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  • in reply to: Changes on pages wont'save #753275

    Hi Nikki,
    Thanks for the reply.

    The site was a clone from another install.
    I used WP Migrate pro to export the database with find and replace for the new domain on the mysql file prior to exporting.
    On the new site I dropped the database tables and imported the mysql file.
    Updated all the plugins and WordPress etc.
    However this is where the problems started…. and hence my frustration.
    After some trolling…
    I then installed ‘Better find and Replace’ plugin . After doing a “Domain Name” find and replace across the entire wordpress database – and reinstalled core wordpress folders – things seemed to settle down a bit.

    Still getting intermittent errors

    I have over 20 sites running ENFOLDs and across the board I constantly get 404 page errors.

    I will start another thread specifically for 404 page errors.



    The site is not using a MAP at all, yet Enfold is still loading the Google Map API code regardless.

    Shouldn’t loading the Google Map javascript be conditional based on a map being used.

    in reply to: Changes on pages wont'save #751205

    Same Problem here.

    Brand new website WordPress 4.7.2
    Fresh install of Enfolds 3.8.5

    1. On updating a page, I would say 1 – 5 times the changes will save. 404 Page not found Errors – Iv’e got into a habit of copying the debug window content before saving – this is bloody annoying.

    2. Avia Layout Builder won’t display – spinning loading icon from hell. Activating default editor and re-activating Avia Layout builder back on, sometimes fixes the issue.

    3. HTTP errors when upload images through Avia Layout Builder elements – have to upload via WP Media Gallery – refresh the page so that Avia Layout builder picks up new images – then I can add Images to the page

    4. Avia Layout Builder Media Gallery – wont show images have to reload the page or takes over 2-3 min to display the gallery – spinning loading icon from hell.

    5. Edit page – instant 404 page not found errors – have to reload the same url 3 times to get it to get admin edit page to load


    Hi Basilis,

    Thanks for your response.

    I tried to attack this from a different perspective, by trying to deactivate the Screen Options for ‘Avia Layout Builder’ – which in theory would hide the Avia Layout Builder Meta Box. However it seems that Avia Layout Builder has become non-responsive to Screen Options selection.

    I then tried to Hide the ‘#avia_builder’ by adding style ‘display:none !important’ – again however this interfered with ‘Update’ post function.

    As I have already enqueued javascript scripts specifically for admin – I ended up just closing the Avia Layout Builder Meta Box via jQuery add.class ‘closed’ to the ‘#avia_builder’.

    This will do for now and will hopefully stop the client from editing the content other then via ACF.

    Final script for custom post types…
    1. Automatically Activate Avia Layout Builder
    2. Automatically Load Correct Avia Template
    3. Automatically Close Avia Layout Builder Meta Box
    4. On Publish check that Avia Layout Builder is Activated

    All because client’s click on things they aren’t meant too .

    jQuery(document).ready (function ($) {
    //	Automatically load Avia Layout Builder Template for Add New Post
    //	Avia Templates are listed Alphabetically starting with click order 0 1 2 3 etc and are visible in the templates / Load Template
    //	The list below a:eq() should be adjusted ( a:eq(0) a:eq(1)  a:eq(2)  etc. ) if a new template is added update or replaced
    //	custom_post_type_1
    //	custom_post_type_2
    //	custom_post_type_2
    		var $body = $('body');
    		// custom_post_type_1 - ADD NEW / ACTIVATE TEMPLATE
            if ($body.hasClass ('post-type-custom_post_type_1')) {
            var $aviaBuilderButton = $('#avia-builder-button');
    			$(window).on ('load', function () {
    				if ($body.hasClass('post-new-php')) {
    					//avia-template-list-wrap load fist template in the list
    					$('.avia-template-list-wrap a:eq(0)').click();
    			//close avia layout builder metabox	
    			$('#avia_builder').addClass( 'closed' );
    			// if the avia layout builder is not selected on publish
    			$('#publish').on('click', function (e) {'CLICK PUBLISH');
    				if ($aviaBuilderButton.hasClass('avia-builder-active') == false) {
    		// custom_post_type_2 - ADD NEW / ACTIVATE TEMPLATE - Repeat code

    cheers ;)


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your response.

    Locking the Advance Layout builder only locks the position of the elements for non-admins.

    The content within the element can still be edited.

    is there a specific function that handles word press editing on the Advanced Layout builder

    in reply to: Shortcodes inside Shortcodes #711025

    I am having the same issue

    I have multiple shortcodes nested in side different tabs.

    Tab 1 [Gallery]
    Tab 2 [Video]
    Tab 3 [Map]

    However if I try to sub nest a child Tab set within a Parent Tab

    [av_tab_container position='top_tab' boxed='border_tabs' initial='1']
    [av_tab title='Parent Tab 1' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Parent Tab 1 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Parent Tab 2' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Parent Tab 2 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Parent Tab 3' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Parent Tab 3 Content goes here
    [av_tab_container position='sidebar_tab sidebar_tab_left' boxed='border_tabs' initial='1']
    [av_tab title='Child Tab 1' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Child Tab 1 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Child Tab 2' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Child Tab 2 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Child Tab 3' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Child Tab 3 Content goes here
    END Parent Tab 3 Content

    It appears that the parent tab element and tab container are escaped by the child tab set

    see screen shot here

    I gather that there is an issue with the original tab shortcode that is not executing ob_get_clean();

    it’s been 3 years since this was initially discussed

    And one years since this thread was opened.

    Is there a solution yet ?

    Actual on other frameworks I believe this was solve by doing the following:

    [av_tab_1] [/av_tab_1]
    [av_tab_2] [/av_tab_2]
    [av_tab_3_1_1] [/av_tab_3_1_1]
    [av_tab_3_1_2] [/av_tab_3_1_2]
    [av_tab_3_1_3] [/av_tab_3_1_3]
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.

    OK after some trouble shooting I have narrowed this down.


    On the LAYER – STYLES tab
    Font Family

    You cannot have quotation marks around the font name like this "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

    if you do then on SAVE CHANGES you will loose any font styling including: Font: Family, Size, Line-height, Color.

    Just remove the quotation marks from the font family
    Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

    and the styles are kept.

    cheers : )

    Updated code to remove related videos at the end of Avia youtube url link

    embed_oembed replaced with embed_oembed_html

    Add this to your child theme functions.php file.

     function remove_related_videos( $html, $url, $args ) {
        if ( strpos( $html, '' ) !== false ) {
            return str_replace( 'feature=oembed','feature=oembed&rel=0', $html );
        } else {
            return $html;
    add_filter( 'embed_oembed_html', 'remove_related_videos', 10, 3 );

    Hi Support,

    Kriesi released ENFOLD 3.6 Today. – Thanks Kriesi ;)

    Did an update ENFOLD from 3.5.4 to 3.6
    this included the latest version of LayerSlider 5.6.8
    Issues regarding the LayerSlider have been resolved with this update.

    This thread can be closed!

    Hi Ismael,

    I think you are missing the point.

    Slider Settings > slide width by default is 600px;

    if you change ANY slide setting to anything else other than default the setting is not changed
    Try change the slide dimension slide width from default 600px to 1600px and save
    reload the slide from the ALL sliders – view the settings – the width is still default 600px.

    try insert a background image on each of the slides. Save . Reload the slide from All Sliders. The slides don’t have a background image.

    Hi Ismael,

    I’m talk entirely about the layer slider admin – nothing to do with the front end display

    try changing the slide settings or adding another slide and save

    nothing is saved

    Hi Ismael

    I tested with out any plugins installed

    I have since installed Advanced Custom Fields PRO

    url provided

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.

    Ok Confirmed!

    ENFOLD 3.5.1

    Please also note – that Masonry Grid , did not work with Custom Post types enabled.
    This was fixed with the upgrade.

    UPGRADED to ENFOLD 3.5.4

    Added new LayerSlider = “TEST”
    LAYOUT >
    slider width: 100%
    slider height: 150
    responsive: yes
    Full-width: yes
    Responsive under :1140px
    Layer Container:1140px
    Other Settings: Two way slideshow
    Show Prev & Next buttons: yes
    Show Prev & Next buttons on hover: yes

    LAYERSLIDER WP > ALL Sliders > open “TEST”

    All the settings are Default

    SLIDE #1
    Slide Options >
    slide image & thumbnail – set background image

    LAYERSLIDER WP > ALL Sliders > open “TEST”
    No Thumbnail image
    No slide background image

    also tested adding a second SLIDE #2 >saved and opened again – NO SLIDE #2

    So it appears that LayerSlider is not actually saving any data

    further debug testing…

    Don’t upgrade theme and leave Parent Theme at ENFOLD 3.5.1

    The LayerSlider settings are saved.

    I am now able to add slides to my slider

    After I have done adding the slides – I will do a backup of the site. – then upgraded the parent theme – to see if the error still occurs.

    back soon!

    in reply to: Cloudflare kills the theme #617087

    Ok to be more specific

    I have narrowed this down to the following.

    CloudFlare > Speed > Turn OFF Rocket Loader

    Rocket Loader Improves load time for pages that include JavaScript.

    Please note the disclaimer on the text below.

    What does Rocket Loader do?
    Rocket Loader can improve load times for pages that include JavaScript. Your search engine ranking may be improved by reducing page load time.
    Rocket Loader improves page load times by:
    Decreasing the number of network requests by bundling JavaScript files, even third party resources, to avoid slowing down page rendering
    Asynchronously loading scripts, including third party scripts, so that they do not block the content of your page from loading immediately
    Caching scripts locally (using LocalStorage, available on most browsers and smart phones) so they aren't refetched unless necessary
    What Rocket Loader setting should I use?
    Automatic: Optimize all JavaScript resources on your website. No configuration required
    Manual: Selectively enable Rocket Loader for individual scripts. Add the following attribute to the script tag for each script where you want to enable Rocket Loader:
    Note: The 'data-cfasync' attribute must be added to the HTML script tag before the 'src' attribute (adding the attribute via JavaScript is not sufficient).
    * Rocket Loader is considered Beta because it’s an experimental feature that modifies the loading and execution flow of Javascript. While efforts are taken to increase Rocket Loader’s compatibility with third-party Javascripts, not all scripts work with this feature. Issues with Rocket Loader affect only a small percentage of customers.

    For more information
    What does Rocket Loader do?

    How can I have Rocket Loader ignore my script(s) in Automatic Mode?

    As Rocket Loader is in BETA – I have specifically contacted CloudFlare Support regarding this issue and hopefully the 42,175 LayerSlider users and 87,813 Enfold Users will provide them enough incentive to do something about this.

    Cheers ; )

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.
    in reply to: Cloudflare kills the theme #616137

    Alternative workaround for now

    in CloudFlare add a page rule and bypass the caching for any page that has a LayerSlider WP slider on it.

    This will do until the developer of LayerSlider WP provides and update to work with CloudFlare

    in reply to: Cloudflare kills the theme #616103

    OK I’d like to jump in on this one as well.

    WP 4.5
    ENFOLD 3.5.3

    Live Website
    Home page has a FULL PAGE SLIDER
    After optimising speed for my clients website tweak after tweak after tweak to get the home page Kriesi Enfold to load in a reasonable time. I thought I was finished.

    After navigating other pages I realised that no Layersliders were working .

    I jumped over to the development site and match setting for setting plugin to plugin DEV site to LIVE site.
    all layer sliders worked on the DEV site.
    On the LIVE site I then proceeded to turn off all Caching and optimisation that I just completed
    Turned CloudFlare to DEV mode
    Turned CloudFlare = PAUSE

    Quite Google Chrome
    Opened Google Chrome
    Clear Cache all images since beginning of time
    Loaded the website – and all layersliders worked.
    I then proceed to turn on each plugin and settings one by one doing a hard refresh between each activation.

    To be logical about this I stopped when I got to the page speed and cache plugins and did not activate these.
    As I wanted to eliminate CLOUDFLARE as the culprit.

    So at this point everything is working as expected.

    Turned CloudFlare to DEV mode OFF
    Turned CloudFlare = ACTIVE

    Quite Google Chrome
    Opened Google Chrome
    Clear Cache all images since beginning of time
    Loaded the website – NO LAYER SLIDERS WORKED!

    to summaries…
    If I activate CloudFare all LayerSlide WP sliders stop working.

    Interesting the home page full screen slider is not effected.

    I have replaced the layerslider with a static image for now until support can provide an update fix to this issue.

    in reply to: AJAX-Portfolio change image size #614432

    Hi Ismael,

    1.) Thanks for the code. I see that this deletes the original image. But it does not assign another image as the thumbnail image for the word press Media Library. ?

    2.) thanks I think I understand. However I was actually wanting to set the image size on the AJAX PORTFOLIO GALLERY. However After resizing the window I see that the AJAX PORTFOLIO GALLERY is RESPONSIVE and there for source image for the gallery large image changed to the appropriate image source as the browser window resized.
    So this one is ALL GOOD!
    Thanks ; )

    in reply to: AJAX-Portfolio change image size #612118

    Hi Ismael,

    I’d like to jump on this as well.

    I’ve been reading forums for a couple of hours now – but nothing’s really answers the questions.

    More and more I am getting clients that don’t even know how to resize an image – which is totally frustrating.
    I have setup a new website and everything has been size and uploaded at the correct size for each element.
    it’s perfect!

    However once the client steps in – I just know that original iPad or iPhone images are going to be uploaded to the WordPress Gallery.
    These original full size images will range from 2 MB to 5MB.

    To remedy this I have installed SMUSH PRO.
    ( however with smush pro activated – I keep getting HTML Errors when uploading to the Image Library)

    I also am aware that Enfold Resizes the images to the theme thumbnail sizes. However..

    ISSUE 1.
    The original uploaded full size image still remains on the server.
    File size: 3 MB
    Dimensions: 3264 × 2448

    I’d like to make one of the enfold theme images (or a custom image size) as the new full size image and delete the original full size image from the upload directory.
    The hope is that when your in WordPress Media Library and you select an image – the attachment details window is some thing more like this.
    File size: 134KB
    Dimensions: 845×684 (Which is the Enfold thumbnail size for Gallery – 845×684)

    I’m looking into the link below as a solution but wanted to know if there is something else a plugin or some previous supplied forum code that already does this.?

    ISSUE 2

    When you attach an image as a Feature Image or to an Ajax Portfolio Gallery – the ability to select the attachment size is not available.

    As discussed when setting up the site and creating a Ajax Portfolio and the Post Feature Images I have cropped and resized the images for their specific tasks.

    So before handing off to the client I have done a test and upload 2 original iPhone photos
    IMAGE 1
    File size: 3 MB
    Dimensions: 3264 × 2448
    IMAGE 2
    File size: 2 MB
    Dimensions: 3264 × 2448

    When I add these images to the Ajax Portfolio and then inspect the gallery element in Google Chrome Dev tools – The Gallery Large preview image above the smaller thumbnail images are 1030 x 773 which is a proportionate scaling of the original image dimensions to Enfold Thumbnail size Large – 1030 x 687.

    The thing is when I setup the site – I resized and uploaded all image for the Ajax Portfolio gallery to be (Gallery – 845 x 648)

    So moving forward the client is not going to know how to crop resize and upload the correct image dimensions

    I hoping that you can provide an example using the code above that does the reverse … and actually predefines which enfold thumbnail size (example: Gallery – 845×684) is to be the default image size for all Ajax Portfolio Gallery Images
    OR (example: entry with sidebar – 845 x 321) is to be the default image size of all Feature Images
    regardless of the original image dimensions and actually use the Enfold thumbnail sized images.

    That way the client can’t mess-up the site moving forward.

    I look forward to your response

    in reply to: ENFOLD – Header Phone Number/Extra Info – Phone Varies #544276

    Ok for anyone else who comes across this problem in the future.

    Where have a website that is heavily built on Advance Custom Fields (ACF)
    There are 2 custom post types

    When adding a new custom_post_type there is an ACF “phone” to capture and display the phone number.
    Between the 2 custom post types above, this affect 26 posts.
    No big deal – but it may be if you have hundreds’ of posts.

    So we discovered the Kriesi Enfold Theme header meta data uses
    "id" => "phone",

    So now when we navigate to: custom_post_type_1 or custom_post_type_2 – instead of showing the
    ENFOLD CHILD > HEADER > EXTRA ELEMENTS > Phone Number or small info text
    The text is replaced with the Advance Custom Filed (ACF) “phone” for that post.

    Nice to know if you intentionally want to make this happen. But if you don’t then do the following:

    In your theme’s function.php file add the following:

    function enfold_filter_header_options( $header ){
    	if( is_single() ){
    		$post_type = get_post_type();
    		if( in_array( $post_type, array( 'custom_post_type_1', 'custom_post_type_2' ) ) ){
    			$settings = avia_get_option();
    			if( isset( $settings['phone'] ) ){
    				$header['phone'] = $settings['phone'];
    	return $header;
    add_filter( 'avf_header_setting_filter', 'enfold_filter_header_options', 10, 1 );

    I hope this helps someone else with a similar problem.

    in reply to: ENFOLD – Header Phone Number/Extra Info – Phone Varies #535792

    it goes deeper than that


    line 1764

    $avia_elements[] = array(
    						"name" 	=> __("Phone Number or small info text", 'avia_framework'),
    						"desc" 	=> __("Add the text that should be displayed in your header here", 'avia_framework'),
    						"id" 	=> "phone",
    						"type" 	=> "text",
    						"std"	=> "",
    						"class" => "av_2columns av_col_2",
    						"required" => array('header_phone_active','{contains}phone_active'),
    						"slug"	=> "header");

    the id = phone

    is a called be several functions


    	if(!empty($theme_options['phone'])) $theme_options['header_phone_active'] = "phone_active_right extra_header_active";


    $phone			= $headerS['header_phone_active'] != "" ? $headerS['phone'] : "";

    it’s not the string $phone
    it’s the #ID of the field [‘phone’] thats the same ID as the ACF

    in reply to: ENFOLD – Header Phone Number/Extra Info – Phone Varies #535780


    line 68 – 71

    						//phone/info text	
    						$phone			= $headerS['header_phone_active'] != "" ? $headerS['phone'] : "";
    						$phone_class 	= !empty($nav) ? "with_nav" : "";
    						if($phone) 		{ echo "<div class='phone-info {$phone_class}'><span>".do_shortcode($phone)."</span></div>"; }

    The string $phone is the issue.

    Our site uses Advanced Custom Fields extensively as part of the admin for Custom Post Types.
    ACF get_field ('phone'); of each location.

    On each location page a function calls get_field ('phone'); to return the phone number for that location. That phone number is then also being used by the header function do_shortcode($phone) changing the message within #header_meta

    Nice to know finally what’s going on.
    I might write a function at some point allowing the customisation of the message of each pages phone number – which could be quite interesting.

    Since phone is a common string name – it would be good if the next updated of ENFOLDS included renaming $phone within your function, to something that was more ENFOLDS specific $avia_phone removing my need to hack the parent file and removing any future conflicts to other programers…

    if($avia_phone) {
    echo "<div class='phone-info 

    Our programmer is working on a filter to get around manually editing the parent theme and I will post back a solution once it’s completed.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.

    private info added

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.

    I think your missing the point.


    add a new page
    TURN ON advanced layout builder
    create layout builder elements

    [av_section min_height='' min_height_px='500px' padding='default' shadow='no-shadow' bottom_border='no-border-styling' scroll_down='' id='' color='main_color' custom_bg='' src='' attach='scroll' position='top left' repeat='no-repeat' video='' video_ratio='16:9' video_mobile_disabled='' overlay_enable='' overlay_opacity='0.5' overlay_color='' overlay_pattern='' overlay_custom_pattern='']
    [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='']
    Click here to add your own text
    [av_postslider link='category' columns='3' items='9' offset='0' contents='excerpt' preview_mode='auto' image_size='portfolio' autoplay='no' interval='5']


    Copy the HTML code FROM the debug window
    add a new page
    TURN ON advanced layout builder
    in the debug window paste the html code
    PUBLISH the page
    the advanced layout builder window will update with the new elements
    view page

    The page will have a space between the header and the beginning of the colour section.

    Only occurs in a child theme when you copy and paste from debug window.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.

    Kriesi has fixed this issue in the lastest Enfold release (3.1.4)

    Hi Yigit

    thanks for the paste bin.
    I now have missing side bar widgets.

    Displayed Everywhere
    Shop Overview Page
    Sidebar Blog
    Sidebar Pages

    I only have..
    Footer 1
    Footer 2
    Footer 3
    Footer 4
    Single Product Pages

    I could recreate the missing widgets – however I was under the assumption these were added by the theme and WooCommerce

    I don’t see how I can recreate “Display Everywhere” using the Create new Sidebar Widget Areas.

    any suggestions

    in reply to: wordpress 4.2 update broken enfold theme register_sidebar #435153
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: wordpress 4.2 update broken enfold theme register_sidebar #435130
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Enfold LayerSlider Slide Layer URL Links #430038
    This reply has been marked as private.
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