Please open your Inspect on your browser web Console, then try to update Text Block (3/5) starts with ‘XXX provide modern ….’ on About Page. You will see the error below in console
avia-modal.js 792
While updating Text Block
Hi Nikko,
You can see login credentials on private content. You can try to edit any ‘Text Block’ (an example on About page), visual editor will be crush
Look forward your feedback urgently
Thanks in advance
Can you provide an email address? I can’t reply over (Email address hidden if logged out)
We are struggling the problem @Pappasdg mentioned above while trying to update something on “Text Block” elements. Please provide quick patch to fix it
#on avia-model.js line 792
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘execCommand’ of undefined
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (avia-modal.js:792)
at HTMLDocument.dispatch (load-scripts.php:3)
at HTMLDocument.r.handle (load-scripts.php:3)
at Object.trigger (load-scripts.php:3)
at Object.a.event.trigger (load-scripts.php:9)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (load-scripts.php:3)
at Function.each (load-scripts.php:2)
at a.fn.init.each (load-scripts.php:2)
at a.fn.init.trigger (load-scripts.php:3)
at $.AviaModal.close (avia-modal.js:241)