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  • in reply to: ENFOLD VS AVADA speed test #849308

    Thank you Basilis!!

    And thank you HuxburyQuinn!!

    Apologies for shortening my message. I know I’m not installing the zip files but its contents. Still I am always wary that they will break the look of the site. AI is not as intelligent as they make it think it is. That’s why I’ll do it on a test site. I’ll keep you posted about what I find.



    in reply to: ENFOLD VS AVADA speed test #848950

    HI HuxburyQuinn!!

    Thank you!! I have a call with my server support and I will take advantage of it and see if they can install the Google Page Speed Module on a test site. They promise adjusting the server settings automatically for speed.

    My site loads in 1.1sec has only 45 requests and 800K – the experience is fantastic and I don’t think they are considering all aspects in this formula. I did all this with my own Storm server that runs Nginx and cPanel with a lot of bells and whistles for optimal performance. No CDN (it’s slower than my server) Measured it and took it out immediately.

    Have you installed AMP?

    I am always afraid to install the zip files from Google Page Speed Insights as they don’t know what ruins the site and what doesn’t but I will also try it on a test site and tell you what I find.

    I will also test your Hummingbird but can you also share the js and css that should never be deferred? It will definitely make my job easier. You know what I mean.

    Thank you so much!!


    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #848949

    Hi Basilis!!

    No problem at all! Your user has been created a long time ago. Sending you the credentials. If you notice, the Desktop menu does not change the color with dark background.
    Let me know what I need to change so I can apply it to the 5 sites!
    Thank you so much!!

    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #848690

    Hi guys,

    Any news? Would you like me to grant you admin access to one of these sites? Please, let me know.



    in reply to: ENFOLD VS AVADA speed test #848687

    Hey guys!!

    I’m back to increasing page speed again after one of my clients has been selected to participate on the Google User First Beta Program but cannot because of page speed.

    The only pieces missing are all about deferring javascripts and css. Is it possible to have the list shared earlier in response to:

    “Which files do I need to keep in the header and which can be deferred and which CSS file should not be minified – so that the page load quickly without affecting Layerslider, Masonry Grid and effects animations?”

    Thank you so much for your help!


    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #847903

    I tried something else but the mobile header still misbehaves:

    – I switched the page header transparency to invisible and it still shows on mobile
    – I switched it to transparent & glassy and it still shows the same on mobile

    Somehow I think the mobile version is not recognizing it’s a dark background with transparent header.

    Hope this additional data helps too!!

    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #847884

    Hi Mike,

    This is from the Enfold Header Transparency Options settings:

    What is header transparency
    When creating/editing a page you can select to have the header be transparent and display the content (usually a fullwidth slideshow or a fullwidth image) beneath. In those cases you will usually need a different Logo and Main Menu color which can be set here.

    The different logo is there and the background color for transparency is empty.

    I have checked all the settings and the only thing I can think of is that the CSS I shared with you before somehow is not behaving as it used to and needs to be modified. Here it goes again:

    /* Sticky header on Mobile */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header {
    position:fixed !important;
    top: 0;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #main {
    padding-top:80px !important;

    Does this help?

    Thank you for your kind assistance!



    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #847875

    Hi Mike,

    The top Menu should be transparent as it used to be. You cannot see the whole image – worse, you cannot see the whole text and action buttons.

    Redshoemovement has a much shorter slider than bodasyweddings.

    The logo should be transparent and the menu should be white just like on the desktop version.

    This used to work so maybe it’s a bug. I didn’t notice until I had to change the home page and went to see it on mobile. (iPhone7plus shows even less than yours)

    Any other ideas?

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #846991

    Hi guys,

    This happens on all installations I’ve checked that have a transparent header:

    It must be a bug.

    How can I help you resolve it?



    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #846969

    Hi Victoria,

    I tried adding it to the CSS on the child theme but it’s not working properly.

    Please, help!!

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Home Page on Mobile Full Width Slider Covered by Menu #846497

    Hi Victoria!

    It partially worked:

    /*Home Page Transparent Header*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top #wrap_all .av_header_transparency {
    background-color: transparent !important;

    And I don’t know if this is causing it, but the slider text only shows partially. (I didn’t see it move upwards) :(

    I am sharing with you the CSS I already have (maybe it clashes with the new Mobile Menu rework but I had it for a long while):

    /*make navigation appear on mobile*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top .avia-post-nav {
    display: block !important;


    /* Sticky header on Mobile */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header {
    position:fixed !important;
    top: 0;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #main {
    padding-top:80px !important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top .template-shop .container {
    padding-top:80px !important;

    Thank you!!!!!


    Thank you @Coreyfocusgroup. I never used the wordfence plugin. Does Enfold use it?

    I’m going to keep the crawling of redirects. GoogleBot only crawls 302s and 307s every time. 301s are only crawled once.

    Also, I have already implemented Disallow: /*?s= to no avail. The reality is that you need to allow GoogleBot to crawl and add a no index directive to the “page” but as there’s no page, it’s hard to do. This happens because the bot does not enter any data to search for. So if the code would state that if the Search field is empty, to noindex, nofollow, it would be a cleaner fix.

    I will test it on a smaller site. Meanwhile I disabled the tooltip on the large site, deleted all of the soft 404s (to save crawling budget) and will see if they re-appear.

    I may modify the code like @fromcouch indicated changing the ?s= for # on the small site and test if it works.

    I’ll share my findings in about 2 weeks.

    I do hope one of these solutions take care of it. :)

    Thanks again!!



    Hi guys!
    Any news on this? The 404s are not as big a deal as the misuse of Google’s crawling budget. Good content cannot be crawled and for large sites it will definitely affect Search indexing – it already is)

    I have tried to fix it with robots.txt but it doesn’t solve the problem.

    So I thought I would share Yoast’s article: (Yoast’s plugin does block indexing of non-existent search pages but it doesn’t cover Enfold’s search functionality) This is such a shame because the menu search functionality on mobile is absolutely terrific but I am evaluating what’s more important)

    If anybody has a code solution, please feel free to share.



    Thank you, Mike!!! It’s not a huge deal as people can still access the other submenus, but I thought I’d share the details of what I noticed. If you need any additional information, please let me know!

    Go Enfold Team!! :)



    in reply to: Minimal Table Background Color Change #825196

    Hi Rikard!!

    Certainly! Here it goes:



    in reply to: Quick follow up question to Ticket #824149 #824941

    Hi Rikard!!
    Yes, that topic. Jordan helped me with the standard table but when I changed it to minimal the CSS does not work. So I imagine it must reference a different table?



    in reply to: Change Table top two rows background color #824254

    Genius, Jordan!!

    Thank you!!! I was close but was not getting there ;)

    For whoever else might find this thread interesting, I added white fonts:

    /*Table CSS Modifications*/
    table tr.avia-heading-row{
    background-color: #3d71a1!important;
    table tr:nth-child(2){

    Thanks again!!!



    HI Jordan! Quick question, how do you reference the same table but with minimal style?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by havi. Reason: One additional question re: the same ticket
    in reply to: Change Table top two rows background color #824250

    Hi Jordan,

    I just created a table on another website with Enfold too.

    Scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see it.

    All I need is to add a colored background to the firs two rows.

    Hope this helps,

    Thank you!!

    PS: I need to delete this table soon, pls, let me know when you are done.

    in reply to: Change Table top two rows background color #824248

    Hi Jordan,

    No such thing. Are you using Gas Mask? Really, there’s no need to even access the site. You can create any table inside of Enfold ALB and you will see what I mean.

    All I need is the name of the element I need to add formatting to.

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Change Table top two rows background color #824239

    Hi Jordan,

    That’s the live site. You are not pointing to the IP I sent you. Are you using gas mask to point at it?



    in reply to: Change Table top two rows background color #824233

    Hi Jordan,

    It says Your Support Team. There is no countdown on the Pricing Section (#year) (It could be that you are on the top of the page. The submenu will take you to the pricing section. Or you can scroll down.



    in reply to: Change Table top two rows background color #824219
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Change Table top two rows background color #824214

    Hi Jordan!
    It’s on the development stage right now so I would have to give you an IP address to point there (no problem, just let me know)

    But this is just a responsive Enfold table that needs some Quick CSS to add background to the two first rows (heading and pricing rows). We don’t have to limit this to a single page, so if it affects all Enfold tables (not pricing tables) this will do.

    I am attaching a screenshot.

    Screenshot of Table

    Thank you Jordan!!!



    in reply to: Enfold Version 4.1 Update troubles? #822262

    Hi @Rikard !
    Cleared the Chrome browser a couple of times and worked like a charm… this is soooo awesome!!!
    Best theme ever!!!

    in reply to: Enfold Version 4.1 Update troubles? #821900

    Amazing work, guys!!! There’s a few small hiccups but I’m trying to figure out if it’s the browser (Chrome issues) Safari & Firefox work like a charm!! And Looooooooooveeeee the new Search functionality!!!!!

    Always loved you now I love you even more!!!!



    Just discovered something else that is not responding.

    Screen Options

    Clicking on them issues no response at all.

    I created a new user and still not getting it to work. :(

    Amazing thread!! Definitely bookmarking it!! Thank you all for your incredible insights, findings and contributions!!

    in reply to: Header Widget CSS Help for Mobile Version #786559

    Hi Victoria!! :)

    I just need a tiny additional tweak… as I make my mobile menus sticky, when I add this code:

    /* Sticky header on Mobile */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header {
    position:fixed !important;
    top: 0;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #main {
    padding-top:168px !important;

    The container for the search button does not stick and the Search Box looks strange hanging from the menu when you scroll down… I know it’s just one additional CSS (and tinkered with a few – made the whole mobile screen fixed lol so basically cannot figure out which element I need to fix)

    Thank you in advance for your kind help!!



    Thank you, Nikko!!

    I passed on this info to the developer!!

    How do I add a feature request to be able to design our own product category pages (just like we now can do the Shop home page and products with Enfold? It would be amazing!!



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