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  • in reply to: Google Captcha: 2020 Edition #1170112

    Hello Rikard,

    I tried this step and once I did the forms stopped sending to our contact emails, just as the other forum posts did. Not sure what I have to do to make this work by just enabling Google Services.

    Please advise and thanks.

    in reply to: Required Form Field Style #1162390

    It worked. As always Rikard, thanks for your prompt support! You can close this thread.

    in reply to: Required Form Field Style #1161962

    Please see the link below for reference. Thank you.

    Sorry for the late reply on this, but it does appear that Beta does fix the form rendering on IE11. Thank you for your assistance and thank you @stimmungshoch for your feedback and tips.

    Thanks for this Ismael. Not sure why the other moderators wouldn’t put this information in their replies and even more confused by Basilis’ response.

    Do you have an application that will perform this operation for Macintosh? Please advise and thanks.

    Thank you Jordan, but still need a good copy of the beta Please see screenshot for error when using the Archive Utility on Mac. Unable to install Enfold theme folder after unzipping on both PC and Mac. I’ve never had to use a password and have had no problems when downloading earlier versions of the themes from Envato.

    View post on

    Thank you and hoping to get this resolved soon since it has been a few months regarding this issue with no resolution.

    Thanks Victoria. I’ve never used the archive utility. Can you please explain how to use it to install new theme via FTP? Thank you.

    Having problems with the beta download can anybody assist with this? All php files do not extract properly. Please see link in private content. Thank you.

    Please take a closer look login url and credentials in private content

    Really? So I have to find another theme for all my brands? From earlier and different posts about IE 11, Kriesi states that this will be patched in the next version.

    Please find screenshots and login credentials in private content area. Also can use the emulator to see the issues with the animations and the forms. These issues were found on IE11 and previous legacy browsers.

    in reply to: Website not displaying correctly in IE11 #1126661


    in reply to: Enfold footer, need centre alignment #1125723

    That did it. Thanks Rikard!

    in reply to: Enfold footer, need centre alignment #1119967
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    in reply to: Enfold footer, need centre alignment #1119703

    Thanks Rikard! Is there a style that you have handy that would remove the underline in the link? I have one for the footer widgets that work, but it doesn’t seem to work on the Privacy Policy link. Thank you!

    in reply to: Enfold footer, need centre alignment #1118977

    How would I get the Privacy Policy links right justified on the footer as seen in the link attached. I can see where I add the Social Icons, but would like to add page links.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Internet Explorer 11 compatability #1116107
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    in reply to: Internet Explorer 11 compatability #1115548

    Is Enfold available on themeforest? I am having the same compatibility issues with IE11. I’ve downloaded the enfold directory, but not sure it is the version with the new patch.

    Thank you!!

    This is great and thank you. I will implement this for all our sites. I did have the Delete old CSS and JS files enabled, but yet to see the problem completely eliminated. I do not intend to install a caching plugin until the site is finished. I do have one site on a different Enfold theme with the CSS/JS merging disabled and have Autoptimze installed, the theme performs great and extremely fast, I love it. I also have another Enfold theme with CSS/JS merging enabled and the Delete old CSS and JS checked and there are no animation problems.

    Thanks for the tip on the WP Classic feature, moving forward I will have this option enabled and ditch the plugin.

    Again, many thanks and appreciate the quick response and thorough instruction.

    Hello Mike,
    Thank you for your response. This seems to have worked, but specific to the JavaScript merging option. I disabled JS, CSS merging and selected Always load all elements in the theme builder option and the animations and tab styles were good again. When turning on these elements one at a time it seems that the only time the animations break is when JSS file merging is enabled. The sites animations will work with CSS merging enabled and Load only used elements is set for the Template Builder Elements, which I prefer. What’s more, when doing these operations the logo will break in the header, and I have to delete the existing logo in the Theme Options tab and upload it again from the Media Gallery to make it visible again, no big deal on that task.

    The error actually began when I changed the link/background colors in the Main Menu navigation in the Advanced Styling tab. It was buggy and not taking the changes I made immediately, and after awhile broke the animations and tabs. After that, any changes saved in the General/Advanced tabs, whether it be Quick CSS, font colors or H1 colors, that operation broke the animations, rollovers and tabs.

    I didn’t disable the plugins for this test as I only have 3 enabled with the Classic Editor being the only one I’m not familiar with. This does not seem to be the issue causing the problem.

    In short, I’m glad this works, but I do like to have the JS merged for performance and will either enable Autoptimize or WP Super Cache down the line for quicker page loading times.

    Thank you very much for your clear direction and I will reach out to support if any problems arise.

    Hi Mike,
    The login credentials I’ve included are for the htaccess security prompt, not the WP backend. I’m not allowed to have the site live in this state due to the regulations in our industry. First, I would like you to take a look at how the animations, rollovers and tabbed sections are breaking on different pages. This only happens when styles are saved in the General Styling and Advanced Styling Enfold options.

    A while back, I was able to restore the animation styles by updating to Enfold 4.5 and the pages were looking great, but again after making changes and saving in General/Advanced styling the animations broke on all pages.

    I have updated to v4.5.7 and am running PHP v7.1 and WP v5.2.1. The website (included in the private content section) is in a broken state after making a change in the Quick CSS section and then saving.

    After you take a look, assuming you can get past the htaccess security header which seems to be a problem, I’m going to restore a previous version of the site that works, but has an theme v4.5 on it and update it to v4.5.7. After that I will make a change in the Quick CSS section and if the animations break, that’s where we’re at.

    Please let me know if you can identify the issue, and if needed, I can create a user profile for the WP backend for you.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1103042
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    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1102625

    Can someone please help with this? I have paid for extended support through Envato and other forum topics are being attended to within 1-2 days of being posted. Just trying to get this resolved. Thank you.

    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1100301

    I’ve updated the theme to 4.5.7 and the problem still persists.

    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1098516

    Yes. I saw that too, but when I make any changes and hit Save all changes, the animations and rollovers break. I want to take that code out entirely. I want to use a different font and different weight. No luck. That’s not the issue. I’ve updated that and saved, and now the animations are not loading correctly. Look at it now, animations all busted up.

    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1096990

    Step by Step Reproduction of Issue:
    1. Make any change to any style in the General Styling Tab (Primary Color, Logo Area font color, Quick CSS) and after clicking the Save all changes button in blue in the bottom right hand corner; the animations and rollovers break as described in detail here:

    2. Make any change to any style in the Advanced Styling Tab (Menu Links in overlay/slide out, Main Menu Links, All headings) and after clicking the Save all changes button in blue in the bottom right hand corner; the animations and rollovers break as described in detail here:

    3. Quick CSS Validation (General Styling Tab)
    The only CSS that is in the Quick CSS section is the ampersand style that was baked into the template when purchased:

    .special_amp { color: i#54f442; font-family: Nobile; font-size: 24; }

    I want to change this too, but when I click the blue Save all changes button in the bottom right hand corner; all the animations and rollovers break as in detail here:

    With all due respect Victoria, if you can’t identify this problem after all of the descriptions and images I have provided for you, can you please assign to another moderator to look at. It’s been almost 40 days of back and forth on this topic and you just don’t seem to grasp the issue at hand. I’ve never had so much difficulty on this forum identifying an issue and resolving it. I’m running out of time on this and just trying to get it resolved and you just can’t seem to get out of the gate on helping/resolving the issue. Not sure how I can be more descriptive about this. It seems that there is a glitch in the Styling tabs when saving any Enfold Theme Option. At least in my case. Something has been corrupted along the way and I have made no major changes to the theme since purchase, just plugging in my own assets. Never had an issue with the other Enfold themes we have purchased and redesigned. In fact we love the theme, but need to move forward.


    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1096531

    Any movement on this topic? I can’t make changes in the General Styling tab or Advance Styling tab without the animations breaking. Really not sure where to go with this.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1095405

    Hello Victoria,
    It’s happening. It’s not crashing the website, but crashing the rollovers, animations and counters as explained in detail here:
    The website is working properly now, but any change that is made in the AS tab and then saved breaks the animations and counters.
    I cannot make changes to , <h1> and menu styling.

    in reply to: Change Main Menu Background Color #1093423

    Hello Rikard,
    The problem still persists when making changes in the Advanced Styling tab. Every time I make a change to any element, I’m now trying to add a different element and a smaller <h1> tag for my product pages, the animations, counters and rollovers break. Do I have to replace the Enfold folder every time via FTP? I’m not sure if this is a bug or something I’m doing wrong. Thanks for the help.

    Looking to add a custom CSS style for a smaller <h1> that doesn’t supersede the primary <h1> by using #top and also a secondary color. I need the code for this, but don’t want to crash the site again by saving the Advanced Styling changes.

    Sorry you are unable to login Victoria. You can close this thread please.

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