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  • in reply to: Text wrap changes when hovering over an image #263849

    you could expand the size of the logo image container to the bottom:{padding-bottom: 10px;}
    in reply to: Header font size #263834

    You can change the font color in the general styling section of the enfold theme options.

    for the font size you have to use the quick css or custom.css and enter:

    .avia-menu-text {
    font-size: 16px;

    Also look at the advanced styling beta:

    try to disable all plugins to see if one of them causes the problem.
    Could be something like the cache plugin that causes some css to not load.

    first of all to remove the text:

    #top .avia_hidden_link_text {
        display: none;
    in reply to: Layer Slider, style of linked elements get messed up #263824

    thanks, i thought about using sqrt(opacity) for the elements that are linked.
    Your solution won’t make the text transparent. But that might be a good thing. i’ll play around with it a little bit :)

    in reply to: Removing additional space below the socket/footer #263598

    I think its a script related problem. Try to disable all additional plugins and check if that’d fix the problem.
    Also, i only see the problem when i open the website in my virtual machine. And after 1-5 minutes, it changes to the way it should be.
    Opening the site from outside the VM, i have no problems witht the site

    in reply to: Visual Text Editor is missing #263515

    try to deactivate all plugins and i guess wordpress is updated as well?

    in reply to: Align text after icon #263476

    i think you got the wrong idea Yigit.
    The image is what he has and the link is what he wants.

    But you provided the code to make the link look like the picture?

    i think my solution with the div container is the best:

    [av_font_icon icon='ue842' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' color='#014f9d' size='15px' position='left'][/av_font_icon]
    <div style="float: left;">
    Ständlerstr. 35
    81549 München

    He could also use the tex-indet method.
    But then he’d need a div container for every new line to align it.

    in reply to: Hintergrund der sich in breite und höhe anpasst #263465

    achso, es handelt sich um einen slider un keinen Hintergrund. funktioniert der fullscreen slider denn nicht?

    in reply to: hide widget title #263459

    .widgettitle{ display:none; }

    hide (still takes space):
    .widgettitle{ visibility:hidden; }

    in reply to: Hintergrund der sich in breite und höhe anpasst #263456


    height: 100vh;

    Sollte in allen modernen browsern funktionieren.
    Versuch es mal mit:

    `background-size: 100% 100vh;
    background-size: 100% 100%;’

    Either you did not set the message to private or i became a moderator without knowing.

    please remove the Username and Password as fast as possible!!!
    and you better change the username/password for the support… who knows how many allready saw those.

    or set the reply to private.

    You dont want other strangers in this forum to be able to access your admin area

    in reply to: Layer Slider animations #263395

    just checked, and it’s allready in <section id=”nav_menu-2″ class=”widget clearfix widget_nav_menu” style=”width: 150px; margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: -15px; height: 160px; background-color: rgb(223, 227, 233);”

    If you use firefox, you can press <shift> + <F5> to open the developer tools. The inspector helps to locate the elements and show you the size. There is also a 3d view that also helps in some cases to see the elements even better.

    There you also see all the CSS code that affects the element and can do live changes to see how it would look like.

    It helped me to figure out that it is in the section mentioned above.

    So i added in the developer tool your css code, modified it a bit and what i got in the end is:

    #nav_menu-2 {
        background-color: #dfe3e9;
        height: 160px;
        width: 150px;
        margin-top: -15px;
        margin-bottom: -15px;

    CSS basics: .menu{ } is for a class while #menu{ } is for an ID
    If you want to make advanced selections you can check for the selectors here:

    Think i would be a terrible support member. slow and writing to much. at least i help the real support :P

    why dont you place your menu in an element and set a background color instead of using the background?
    You would have to remove the padding from the footer, but this way you can make sure that it will be the same on every screen.
    Dont know if a negative margin on the element would help so you dont have to remove the padding.

    Resizing the image would result in a lower width of the light grey area while the menu keeps it width. So resizing wont work.

    in reply to: Adding Information to right of header #263345

    depending on how good you’re with coding,the logo is added at line 438 in enfold\framework\php\function-set-avia-frontend.php

    $logo = "<$headline_type class='logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>";

    something like:

    $logo = "<$headline_type class='logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a><div style=\"float:right;\">my text</div></$headline_type>";

    !!!but i would wait for the real support because i dont like my own solution and it might get overwritten with an enfold update!!!

    in reply to: Layer Slider animations #263324

    I think they did not use a 3rd party porgram.
    The export/import uses a .json file (javascript object notation).

    in reply to: change the height of a slider – please help!! #263294

    what slider are you talking about? there is more then one.

    The layer slider for example supports custom width/height.

    in reply to: Adding Information to right of header #263288

    Enfold Theme Options -> header layout -> extra elements

    does that help?

    in reply to: How to put my social media on the footer #263283

    i’d create an icon in the advanced layout builder when creating/editing a page.
    choose the correct icon and link for the icon.

    Then copy the shortcode and use it in a text widget that i’d place into the footer area.

    in reply to: Problem after updating Enfold theme to 2.7 version #263280

    to move it to the left add the following to the quick css in the enfold styling options (or to the custom.css in the theme folder /css/):

    .av_phone_active_right .phone-info {
        float: left;

    But i dont know if thats what you want.
    For me it looks good where it is.

    in reply to: Inserting anchors #263198

    haven’t worked with anchors yet.
    But as far as i know you need an element with an ID that you can link to.

    And i think the only element you can give an ID is the color section. (or you write some html in a text element like <div id=”mytarget”></div>)

    then you should be able to link it with <a href="#mytarget"> or <a href="">

    in reply to: DISPLAY LARGE LOGO [CENTERED] #263193

    You want the logo to be 810 px or full width?
    What are the dimensions of your logo?

    On my site i am using a fullwidth background image in the header:

    #header_main {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll center top;
    background-size: 100% 100px;

    It only stretches the width and keeps a fixed height.
    please be more specific about what you need.


    .logo img { padding-bottom: 20px; }
    in reply to: No changes after update page #263181

    Sounds like a cache related problem.

    Firefox temporarily saves the website on your computer.
    And instead of opening the website from the server, it is using the files on your computer to reduce loadtimes and stuff.

    You can often force to ignore the cache by reloading the page with <ctrl> + <F5>.

    There are also alot of web developer add-ons for firefox that have some options for that.
    Or you can turn off the caching manually. (but i would not recommend that for you)

    in reply to: Align text after icon #262998

    first code: solution with a table
    second code: solution with a div container
    Versuchs doch mal mit (variante mit div unten ist vielleicht einfacher):

    <table style="width: auto;">
    <td>[av_font_icon icon='ue80a' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' color='#014f9d' size='15px' position='left'][/av_font_icon]</td>
    F10 Performance Oil Vertrieb UG <br>
    <td>[av_font_icon icon='ue842' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' color='#014f9d' size='15px' position='left'][/av_font_icon]</td>
    Ständlerstr. 35<br>
    81549 München<br>

    Werde jetzt aber nicht allles übertragen.
    Anschließend kann der Tabelle noch eine ID gegeben werden um über css das styling zu machen (Rahmen entfernen, Abstände und was sonst noch gewünscht wird)

    edit: mein div container würde alles nach einem icon umschließen. Und padding-left brauchst du nicht wenn du den abstand zum icon nicht vergrößern möchtest:

    [av_font_icon icon='ue842' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' color='#014f9d' size='15px' position='left'][/av_font_icon]
    <div style="float: left;">
    Ständlerstr. 35
    81549 München
    in reply to: Align text after icon #262996

    [av_font_icon icon...]<div style="float: left; padding-left: 10px;"> worked for me.</div>

    But i dont know if there is a better solution.

    Using a table might be better?

    in reply to: Layer Slider, style of linked elements get messed up #262990

    What i got so far:
    My elements are <p>
    My elements have opacity: 0.75

    The Problem when adding links to my elements:
    <p> elements are wrapped inside an <a> that has opacity: 0.75 (opacity gets applied twice => reduced opacity)
    The line-height of a linked element gets reduced to 14px compared to the 22px when not linked.

    what i got so far;

    .ls-slide a>p{
        line-height: 22px;
        opacity: 1 !important;

    changing the opacity to 1 messes up the animation

    in reply to: Thin color-section #262971

    you’re welcome.

    I have some free time and it’s a good theme.
    So i thought i could help a bit ;)

    in reply to: Thin color-section #262968

    it would just be
    min-height: 20px !important;

    but i guess the problem is that the height is defined somewhere else.
    Can’t say that without seeing the site.

    So you should use:

    min-height: 20px;
    height: 20px;

    The “!important” just forces the parameter to that element. The min-height can be defined at different places for an element. And depending on where and how it is defined, they have different priorities.
    Adding “!important” to it, just increases the priority to the heighest (unless others use the “!important” as well).
    So normally you shouldn’t use it because the priorities get messed up and it is harder to understand whats going on.

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