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Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a closer look.
Yep, I would try completely deleting the existing Enfold though just to make sure every file is updated.
ElliottHi Alberto!
I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understand. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your referring to?
ElliottHey hamiltonbuchanan!
Add this to your custom CSS.
html.html_header_sidebar #wrap_all { background-color: #b73537 !important; }
ElliottHey Gavin!
I think it would be better to have them styled separately but you can add some CSS if you want to make all the layerslider H2s the same.
#top .ls-container h2 { text-transform: uppercase; }
Best regards,
Add this to your custom CSS.
#footer .iconbox_content h4 a { font-size: 12px !important; } #footer .iconbox_content > header > a { font-size: 12px !important; }
The first line is for the text, the second for the icon.
ElliottHi whmcreative2!
Did you make sure to regenerate the thumbnails?
If your still having trouble then send us a link to your page and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,
They are being stretched to fit the whole screen on my end. Perhaps you need to reduce the height of the color section or increase the height of your image.
ElliottHey Ktdoelle!
Try deleting the textbox and recreate it. If your typing in code then use a codeblock element instead.
ElliottHi MBARI-WP!
So you have two tags, “science” and “new science”, and they are both being pulled in? Are you sure you just have “science” selected? It should not be pulling in both.
Send us a WordPress login and a link to the page so we can take a look.
ElliottHi sphilton!
It looks like your using Enfold 3.4.3. Go ahead and update to the latest version, 3.4.7, and send us a WordPress login.
ElliottHi Pete!
Add this to your custom CSS.
h2.avia-caption-title { font-size: 2vw !important; }
ElliottHey mdmllc!
You’ll need to use the default editor when writing your posts. Or if you still want to keep using the advanced layout editor then you can set a “custom excerpt” when writing your posts. If you do not see the excerpt field then click on “Screen Options” in the top right hand corner of your screen and check it to display.
ElliottHey migduvednok!
Not really sure I understand. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do so we can get a better idea?
ElliottHi Peter!
Send us a link to your page and we’ll take a look. You can set your reply as private if you wish.
Best regards,
ElliottDecember 31, 2015 at 3:27 am in reply to: Tried to fix my contact form and now my site is completely broken!!! I need help #558632Hi kateking!
Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest. Let us know when your done.
ElliottHi spidercreations!
Try the “ava_after_main_menu” hook instead.
I flagged this topic for Kriesi to take a look. He is very busy though so please be patient for a reply.
Best regards,
ElliottDecember 31, 2015 at 3:20 am in reply to: Corrupted slider and content upon save. (Preview works fine) [Solved] #558629Hi mrnetworking!
Glad you got it sorted. To other users who have similar issues be sure to double check your code for typos. It will break the layout of your page pretty easily.
ElliottHey Peter!
Yes, it would require a lot of customization so it would be best to hire a freelancer to help you out with this.
ElliottHi cdmtoday!
Not sure if we will be able to do that but send us a link to your page and we’ll take a look. We might be able to give each link a certain width percentage.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
Hey asinger777!
You would need to use the fullwidth easy slider. Set it up and set a caption to the slide and a link to your page and we’ll see if we can get you some CSS to use to position it that way.
ElliottHi Trender!
Try increasing the max_input_vars,, to see if that works.
Best regards,
ElliottHi averybird!
I uploaded one just fine. Is there a certain size limit your hitting? What is the error your getting?
ElliottHi yifatcohen!
What you say “custom text link” your just talking about regular links that you use in the page content? You can change this in Dashboard > Enfold > General Styling > Main Content.
You could also try some CSS like this.
#top p a { color: red; } #top p a:hover { color: blue; }
That’s not a slideshow, it’s a Masonry element. Anyways, that’s not how the lightbox gallery works. It will only load the images on the current page. That’s how it has always been. If your trying to get it to load from other sections in the pagination then that would not be possible. Well, it might be, but it would take way too much customization for us to handle. You would need to hire a freelancer to help you out with that.
Hmm, I think you would need to set a background image for the header and set it’s position to top left to get the gray background your wanting.
As for the third menu we don’t have any options for that. The closest you could get would be to add a fullwidth submenu element to the page. You could do this,, to add a widget area to your header and drag a custom menu widget to it but it’s not going to look like the default.
ElliottHi Sentis!
Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look.
If your using a caching plugin then be sure to clear it’s cache.
ElliottDecember 30, 2015 at 2:47 am in reply to: Breadcrumb in Single Post View – strange path and wrong header text #558334Hey!
Do not set a blog page in Dashboard > Enfold > Theme Options. Just leave it blank and create your own blog pages by using the blog shortcode. That will remove the “blog” portion from the breadcrumbs.
Best regards,
It looks like a plugin is messing it up. What happens when you deactivate all plugins?
Elliott -
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by