Forum Replies Created
September 26, 2017 at 5:50 pm in reply to: Blog grid layout not showing meta/ date unless there's content #857059
Glad we could help you.
Feel free to come back if you need further assistance. Enjoy the theme and have a nice day.
Best regards,
I checked your backend. The setup of the megamenu was the problem.
I setup the menu so it is working now.
You have to use columns below the top level menu (= MegaMenu).
Columns are “Custom Linkes” (= Individuelle Links) with URL = # and Link Text = ‘-‘ if you want to hide the column titel or the column title.Let us know, if this solved your problem.
Best regards,
GünterHey Elmar,
Danke für diese Info.
Ich werde diese Änderungen in unserem Entwicklungsrepo unterbringen und Kriesi für das nächsten Update vorschlagen.
Allerdings kann ich das Problem auf meinem Entwicklungsrechner (WC 3.1.1 und Yoast 5.5 aktiv) nicht reproduzieren.
Solltest Du mit dem Einloggen in das Forum Probleme haben, gib uns Bescheid, dann senden wir Dir ein neues Passwort.
If you have any problems and need more assistance feel free to open a new topic. I will close this topic for now.
Enjoy the theme and have a nice day.
Best regards,
As long as you do not import any demo you should not have any problems.
Kriesi already merged my update into the core. If you need to import demos, let us know and we will provide you with the updated version of the file mentioned in the error log.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 25, 2017 at 12:08 pm in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #856438Hi,
Glad we could help you.
I close this topic – open a new one whenever you need more assistance.
LG aus Wien
GünterSeptember 25, 2017 at 10:50 am in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #856414Hi,
See for a more common solution.
Added a new snippet.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 24, 2017 at 3:53 pm in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #856061Hi,
Sorry for the late reply.
I added the frame for the filter avf_option_page_data_init to our Enfold library
Here is also the code:
It should be easy to modify it to your needs. Link is valid for 1 week.
Best regards,
GünterHey Khoa,
The problem you reported is a bug, that should be fixed with the next update.
Meanwhile you have to update file enfold\js\avia.js. Please replace the complete content of this file with the RAW paste content of
This link is valid for one week. Make sure to make a copy of the original file to have a fallback and that you are using Enfold 4.1.2.
Do not forget to clear browser and server cache after the update.If you have problem we can do the update for you, please give us FTP access to your server.
Best regards,
Once again sorry for the problems you had.
If you want to use 4.1.2 you can update file enfold\js\avia.js.
Please replace the complete content of this file with the RAW paste content ofThis link is valid for one week. Make sure to make a copy of the original file to have a fallback and that you are using Enfold 4.1.2.
Do not forget to clear browser and server cache after the update.If you want to use “Display submenu items on hover” please let us know, because then you need to update 2 more files.
If you have problem we can do the update for you, please give us FTP access to your server.
Best regards,
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Bitte die komplette Datei enfold\js\avia.js mit foldenden Inhalt ersetzen (RAW Paste Fenster):
Nicht vergessen, ein Backup der Datei als Fallback anzulegen, falls etwas nicht funktioniert.
Auch Browsercache und Servercache löschen.
Diese Änderung sollte das Problem beheben und wird im nächsten Update integriert sein. Tut uns leid für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Um eine Modifikation updatesicher zu machen, musst Du alle Änderungen im Child theme vornehmen (z.B. in functions.php des child themes).
Das Anlegen der hidden fields sollte so funktionieren.
Nach dem Absenden:
In functions.php des child themes einfügen:
add_filter('avf_form_send', 'my_avf_form_send', 10, 4 ); /** * * @param boolean $send * @param array $post all $_POST with "avia_" removed * @param array $form_params * @param avia_form $objec * @return boolean true to continue, false to stop sending email */ function my_avf_form_send( $send, $post, $form_params, $objec ) { return $send; }
Im Funktionsrumpf kannst Du dann deine Werten verarbeiten.
Best regards,
Die Produktsuche in der Sidebar liefert mir momentan nur im Hauptbereich die eingeschränkten Produkte zurück.
Hast Du schon eine Testseite, wo Du den Screenshot implementiert hast resp. kannst Du eine erstellen, wie Du es Dir vorstellst – nur damit wir vom gleichen reden.
GünterSeptember 21, 2017 at 12:46 pm in reply to: PAGE BUILDER NOT WORKING WHEN TRANSLATING IN WPML #854795Hi,
Thanks for coming back.
I activated Yoast again and cleared the cache.
For page Allergic Reactions & Symptoms the builder is showing on the translation page.
I think, it must have something to do with the elements on the homepage.
Can you please enable the ALB debug mode so I can copy the shortcodes to my local install and check with a debugger?
Can you try to open all the other pages also and check, if this problem occurs on other pages also or only on this one?
Thanks for your assistance.
Best regards,
GünterHey Luisgasser,
Danke, dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Soweit ich aus dem screenshot sehe, kann es sich nur um das Combo Widget handeln.
Den Code dafür findest Du in enfold\framework\php\class-framework-widgets.php line 940ff class avia_combo_widget.
Diese Klasse müsstest Du in functions.php des Childthemes umschreiben.
Falls das nicht die richtige Klasse ist, bitte einen Link zu der Seite und evtl. einen admin account, damit wir ins Backend schauen können, was für ein Element das ist.
Best regards,
GünterHey henning-lenste,
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Soferne das Kontaktformular alle Steuerelemente bietet, ist es sicher eine Möglichkeit. Abfangen kannst Du das gesendete Forumar in der Datei enfold\framework\php\class-form-generator.php Zeile 806 mit dem Filter:
//hook to stop execution here and do something different with the data $proceed = apply_filters( 'avf_form_send', true, $new_post, $this->form_params, $this );
und die Ausgabe erfolgt über enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\contact.php function shortcode_handler und enfold\framework\php\class-form-generator.php functionen create_elements und display_form.
Ich hoffe, das hilft Dir einmal weiter.
Es gibt auch noch andere plugins wie z.B. Contact Form 7 die recht gut sind. Wie die aber zum Abfangen gehen, kann ich momentan nicht sagen.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 21, 2017 at 12:00 pm in reply to: PAGE BUILDER NOT WORKING WHEN TRANSLATING IN WPML #854768Hi,
Let us know, if this fixes your issues, so we can close this topic.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 21, 2017 at 11:13 am in reply to: PAGE BUILDER NOT WORKING WHEN TRANSLATING IN WPML #854729Hi,
Thank you for using our theme and reporting this.
I proposed a fix for that for the next update – Kriesi will check it.
Best regards,
Thank you for using our theme.
Sorry for the inconvienience.
The problem you reported should be fixed with the next update.
Meanwhile you have to update file enfold\js\avia.js. Please replace the complete content of this file with the RAW paste content of
This link is valid for one week. Make sure to make a copy of the original file to have a fallback and that you are using Enfold 4.1.2.
If you have problem we can do the update for you, please give us FTP access to your server.
If the problems remain, please create a tempoprary admin account for us so we can check the backend.
Do not forget to clear browser and server cache after each update.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 21, 2017 at 10:36 am in reply to: Shopping cart hidden but blocking hamburger menu in mobile #854709Hey turemovich,
Thank you for using our theme and for pointing out this problem. I will put it on our TDO list for the next update.
If you need any further assistance do not hesitate to open a new topic.
As you have a solution for this problem I will close this topic for now.
Best regards,
GünterHey promind-customer,
Thank you for using our theme.
Please try to update avia.js with this latest version:
If this does not help, please create a temporary admin accout and ftp access for us, so we can check in backend. You can post this in private data.
Also remove your customisations after upload of the new version, clear all your browser and server caches after every change.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 21, 2017 at 10:19 am in reply to: Kein Bildwechsel bei Varianten im Shop /No image change for variants in the shop #854697Hi,
Thank you for using our theme and coming back.
Variation images on the single product page are only supported in the new WooCommerce 3.0 gallery.
You can enable this on Dashboard -> Enfold Option page -> Shop Options -> Product gallery -> WooCommerce 3.0 Gallery
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 21, 2017 at 10:15 am in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #854692Hey Leo,
Thank yyou for using our theme.
In enfold\framework\php\class-superobject.php line 117 you have 2 filters:
if(isset($avia_pages)) $this->option_pages = apply_filters( 'avf_option_page_init', $avia_pages); if(isset($avia_elements)) $this->option_page_data = apply_filters( 'avf_option_page_data_init', $avia_elements);
There you can alter the option array and the elements with a filter hook in functions.php in the child theme.
If you need assistance in creating the filter hooks let us know.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 21, 2017 at 10:06 am in reply to: Variation image not change when select new variation #854678Hey marcellovoc,
Thank you for using our theme.
Variation images are only supported in the new WooCommerce 3.0 gallery.
You can enable this on Dashboard -> Enfold Option page -> Shop Options -> Product gallery -> WooCommerce 3.0 Gallery
Best regards,
GünterHey Pete66,
Thank you for using our theme.
Have a look at the accordeon element of the ALB see
I think, this should solve your idea.
Best regards,
GünterHey unicaweb,
Thank you for using our theme and coming back.
This cannot be done out of the box because these are different queries and elements combined in different locations of the page.
Of course it is possible, but this will require modifications that are customization and beyond the scope of the support forum.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 20, 2017 at 5:13 pm in reply to: PAGE BUILDER NOT WORKING WHEN TRANSLATING IN WPML #854472Hi,
Yoast SEO plugin just released an update. Please upgrade to version 5.4.1
This should solve the problems, only
was not fixed by Yoast yet, so please update this file with
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 20, 2017 at 4:43 pm in reply to: PAGE BUILDER NOT WORKING WHEN TRANSLATING IN WPML #854449Hi,
Thank you for coming back.
After long testing I found that this is caused by a bug in Yoast SEO plugin.
I deactivated it, deleted all translations, cleared WP Rocket cache ( !!!! very important !!!!) and now you can translate the pages.
Also it is not a theme related problem (you can swith to a standard WP theme and translating will break after enabling Yoast) I found the bugs.
You have to update 3 files:
Please replace the complete content of these files with the RAW paste content.
The links are valid for one month.
Make sure to make a copy of the original file to have a fallback and that you are using Enfold 4.1.2.
If you have problem we can do the updates for you, please give us FTP access to your server.
Best regards,
GünterSeptember 20, 2017 at 11:51 am in reply to: Blog grid layout not showing meta/ date unless there's content #854304 -