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  • yes, please.

    Wow, Mike, thank you very much for the research. I thought it would bei something within the theme and thus some css to change. I did not want to cause such a lot of work for you. Thanks, I will check those sources out!

    I am sorry, the site is local at the moment as it is in development.
    But there are no special formats, it’s the standard color section with a background image and additional video background set. During video load the screen is black, as well when the video does not load for some reason. I would change that color or, even better, show the background image during loading time.
    It seems to be the same in the demo, before the videos load, there is a black screen (e.g. the milk video).
    Thanks for looking into it.

    I can do certain customizations by myself, but am confused because of the different files that generate menus and not sure which files have to be touched for this menu especially.
    But it’s okay, I will find out.

    Okay, thanks. Thinking that this would be rather a menu “downgrade” and thus not too complicated, I was hoping for some hints, in which files this menu is being put together and how to change the mechanism. But if it’s too complicated to strip down the menu, I will have to find another solution to change it.
    Thanks again

    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you for getting back to me.

    Yes, I tried the custom menu widget, that is what you see left at the bottom in the screenshot. That is exactly what I want to get – functionwise – but with the standard menu.

    Because it’s the main navigation of the site I am talking about, there is no use, from my point of view, to use the menu widget, because I would then have two menus and need to remove the standard main menu from the sidebar. Also I still need the regular menu on the mobile versions.

    Just for clarification: I am using the photography demo that has the header on the left side. So the header on the left side contains the main menu automatically. There is no need to add a sidebar widget, because the menu is already there.

    I only need to know which files to alter to reduce the sidebar effects to a very simple menu with the submenu showing below the main level menu item on click and not on hover at the right side of the main menu item.

    So, this is what I would like to achieve: Click on a main menu level item A opens the page A as well as the submenu A. Submenu A stays open as long as the page A is open or one of it’s subpages.
    Submenu A appears below main menu level item A and pushes the other menu items down.

    I hope this makes it clearer.

    Hey Andy,
    vielen Dank für die Rückfrage. Anbei ein Screenshot. Oben das normale Menü, bei dem auf hover ein Submenü rechts vom Hauptmenü aufgeht (diese Funktionsweise möchte ich nicht haben). Unten das Menü, das über ein Widget in die Seitenleiste eingefügt wurde, mit der einfachen Funktionsweise, die ich gerne hätte. Klick auf einen Hauptmenüpunkt (hier: brands) öffnet die Seite und das Untermenü. Wenn man auf einen anderen Navigationspunkt klicken würde, schließt sich das Untermenü wieder. Muss auch gar nicht mit Effekten sein, nur die Funktionsweise eines vertikalen Menüs, bei dem auch die Submenüpunkte ins vertikale Menü eingebettet sind und sich auf Klick öffnen, ohne hover etc., hätte ich gerne.
    Ich glaube, das Megamenü hilft mir in diesem Fall nicht wirklich weiter oder?
    Ich hoffe, es wird so etwas klarer, was ich meine.

    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio unwanted gaps #732246

    I tried different browsers and cleared the caches of all browsers a few times. It’s on desktop browsers chrome, firefox, safari (mac), not on touch devices. Please see screenshots in Private Content.

    in reply to: Width of menu sidebar in photography demo #732112


    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio unwanted gaps #731466

    I forgot to write: Just click on one of the brands on the home page.

    in reply to: masonry caption excerpt #730033

    Ich habe in Zeile 436 von av-helper-masonry.php ein “strip code” gefunden und entfernt. Jetzt gehen schon mal die html-tags wieder.

    in reply to: masonry caption excerpt #729891

    Gleiches Problem hier. Html und Shortcode-Inhalte des excerpts werden aus dem Quellcode entfernt, wenn man das Masonry Portfolio nimmt. Testweise habe ich statt Masonry Portfolio das Portfolio Grid verwendet. Dort werden die Inhalte des excerpts angezeigt.
    Wäre sehr dankbar für schnelle Hilfe. Ziel ist Masonry Portfolio mit “captions as centered overlay”.

    in reply to: Change h3 tags in footer widget – Child theme of Enfold #728466

    Great, thanks so much!

    in reply to: Change h3 tags in footer widget – Child theme of Enfold #727939

    Thanks for getting be to me so fast, Yigit!
    Unfortunately the site is still local.

    The code that was recommended in the post was made for changes in the sidebar widgets. I would need this for the footer widgets. I tried to change it with the use of information in the registered-widget-area.php of the parent theme, but no luck.

    function ava_remove_some_widgets(){
    	unregister_sidebar( 'av_everywhere' );
        	'name' => 'Displayed Everywhere',
        	'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget clearfix %2$s">',
        	'after_widget' => '<span class="seperator extralight-border"></span></section>',
        	'before_title' => '<h2 class="widgettitle">',
        	'after_title' => '</h2>',
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'ava_remove_some_widgets', 11 );
    in reply to: Audio player in featured image? #471245

    Hi, I have a question concerning the blog archive pages. Some posts are shown full length and some are truncated and show “read more”. Where / how I can I adjust this behaviour and make it consistent.
    I have seen the same behaviour in you demo page:
    The first two articles are truncated, the others are shown in full length.
    Thanks for helping.

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