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  • in reply to: Shortcode for Google maps cookie usage #1415332

    Thanks for the code. Works fine.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Slider Revolution not full width #1414532

    Hi Rikard,
    Thanks for asking, everything is working fine now.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Slider Revolution not full width #1414387

    sorry to be that fast in asking for help and then fixing it by my self. :-)
    I just added this to QUICK CSS:

    .page-id-438 main.content {
      padding: 0;

    while the number 438 is the ID of the certain page where i wanted to fix this.

    >> I really love the forum and the support of enfold. Over the years i learned that much so that sometimes i can solve things myself without your great help. And that, although you are extremely quick with your proposed solutions!!!

    in reply to: Slider Revolution not full width #1414382

    and again,
    just one more thing i need to fix. I have a transparent header on this page but it is not visible until scroll-down (since it is white logo and white menu) and the container with the slider has a top margin (i dont know why?).
    How can i change it so that the content of the slider is beginning on the very top of the browser window? When I change to defaukt header there is also a margin between header and slider.
    Any idea how to fix this?

    in reply to: Slider Revolution not full width #1414379

    Hi again,
    I think i found a way to force it full width inside the plugin and without using the “fullwidth Revolution Slider” module provided by enfold.
    In the RevSlider (Premium) Plugin > Layout > Advanced settings there is a toggle “respect ratio” and “enable layer upscaling”… both turned ON and the Slider embedded by pasting the provided code it works now.

    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks for the code, it worked fine.
    Best regards,

    Hi Mike,
    I think I was too happy that it worked so good that I was overseeing that the images are still aligned to the top. You can see it at the post “another one” and “new post” that they do align to the top.

    Is there any chance to make them align to the bottom so that the titles are all on the same line?

    THX in advance,

    Hi Mike,
    thanks for the hint. Your code worked like a charme.

    Best regards,

    Hi Ismael
    I appollogize for the very late reply and thank you for the links and the code. I will give it a try.
    I did the gtmetrix test on this webpage and now i see that there is definetly need for action.

    I will follow up with a short report when I get the time for fixing it.

    best regards,

    — or maybe some code for a delay on initial load so that the resources such as scripts, stylesheets and images can fully load in this time.
    I can´t figure out how to fix this.


    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you for the answer. Your code seems to make it a little bit better (it shifts everything about 100px in to the right direction).

    Maybe it would also be an idea to add some code that loads the anchor-URL twice when clicking on the menu-item in quick succession? I don´t know if there is a code for this but theoretically it would work. or am I wrong?

    Any other idea that might help?

    thanks in advance,

    …forgot the login credentials.

    in reply to: can not save changes to page #1323688

    Hey there!
    Could be that i found the “bug” by comparing two different websites i both built with enfold. Both were (more or less) identical regarding version numbers of WP and enfold.

    As I compared them I found out that ther was something different in the theme settings.
    at the very bottom of the main theme settings you can choose between block-editor and WP classic editor

    I really don´t know why this was set to block-editor but this was causing the strange behavior.
    SOLUTION: changing it to WP Classic Editor solved the Problem.

    Question to the Kriesi-Team: Did I miss something way back, long time ago, when updating the Theme or WordPress? I don´t regularly read all details when updating and since the editing of the content is mostly done by my client herself I didn´t recognize that there is something going wrong.

    in reply to: ERROR after updating Enfold to 4.8.1 #1294582

    ….I should read the Error-messages before posting ;-)

    it was caused by the old version of Revolution Slider (v. 6.2.22)
    I just did an manual update to revslider V 6.4.8 and now everything works again.

    I´m so glad!!!!

    in reply to: local file path viewable in tab title? #1219797

    Hi there,
    I finally found the solution – and it has nothing to do with ENFOLD or WordPress. It is also just appearing in browser tabs when using firefox (as far as I know).

    For those who face the same problem:
    When printing a document with ADOBE PDF PRINTER there is a checkbox in the advanced printer settings you have to uncheck. It´s the ADD DOCUMENT INFORMATION checkbox.

    …You live and learn. ;-)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: local file path viewable in tab title? #1219395

    Hey Rikard,

    Thanks for the answer. The URL of the file is not the problem but the tab title.

    I first uploaded the title-image (jpeg) of the PDF file and placed it (as a preview for the user) on the website.
    Next I uploaded the whole PDF file to the media gallery and copied the URL from there.

    The URL is something like:

    then I linked the preview-image to the individual file URL (copied from the media-library)

    For the user it is like this: When the user klicks on the image a new tab opens showing the URL (like above) but the Tab Title is something like:

    I´m aware that there is no possibility to access my local computer through the local file path but I also don´t want to show that in public. Is there any way to change the tab title of an attachment-URL?

    hope this is more precise.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: email handler PHP script – help needed #1216096

    I don´t understand the problem. The mailto-function (usuallly) opens a new e-mail using the mail-program of the visitor of your website, prefilled with your mail-adress as recipient. It should not open a new tab of your browser.

    There should not be any new tab that opens.

    If so, then give a look at the settings of your link by clicking on the gear-symbol in the pop-up of the editor. There you can use the checkbox to define if the link opens in a new tab or the same tab. Maybe this will fix the problem.



    in reply to: email handler PHP script – help needed #1201530


    It was a simple mistake. In this case the code on the page was linking to the wrong directory because it was not the root directory of the domain but the root directory of wordpress. (in most cases it would be the same but not in that ceretain case)

    Problem fixed !


    in reply to: first image in gallery not showing as thumbnail #1200973

    Hi Jordan,

    You can close this topic. Everything works fine now.


    in reply to: first image in gallery not showing as thumbnail #1200867

    Sorry for that one and thanks for checking it. Years ago I did some CSS changes as a workarround for the portfolio-element on another place on the website. So that one was fixed now by refining the CSS like that.

    #av-sc-portfolio-1 .first_thumb.lightbox.lightbox-added {
        display: none !important;

    Should be more precise now and worked fine for me.

    Many thanks,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by GePu.
    in reply to: first image in gallery not showing as thumbnail #1200274

    Hey Jordan,
    Still having this issue.

    There are 4 Images in the gallery but only 3 thumbnails underneath. At initial load the first image is showing (in big view top of the 3 thumbnails of the other 3 images in the gallery) When I hover the thumbnails it is not possible to go back to the first image. Shouldn´t be all 4 images displayed as a thumbnail so that I can jump back? Hope that discribes the issue. (when I click on the image lightbox is opening and there I can navigate through all the images. But not every user will click on the thumbnails)

    Notice: the first 2 images look quite simmilar. The first one has some additional text, the second one has no text included. Maybe you didn´t notice when you had a first look.

    Sorry for the late reply….
    ….everything is fine for me now. You can close the topic.

    Best regards,

    Hi Rikard,
    Thank you for your patience. I finally found the incorrect markup.

    Somehow </div></section> was placed wrong by the avia layout builder I guess, because I didn´t touch any code. I always use the visual editor.

    Hi Rikard,
    Thanx for looking into it. I just don´t know how to do. Do you mean in the backend or frontend version of the site, and what exactly I should search for? Sorry, but I really don´t know how to check for it.

    Thanx anyway.

    Best regards,


    Hey Guys,

    Solved the Issue on my own. Don´t know what it was. It´s still mysterious.

    I tried out an older revision (just 30min older than the revision I tried to edit before) and SURPRISE … everything worked fine again and I was able to change the toggles and tags and it was still there after updating the site.

    I kept the non-working version on a site called TEST (if you want to look for the mysterious bug) – there the bug is still reproduceable.

    …. but for me everything is good again :-)

    …. and my client didn´t notice


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by GePu.

    Hey Guys!

    ….No idea?

    I tried to reproduce the issue on another TEST-site with just an accordion (also set on Private). Everything is fine there….

    But on the site “HVB_neu” I realised that I do not even have to change a thing (just opening and saving accordion causes the error) – when I update the site, the accordion is gone! WTF!!!

    When I make an exact copy of the page (by saving it as a template and using the template on another TEST site) it is also showing this strange behaviour.

    Really strange!!!!

    Help is really appreciated, because the client is waiting for the changes….

    Thanx in advance,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by GePu. Reason: added more infos

    Danke für alles. Hab´s jetzt mit deinen Vorschlägen probiert und…
    …siehe da ALB geht jetzt auch für einfache Mitarbeiter. JEAH!


    OK, danke schon mal für die Mühe. Da wär ich in 1.000 Jahren nicht drauf gekommen. Das fine-tuning der Berechtigungen kann ich ja dann noch machen. Sehe ich das richtig?: Die Ursache dafür warum das bei meiner Installation nicht mit den normalen Redakteur-Einstellungen funktioniert liegt demnach irgendwo bei mir und ist im Normalfall unbekannt? Woran es liegt ist unbekannt. Also kein Bug in ENFOLD (beruhigt mich schon mal).

    …hätte mich bei euch auch gewundert :-)

    Thanx a lot for the help!

    hab Dir jetzt Administratoren rechte vergeben…
    Seltsam ist das schon. Bei allen Accounts mit Administratorenrechten kann ich den ALB verwenden.

    Hey Dude,
    Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Ich verwende den user-role-editor und all die von Dir genannten Rechte sind dort vergeben. Das funktioniert aber trotzdem nicht.Was kann das sein? (Login in der privaten Nachricht)

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