or 1500×550″ or “1500×786″ or 1500×758”This is absolutely not understandable
This is the code i found in some other thread where the user wanted to see the images in the lightbox in original size and so i want too:
// Bilder in Galerie in Lightbox in Originalgröße anzeigen function avia_change_gallery_thumbnail_link($link, $attachment, $atts, $meta){ $link = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, "full"); return $link; } add_filter('avf_avia_builder_gallery_image_link', 'avia_change_gallery_thumbnail_link', 10, 4); function avia_change_masonry_thumbnail_link($size) { return "full"; } add_filter('avf_avia_builder_masonry_lightbox_img_size', 'avia_change_masonry_thumbnail_link', 10, 1);
Hallo @guenni007
thanx for helping out.
I didnt knew that widgets are able to process shortcodes.
That was the “bottleneck”kind regards
elviraSorry Yigit,
but this did not answer any of my questions.
I know where and how to disable/enable LL but this was not what i wanted to know, neither about 3rd Party Plugins.1: Which elements are influenced by Lazy Load?
2: On which elements it should be used or not (on which it is more recommended than others)?
3: What can happen in a bad case?
How to check?
4: Will it stay safe when checked once or do have to check every Enfold update?
…and so onEvi
Problem is that the website is still on my localhost.
So how can we solve this?Just to make sure that the problem is not my SVG….can you provide me with a tested and working SVG and i try to embed it?
This way we could have circled the problemEvi
Sorry, but i dont understand.
Maybe i should go back one step and describe better what i need:A video that:
– is full stretch
– shows any kind of preview
– does not load data before a user clicks on “play”
– is stored localkind regards
elviraIt seems as if we dont understand each other.
I was asking for something like a Template “out of the box” (i know that i can create my own “Coming soon” page”
“has Enfold an option to have a nice “Under Construction” or “Coming Soon” message for a SUBPAGEEvi
Hi Mike,
1: when you scroll deeper you find also other threads (and maybe i used also other search strings but i cant remember and unfortunately i didnt save them)2: “logo container is wrapped in the link so the image, Topic, Company, and Slogan will all be in the link.”
OK. But i definitely found at least two threads where clients were asking about “adding a text beside the logo” (maybe i need to search again)
And i cant imagine that there is no way to put a <div> with text beside it.3: title & alt attributes dont count so much as headers or so.
4: Header widget
This was what i tried first.
I followed the advice i found in another thread which was from 2019 if i remember correct but it led to bad looking situation on smaller screens
(Should i give it another try?)The last version i tried was this:
add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition'); function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) { $sub .= "<div id='text'></div>"; $sub .= "<div id='claim'></div>"; return $sub; }
kind regards
ElviraHallo Mike
1: my testsite is still on a xampp/localhost, sorry.2: A google search lead me to several threads with more or less different suggestions: One suggestion i found was from @guenni007 and his idea was to use the “individual link” from the menu to do it but i couldnt figure out how to style / put the second slogan.
4: I dont care so much about the exact organisation of logo + text + subtext as long as it works / looks OK.
I need it for SEO reasons and maybe i need to put a Hx or “strong” into it5: Do you know by chance if text in SVG is searchable for searchengines and if it is taken into account when it comes to ranking?
Here is a very raw scribble:
The circle = just a graphic
“Topic” = should be the homelink. It contains our main keyword (this should maybe become a H1 or a span or a strong – depends on the decision we make with the Themesettings)
“Company” = just text, but seperately stylable from the rest – so it should have a own span
“Slogan” = just text, but seperately stylable from the rest – so it should have a own spanSounds much but is at least the same then i already asked – just in words than in code.
And like i said:
I dont care how it looks as long as it looks proper and not like a bug/issue.kind regards
ElviraYes, perfect.
Thank you @guenni007!!
Maybe you want to take that into your documentation??Addendum:
For the same task i need some more advice.
-I added a new CPT – “classes”.
-I published a page called classes and i use a masonry element to call all posts from the CPT “classes”
-Now i got a 3 or 4 column page with a masonry, description & title as a layer over the image, vanishing on mouse over
– i give a custom CSS class for the masonry element – lets say “workshop”Questions
What are the selectors to:
1: Change the color and the transparency for the overlay
2: Change the font size or color of the description and title?
3: Change the single masonry element for changing borders, border-radius or so.add 4:
Is there a way to let the excerpt process Enfold-Shortcodes?
(I would like to have a button as a kind of “Read more) to every Masonry element)kind regards
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
InSilentio. Reason: added something
It would be nice if there wouldnt be so many uncommented threads which lead in the wrong direction.
It takes hours until you find the correct answer – if.close thread, please!
Correct answer:
function avf_alb_supported_post_types_mod( array $supported_post_types ) { $supported_post_types[] = 'YOUR CUSTOM POST NAME'; $supported_post_types[] = 'YOUR CUSTOM POST NAME'; return $supported_post_types; } add_filter('avf_alb_supported_post_types', 'avf_alb_supported_post_types_mod', 10, 1); function avf_metabox_layout_post_types_mod( array $supported_post_types ) { $supported_post_types[] = 'YOUR CUSTOM POST TYPE'; $supported_post_types[] = 'YOUR CUSTOM POST TYPE'; return $supported_post_types; } add_filter('avf_metabox_layout_post_types', 'avf_metabox_layout_post_types_mod', 10, 1);
Hi Mike,
my questions were more about the “How to”
How do i get back to the bundled version?
How do i keep the slidersettings when i step back to the bundled version (i dont mean the effects i might loose)kind regards
kind regards
“thanks” for wasting my time by leading me into the wrong direction.
I would prefer if that wont happen so often.I added it into the functions.php.
It gives a new option to choose from.
I see the link exists
It does NOT provide a new icon – the link is there but invisibleplease explain better!
ElviraWhat is the “Custom Maintenance Page”?
Even more:
When i call posts from category “apple”, “oranges” & “berries” the page shows also posts from the category “cucumber”
(its an example!)The posts from the category “cucumber” do NOT belong to any other category.
Please tell me how to fix that!Hi,
do i understand that right?Enfold does not offer the option to provide locally hosted video in a “usability” way and if i want to take care of my customers bandwith (or SEO) i have to use videos in a way which is not safe regarding GDPR?
(Can you explain why “lazy load” is not available with locally hosted videos?
Can you explain how i add a fullwidth-video which should play only on useraction in accordance to the GDPR? )kind regards
i just tested and they all open in a browser.BTW: Did you notice that there is a problem with “logo1” too?
kind regards
Elvira -
This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by