Forum Replies Created
Hi cryptoking!
Go ahead and update the login to administrator and let us know if we can deactivate your plugins while testing.
ElliottHi hubbdesign!
When editing the layer click on the “Attributes” tab and you can add some alt text in.
Best regards,
ElliottDecember 1, 2014 at 7:57 pm in reply to: contact form is not firing after installing child theme – reg theme fires mails! #360974Hey!
Let’s try the following.
1. Deactivate all plugins.
2. Completely delete the theme before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.
After doing those two steps send us a link and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,
@Nello83, I sent you a test email. Make sure to double check your email address for typos and check your spam folder.
@royaltask, Are you sure your using the latest version of Enfold? (3.0.4) Send us a link and we’ll take a look.Best regards,
ElliottDecember 1, 2014 at 7:52 pm in reply to: Enfold 3.0.4 – Share icons at bottom of post not showing #360971Hey!
The social share box has only been displayed in the single post view. It would need a lot of customization to be placed in the blog.
There are lots of plugins out there you can try though,
If you add the 1/4 columns inside the 3/4 then it should function how your wanting. Or you could just use a regular sidebar. They are disabled on mobiles by default but you can change that in Dashboard > Enfold > Sidebar Settings and have it display beneath your main content.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
Hey leosimo!
Try adding this to the bottom of your functions.php file.
add_filter( 'wp_head', 'enfold_customization_add_scripts' ); function enfold_customization_add_scripts(){ ?> insert your code here <?php }
ElliottHi jansiv!
Try adding this to your custom CSS.
@media only screen and (max-width: 959px) { .cart_dropdown { display: none !important; } }
If that’s not working then send us a link to the exact page of your shop.
Actually the slideshow will display as soon as the images are downloaded. Try waiting a few seconds before you start scrolling and you’ll see it should be displayed.
Not sure what’s going on there. There is a javascript variable which isn’t picking up the correct value. I tried some custom CSS but it’s not being applied either.
Let’s try the following.
1. Deactivate all plugins.
2. Create a backup and then completely delete the theme before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.
Let us know what happens after doing those two steps.
ElliottHi avraamd!
Your getting some javascript errors. Try deactivating your minify plugin to see if it’s causing the errors.
ElliottHi Erdoğan!
Deactivate all plugins and send us a link and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,
So your trying to create a masonry gallery but with 2 columns correct? The first option you listed, (a), is what your wanting. You can select 2 columns in the shortcode settings and as many images as you want to display.
ElliottDecember 1, 2014 at 6:06 pm in reply to: Contact Form – Send to an email according to one of the fields of the form #360915Hey avivitgolanschutz!
It would take a lot of changes and would have to be considered custom work. I don’t know if gravity forms has this feature or not but you can check with them,
As an alternative you could consider placing three contact forms in a tab shortcode and have the user select which tab to send to.
ElliottHi arotterx!
The plugin says it does not see it but Google still can. Try using the google webmaster tools,, to check how google views your page.
Best regards,
You shouldn’t be seeing any black bars anymore. It looks fine on my end so try clearing your browser cache.
ElliottHi Jessica!
1. Try deactivating all of your plugins to see if it fixes it. Does it happen in the default theme as well?
2. This is only happening in preview? Does it look fine when it’s published?
3. I’m not sure I understand. Go ahead and take a screenshot and highlight what is going on so we can get a better idea. Send us a WordPress login also.
Best regards,
ElliottDecember 1, 2014 at 5:45 pm in reply to: Disable Hide Background for Parallax while on Mobile #360903Hey!
I changed the CSS around. Try deactivating all of your plugins and then clear your browser cache to see what happens.
Best regards,
ElliottHey uychkinnear!
I logged in and looked around your pages but all of the sidebars appear to be displaying in the correct positions. Did you get this sorted?
If your still having problems then try clearing your browser cache and take a screenshot of what your seeing.
Best regards,
ElliottDecember 1, 2014 at 5:22 pm in reply to: Carriage Return or LineFeed Not Working Consistently #360889Hi CharlieTh!
Hmm, when you press enter in a textblock it should be creating paragraphs on the front end. Try deactivating all of your plugins and then create a new textblock and save to see what happens.
You can also use a codeblock element and add the paragraphs in manually if you wish.
<p>A paragraph</p> <p>Another paragraph</p>
ElliottHi a00109943!
It would be easiest to just use the default menu and give it some CSS to make it big like that. You can add a
<br />
tag in the navigation labels to do a line break.Keep in mind how you want it to display on mobiles too. What your trying to do would not play well responsively.
ElliottDecember 1, 2014 at 5:15 pm in reply to: How to make sidebar or 1/3 column the same height as the content area? #360885Hi awebusiness!
It looks like the CSS your using is this?
div.flex_column.av_one_third, #top #main .sidebar.sidebar_right { background: url("") repeat-y scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0 none; min-height: 2000px; padding-bottom: 100px; }
Try seeing the min-height to 3000.
ElliottHey iaam2m!
Try creating at least one post. I think that will get rid of the javascript error your getting.
Best regards,
ElliottHi doug123!
Try adding this to your custom CSS.
.avia-caption-title { text-transform: none !important; }
ElliottHey bereniceit!
Are you talking about the LayerSlider? You should be able to just create two slideshows and then translate the page your using them on.
I found this topic which may help,
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
Alrighty I see it now. What happens when you delete lines 114 – 264 in /enfold/js/avia.js?
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modified SCROLLSPY by bootstrap // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AviaScrollSpy(element, options) { var self = this; var process = $.proxy(self.process, self) , refresh = $.proxy(self.refresh, self) , $element = $(element).is('body') ? $(window) : $(element) , href self.$body = $('body') self.$win = $(window) self.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.avia_scrollspy.defaults, options) self.selector = ( || ((href = $(element).attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) //strip for ie7 || '') self.activation_true = false; if(self.$body.find(self.selector + "[href*=#]").length) { self.$scrollElement = $element.on('', process); self.$win.on('av-height-change', refresh); self.$body.on('av_resize_finished', refresh); self.activation_true = true; self.checkFirst(); setTimeout(function() { self.refresh() self.process() },100); } } AviaScrollSpy.prototype = { constructor: AviaScrollSpy , checkFirst: function () { var current = window.location.href.split('#')[0], matching_link = this.$body.find(this.selector + "[href='"+current+"']").attr('href',current+'#top'); } , refresh: function () { if(!this.activation_true) return; var self = this , $targets this.offsets = $([]) this.targets = $([]) $targets = this.$body .find(this.selector) .map(function () { var $el = $(this) , href = $'target') || $el.attr('href') , hash = this.hash , hash = hash.replace(/\//g, "") , $href = /^#\w/.test(hash) && $(hash) return ( $href && $href.length && [[ $href.position().top + (!$.isWindow(self.$scrollElement.get(0)) && self.$scrollElement.scrollTop()), href ]] ) || null }) .sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] }) .each(function () { self.offsets.push(this[0]) self.targets.push(this[1]) }) } , process: function () { if(!this.offsets) return; var scrollTop = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop() + this.options.offset , scrollHeight = this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || this.$body[0].scrollHeight , maxScroll = scrollHeight - this.$scrollElement.height() , offsets = this.offsets , targets = this.targets , activeTarget = this.activeTarget , i if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) { return activeTarget != (i = targets.last()[0]) && this.activate ( i ) } for (i = offsets.length; i--;) { activeTarget != targets[i] && scrollTop >= offsets[i] && (!offsets[i + 1] || scrollTop <= offsets[i + 1]) && this.activate( targets[i] ) } } , activate: function (target) { var active , selector this.activeTarget = target $(this.selector) .parent('.' + this.options.applyClass) .removeClass(this.options.applyClass) selector = this.selector + '[data-target="' + target + '"],' + this.selector + '[href="' + target + '"]' active = $(selector) .parent('li') .addClass(this.options.applyClass) if (active.parent('.sub-menu').length) { active = active.closest('li.dropdown_ul_available').addClass(this.options.applyClass) } active.trigger('activate') } } /* AviaScrollSpy PLUGIN DEFINITION * =========================== */ $.fn.avia_scrollspy = function (option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) , data = $'scrollspy') , options = typeof option == 'object' && option if (!data) $'scrollspy', (data = new AviaScrollSpy(this, options))) if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]() }) } $.fn.avia_scrollspy.Constructor = AviaScrollSpy $.fn.avia_scrollspy.defaults = { offset: (parseInt($('.html_header_sticky #main').data('scroll-offset'), 10)) + ($(".html_header_sticky #header_main_alternate").outerHeight()) + ($(".html_header_sticky #header_meta").outerHeight()) + 1 + parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'),10), applyClass: 'current-menu-item' }
Best regards,
ElliottHey heufti65!
The default masonry shortcode will link to your posts and not open in lightbox. If your talking about the masonry gallery though then there is an option to open those photos in lightbox and if you add a caption to the images then they will display in the lightbox as well.
I viewed your links but I didn’t see any masonry elements there.
ElliottHi Pearwcz!
We do not support third party plugins but we try and help our customers as much as possible. Send us a link to the page and deactivate all other plugins and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,
ElliottHi Lene!
It seems to look fine on my end. Did you get this sorted? If you want to decrease it a bit more then try adding this to your custom CSS.
.html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu > div, .html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child { height: 25px !important; }
ElliottNovember 30, 2014 at 6:30 pm in reply to: Enfold Advanced LayerSlider – Layer Slider dynamic content, show post thumbnail #360327Hey!
So those shortcodes you are using are from a plugin? Have you considered using our blog shortcode? We can give you some CSS to make it look similar to that.
Elliott -
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by