Forum Replies Created
The Enfold contact form has never worked for me. I ended up using the Contact Form 7 plugin. Too bad we have to install an extra plugin for this.
Just looking for the same thing, but can’t find an acceptable solution on the forum. I’m not going to change core Enfold files, and running an extra script for something so simple on each page load is silly.
ALL of the other page builders have had this for years. We need to nofollow affiliate links. I have to resort to creating a button with my own CSS because of this…
All it would require is adding a tick box on the Button settings page, please add it in the next release!
Tom- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by fisherman.
Hi, what I meant was removing the #top selector from just the styling part of forms in the base.css file. Not from your entire theme :-)
So in base.css from line 183:/* #Forms ================================================== */ #top form { margin-bottom: 20px; } #top fieldset { margin-bottom: 20px; } #top .input-text, #top input[type="text"], #top input[type="input"], #top input[type="password"], #top input[type="email"], #top input[type="number"], #top input[type="url"], #top input[type="tel"], #top input[type="search"], #top textarea, #top select { -webkit-appearance: none; border: 1px solid #e1e1e1; padding: 8px 6px; outline: none; font: 1em "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #777; margin: 0; width: 100%; display: block; margin-bottom: 20px; background: #fff; border-radius: 0px; } #top input[type="text"]:focus, #top input[type="password"]:focus, #top input[type="email"]:focus, #top input[type="number"]:focus, #top input[type="url"]:focus, #top input[type="tel"]:focus, #top input[type="search"]:focus, #top textarea:focus { box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: #555; } #top textarea { min-height: 60px; line-height:1.5em;} #top label{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.92em; } #top legend { display: block; font-weight: normal; font-size: 1.2em; } #top select { width: 100%; } #top input[type="checkbox"] { display: inline; } #top label span, #top legend span { font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: #444; } #top textarea{width:100%;} #top #wrap_all .valid .text_input, #top #wrap_all .valid .text_area, #top #wrap_all .valid .select{border:1px solid #9AA600;} /*#70A41B*/ #top #wrap_all .error .text_input, #top #wrap_all .error .text_area, #top #wrap_all .error .select{border:1px solid #DF653E;} #top #wrap_all .ajax_alert .text_input, #top #wrap_all .ajax_alert .text_area, #top #wrap_all .ajax_alert .select{border:1px solid #ffb628;} #top #wrap_all .valid .input_checkbox_label{color:#9AA600;} #top #wrap_all .error .input_checkbox_label{color:#DF653E;}
Your styling would work exactly the same way without the #top selector, but would not conflict with plugins using classes to add styling to forms.
I know there are workarounds, but it just seems pointless to have to do something when wouldn’t be necessary.
Hi, I think you misunderstood.
The problem is CSS specificity. IDs are ranked higher than Classes, plain and simple. Since you have the #top ID set in your main CSS file for html forms, simple classes can’t be used to control those elements any more. Regardless of the order which they are loaded. IDs are more specific than classes.
All you would need to do is remove the #top selector from your CSS file, and that would resolve all plugin conflicts. I don’t see why you would need it anyhow, you don’t use it for any other html element, other than forms.
Do you understand the problem?
Sample: If you look at the popovers that appear on this page, you’ll see that the email fields of the form are not formatted. With the browser’s developer tools, you can see that Enfold’s CSS is overwriting the form’s styling. It’s doing this because of what I explained in the original post, the #top ID is overwriting the class styling. and class hierarchy is basic CSS. Here is a page.
TomHi, with normal content, it works fine.
But I think having column shortcodes in an icon box is a widely used thing, especially for table of contents for longer articles, like I’m using it.
Will you fix this? Or is there any other way to create a 2-3 column table of contents with a boxed background?
TomHi, thanks, but this is more of a hack than a real solution. This doesn’t address the responsive view, and also is global to all of the icon boxes on the site.
I’ll target it to work on this page only and add the media query, but will you fix this error in the next release please?
TomHi, PNG images are lossless, so there is no quality degradation, just optimization.
TomHi, there is no need for you to log in.
Just paste the shortcode I gave in the initial support post into your Enfold installation, and you’ll have the error as well.
I tried it with another Enfold installation on a different server, and the same thing happened.
The box does not go down to the bottom of the text, if there are 1/2 columns placed into the Icon box via shortcode.
TomThanks, that fixes issue no. 1, but issue no. 2 still remains.
The icon box background color doesn’t enclose the text…
What should I do?
TomThanks, please do. Just like most other websites nowadays, my site gets more mobile views than desktop ones.
You guys should place more emphasis on the mobile UX like the other themes, it’s very important.
TomHi, sorry to revive an old thread but haven’t found a real solution.
Commenting out a line in the core Enfold file isn’t really a good option, it’ll be overwritten when we update.Can you add a settings selector for this in the next update maybe? Or give us a better way to turn it off, than hacking the main theme files, or using display:none :-)
TomYes, thanks.
One more thing for anyone in the future, to turn off the sidebar just for the given archive page (as opposed to globally from Enfold settings), I used this://Remove sidebar from archive-akciosujsag.php in Enfold add_filter('avia_layout_filter', 'avia_change_post_layout', 10, 2); function avia_change_post_layout($layout, $post_id){ if(is_post_type_archive('akciosujsag')) { $layout['current'] = $layout["fullsize"]; $layout['current']['main'] = "fullsize"; } return $layout; }
Thanks Yigit, you’re awesome, that did it :-)
TomHi, this doesn’t really have anything do do with my question… I’m not asking for help on CPTs at all. Please read my question again.
TomThank Nikko, that solved it.
It would be great if there was a systemic way to do this though.
TomAnd I put it above the icon with top: -70, I think it’s a bit more noticeable above it.
Thanks for the quick reply, it worked :-)
I also added color: #333333; to keep the color of the text the same as the hamburger menu icon.
Thanks again!
TomHi, just checked, there is nothing in the server log about this…
But does this function work for you guys as expected?October 30, 2017 at 11:13 am in reply to: Disabling multiple image sizes generation – is it detrimental to Enfold? #870406Hi, just a heads up for anyone wanting to remove the automatically images, Enfold creates 3 extra image sizes in another file for it’s woocommerce template.
So beside the ones given above by igorvavrik, add these as well:remove_image_size('shop_thumbnail'); remove_image_size('shop_catalog'); remove_image_size('shop_single');
So my function looks like this:
//Disable loads of Enfold image sizes upon upload (to save space) add_action('init', 'remove_enfold_image_sizes'); function remove_enfold_image_sizes() { remove_image_size('square'); remove_image_size('featured'); remove_image_size('featured_large'); remove_image_size('portfolio'); remove_image_size('portfolio_small'); remove_image_size('gallery'); remove_image_size('magazine'); remove_image_size('masonry'); remove_image_size('entry_without_sidebar'); remove_image_size('entry_with_sidebar'); remove_image_size('shop_thumbnail'); remove_image_size('shop_catalog'); remove_image_size('shop_single'); }
Hi, I think there is a misunderstanding.
In short:
1. Enfold uses the Magnific lightbox as it’s built in lightbox script.
2. When someone unchecks the “Lightbox Modal Window” in Enfold’s settings, the JS and CSS to Magnific lightbox should not be enqueued by Enfold, since they are not being used any more.The problem is that the script is still being enqueued by Enfold, using resources unnecessarily.
So if you look at the source code for, you can see the JS and CSS of Magnific loading, despite the fact that it should be turned off:
Line 62:
<link rel='stylesheet' id='avia-popup-css-css' href='' type='text/css' media='screen' />
Line 525:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
Do you understand now?
The Magnific lightbox CSS and JS files should not be loading at all, if it’s turned off from Enfold’s settings.
Will you fix this in the next release?
TomI am using photoswipe, it’s mobile and touch friendly, unlike magnific.
I will dequeue magnific, but I don’t think the magnific CSS and JS should even be loaded once your default lightbox is disabled. Will you fix this in the next release? If yes, than I won’t dequeue now.
TomThanks Victoria, you’re awesome, it worked!
Yippie :-)Yes I solved this, you can close it.
TomYes, cache is cleared. Your code brings the image overlay issue back.
What should I do?
ThanksHi Nikko, thanks, this removed the white line, but re-added another problem I had.
Now the image overlay doesn’t appear on the images on the first hover, only the second one, have a look:I originally solved it with this code, but added what you just sent seems to bring the problem back:
/*Enfold hack to fix overlay appearing on second hover*/ .avia_transform a .image-overlay { top: 0 !important; }
I installed a photoswipe plugin and got it working pretty easily.
Just had to turn off Enfold’s own lightbox under Theme options, and Photoswipe started working right away on normal posts and pages.
I have custom post types with a lot of extra images being added via template files, the trick there was to make sure that the<a>
tag of each image has a data-size attribute, so for exampledata-size="737x1000"
.Hi, sure, here you go:
It’s of this url:
TomSeptember 19, 2017 at 4:01 pm in reply to: custom taxonomy template using the enfold builder #853896Thanks but that didn’t work.
I would need the builder not on a custom post type, but on the taxonomy associated with a custom post type.
So as an example, let’s say my CPT is ‘newspaper’, and I have custom term called ‘genre’. I would want the builder on the ‘genre’ taxonomy page, which simply lists all the ‘newspaper’ posts by default.The bwp plugin hasn’t been updated for 2 years, and it isn’t working that well anymore… Have a look at it’s support forum on
Do you have another recommended plugin that you’ve tested? -