Forum Replies Created
Hey S.,
Thanks for reporting this.
I forwarded this to Kriesi – but he is on holiday now and I do not know when he can answer.
But in my opinion if you are using https protocol the connection is secured by the protocol and browser/server manage the encryption. But I would recheck this with a network system administrator – your hoster will certainly help you in answering this question.
Plain http connections are of course insecure.
Best regards,
Did you check filter avf_preview_window_css_files in config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\template-builder.class.php ( around line 732 ).
There you can add CSS files to be loaded for preview.Best regards,
Thanks for the feedback.
Please check updated file
Best regards,
Can you please check once again the updated file
Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for fallback, clear server and browser cache.
Best regards,
Can you please replace enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\slideshow_revolution.php with:
Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for fallback, clear server and browser cache.
Best regards,
I’m afraid – yes. Changing this behaviour is nearly impossible without rewriting WP core js files.
If you really need to limit href to either single or double quotes you can only do it by hooking in the_content filter with a very low priority (99999999) and replace it with preg_replace.
Best regards,
I added the frame how to add the filter to functions.php and an dummy example:
You have to check with bedrock what exactly needs to be changed.
Best regards,
There will be a theme option “Http security level for checking readability of merged files” in Performace Tab in the next release.
Best regards,
There will be a theme option “Http security level for checking readability of merged files” in Performace Tab in the next release.
You can (should) us filters in the functions.php of your child theme – than you need not think about when theme updates of the parent theme are coming.
Best regards,
Thanks for the staging site – and sorry for the late reply.
I could not find a logical reason why the first event is skipped in the query – could be the offset parameter, the only difference to the upcoming event query.
As a workaround I start the query now 4 days before (interesting that 1 day before also does not return the first event). See line 113ff in events_countdown.php of your child theme.
As this might cause problems to other users also I will add an option for that to the core.
Best regards,
In file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\buttonrow\buttonrow.php at the bottom look for:
$output .= "<a href='{$link}' {$data} class='avia-button {$extraClass} " . $this->class_by_arguments('icon_select, color, size', $atts, true) . "' {$blank} {$style} >";
and replace with:
$output .= "<a title='{$atts['label']}' href='{$link}' {$data} class='avia-button {$extraClass} " . $this->class_by_arguments('icon_select, color, size', $atts, true) . "' {$blank} {$style} >";
Could be that adding a title to buttons will become part of the core. Check for changelog and options in the elements.
Best regards,
This is WP default behaviour.
You can check with a standard theme.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 5, 2019 at 11:31 am in reply to: Merge and Compress CSS & JS Issue – avia_head_scripts #1116014Hi,
In file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\asset-manager.class.php around line 430 you find:
$request = wp_remote_get($file);
Try to replace it with:
$request = wp_remote_get( $file, array( 'sslverify' => false ) );
Hope this helps to fix the problem.
Best regards,
As stated in this answer – I’m not a system administrator but could you check with your hoster / or sysadmin if there could be a problem?
We actually create the file and try to read it afterwards to make sure it is avaiable. Ignoring this as suggested in the other post could result in a broken site.
Best regards,
As stated in this answer – I’m not a system administrator but could you check with your hoster / or sysadmin if there could be a problem?
We actually create the file and try to read it afterwards to make sure it is avaiable. Ignoring this as suggested in the other post could result in a broken site.
Best regards,
I added parameter $video_html_raw to filter avf_sc_video_output.
Hope this helps you.
You can check for global variable $avia_config – looks more reliable as this is used by the theme to store settings,….
Best regards,
GünterJuly 4, 2019 at 12:27 pm in reply to: Merge and Compress CSS & JS Issue – avia_head_scripts #1115731Hey Jason,
Thank you for using Enfold.
The file avia-head-scripts-xxxxxx only gets generated when you enqueue scripts to the header. Enfold enqueue all the scripts that are merged in footer.
avia-compat.js is printed “hardcoded” in the head area. Therefore it is not necessary to generate the avia-head-scripts file.
If you change the last parameter of wp_enqueue_script to false (e.g. for an alb element you use) and toggle the compression you will see that avia-head-scripts file is generated.
Best regards,
Thank you for using Enfold.
The filter avf_asset_mgr_get_file_data is included in 4.5.7 (enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\asset-manager.class.php around line 278).
I do not know what bedrock is exactly doing – and we do not support this plugin. So this is customization and out of scope of support.
In case you need an additional filter you can let us know and we can check if it is possible to add to core.You can contact the plugin author and ask for assistance there – or hire a freelancer.
Best regards,
This issue is caused that in php you can write strings within single quotes or double quotes. Using double quotes has the advantage that you can insert variables in the string which makes the code easier to read – means you have to use single quotes to enclose the value. This is also for e.g. class declaration.
Uusing single quotes is faster as the interpreter does not have to search the string for variables – therefore when you need to insert the result of a function call in the string many developers use single quotes – and then have to use double quotes to enclose the value.
Best regards,
Yes, the fix is already merged and will be part of the next update.
Best regards,
Can you wait for the next update?
If not, please open a new thread, give a backlink to this topic and we can give you a link to a beta version including this fix in private content area.
Best regards,
GünterJune 25, 2019 at 2:37 pm in reply to: Code Block Element doesn't handle shortcodes properly #1113242Hi,
I added 2 filters:
avf_sc_video_outputPlease check if they help you or what should be changed.
Best regards,
Do you have a staging site where I can reproduce the problem and I can have FTP access and WP admin access to upload some modified files to check internal data values?
Best regards,
Thanks for opening the credentials.
I’m not the expert for TEC, but checking our code the calls to the query for events are identical. The only possible problem I see (and what is different from my server) could be caused by timezones.
This message is on top op the event page:
When using The Events Calendar, we recommend that you use a geographic timezone such as “America/Los_Angeles” and avoid using a UTC timezone offset such as “UTC-7”.
Choosing a UTC timezone for your site or individual events may cause problems when importing events or with Daylight Saving Time. Read moreAnd you use “UTC-7”.
In the events countdown we check for postmeta _EventStartDateUTC to get the first event.
I do not want to mess around in your site – but could you try to add a new event as first to come and check what happens ?
As a second step to locate the problem we would need to add some extra output to see what the queries return and why the first event is skipped.
Best regards,
Günter -