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Hey asinger777!
Thank you for using our theme.
On the demo site ( the images have a size of 495*400px (w*h).
Try to upload images in that size or larger to allow WP to resize the images.
GünterHey Danielkuipers!
Thank you for using our theme.
This CSS cannot work, because of the HTML structure – the divs have to be on the same level (see and open one of the examples).
To achieve this, you will have to modify the core files or use jQuery. But this is customization and out of the scope of support.
Best regards,
GünterMay 21, 2015 at 1:54 pm in reply to: How do i get custom input CSS not be overide by enfold default? #447722Hi!
Thank you for coming back.
Did you try to put the CSS in custom.css (or styles.css when using a child theme) ?
These files are loaded after base.css and should overwrite the settings there.
You can also try to make the CSS selectors more specific to avoid being overwritten.
Best regards,
GünterHi MattNat!
Thank you for coming back.
Out of the box this is not possible.
You need to modify core files and unfortunately that kind of customisation would be out of the scope of our forum.
You find the code in:
enfold\framework\php\class-framework-widgets.php line 680ff.
GünterHi Munford!
Thank you for coming back.
Out of the box – no.
You find the code for this widget in:
enfold\framework\php\class-framework-widgets.php line 680 ff.
Best regards,
GünterHey decode!
Thank you for using our theme.
I checked the link above.
To me it looks fine, if I make the browser smaller, the lines break correctly (using FF). Maybe you can point out with a screenshot, where you see the problem.
GünterHi strengthcoaching!
Thank you for coming back.
To increase the height of the bar:
.avia-progress-bar .progress { height: 40px !important; }
Not out of the box.
Danke für das Feedback.
Du könntest versuchen, das PHP Memory limit inaufzusetzen. Siehe dazu:
Versuche auch einmal, alle Plugins zu deaktivieren und einzeln wieder zu aktivieren, Vielleicht legt auch ein plugin Konflikt vor.
Best regards,
GünterHey Coco!
Thank you for using our theme.
You have to modify the following core file or copy this file to the child theme directory (see
Locate line 569:
$output .= "<a class='aviaccordion-slide-link noHover' href='".$slide->av_permalink."' ".$slide->av_target.">";
and replace with:
// $output .= "<a class='aviaccordion-slide-link noHover' href='".$slide->av_permalink."' ".$slide->av_target.">";
GünterHi ignitionstudio!
Thank you for using our theme.
Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS. You can post it here as a private reply.
GünterHey connect4consulting!
Thank you for using our theme.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the values as needed:
#socket a:hover { color: green !important; }
GünterMay 3, 2015 at 12:27 pm in reply to: Move menu back down…closer to horizontal bottom border? #438493Hi gharding!
Thank you for coming back.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the values as needed:
#header_main_alternate #text-2 { padding-top: 10px !important; }
Best regards,
GünterHey laptophobo!
Thank you for coming back.
Put the following in functions.php of the child theme:
add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'avia_remove_default_logo', 10, 6); function avia_remove_default_logo($logo, $use_image, $headline_type, $sub, $alt, $link) { if( ! avia_get_option('logo') ) { return ''; } return $logo; }
Best regards,
GünterHey alfaweb2!
Thank you for coming back.
Out of the box – no.
You can modify:
enfold\includes\loop-search.php line 38ff.Take a look at enfold\includes\loop-index.php to get an idea how to do it.
GünterHey omerlevi!
Thank you for using our theme.
I could reproduce this on IE, but not on FF. Seem to be a loading time problem.
I think you put the code in QuickCSS. Try to put it in custom.css.
Try to deactivate all plugins and check, then reactivate one by one to see, which might cause the problem.
Best regards,
GünterMay 3, 2015 at 11:26 am in reply to: Kontaktfomular – Upload von Dateien / Contactform – upoald files #438485Hey Guido!
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Momentan ist das noch nicht vorgesehen.
Du müsstest dazu die folgende Datei modifizieren oder im child theme überschreiben:
Siehe dazu auch: kannst gerne in einen entsprechenden Vorschlag machen. Kriesi schaut diese regelmäßig durch und entscheidet dann, was weterentwickelt wird.
Thank you for using our theme and the bug report.
This bug occured with WP version 4.2.
I added a fix and it will be released in the next update.
Best regards,
Glad we could help you. Enjoy the theme and feel free to come back with further questions and/or problems you have.
Best regards,
GünterApril 28, 2015 at 11:40 am in reply to: Post Thumbnail Display Size 81px vs. Image Size 180px #435935Hey Frank!
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
In functions.php des Child Themes (oder des Hauptthemes, wenn Du kein Child Theme verwendest) am Anfang füge das folgende ein (z.B. über Dashboard -> Appearance > Editor):
add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'my_image_sizes', 10, 1); function my_image_sizes ( array $image_sizes ) { $image_sizes['square'] = array('width'=>81, 'height'=>81); return $image_sizes; }
Use after adding this.
Nur zur Info von Kriesi:
Ist so gewollt. ist bei den kleinen bild dateien normal ned tragisch und stellt gleichzeitig sicher das es auf retina displays auch gut aussieht.
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
April 27, 2015 at 11:10 am in reply to: I want to move my sub-menu items up to be just under the main items #435148Hi Rhys!
Thank you for using our theme.
Can you give us a link to this page please? And maybe you can add some screenshots and point out, what exactly you want.
Then we can check and give you the correct CSS or JavaScript.
You can post it here as a private reply.
GünterHey ivanbangbus!
Thank you for using our theme.
Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS. It is not possible to do with the jpg only.
You can post it here as a private reply.
GünterApril 27, 2015 at 11:04 am in reply to: Blog Posts displaying CPT – I want no Title or Post Meta #435144Hi draig!
Thank you for using our theme.
Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS or look for another solution.
You can post it here as a private reply.
GünterHey Smaskit6!
Thank you for using our theme.
I visited your site but could not get access to see the problem.
Enfold has all it’s files concerning WC in:
enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php is one of the main files that hook into WC.
Maybe this helps you to solve your problem. Feel free to come backmif you need more help.
GünterApril 27, 2015 at 10:56 am in reply to: Load products automatically or have a load more button in WooCommerce. #435138Hi garamaleki!
Thank you for using our theme.
Try the following plugin:
GünterHey DJQuad!
Thank you for coming back.
If you are using a child theme in functions.php of the child theme put the following:
/* Add a checkbox to the featured image metabox */ if(!function_exists('avia_theme_featured_image_meta')) { add_filter( 'admin_post_thumbnail_html', 'avia_theme_featured_image_meta'); function avia_theme_featured_image_meta( $content ) { global $post, $post_type; if($post_type == "post") { $text = __( "Don't display image on single post", 'avia_framework' ); $id = '_avia_hide_featured_image'; $value = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, $id, true ) ); // $selected = !empty($value) ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $selected = "checked='checked'"; $label = '</div><div class="av-meta-extra-inside"><label for="' . $id . '" class="selectit"><input '.$selected.' name="' . $id . '" type="checkbox" id="' . $id . '" value="1" > ' . $text .'</label>'; return $content .= $label; } return $content; } }
Otherwise modify enfold\functions-enfold.php line 1188: locate
$selected = !empty($value) ? "checked='checked'" : "";
and replace with:
// $selected = !empty($value) ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $selected = "checked='checked'";
GünterHi VinzentE!
Thank you for using our theme.
Have a look at the following post:
This should help you to solve the problem.
Best regards,
GünterHi CueDee!
Thank you for using our theme.
Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check to give you the correct assistance.
You can post it here as a private reply.
GünterHey fgrippe!
Thank you for coming back.
You can try to add !important like:
margin-top: 0px !important;
If this does not work, can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS.
You can post it here as a private reply.
GünterHey cisqo!
Thank you for coming back.
Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS.
You can post it here as a private reply.
Best regards,
GünterApril 23, 2015 at 12:56 pm in reply to: remove the "product count" from "product attributes" #433419 -
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by