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  • in reply to: Dash is appearing in column title after update #435969


    Thank you for using our theme and the bug report.

    This bug occured with WP version 4.2.

    I added a fix and it will be released in the next update.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: How to remove the "Portfolio" custom post type #435945


    Glad we could help you. Enjoy the theme and feel free to come back with further questions and/or problems you have.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Post Thumbnail Display Size 81px vs. Image Size 180px #435935

    Hey Frank!

    Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.

    In functions.php des Child Themes (oder des Hauptthemes, wenn Du kein Child Theme verwendest) am Anfang füge das folgende ein (z.B. über Dashboard -> Appearance > Editor):

    add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'my_image_sizes', 10, 1);
    function my_image_sizes ( array $image_sizes )
    	$image_sizes['square'] 		 	    = array('width'=>81, 'height'=>81);
    	return $image_sizes;

    Use after adding this.

    Nur zur Info von Kriesi:

    Ist so gewollt. ist bei den kleinen bild dateien normal ned tragisch und stellt gleichzeitig sicher das es auf retina displays auch gut aussieht.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Günter.

    Hi Rhys!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Can you give us a link to this page please? And maybe you can add some screenshots and point out, what exactly you want.

    Then we can check and give you the correct CSS or JavaScript.

    You can post it here as a private reply.


    in reply to: less space amoung elements #435145

    Hey ivanbangbus!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS. It is not possible to do with the jpg only.

    You can post it here as a private reply.


    Hi draig!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS or look for another solution.

    You can post it here as a private reply.


    in reply to: Enfold and One Page Checkout #435142

    Hey Smaskit6!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    I visited your site but could not get access to see the problem.

    Enfold has all it’s files concerning WC in:


    enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php is one of the main files that hook into WC.

    Maybe this helps you to solve your problem. Feel free to come backmif you need more help.


    Hi garamaleki!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Try the following plugin:


    in reply to: Don't display image on single post #435137

    Hey DJQuad!

    Thank you for coming back.

    If you are using a child theme in functions.php of the child theme put the following:

    Add a checkbox to the featured image metabox 
    	add_filter( 'admin_post_thumbnail_html', 'avia_theme_featured_image_meta');
    	function avia_theme_featured_image_meta( $content ) 
    		global $post, $post_type;
    		if($post_type == "post")
    		    $text = __( "Don't display image on single post", 'avia_framework' );
    		    $id = '_avia_hide_featured_image';
    		    $value = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, $id, true ) );
    //		    $selected = !empty($value) ? "checked='checked'" : "";
    			$selected =  "checked='checked'";
    		    $label = '</div><div class="av-meta-extra-inside"><label for="' . $id . '" class="selectit"><input '.$selected.' name="' . $id . '" type="checkbox" id="' . $id . '" value="1" > ' . $text .'</label>';
    		    return $content .= $label;
    		return $content;

    Otherwise modify enfold\functions-enfold.php line 1188: locate

                $selected = !empty($value) ? "checked='checked'" : "";

    and replace with:

    //		    $selected = !empty($value) ? "checked='checked'" : "";
    			$selected =  "checked='checked'";


    in reply to: Adding custom class to a button #435129

    Hi VinzentE!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Have a look at the following post:

    This should help you to solve the problem.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Move title below post-metas-infos #435126

    Hi CueDee!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check to give you the correct assistance.

    You can post it here as a private reply.


    in reply to: How to control padding/margins on avia columns #433427

    Hey fgrippe!

    Thank you for coming back.

    You can try to add !important like:

    margin-top: 0px !important;


    If this does not work, can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS.

    You can post it here as a private reply.


    in reply to: Background color of specific menu item #433422

    Hey cisqo!

    Thank you for coming back.

    Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS.

    You can post it here as a private reply.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: remove the "product count" from "product attributes" #433419

    Hey garamaleki!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can give you the correct CSS or check for another solution.

    You can post it here as a private reply.


    in reply to: How to add a custom Widget #433416

    Hey Fran!

    If you want to create a custom widget pls. refer to


    in reply to: subtitle for page title #433413

    Hi muhannadessam!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    This question has been posted twice:

    This is closed for reply.


    in reply to: Disable facebook icon on specifik pages. #433411

    Hey Simon!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Can you give us a link to the two pages please? Then we can give you the correct CSS.

    You can post it here as a private reply.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Woocommerce Widget Problem #433354

    Hi Schmu1605!

    Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.

    Letzte Versionen von WC und Enfold und WP sind installiert?
    Du kannst einmal versuchen, alle plugins außer WooCommerce zu deaktivieren und einzeln zu aktivieren. Vielleicht gibt es einen Plugin Konflikt.

    Könntest Du uns bitte einen Link zu dieser Seite geben, damit wir uns das anschauen können. Es wäre hilfreich, wenn Du uns einen screenshot gebem könntest, was passiert ist.

    Du kannst den Link hier als Private Reply posten.


    in reply to: Wie downloadbutton in Seite integrieren? #433336

    Hi set_carsten!

    Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.

    Versuche einmal dieses plugin:

    Habe es selbst aber noch nicht ausprobiert.


    in reply to: Widget header size #433334


    Thank you for coming back.

    In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the values as needed:

    .widgettitle {
        font-size: 18px !important;

    Not sure, what caused the problem but this should make all widgettiles the same.


    in reply to: Arrange Elements In Order Form Add-to-Cart #433329

    Hey handelsmann!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Out of the box this is not possible. As the elements are placed inside a table using CSS won’t help you.

    You find the php code for this in woocommerce\templates\single-product\add-to-cart\variable.php

    There you can make your changes.


    in reply to: Breadcrumbs not showing hierarchy of posts #432786


    Thank you for coming back.

    I set the last post to private.


    in reply to: Remove blank space after logo removal #432763


    Thank you for your feedback.

    I just inspected your link above. It looks fine to me in IE and FF.

    There is only the small menubar above the picture and no free space. Did you solve the problem already?


    in reply to: Widget header size #432753

    Hi webpress!

    Thank you for coming back.

    Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS. You can post it here as a private reply.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Product page title container #432694


    Thank you for coming back.

    Try the following:

    .postid-3403 .template-shop .container {
        background-color:#2ba359 !important;


    in reply to: Font-Farbe beim Accordion-Slider #432685

    Hey underhill123!

    Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.

    Versuche bitte das folgende:

    #top .aviaccordion-title {
        color: #0070b2 !important;

    Falls es nicht geht – Könntest Du uns bitte einen Link zu dieser Seite geben, damit wir uns das genauer anschauen können. Evtl. auch einen screenshot, was Du genau meinst. Du kannst den Link hier als Private Reply posten.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Günter.
    in reply to: Abstand der Beiträge modifizieren #431948

    Hey Whippert!

    Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.

    Sicher. Könntest Du uns bitte einen Link zu dieser Seite geben, damit wir uns das anschauen können und Dir den korrekten CSS Code geben können. Du kannst den Link hier als Private Reply posten.


    in reply to: how to change theme folder name from themes/enfold #431204



    I’m not sure about your question, but style.css is a required file by WP – you cannot change the name of it.

    You can change the text inside the file like

    Theme Name: Enfold


    Theme Name: yourName


    Hey dominiquehurley!

    Thank you for coming back.

    As much as I see you already solved the problem.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold lässt sich nicht installieren #431190

    Hi nullhorn!

    Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.

    Du kannst Enfold auch über FTP installieren:

    Es gibt einen Ordner Enfold und Enfold-Child für das child theme.

    Diese beiden Order in den folder


    kopieren. Dann müßte man das theme aktivieren können


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