Forum Replies Created
There are MUCH MUCH MORE issues than only the iconboxes or animated numbers.
Here are some:
1: Background color changed specially in areas with alternate background color
2: Elements changed their color
3: mysterious texts coming out of nowhere like “Click here to add your own text” in elements like iconboxes – even if there was other text before
4: massive loss of textcontent (replaced with “Click here to add your own text” or similar)
5: single images arent displayed anymore
6: Videos dont show up
7: Fonts changed
8: Margins & paddings changed to inacceptable high values
9: Tabs & toggles are empty
10: Doubled scrollbarsIts an outrage that you seem not to test before you rollout.
I dont want to be your betatester@thinkjarvis
“Some plugins create their own tables in the database which can bloat the database. Sometimes the way post data is stored can also increase the size of the database.”
if you really feel like being a mod i would appreciate if you would read first what the question is.A link to my website tells you something about my database?
How that?
Martin“Answers” like this, which show that you simply dont care and didnt read the posting, make people give you poor ratings on Envato.
Why dont you just show a bit respect to your customers and read what they are talking about?Since more than TWO YEARS now people are complaining about this.
Still no changes…Really, Basilis?
This is your answer?Would you mind to read what i was saying or asking for?
Why is almost NONE of you reading what users are asking for?I did not ask for a plugin.
this is such an old bug and its well known by Kriesi and all of your mod-collegues and you ask me for a screenshot?????????
Content not centerednext: pro 12.9 inches
Even with 11px for the headers they are cutted ofand back to the icon-list:
i woud not consider this as solved. when i hide the whole section …
– i get a huge white gap when on bigger sreens (see image)
– it hides only the video bot not the other elements in the section (totaly absurd)
and another responsive issue:
A huge gap between two sections.
See video (just the first 30 secongs will do)
[video src="" /]Sorry to say that but your “support”, Victoria, is the worst i have seen.
Have you ever had a look into the reviews on themerforest??
There are plenty complains about your support – personally.You juts send a screenshot without any explainations!
You often dont even read the thread.
this is really respectless!!
Please let me know a adress where i can sen a complain about you.???????
Do you really call this poor situation a solution?? removed the password protection.
You can login nowsee private field and footer widget 4.
VimeoVideo shows just a spinning wheel.
If you add a video thats on a “normal” server it shows nothing
You can repeat it on EVERY WP installation with Enfold!!Hallo Michael
danke für das Angebot das ich hiermit gerne annehme.
Wie kann ich Dir die Logindaten zukommen lassen?
JoannaHow could an error in a CSS file be responsible for the described behaviour?
I am waiting for 11 DAYS now.
Any support?I am waiting for TEN DAYS now and the only person giving some kind of relevant help was another user.
Mod 1 was happy that a user helps
Mod 2 didnt even read the initial post.Is that what you call support?
i already did.
Could you please try to read my posts????May i get some support, please?
1: I know how to adapt/organize my backend/admin area!
2: like i already said:”although it is EXACTLY like the others”May i get some support????
It is a general question!
Do you need my login if i ask you what you had for breakfast?Hi Michael,
i dont see you beeing responsive to fix/help – in my opinion its up to Kriesi and his team to help.
Enfold is promised to be fully responsive and than it seems to be almost impossible to setup a simple layout without spending hours & hours of trying…
This really is a disappointment.Since i tried for hours now without success i am more or less conviced that its not possible to make the list behaving responsive and responsiveness is not the same than to build separate websites for each and every screensize.
Here is the code of the segment and if its so easy to do (like its been said) i am pretty sure the mods can proof that it can be done by modifying it:[av_layout_row border='' min_height='' color='main_color' mobile='av-flex-cells' id='' av_uid='av-3wsp27c'] [av_cell_two_fifth vertical_align='top' padding='800px,30px,30px,30px' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='//localhost/hms/wp-content/uploads/Torte3.png' attachment='4988' attachment_size='full' background_attachment='fixed' background_position='center left' background_repeat='contain' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' mobile_display='av-hide-on-mobile' av_uid='av-3w0qjmw' custom_class=''] [/av_cell_two_fifth][av_cell_three_fifth vertical_align='middle' padding='30px,130px,30px,30px' background_color='' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_attachment='scroll' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-3u4tmns'] [av_heading tag='h2' padding='66' heading='Gedicht' color='custom-color-heading' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' custom_font='' size='40' subheading_active='subheading_below' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' margin=''] Willst Du Liebe, dann ge´ dicht (Friedhelm Kändler) [/av_heading] [av_one_half first min_height='' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-5b8xti' custom_class=''] [av_iconlist position='right' iconlist_styling='' custom_title_size='' custom_content_size='' font_color='' custom_title='' custom_content='' color='' custom_bg='' custom_font='' custom_border='' av-small-hide='aviaTBav-small-hide' av-mini-hide='aviaTBav-mini-hide' av-medium-font-size-title='13' av-small-font-size-title='12' av-mini-font-size-title='10' av-medium-font-size='13' av-small-font-size='11' av-mini-font-size='10' av_uid='av-4am472' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] [av_iconlist_item title='Die späte Hochzeit' link='page,2507' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue837' font='entypo-fontello' av_uid='av-7yv50q'] Der Mond ging unter – jetzt ist’s Zeit. – Der Bräutgam steigt vom Roß, Er hat so lange schon gefreit – Da tut sich auf das Schloß,... (Joseph von Eichendorff) [/av_iconlist_item] [av_iconlist_item title='Die Hochzeitsnacht' link='page,2507' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue837' font='entypo-fontello' av_uid='av-5zc4ei'] Nachts durch die stille Runde Rauschte des Rheines Lauf, Ein Schifflein zog im Grunde, Ein Ritter stand darauf (Joseph von Eichendorff) [/av_iconlist_item] [/av_iconlist] [/av_one_half][av_one_half min_height='' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-5b8xti' custom_class=''] [av_iconlist position='left' iconlist_styling='' custom_title_size='' custom_content_size='' font_color='' custom_title='' custom_content='' color='' custom_bg='' custom_font='' custom_border='' av-small-hide='aviaTBav-small-hide' av-mini-hide='aviaTBav-mini-hide' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-4am472' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] [av_iconlist_item title='Das Brautgemach' link='page,2507' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue837' font='entypo-fontello' av_uid='av-3on0h6'] Treulich geführt ziehet dahin, wo euch in Frieden die Liebe bewahr! Siegreicher Mut, Minnegewinn eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar. (Richard Wagner) [/av_iconlist_item] [av_iconlist_item title='Das Mädchen ohne Bräutigam ' link='page,2507' linktarget='' linkelement='' icon='ue837' font='entypo-fontello' av_uid='av-3alebe'] Wenn ich Braut bin, wenn ich Braut bin, Will ich haben kein weißes Kleid, Kein weißes Kleid; Aus schwarzer Seide, so soll es sein, (Otto Julius Bierbaum) [/av_iconlist_item] [/av_iconlist] [/av_one_half][av_heading tag='h3' padding='10' heading='Ihre lyrische Ader entdeckt?' color='' style='blockquote classic-quote' custom_font='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' margin=''][/av_heading] [av_button label='Mehr Gedichte!' link='page,3673' link_target='' size='medium' position='center' label_display='' icon_select='yes' icon='ue837' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-jnfuj56f' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] [/av_cell_three_fifth][/av_layout_row]
IF the theme resizes the logo (depending from the customvalue) there must be at least a ratio or some max-width/max-heights defined somewhere.
1: There are no options for columns to define what should happen on small or medium or large screens – you can only define the breakpoint
2: Only the element itself has these options.And this is the foobar result : -