Forum Replies Created
Great we could help you.
Don’t hesiatate to contact us if you need further assistance.
Have a nice day and enjoy the theme.
Best regards,
Thank you for using Enfold and reporting the problem.
I could locate the bug, tried to fix it in WP Editor but could not.
The problem is the extended email check. If you switch back to normal check it works.
In the next update there will be a fix for that.
Meanwhile you can replace
Don’t forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.
If we shall do the update for you we would need ftp access to your server.
Best regards,
GünterMay 29, 2018 at 4:24 pm in reply to: Lots of php server errors class-framework-widgets.php lines 3019 and 3020 #963788Hi,
Thank you for reporting this and sorry for the problems. We will provide a fix for the next update.
If you do not need the widget please look in file enfold\framework\php\class-framework-widgets.php around line 2249 for
/** * WP Cron job events */ if( $this->activate_cron ) { add_action( 'av_instagram_scheduled_filecheck', array( $this, 'handler_scheduled_filecheck' ), 10 ); }
and remove the lines.
Best regards,
GünterMay 29, 2018 at 1:52 pm in reply to: Get a link to the modal window with privacy and cookie info #963670Hi guys,
Thank you for using Enfold and suggesting this.
I added a shortcode to add a button that opens the popup. Should be part of the next update.
Meanwhile you can replace
Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for fallback.
Shortcode is (all parameters are optional, remove ‘ ‘ after [ ):
[ av_privacy_popup button_text='your custom text' wrapper_class='' id='' class='']
Best regards,
Das klingt danach, als ob das Feld “E-Mail Subject” direkt über “Autoresponse Text” leer ist. In diesem Fall erfolgt eine Default Meldung “New Message (sent by contact form at ….” und die dürfte mit Deine Nachricht …. übersetzt sein.
Dieses Feld befüllen und es sollte funktionieren.
Best regards,
GünterHey essjb,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Glad you could solve it.
Could you kindly post your solution here to help other users that are facing the same probem ?
Best regards,
GünterMay 28, 2018 at 2:57 pm in reply to: Set privacy & cookie settings in Enfold 4.4 update, now can't reply to comments #963264Hi,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Problem will be fixed in the next update.
Meanwhile please replace
Don’t forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.
If you need assistance in updateing we need ftp access to your server and we can do it for you.
Best regards,
Thank you for using our theme.
Sorry for the problems.
Here is the solution:
Best regards,
Thank you for using our theme and reporting this.
A fix will be in the next update.
Meanwhile please replace
Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.
If you need assistance in updating the file please give us ftp access and we can help you.
Best regards,
GünterMay 28, 2018 at 1:46 pm in reply to: Adding custom ID to enfold elements…Answer no longer applies #963185Hey Andrew,
Thank you for using Enfold.
In Tab “Layout Builder” you find a checkbox Show element options for developers.
But not all ALB elements support custom ID’s yet. But you can use a unique custom class as a workaround.
Best regards,
GünterMay 24, 2018 at 4:30 pm in reply to: Problem with “Load only used elements” when using videobackground, color section #961658Hey forde,
Thank you for using Enfold and reporting this bug.
I added it to our todo list and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Best regards,
GünterMay 24, 2018 at 4:22 pm in reply to: GDPR – DSGVO – UPDATE 4.4 – GREAT JOB – THANKS – ENFOLD RULEZ ! #961648Hey Mariusz86,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Enjoy the theme and feel free to come back if you need further assistance.
Best regards,
GünterHey tdisdi,
Thank you for using our theme.
I’m afraid, that is a problem you have to contact WPML, why they execute shortcodes on importing content of a post.
WPML has the structure of our Advances Layout Builder elements in their XML file and therefore know what needs to be translated. That works on manual translating and should also work on bulk import.One idea I have is – remove all files in enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\ and try to import.
Best regards,
GünterHey pamk21,
Thank you for using our theme.
Please give us admin access to your site and the link to the page. Also enable ALB debug mode
Best regards,
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Es handelt sich um einen Bug im Übersetzungsfile. Gib im Tab Google einfach den Schlüssel ein und auf Überprüfen.
Wir arbeiten bereits an einer Korrektur der Übersetzung.
Best regards,
GünterMay 23, 2018 at 3:48 pm in reply to: Checkmarks in Performance – self hosted video – youtube video #960873Hi!
As Kriesi said: we would love some server credentials to check your installation. What you can also try:
Can you please try to completly remove all old theme files and upload a fresh set of theme files? Currently the only idea we got that there is some file merging going on, instead of overwriting…Best regards,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Glad that the problem was solved. Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.
Enjoy the theme and have a nice day.
Best regards,
We added the filters:
ava_after_content_templatebuilder_pageShould be in release 4.4.1.
GünterMay 23, 2018 at 11:46 am in reply to: Zusätzliche Informationen und ähnliche Produkte ausblenden #960754Hallo Beat,
Hier ist der Code – einfch die Zeile weglassen, die Du behalten möchtest:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'custom_product_tabs', 10, 1 ); function custom_product_tabs( array $tabs ) { unset( $tabs['description'] ); unset( $tabs['additional_information'] ); unset( $tabs['reviews'] ); return $tabs; }
Best regards,
GünterMay 21, 2018 at 3:15 pm in reply to: Image Element "Link Settings" not showing all blog posts in drop down #959805Hi,
Thank you for reporting the problem and great you have a temporary fix. The patch is planned to be in the next update.
Enjoy the theme and have a nice day. Feel free to come back when you need further assistance.
Best regards,
GünterMay 20, 2018 at 4:32 pm in reply to: Zusätzliche Informationen und ähnliche Produkte ausblenden #959459Hi Beat
Tut mir leid für die späte Antwort, aber ich bin nicht ständig im Forum und unsere englisch sprechenden Mods waren die letzten Tage auch sehr überlastet und haben deshalb nicht antworten können.
Für das Problem mit den related products:
In functions.php des Child Themes (oder des Hauptthemes, wenn Du kein Child Theme verwendest) am Ende füge das folgende ein (z.B. über Dashboard -> Appearance > Editor):
add_action('init', 'custom_remove_related_products', 9000 ); function custom_remove_related_products() { remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'avia_woocommerce_output_related_products', 20); }
Was genau meinst Du mit “Zusätzliche Informationen” ?
Best regards,
Freut mich, dass wir helfen konnten.
Jederzeit stehen wir für weitere Fragen und Probleme zur Verfügung.
Viel Freude noch mit dem Theme.
GünterHallo Benny,
Freut mich, dass es passt.
Der Patch ist bereits in 4.3.2 integriert und diese Version sollte schon online sein.
Viel Freude noch mit dem Theme.
GünterMay 14, 2018 at 12:09 pm in reply to: Zusätzliche Informationen und ähnliche Produkte ausblenden #956380Hey Bregi,
Danke dass Du unser theme verwendest.
Damit wir uns leichter tun: könntest Du uns bitte einen Link zu der(den) Seiten geben die betroffen sind.
Du kannst diese im Private Content unterbringen, dann sind sie nur für Moderatoren sichtbar.
Please replace in enfold\config-layerslider\config.php line 605:
if( false !== strpos( $content, '[av_layerslider ' ) )
if( ( false !== strpos( $content, '[av_layerslider ' ) ) || ( false !== strpos( $content, '[layerslider ' ) ) )
This fix now loads the layerslider script also for the default layerslider shortcode. It works on my install.
Clear all server and browser caches after doing the update – also try to restart the browser several times to clear the cache.
Best regards,
Danke, dass Sie sich für unser Theme interessieren.
Aufgrund der Vereinbarung mit Theme Forest / Envato können wir leider keinen Direktverkauf durchführen und auch keine Kopien zur Verfügung stellen.
Hier gibt es ein Video das recht gut die Funktion von Enfold zeigt. Leider ist es nicht auf dem leltzten Stand – Enfold wird ständig erweitert und erhält neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen.
Ich hoffe, das hilft weiter. Gerne stehen wir für weitere Fragen zur Verfügung.
Best regards,
Danke für die Rückmeldung. Ich habe den Bug korrigiert und auch in obigen Link. Bitte die Datei nochmals updaten.
I think I could fix the problem.
Please update enfold\config-layerslider\config.php with:
Do not forget to make a copy of the old file for a fallback.
If you have troubles we can do that for you, but we need FTP access.
Let us know, if it works.
Best regards,
Günter -