Forum Replies Created
August 1, 2017 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Why when I click between different tab sections, the browser may jump to top? #833083
Sorry for the late reply.
This bug has been fixed and will be in the next update (4.1.3).
As a temporary fix you have to update core file config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\tab_section.php
Around line 451 you find the code:
$tab_link = AviaHelper::save_string($tab_title,'-');
Replace this line with:
$tab_link = AviaHelper::save_string($tab_title,'-') . '-1';
This should fix the problem – please let us know.
Best regards,
Habe mich mit den Login Daten von oben kurz eingelogged.
Sehe aber in functions.php des child themes keine Eintragungen.
Könntest Du mir bitte FTP Zugriff geben, dann mache ich die notwendigen Änderungen und spiele die geänderte countdown.php und functions.php im Childtheme ein.
Ist der einfachere Weg.
Tut mir leid für die verspätete Antwort.
Die Lösung von Ismael funktioniert leider nicht.
Das Problem sind die fixen Werte bei den “Separator / Whitespace” Elementen, vor allem die mit 400px.
Die brechen leider das Design.
Sicherer ist es % Werte verwenden (z.B. 30%) oder kleine Werte wie 100px.
Ich hab das Problem einmal auf die ToDo Liste gesetzt für eine Lösung.
Hoffe, dass hilft einmal weiter.
GünterJuly 31, 2017 at 2:00 pm in reply to: Can I link pictures in Horizontal gallery to specific portfolio? #832125Hi,
I fixed the bug.
If you do not want to wait for the next update you can replace the complete content of file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\gallery_horizontal.php
with the content of “RAW Paste Data” in
Make a copy of the original file to have a fallback in case something goes wrong. The link is valid for 1 week.
Check the input fields in the element.
Let us know, if it solves your problem.
Best regards,
GünterHey OrangeMoose,
Thank you for coming back.
I logged into your site but I cannot find the page mentioned above – and the link routes to Page not found.
I also tried to reproduce on a local install – but was not able.
Please check the link and give us a link to the page in the backend please.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 31, 2017 at 10:31 am in reply to: Why is "Product Archive" the tab name and FB Share name for my Shop? #832039Hi,
You can try to add the following code in the functions.php file:
add_filter('document_title_parts','document_title_parts_mod', 10, 1); function document_title_parts_mod($title) { if(is_shop()) { $title['title'] = 'Shop'; } return $title; }
Make sure that the site is using the latest version of the theme, 4.1.2.
Best regards,
Günter- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Günter.
Thank you for coming back.
Try to change the CSS above with:
.sidebar .widget h3.widgettitle { text-align: center!important; }
Best regards,
GünterJuly 30, 2017 at 1:32 pm in reply to: Can I link pictures in Horizontal gallery to specific portfolio? #831809Hey Jos,
Thank you for using out theme.
You are right, this is a bug. Thank you for reporting.
I will try to fix it and it will be integrated in the next release.
I will let you know, when we have a solution.
Best regards,
Ja – Du musst es in der Datei enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\countdown.php Zeile 292 – 298 ausbessern (function.php ist nicht der richtige Ort).
GünterHey Felix-A,
Thank you for using our theme.
Out of the box this is not possible.
- You can create a post for each image, add image and description you want to that post.
- Add a custom link to that post to the image in the media gallery
- In the popup of the masonry gallery element select from “Image Link” “Lightbox link deactivated(uses custom link)”
Hope this will help you.
Best regards,
GünterHey dominiquehurley,
Thank you for coming back.
You can make the WC Shop page as your Frontpage in Enfold -> Theme Options -> Frontpage Settings.
In WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display -> Shop page display select “Show Categories”.
You also can add images to product categories which will show up.
Hope, this helps you.
Best regards,
GünterHey antoinedecourten,
Thank you for using our theme.
Try to deactivate all plugins and reactivate one by one to check, if there is a plugin conflict.
Please update to the latest version of Enfold (4.1.2).
Clear the browser cache and try again.
Best regards,
Thank you for using our theme.
Please update to the latest version of Enfold (4.1.2).
Also try to deactivate all plugins and reactivate one by one to check, if there is a plugin conflict (there is backbone running – this might cause a Javascript problem).
Best regards,
GünterJuly 29, 2017 at 3:52 pm in reply to: Using Multiple Images with Woocommerce Variable Products #831500Hi,
Thank you for using our theme.
This plugin is not a free plugin and WooCommerce does not give us access to the plugin. Even if we would have a copy for the moment we would not be able to keep track of future changes.
I’m afraid you will have to contact a freelancer to help you integrate that plugin.
You can post a feature request on Kriesi looks at these reguarly and decides, what to implement or develop.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 29, 2017 at 3:47 pm in reply to: WooCommerce Additional Variation Images Lightbox Issues #831497Hi,
Thank you for using our theme.
This plugin is not a free plugin and WooCommerce does not give us access to the plugin. Even if we would have a copy for the moment we would not be able to keep track of future changes.
I’m afraid you will have to contact a freelancer to help you integrate that plugin.
You can post a feature request on Kriesi looks at these reguarly and decides, what to implement or develop.
Best regards,
Thank you for using our theme.
Currently this is not possible, but for the next release I added an option to choose what image text you want to display below the images (defaults to title).
Meanwhile you have to change the core file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\gallery_horizontal.php.
Around line 330 you find the following code:
$output .= "<a href='{$lightbox}' class='av-horizontal-gallery-link' {$display_char}>";
Replace this line with:
$output .= "<a href='{$lightbox}' class='av-horizontal-gallery-link' {$display_char} title='{$attachment->post_excerpt}'>";
This should display the captions below the lightbox image.
Best regards,
Günter- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Günter.
July 29, 2017 at 1:07 pm in reply to: How to display blog posts from a custom year automatically ? #831469Hi,
Thank you for using our theme.
You have to do the changes in that file (enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\blog.php), if you are using the ALB element ‘Blog Posts’.
Check function query_entries to adopt your query.
Hope, this will help you.
Best regards,
Der Code wäre:
table caption { text-align: left !important; font-size: 15px !important; color: #575757 !important; }
Thank you for coming back. You are right, this is a bug caused by the greek characters.
I will fix it with the next update of Enfold.
Meanwhile can you please modify the core file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\tab_section.php around line 451 you find
$tab_link = AviaHelper::save_string($tab_title,'-');
Replace this line with:
$tab_link = AviaHelper::save_string($tab_title,'-') . '1';
This should fix the problem.
Best regards,
Thank you for the information.
I can reproduce your issue on FF when switching between mobile and desktop view – but i’m not able to reproduce it on a local install.
Are you using the latest version of Enfold (4.1.2) and of WP 4.8? If not, please update.
Try to deactivate all plugins and reactivate one by one to check, if there is a plugin conflict.
Also try to deactivate caching and check.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 27, 2017 at 10:49 am in reply to: Above Footer Color change and Erase Enfold Text from Footer #830576Hi,
Thank you for using our theme.
British Pound: Goto Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Ajustes -> Moneda and select the currency symbol you like.
Please update your Enfold version to 4.1.2. There you have the possibility to check and validate the entered Google API key in Dashboard -> Enfold -> Google Services.
To chnage the footer color:
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the values as needed:
.footer_color { background-color: #E1E2E8 !important; }
To remove Enfold Theme by Kriesi add to Copyright:
This might result to something like:
© Copyright 2017 Hotel Don Porfirio. Diseñado por Aldo Arriola [nolink]
Best regards,
In Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS bitte das folgende eintragen:
a:hover{ text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: 900 !important; }
Best regards,
Danke für diese Zusatzinformation.
Der folgende CSS Code sollte funktionieren (Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS) – Wert für font-size anpassen:
table caption { text-align: left !important; font-size: 15px !important; }
Wenn nur auf dieser Seite:
.page-id-89 table caption { text-align: left !important; font-size: 15px !important; }
Günter- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Günter.
July 26, 2017 at 1:00 pm in reply to: Enfold Latest News widget / WooCommerce sort by price bug #830137Hi,
Thank you for coming back.
Can you please update to Enfold version 4.1.2.
I cannot reproduce the problem on my local install and there have been some fixes concerning the product grid.
Best regards,
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Offensichtlich ist die deutsche Übersetzung des Themes nicht ganz aktuell.
Der Text befindet sich in enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\countdown.php Zeile 292 – 298:
$this->full_time_array = array( 1 => array("interval" => 1000 , 'class'=>'seconds', 'label' => __('Second', 'avia_framework' ), 'label_multi' => __('Seconds', 'avia_framework')), 2 => array("interval" => 60000 , 'class'=>'minutes', 'label' => __('Minute', 'avia_framework' ), 'label_multi' => __('Minutes', 'avia_framework')), 3 => array("interval" => 3600000 , 'class'=>'hours', 'label' => __('Hour', 'avia_framework'), 'label_multi' => __('Hours', 'avia_framework')), 4 => array("interval" => 86400000 , 'class'=>'days', 'label' => __('Day', 'avia_framework' ), 'label_multi' => __('Days', 'avia_framework')), 5 => array("interval" => 604800000 , 'class'=>'weeks', 'label' => __('Week', 'avia_framework' ), 'label_multi' => __('Weeks', 'avia_framework')), 6 => array("interval" => 2678400000 , 'class'=>'months', 'label' => __('Month', 'avia_framework' ), 'label_multi' => __('Months', 'avia_framework')), 7 => array("interval" => 31536000000 , 'class'=>'years', 'label' => __('Year', 'avia_framework' ), 'label_multi' => __('Years', 'avia_framework')) );
Du musst nur bei ‘label’ und ‘label_multi’ die Texte ersetzen.
Wenn du ein Child Theme verwendest, befolge bitte und Du brauchst das nicht bei jeden update machen.
Hoffe, das hilft.
Danke für das Feedback und dass das Austauschen geklappt hat.
Für das linksbündige Ausrichten des Menüs versuche folgendes CSS in Enfold->General Styling->Quick CSS:
.html_header_top.html_logo_center #header_main_alternate .main_menu ul:first-child{ float: left !important; }
“toptext” muss eine Erweiterung von Euch sein, habe nur die Datei inc_headertext.php in enfold child ordner gefunden.
Best regards,
Danke für das Feedback. Komme leider nicht auf die Seite, da im Maintanance Mode.
Würde dazu WP Login Daten brauchen (Du kannst diese im Private Content Bereich unterbringen).
Versuche aber bitte folgendes in Enfold->General Styling->Quick CSS:
.avia_transform a:hover .image-overlay{opacity: 0.0 !important;}
Dies sollte den Effekt auf allen Seiten ausschalten.
Notfalls müsste man den Selektor auf einzelne Seiten einschränken.Hoffe, das hilft weiter.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 23, 2017 at 8:28 am in reply to: dynamic_avia – enfold_child.css – Problem mit überflüssigem Anführungszeichen #828617Hi,
Freut uns, dass das Problem gelöst wurde. Viel Freude noch mit dem Theme.
Bei weiteren Problemen kannst Du jederzeit wieder einen neuen Thread aufmachen.
GünterJuly 17, 2017 at 9:42 am in reply to: Akkordeon-Farben aus dem Quick-CSS werden nicht angenommen und es werdeTexttypos #822427Hi,
Danke für die Login Daten.
Was mir als erstes im CSS auffällt: !impoortant sollte von den Farbwerten etc mit Leerzeichen getrennt werden – könnte bei manchen Browsern Probleme machen.
In FF schaut die Hintergrundfarbe und Textdarbe der Akkordeonbalkens ident zu Impressum aus – und auch so sehe ich keine Auffälligkeiten.
Günter -