Forum Replies Created
Hi Cesar!
Thank you for using our theme.
Our theme is using the standard WP wp_mail function unless you use the filter avf_form_use_wpmail and return false (leads to using the default php mail function).
Normally you do not need ‘avf_form_from’ filter unless you want to change from to a different value.
Check your settings of the WP Mail SMTP plugin.
Glad we could help you.
Enjoy the theme and feel free to come back with further questions and/or problems you have opening a new thread.
I will close this one.
GünterHi Nicoletta_DUS!
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Dieses plugin wird von WordPress automatisch mitinstalliert und hat mit unserem Theme nichts zu tun.
Du kannst es einfach mit ftp vom Server aus dem plugin directory löschen. WP erkennt dann, dass es nicht mehr da ist und entfernt es aus der plugin Liste.
GünterMarch 17, 2016 at 4:53 pm in reply to: Bug Report: Content of hidden subtitle of special heading is shown in Google #599720Hey mailworm!
Thank you for using our theme.
I checked the php code. In the latest version this should not happen.
Can you kindly wait for the update to 3.5.
Thank you for coming back.
Sorry for the troubles you have. This seems to be a WooCommerce and WC Booking problem.
Before you proceed:
Check that your hoster supports the minimum php versions of the plugins
Deactivate all plugins.
Please make sure the following things:
1) WordPress is the latest version 4.4.2
2) Enfold is the latest version 3.4.7
3) WooCommerce is the latest version 2.5.5 (uninstall the existing version, download and make a new installation – maybe some file got corrupted)
4) Booking plugin is the latest version (uninstall and make a new installation)Activate WC and then the booking plugin.
if the error still exists – check the available php memory limit of your hoster and increase WP Memory limit (128 MB or higher)
see problem is definitly a WC and a booking plugin problem, because our theme does not use the WC_Payment_Gateway class.
Best regards,
Thank you for coming back.
Currently this is not possible.
I added 2 filter hooks to the core – hope, kriesi will integrate in the next update.
To use the hooks add following code to Functions.php file of your child theme (or parent theme, if not using a child theme)- you can use Dashboard -> Appearance > Editor:
add_filter( 'avf_postslider_title', 'my_postslider_title', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'avf_magazine_title', 'my_magazine_title', 10, 2 ); function my_postslider_title( $title, $entry ) { $title = substr( $title, 0, 15 ); // change 15 to desired length return $title; } function my_magazine_title( $title, $entry ) { $title = substr( $title, 0, 15 ); return $title; }
You have to modify core files:
In enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\postslider.php line 374 you find:
if($loop_counter == 1) $output .= "<div class='slide-entry-wrap'>";
Replace with:
$title = apply_filters( 'avf_postslider_title', $title, $entry ); if($loop_counter == 1) $output .= "<div class='slide-entry-wrap'>";
In enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\magazine.php line 529:
$title = "<a href='{$link}' {$titleAttr}>". get_the_title( $entry->ID ) ."</a>";
replace with:
$title = "<a href='{$link}' {$titleAttr}>". apply_filters( 'avf_magazine_title', get_the_title( $entry->ID ), $entry ) ."</a>";
GünterMarch 17, 2016 at 2:52 pm in reply to: bread_crumb shordcode not translating 'home' in selected language #599603Hey bresta!
Thank you for using our theme.
Did you try to use the “String Translation” of WPML ?
I think, this should solve the problem, because “Home” is hardcoded in the breadcrumb function.
Thank you for coming back.
You can either use a custom css class (e.g. my-section-class) and/or a unique custom id (e.g. my-section-1) for each of the color sections:
Try the following code and adjust the values e.g.:
#my-section-1 { min-height: auto !important; } #my-section-1 .template-page{ height: auto !important; min-height: auto !important; padding: 0 !important; }
As selectors you can use:
#my-section-1 .my-section-class
Hope this helps you.
Come back, if you need further assistance (add the ID’s and CSS classes and point out, where you need help.
Thank you for coming back.
Also the modifications sound to be easy, the changes you want to make need changes how theme files are loaded.
This is beyond the scope of the support forum.Regards,
Thank you for coming back.
I had a look at your site – is the problem still existing?
I did not recognize anything on FF – can you point out the problem more closely pls? Maybe with a screenshot.
Best regards,
Thank you for coming back.
When adding a contact form with the ALB you have a field “Autorespond Text”. This text is sent to the user as an answer when you recieve the E-Mail.
Thank you for coming back.
Please add following code to Functions.php file of your child theme (or parent theme, if not using a child theme)- you can use Dashboard -> Appearance > Editor:
remove_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_price', 10 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_price', 29 );
This should move the price above the “Add to Cart” aerea.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the value as needed:
.single-product .single-product-summary .price span { font-size: 25px !important; }
Best regards,
GünterHi vossenm!
Thank you for using our theme.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) try to put the following in this sequence:
.parent-pageid-3983 .scrol-top-advanced { display: block; } .scrol-top-advanced { display: none; }
GünterMarch 16, 2016 at 6:24 pm in reply to: Question mark character now appearing where there should be an apostrophe #599081Hi tlchase!
Thank you for using our theme.
This looks like a problem with the character set in your new database, which is different from the old one.
Maybe you can check with your old hoster which set he was using and ask the new hoster to setup the new database to this set and reimport all the data.
Alternatively you can replace the wrong characters in the database with an SQL Query.
Hope, this will help you.
Best regards,
Thank you for coming back.
Yes, this will be the fastest way.
After that you can enter your Themeforest User Name and API Key in Enfold Options-> Theme Update for auto update.Cheers!
Glad we could help you. Enjoy the theme and feel free to come back with further questions and/or problems you have.
GünterHey dweddell!
Thank you for using our theme.
Not out of the box. This is a standard WP Widget.
GünterHey creation_frommelt!
Thank you for using our theme.
To limit the changes only to that page I would suggest:
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the value as needed:
.page-id-2 .avia-button.avia-color-light{ width: 200px !important; }
GünterHey Roger!
Thank you for using our theme.
If you have only some pages – each page has a unique ID and in the <body> tag you find a class like:
You can use this as a first parameter in the selector list to limit changes to that page only, e.g.
.page-id-734 #main p{ padding: 10px ! important; }
You will also need media query like:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { /* Add your Mobile Styles here */ }
See custom.css for more details.
Hope, this will help you as a start.
Best regards,
GünterHey amonllor1!
Thank you for using our theme.
Sorry, Out of the box this is not supported (it is not a standard WC feature).
But it sounds like a good idea to integrate in a future version.
You can post a feature request on Kriesi looks at these reguarly and decides, what to implement or develop.
GünterMarch 15, 2016 at 2:06 pm in reply to: portfolio items navigation (next / prev) is suddenly gone #598375Hi alphabeta23!
Thank you for using our theme.
The links above lead to “Under Construction” page.
Can you provide us with an admin access so we can have a look at the problem.
You can post it here as a private reply.
GünterMarch 15, 2016 at 2:01 pm in reply to: New website; want to move unused Enfold theme from an old website #598373Hi Tom!
Thank you for using our theme.
You can copy the theme files to the new server with ftp.
Then activate the theme from WP Dashboard.
If it is a clean and fresh WP Installation you will have the defaults settings.
On the bottom of Enfold option page you find the “Reset All Options” button. This should set all options to factory settings.
GünterHi Julie!
Thank you for using our theme.
Currently there is no filter for that.
I will suggest one to Kriesi to add to the core – maybe it will come in one of the next updates.
At the moment you must modify the core file
themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\toggles.php line 270:
$output .= "<span class='tag-seperator'>/</span>";
and replace to:
$output .= "<span class='tag-seperator'>|</span>";
When Kriesi adds the filter you can put the following code in functions.php:
add_filter( 'avf_toggle_sort_seperator', 'my_toggle_seperator', 10, 2 ); public function my_toggle_seperator( $sep, $atts ) { return '|'; }
Dürfte ein spezielles Problem sein, da wir bisher noch keine anderen Bugreports erhalten haben.
Versuche es mit dem folgenden Code (Quick CSS oder custom.css) und ändere die Farbe entsprechend:
p.order-info mark { color: white !important; }
Tut mir leid für die verspätete Antwort – haben leider einige krankheitsbedingte Ausfälle.
Es dürften die Zugangsdaten nicht passen – kann mich leider nicht anmelden – weder frontend noch ins backend.
Kannst Du die bitte prüfen und in den private content nochmals senden?
GünterHi Jdclark18!
Thank you for using our theme.
Please try to add following code to Functions.php file of your child theme (or parent theme, if not using a child theme)- you can use Dashboard -> Appearance > Editor:
function my_custom_title_link( $title_link, $entry ) { if( ! empty( $title_link ) ) { return $title_link; } $title_link = get_permalink( $entry->ID ); return $title_link; } add_filter( 'avia_settingsf_output_settings_field', 'my_custom_title_link', 10, 2 );
Best regards,
GünterHey goforyourdreams!
Thank you for using our theme.
Replace your code with the following:
.header-search { float: right; margin-right: 50px; position: relative; top: 14px; z-index: 999; }
Günter -