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  • in reply to: Contact form sending me spam messages #967102

    Hello Basilis,
    thanks, I sent you a link in the “Privat Content” section to access wp-admin.

    in reply to: Contact form sending me spam messages #966094

    Thanks but I am using the Enfolds own contact form with:
    – Enfolds’s Captcha enabled
    – Enfold’s new 4.4 Obligatory privacy policy message (does not get accepted but form can be sent!!!!)
    – Akismet plugin activated

    So you really advice me NOT to use the form that comes with Enfold theme and better use a 3rd party plugin like Caldera forms?????

    Same here, and I also noticed the standard “lightbox” setting on images does not work anymore :(

    in reply to: Load only used elements loading no elements #951508

    Same here!!
    When “Load only used elements” is selected non of the elements on website work.
    This I have on all 3 websites I already have updated to latest version.
    I will wait for a fix before updating more of my clients ENFOLD websites.

    I also want to suggest to add the following to the modified css code to make the responsive table better legible:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .responsive .avia_responsive_table .avia-data-table tr th {border:none !important}

    because, in responsive mode the extra divider lines between headline and content look odd – personal feeling only ;)

    Nice and clean look:
    nice and clean without the extra dividers

    Actually the file:

    is a dynamic generated file of the ENFOLD theme so I really don’t know how to delete the css from it – it generated on the fly!

    for a quick fix I addad this now to my child-theme css:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .responsive .avia_responsive_table .avia-data-table tr:first-child th{
    display: block !important;
    .avia-table-1 td:nth-of-type(1):before {
    display:none !important;

    which helps but please look into your code and delete the bug in the next update.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by gregorh.

    I just added the code you gave me to the child-theme css and the table is now showing the first table header correctly BUT it gets still repeated on any other table too. so part of the problem is still not fixed.

    error remains

    Hello Nikko,
    OK, can you please tell me where I find this code (which css file is it in?)
    I did not write this css into any of the files and the theme I installed just yesterday so you should check your theme code and correct the bug in the next update.


    in reply to: Enfold Layout editor goes funny. Can't use theme #939806

    Hello Victoria, cool thanks!
    Yes you are right, I removed the > and < arrows from the text and now it shows fine!


    in reply to: Enfold Layout editor goes funny. Can't use theme #939738

    there is only one page so just go to the homepage (taking away the /wp-admin from the domain I’ve sent you) and you will see it.

    and I have the exact same problem on this subdomain:
    All was fine until I added 50px padding to the last 1/1 container than the container disapeared and I was left wirh:
    ….. [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full] [av_one_full first min_height='' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' padding='50px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background_color='#d1d1d1' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display=''] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg=''] Test 1/1 [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full]
    visible on the home page.

    Both domain are clean installations, only plugin is akismet

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by gregorh.
    in reply to: Enfold Layout editor goes funny. Can't use theme #939402

    Sorry to say but it is still not working correctly.
    This time the Advanced editors shortcode becomes visible on front end when adding a background color to a column, looking like this:

    ….. Hermann Zeidler ist am 4.12.2009 in Schopfheim verstorben. [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full] [av_one_full first min_height='' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background_color='#dddddd' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display=''] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']

    This is a bad situation! I think I will have to use an different theme if Kriesi does not fix this very soon and I don’t want to imagine what can happen to me past clients that I have used ENFOLD for building their sites. Hopefully none of them updates ENFOLD now.

    in reply to: Enfold Layout editor goes funny. Can't use theme #939343

    “ <— is it possible that this is causing the problem?
    I had some of those in the text I copied into the page and now replaced them with ” which seams to be different and does not have this negativ effect on the layout. Stange!!

    in reply to: Change the width when responsive turns into desktop #889330

    Hello, thanks I found a solution for the above problem:

    @media all and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .av-desktop-hide {display: block !important;}
    .av-medium-hide {display: none !important;}
    .av-small-hide {display: none !important;}
    .av-mini-hide {display: none !important;}

    @media all and (min-width: 1025px) {
    .av-desktop-hide {display: none !important;}
    .av-medium-hide {display: block !important;}
    .av-small-hide {display: block !important;}
    .av-mini-hide {display: block !important;}

    Is this a correct way or could it be done more elegant?


    Hello, good morning Ismael,

    fantastic, works perfect now!! Thanks a lot!!

    Can you explain why – if the page is a homepage (and only in secondary language) – the portfolio grid is OUTSIDE the wrap_all or main container while the EXACT SAME PAGE (copied 100% with your layout template tool) as normal page seams to be inside the wrap_all/main container??
    Strange isn’t it??

    Best regards and thanks again for finding the error.

    Hello Nikko, thanks please find the detail in the privat section.


    Another update:
    Comparing the above two pages that have the exact same content, I noticed that on the Home-Page (/en )this part is missing in the source code:

    <span class="image-overlay overlay-type-extern" style="left: -5px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: block; height: 158px; width: 232px;"><span class="image-overlay-inside"></span></span>

    That is why -when I mouse over the items- the little overlay with the black arrow does not appear, not sure what it has todo with the view of the items images…


    Hello Nikko, OK second problem I solved, it was a css problem.

    Main problem is still unsolved and it must have todo with the pages being “Home” pages of translated languages.
    I used ENFOLDS Template system to copy the english home page content to a normal (sub)page and it works without problem.

    English home page

    Same content but not on homepage:
    Same content but not a home page


    Hello Nikko, sorry I missed your reply to my problem.

    Here is a screenshot of the english homepage ( when I click on any of the portfolio items (only english and spanish homepages) the item images show as “List” and not as “Gallery” or “Slideshow” no matter how it is set in the translation of the original (german) portfolio items (all items, in all languages, are set to be “gallery” style.)


    The second Problem can be seen here:


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by gregorh.
    in reply to: Masonry blog images cut of in Chrome, fine in FF #865749

    Hello Victoria, thanks a lot for your help!

    in reply to: Masonry blog images cut of in Chrome, fine in FF #865716

    Hello Victoria,
    this is on my iMac 27″ (2560 x 1440), Chrome is: Version 61.0.3163.100 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)


    in reply to: Masonry blog images cut of in Chrome, fine in FF #865631

    Hi John, yes, in Firefox it looks as expected but not in (my) Chrome and that is what my topic is about:
    Can you provide a Chrome screenshot where it looks like in FF?


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by gregorh.
    in reply to: Need help with translatable string in template file #865492

    Thanks so much Jordan, fantastic news!!


    in reply to: Need help with translatable string in template file #865463

    Hello, little update:

    I found the solution for problem #1
    Now I only would like to know why this portfolio.php file is not child-themable?


    in reply to: Very strange and nonse. #864812

    Hello, just a hint:
    You need to write something int the “Reply To: Very strange and nonse.” field too and not only write in the “Private Content” field for the form to submit correctly. Just write “Submitted some privat content…” or anything else but not leave this field empty (Just like the error told you: “ERROR: Your reply cannot be empty.”)

    Privat content is not the same a the reply field!

    in reply to: Masonry blog images cut of in Chrome, fine in FF #864806

    Hello, sure just sent WP login details.


    in reply to: Oh wow – high Sierra Site of Apple is nice #862501

    Thanks a lot Guenni007!!
    Hab zwar aktuell keine Verwendung dafür, aber toll zu sehen was für fähige Köpfe sich hier tummeln.


    in reply to: It always tells me I have 1 new update for plugins #825043

    Hello microbrewr, yes that is the Layer-slider.
    One other option would be to buy a separate license for the the Layer-Slider on Codecanyon and when you install/activate it it will overwrite the ENFOLD Layer-Slider. Than you can update whenever a new Slider Version become available. But actually why does the (1) notification bother you at all? It is nothing to really worry about its more a cosmetic problem. I only see a problem with websites I build for my clients, on own websites it does not hurt me.

    in reply to: It always tells me I have 1 new update for plugins #824560

    microbrewr if you don’t need the Layer-Slider you can paste this code into your Child-Themes functions.php to get rid of the update message (and the layer-slider!)

    /* Deactivate LayerSlider WP */

    If you use/need this layer-slider you’ll have to live with the update message.

    Hope this helps,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by gregorh.
    in reply to: It always tells me I have 1 new update for plugins #824523

    Hahaha, come on support guy, you know its the damned Layer-Slider doing this for month already.
    Its a pain in the a…. that we are not able to just take it out of ENFOLD and are forced to have it installed.
    Think about it!!

    Hi Mike, yes please!

    Thanks & regards!

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