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Hi Victoria!
Thanks for your reply. I use Chrome (and occasionally Firefox). I can’t see where to find the options shown on your screenshot. Where would I find this in Chrome? As an alternative, I have just gone into my Chrome advanced settings and changed them so that it clears cached data all the time (see Screenshot 6 below). Hoperfully this will help in the future.
After much frustration, I decided to reduce the image size of all my images on the fullscreen slider. Amazingly, this seems to have solved the problem! Yayyy! Various friends all over Europe (!!!) have confirmed that they can now see all the images on the slider, and that the wording in the button on the last image is now correct. Even so, these changes took about 5 hours to show up on my website.
I’d like to wait for your reply regarding where I can find the ‘Cache level’ option in my settings. And then I would be happy for this post to be closed.
Thanks again.
Hi Victoria,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, the changes SHOULD show up but they don’t, and that’s why I created this post!
Last night, I reduced the size of images 1 & 2 to see if that would help. Now, at least the images load on my mobile phone and my husband’s, even if I’m still having the same problems with NOT being able to view these images on my computer or my husband’s computer for some reason (which nobody has been able to explain to me so far). Sometimes, the 2nd image appears now. Perhaps I’ll try reducing the size off all the images to see if that helps.
At about 4am, I also noticed that the wording on the button which appears on the 5th and final image of the fullscreen slider was incorrect, so I changed it. However, these changes do not appear when I view my website on a different browser, on my husband’s mobile phone, etc. (see screenshot 5).
When I reloaded my fullscreen slider yesterday, I saw that I had not Avtivated ‘autorotation’ and for the autorotation to stop on the final slide. So I changed this, but these changes are not reflected on my website.
Can you tell me how long it takes for changes made to my website via the dashboard to actually show up on my website?
Since I hadn’t received your reply, I finally decided to delete my Fullscreen Slider, and instal it again, adding all the images, captions, colours and settings I had before. It all looks OK when I open the website via backend, but I still can’t see images 1 & 2 when I open the site on another browser, or after clearing my cache.
I know sometimes it takes a while for changes to be seen (sometimes overnight) so I hope that tomorrow morning I’ll be able to see all images. I’ll let you know, but perhaps you could also check yourself by opening my website in another browser NOT via my WordPress account!
Hi again Rikard.
I have already cleared my cache many, many times! The 2 images are still missing from the fullscreen slider when I view my website on my mobile, on another browser, incognito (see Screenshot 4 below), on my husband’s computer and my husband’s mobile phone.
Once again, have you tried viewing my website from another browser? You’ll see what I mean.
Please do not tell me that this is a question of clearing my cache. Time is being wasted here!
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by
Hi Rikard,
I’ve just checked this issue on my computer again, and I still can’t see images 1 & 2 of the fullscreen slider on my Home Page. See Screenshot 3 below.
This is getting a little frustrating. I really hope you can fix this issue today. It’s URGENT!
Many thanks,
Hi Rikard,
Thanks for your reply, and the info. about clearing caching. I clear my cache every day because I know it can interfere with how my site appears.
It’s 05:30 here, and my computer is switched off, so I can’t check my website’s appearance at the moment. However, I’ve just tried to view my site using my mobile phone, and this problem has still not been resolved. Images 1 and 2 do NOT show on the full screen slider on my Home page.
Have you tried to view my website without logging in to my WordPress account? As I explained in my earlier email (with screenshots), if I view my website when I’m logged in to my WordPress account, images 1 & 2 are there, but if I view my website on a different browser or device, without being logged in to my WordPress account, these images have mysteriously disappeared.
Please try and resolve this for me as soon as possible. I want to publish my website before the end of August, but won’t do so until it appears as I want it to, i.e. with all 5 of my images on the full screen slider on my Home page.
Thank you.
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by
August 30, 2018 at 4:04 am in reply to: Problems with font and header size, and line spacing in a paragraph #1003331Hi Mike,
Thank you so much. I cleared my cache (which I’m doing on a daily basis anyway) and can see the CSS rule you’ve added. The colour of the HR line looks great now. Also, since you’ve added the code, I can ammend the Hex code at any time, which is just what I wanted!
You have been extremely helpful, Mike – by far the speediest, most patient and most helpful Kriesi moderator I’ve encountered so far. You’ve given suggestions, added screenshots, and explained things very cleary to me. I really appreciate this. You’re a star! :-)
Take care, and I hope I come across you again if I have another query (although I imagine you groaning at this comment! LOL!)
Bye for now,
August 29, 2018 at 12:39 pm in reply to: Problems with font and header size, and line spacing in a paragraph #1003105Hi Mike,
Thanks for explaining the ‘6px’ and ‘0px’ values.
With regards to the line breaks, well, at least I feel slightly comforted knowing I’m not the only one who has had/is having this problem!
I have tried adding a simple line break in another block of text, and it seems to work fine (see Screenshot 1). I don’t understand why it doesn’t work in the text I sent you the other day.
With regards to your solutions, I think I actually prefer the 1st option. The reason for this is that I use the HR Bar under some of my headings (see Screenshot 2). If you make it transparent, I won’t be able to do this. So what you’re saying is that, if I have this problem again, I should switch to the ‘Text’ tab and add this code: “<br class=”custom-break” />“?
However, yesterday, I was looking for a way to change the colour of the HR Bar so that it’s not grey (which doesn’t show up very well on the website, as you can see). Is there a way, using a similar CSS rule as you have given above, that you can change the colour of the HR bar to this colour: “#00a0a3“?
You’re extremely helpful, and I appreciate all the time you are dedicating to helping me! Many thanks!
Bye for now,
Hi RIkard,
That’s exactly my problem! They seem not to exist but they do exist!
Please see the 2 screenshots below.
Screenshot 1: this shows the format of my ‘Fullscreen Slider’. As you can see, the first 2 images actually appear.Screenshot 2: For some unknown reason, when I open my website via my dashboard, I can clearly see the images 1 & 2. However, when I view my website on another browser, the images somehow disappear.
I have tried adding images 1 & 2 again, but they still don’t appear when I view my website.
I have given you temporary admin access so you can have a look at my dashboard (which I had hoped you would have done before replying).
Many thanks,
August 29, 2018 at 3:22 am in reply to: Problems with font and header size, and line spacing in a paragraph #1002946Hi Mike,
Thank you for your response. Does the ‘6px’ represent padding above a bullet point and ‘0px’ represent the padding below a bullet point?
I’ll look forward to your response to the [return] issue.
Bye for now,
August 28, 2018 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Problems with font and header size, and line spacing in a paragraph #1002766Hi Mike!
Thank you. That looks much better now. So, if I understand correctly, the space between each bullet point is the same as the height of another line. Is this correct?
Where can I see where you’ve made the adjustments? Has the code been added somewhere in the background where I can’t view it? I only ask in case I would like to alter this in the future. There may be times when I don’t want a whole extra line in between bullet points, and I would like the possibility to alter it myself. Would it be possible to add this possibility to the ‘Quick CSS’ box under ‘General Styling’?
Please forgive my query if it sounds illogical to you – as you know, I have absolutely no idea about Coding. But I’ve recently been finding out that the Enfold theme might not be quite as customisable as I had hoped.
Also, I’ve just noticed that I can’t seem to insert extra line breaks between paragraphs (please see screenshot below). Why is this? I fee like some control over my layout is being taken away from me. And when I try ‘shift’ ‘Alt’ ‘p’ nothing happens at all. :-(
Many thanks,
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by
August 28, 2018 at 3:51 am in reply to: Problems with font and header size, and line spacing in a paragraph #1002508Hi Mike!
Thanks for your response.
1. This line height is great. I can see where you’ve added this to ‘Advanced Styling’. Thank you!
4. The line height within each bullet point is great, but I’d like the space between individual bullet points to be greater. Please see the screenshot showing an example of an ordinary paragraph to show the kind of spacing I’m after. Is this possible? I tried to do ‘shift’ ‘return’ to just add another line, but it didn’t work. I think I remember this only works for <p> (paragraphs) and not lists. Do you need to add CSS code, or is it just that I’m not typing the right thing?
Thank you, and bye for now,
August 27, 2018 at 3:40 am in reply to: Problems with font and header size, and line spacing in a paragraph #1002108Hi Mike!
This is so helpful! Thank you for your patience. As a complete coding novice, CSS scares me, so I prefer to leave this to the experts! But your clear explanations have explained where I was going wrong, and how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
Point 1. This is a little clearer now. But I’m not sure what you mean by “Typically the rule is Line Height = Text Height x 1.62”. I actually changed by line height setting back to ‘Default’, but I still think the spaces between the lines is rather large. If, for example, I’m using a font size of 16px, what line height value would I need to have to make the spacing the equivalent of 1.5 in a Word Doc?
Point 2. Thanks for the CSS code. I’ve actually ammended the Post Title code to 25, and I’m much happier.
Point 3. A very clear explanation! Could you please
(i) tell me what the ’em’ value of the line height of the ‘Default’ setting is?
(ii) write a CSS rule to make the ’em’ line height value for the List Items the same as for the default setting.Point 4. I’ve decided to change the font height of my paragraph in ‘Advanced Styling to 16px. The size of the font in the List Item box still appeared to be 25px, so this morning I got rid of the bullet points and added hyphens instead so that it has the layout of a Paragraph instead of a List Item. Please could you add a CSS code rule so that the size of the font for my List Items are also 16px?
You’ve been very helpful indeed, Mike! I’m sure more things will crop up (like how to change the colour of the content of the reply boxes on my contact form, for example) and will need some more bits of code, but I guess I’ll have to write separate posts for that, right? For now, I’m really happy with the result and speed of your response.
Many, many thanks.
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by
August 26, 2018 at 9:10 pm in reply to: Problems with font and header size, and line spacing in a paragraph #1002022Hi Mike
Many thanks for your response. Please find the temporary admin login details below in the Private Content section.
Bye for now,
August 17, 2018 at 12:42 pm in reply to: How to link Footer information in different languages to a specific language pag #998391Hi Dude!
Thank you so much! I should have re-read before posting! I guess I just saw the code and kind of freaked! I didn’t read “i.e. I used this conditional now:”. I’m sorry!
I’m really happy about your support and the fact that you sorted out my problem.
Many, many thanks!
August 17, 2018 at 11:56 am in reply to: How to link Footer information in different languages to a specific language pag #998375Hi Dude,
Thank you for your reply. However, the link you sent me is for developers and gives lots of coding options. But, as I said in my initial message, I am useless at code! So in all honesty, your response doesn’t help me very much.I wrote the Weglot about this problem too, and they said the following:
“It’s possible if you can add a specific HTML class or ID (like privacy_English, privacy_Spanish, cookie_English, cookie_Spanish) to the block displaying the text and the URL.”.
When I asked them to help me with this, they said it is against their users’ policy to add code to their users’ websites.However, I can now see that there is now some code in the box marked ‘Widget Logic’ which seems to have resolved this problem. I have no idea whether this happened after I installed ‘Widget Logic’ plugin, or whether you at Kriesi Support have added some code for me. For example, in the Spanish site, the code in the Widget Logic box under the Privacy and Cookie Policies now reads: ‘en’ == weglot_get_current_language(). However this has happened, I’m happy that it works now as I want it to work.
Many thanks,
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
August 15, 2018 at 9:02 pm in reply to: How to link Footer information in different languages to a specific language pag #997678Hi Yigit!
Thank you for your response. I’ve installed the Widget Logic plugin, but the problem is that individual pages, for example ‘Contact’, have the same page ID numbers in English and Spanish, so I can’t specifically select the ‘Privacy Policy – English’ widget to appear only on the English pages. I’m not sure if this Widget Logic plugin is really useful here, but at least I tried :-)
So I’d be very grateful if you could take a look for me, and see if you can help me. I’ve created a Temporary Admin. User account, which will expire in 2 days. The details are given in the ‘Private Content’ box below. Obviously, if you need more time, I can extend this time period.
Many thanks in advance,
August 5, 2018 at 1:11 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #993670Hi Rikard,
Thanks for your suggestion. I’ve never used a ‘Incognito Window’ in Google Chrome before, but that sounds like a good idea.
I was working on my website yesterday on Chrome, and for some reason, without using an incognito window, and without clearing the cache each and every time, it was working fine, and all my changes appeared after a simple ‘Refresh’ of my website!
Thanks again for your help.
Bye for now,
(P.S. I have another question about importing other icon sets to use with the Enfold theme, but I guess I should open another forum post, right?)
August 4, 2018 at 2:35 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #993510Hi Victoria!
That seems to work, but only if I clear the cache using CTRL + SHIFT + RELOAD each and every time I make a change.
Thanks Victoria!
Bye for now,
August 2, 2018 at 10:23 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #993008Well, after having waited for help for 2 days, I posted request for help on a Facebook teacher’s page, and someone suggested I tried switching browsers. So I changed from Chrome to Firefox, and everything works fine!
So my quetion now is: What do I have to change on Chrome for me to be able to continue on Chrome rather than Firefox? Of course, if I have no other option, I’ll keep going with Firefox.
August 2, 2018 at 6:16 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #992953Hi Rikard,
I can see that the changes I made a couple of days ago have now been saved (without me doing anything), but any changes I’ve tried to make today have not been saved. Please tell me what’s going on, and how I can fix it so that I don’t have to contact you after each and every change I make.
Many thanks
August 2, 2018 at 11:34 am in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #992827Good morning, Rikard,
OK, I think I’ve managed to create a New User via my WordPress site. I’ve also created a new e-mail account with Gmail just for this purpose, and have given all the details below.
I hope that’s all you need, and that you can help get this problem sorted out today.
Many thanks in advance,
August 1, 2018 at 10:40 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #992598Please can someone get back to me as soon as possible? I’ve wasted a day, and I have a deadline. There may be a really simple solution, but I just need a guiding hand. I have to say I’m rather disappointed by the slow feedback and support here!
August 1, 2018 at 1:02 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #992375In the ‘Private Content’ below, I’ve added links to 2 screenshots showing how my dashboad appears and how my website appears. As you can see, none of the changes re. colour of the background, font colour, etc. have been saved
August 1, 2018 at 12:05 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #992352Hi Rikard.
Thanks for getting back to me.
How do I create a temporary admin login? Please bear in mind that I know nothing about code, and am a complete beginner re. building a website, so it would be very helpful if you could give me step-by-step instructions for what I have to do to set up a temporary admin login.So far, the problems occur in ‘General Styling’ and ‘Advanced Styling’. None of the changes I’ve made re. the colour of backgrounds and fonts appear on the website, despite receiving the message to say that “All Options saved. No problems whatsoever.”.
I have taken a couple of screenshots but can’t add them as attachments because I do not know how to get a URL for the images.
Many thanks.
July 31, 2018 at 10:31 pm in reply to: None of my colour changes in 'General Styling' and 'Advanced Styling' are saved #992107Is it normal to wait more than 3 hours for a response?
I wanted to add that when I save my changes in Enfold Theme Options, I receive a confirmation “All options saved. No problems whatsoever.”. Which is why I can’t understand why the changes do not appear on my website.
Please help me ASAP.
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by