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  • in reply to: bullets on upper product description #437121

    yay! it worked! thanks a bunch!

    in reply to: bullets on upper product description #437113

    tried clearing cache and history
    tried refreshing
    tried these codes:

    .summary.entry-summary ul {
    list-style: disc outside;
    #top .summary .description ul, #top .woocommerce-tabs ul{
    list-style: disc inside;

    still bullets not showing.

    in reply to: bullets on upper product description #436965

    link to a product that has bullets:

    in reply to: rtl – sortedReverse functions problem #385008

    josue, this code is PERFECT!
    i am very thankfull – BEST THEME EVER!

    in reply to: avia fullwidth button icon – rtl #383951

    thank you- works!

    in reply to: fonts problem #364397

    another take on this subject:
    i KNOW the font face is working since using a special tags i CAN in fact use these fonts.

    so the problem is somewhere in the general styling, if that helps you figure out what is going on.

    for example when using <bb> tag, the bold weight is shown. when using <ll> tag the light weight is shown.

    ll { font-family: 'DINWebLight';
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;  }
    rr { font-family: 'DINWeb';
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;  }
    bb { font-family: 'DINWebBold';
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;  }

    now, i will solve almost all of my problems beside the main menu, where i don’t have access to add the tag i created.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by graphico.
    in reply to: fonts problem #364396

    the } i was missing was corrected but still no results, the fonts are acting strange.

    sometimes it takes a weight of 200,
    sometimes its written as bold and sometimes as weight:600.

    see picture:

    in this example, i put “DINWebBold” in advance styling for menu. it will only recognise the “DINWeb” and not the “DINWebBold”, so it falls back into helvetica…

    in reply to: fonts problem #364394
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: how to disable span.special_amp on headlines? #359117

    great! thanks a lot!

    in reply to: av-subheading modifications #355945

    thank you!

    in reply to: description column on pricing table – not acting as demo #338248

    yay! great. thanks for the idea :-P

    in reply to: description column on pricing table – not acting as demo #338083

    i get what you did, but it won’t be a good solutions since i am going to have 4 different pricing tables, i can’t have the third column always be 61px high…

    but your solution gave me another idea: what if in the decryption text itself i will put:
    <span style="line-height: 62px;">Backup Scope</span>

    the 62px is taken from the line height of the right which is 82px, minus 20px which is inner paddings. this way i can change the description line itself instead of changing the style for all description rows.

    is this solution sounds good to you? will it work in all browsers?

    avia table
    safari browser

    in reply to: description column on pricing table – not acting as demo #337930

    1. where should i add an empty row? here is my avia builder screen, please explain to me what did i do wrong. seems to me i did everything right and that the problem is that the columns of the descriptive row is not aligned with the height of the other columns.

    avia builder table settings

    in reply to: creating footer with 1/5,3/5 and 1/5 layout #320982

    devin, can you explain to me what is a “code block instead of text block” means?

    in reply to: creating footer with 1/5,3/5 and 1/5 layout #320371

    Hello again devin, i’m sorry but i don’t understand what your solution is. is using [av_textblock ] not the right way to do it?

    in reply to: creating footer with 1/5,3/5 and 1/5 layout #319104

    hi devin, i changed the footer widget code to:

    [av_one_fifth first]
    [av_textblock ]<div class="custom-footer-social">
    <span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  avia-icon-pos-left " style="color:#435f9f; border-color:#435f9f;"><a href=''   class='av-icon-char' style='font-size:25px;line-height:25px;' aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello' ></a></span>
    <span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  avia-icon-pos-left " style="color:#f1f1f1; border-color:#f1f1f1;"><span class='av-icon-char' style='font-size:25px;line-height:25px;' aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello' ></span></span>
    <span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  avia-icon-pos-left " style="color:#50abf1; border-color:#50abf1;"><a href=''   class='av-icon-char' style='font-size:25px;line-height:25px;' aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello' ></a></span>
    <span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  avia-icon-pos-left " style="color:#f1f1f1; border-color:#f1f1f1;"><span class='av-icon-char' style='font-size:25px;line-height:25px;' aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello' ></span></span>
    <span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  avia-icon-pos-left " style="color:#dd4b39; border-color:#dd4b39;"><a href=''   class='av-icon-char' style='font-size:25px;line-height:25px;' aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello' ></a></span></div>
    [av_textblock ]
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    [av_textblock ]
    <a href=""><img class="alignnone" src="" alt="powered by amazon web services" width="230" height="70" /></a>

    and put both codes in the quick css but nothing happened. what am i doing wrong? please advise… thank you!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by graphico.
    in reply to: creating footer with 1/5,3/5 and 1/5 layout #316367


    my code looks like this:

    i want it to look like this:

    the home page (which doesn’t show a footer- its just a section) has this as last section:

    in reply to: avia_image with title aside #310576

    no, i used a full image including the text- but i really want the text to be live and not a picture. so an answer is still needed… if you can please advise.

    in reply to: animated numbers – font size responsiveness on mobile #309497

    thank you!

    in reply to: Facebook sharing – thumbnail image #299565

    i found the solution without installing another plugin- and i’m writing it here in case anyone else has this problem:

    go to plugins-jetpack-edit- look for jetpack/functions.opengraph.php
    and add this code to the php file:

     * Adds default OpenGraph image.
     * Christoph Nahr 2014-02-28
     * @param array $tags Array of OpenGraph tags.
     * @return Specified array, possibly modified.
    function add_default_image( $tags ) {
        // replace blank Jetpack default image with site header
        if ( $tags['og:image'][0] == "" ) {
            unset( $tags['og:image'][0] );
            $tags['og:image'][0] = '';
        // always remove useless HTTPS image tags
        unset( $tags['og:image:secure_url'] );
        return $tags;
    add_filter( 'jetpack_open_graph_tags', 'add_default_image' );

    replace the photo ( to your own of course.
    must be at least 200x200px

    credit: this solution was taken from this link:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by graphico.
    in reply to: Facebook sharing – thumbnail image #299534

    should i use a plugin? in that case which would you recommend?

    in reply to: Facebook sharing – thumbnail image #299533

    i’m not using any plugins for that…i have jetpack but i didn’t do anything with the sharing settings. i will be glad if you could have a look in my admin panel if you can.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by graphico.
    in reply to: Facebook sharing – thumbnail image #299517

    as you can see the og:image is still empty.
    other pages such as post pages show the thumbnail preview image. the only problem is in the home page.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by graphico.
    in reply to: promo box button + top slider #237241

    yes, this is good! thank you so so much

    your support is fantastic!

    in reply to: promo box button + top slider #237229

    the promo box is on the bottom right, home page. your code isn’t working well as you can see
    image: promobox problem

    and as i said i would like the code to somehow address only to this promo box (maybe use a unique ID?). i have another promo box here: – and i want it to keep looking like it did before i put your code

    with your code: promobox not good

    without the code: promobox good

    in reply to: promo box button + top slider #236896

    hi thanks, but i want this change to apply only to this promo box. your code will change all promo boxes across the site won’t it?

    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #234418

    1. page builder- add the ability to put columns inside a column, or the ability to change element’s width to set 2 elements side by side.
    right now there is no option to do that. it sometimes needed, example: in a 2/3 column, i want to put an image that will slide from the right and i want this image to be on the left side of a text block.

    2. page builder- add the ability to put a color box inside a column. ( example- i want 2/3 column white, and 1/3 column green)


    in reply to: promo box responsive issue #234415

    thank you! it works

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