Forum Replies Created
Hi Pas7o!
1. Please see here,
2. + 3. Add this to your custom CSS.
.post-title a { text-align: center; display: block; } .blog-categories { display: none !important; }
Best regards,
ElliottHi Pas7o!
Are you using the latest version of Enfold, 3.4.7? Try deactivating all plugins to see if that fixes it.
Also be sure that you actually have some categories created and assigned to the posts as well.
ElliottHey PanosK!
Yes, if you navigate to Dashboard > Enfold > Blog Layout you can set the style to use a grid layout. That will change it on the archives as well.
Best regards,
ElliottHi unicaweb!
You can switch to the advanced layout editor and insert your own image to use. If you switch to the “Plugin Additions” tab in the layout builder you can add product related elements such as the add to cart button, etc etc, for building your product pages.
ElliottHey Sebastian!
Your getting a few javascript errors. Let’s try the following.
1. Deactivate all plugins.
2. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.
Send us a WordPress login if the above two steps do not help.
ElliottHey tichie!
Add this to your /enfold/css/print.css file.
img { display: none !important; }
ElliottHey jimjiber!
I would try adding that to the Quick CSS as well but remove the style tags. Or try placing it at the top of the style.css file.
ElliottHey SapaSisters!
Unfortunately we do not support Firefox on mobiles. Are you on an Android phone? If so then try out the official Chrome browser. It should work fine there.
ElliottHi holzpaul!
Add this to your custom CSS.
html.html_boxed { background-size: 100% 100% !important; }
ElliottHi lstephan!
You can do this,, to add a widget area to your header. You can then add the login / logout links in a text widget or the meta widget also displays login / logout links as well.
ElliottHey jewsforjesus!
Can you send us a WordPress login so we can take a look? Make sure your using the latest version of Enfold, 3.4.7, and that all plugins are deactivated while testing.
ElliottJanuary 19, 2016 at 4:04 am in reply to: Inserting a search box in the header under social icons #567550Hey Sally!
Do this,, to add a widget area to your header and then you can drag the search widget to it.
Best regards,
ElliottHi mijyman!
It would be best to contact your hosting provider and let them know about that.
You can work through the suggestions listed here,, lots of users have mentioned it’s a server problem and their hosting provider can fix it.
Or if not then you can deactivate the sessions with this code,, but your portfolio breadcrumbs will not link back to their parent page as they require the sessions.
ElliottJanuary 19, 2016 at 3:59 am in reply to: Enfold Google Maps Widget and Layerslider do not show #567546Hi Fauer!
Your getting a few javascript errors. Try deactivating all plugins and upload a fresh copy of the theme to see if that fixes it.
ElliottHey mips1000!
It seems to be loading fast for me.
I like to use this tool,, to look into ways for optimizing because it gives you suggestions on what you can do.
Best regards,
ElliottHey pantareimadrid!
What is the code your using? Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look. Make sure that you add it to a child theme functions.php file.
ElliottHey Beth!
You can change the size on line 118 in the /enfold/functions.php file.
$avia_config['imgSize']['square'] = array('width'=>180, 'height'=>180); // small image for blogs
And then add this to your custom CSS.
.av-catalogue-list img { width: 250px !important; }
The second request would take a lot of time and code to implement so it would have to be considered custom work.
ElliottJanuary 19, 2016 at 3:51 am in reply to: Blog page not showing all posts — pagination links not working #567542Hey S!
It looks like you’ve done a lot of customization. What happens when you upload a fresh copy of Enfold? Does it work fine there?
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 19, 2016 at 3:46 am in reply to: How to make nested submenu type smaller than main submenu? #567541Hey dkrausJFA!
Use this CSS instead.
.av-submenu-container > div > ul > li > a > .avia-menu-text { font-size: 32px !important; }
ElliottJanuary 19, 2016 at 3:42 am in reply to: Search Results – Intro paragraph missing on page entries? #567540Hey redbarndesign!
That happens when you use the advanced layout editor on the page. It will do the same for posts as well but with posts you can write a custom excerpt to use.
ElliottHey e1516!
Use the fullwidth button and then send us a link to your page and we’ll give you some CSS to make it unclickable.
Or you could use a grid row element and set the cell background to blue so it looks similar.
ElliottHey cybervise13!
You also need to set the font family to “entypo-fontello”.
I see though in your link that you added an image instead.
ElliottHey Nathan!
Add this to a codeblock element in the page content.
<style type = "text/css"> .avia-button { transform: translate(-200px, 100px); } </style>
ElliottHi michael_world2cycle!
I’m not sure what the strava icon will look like but if it exists you can find it here,
ElliottHey carendavis!
Your talking about the checkbox that displays beneath the featured image when you edit your post correct? That is for hiding the featured image on the single post view so you can insert your own in the editor if you wish.
If that is not correct then send us a link to your page so we can get a better idea of what’s going on.
ElliottHi Nathan!
Add this to your custom CSS.
.logo a { pointer-events: none !important; }
ElliottHey Sally!
Add this to your custom CSS.
h3.widgettitle { border-bottom: 1px solid black; }
ElliottHi ElizabethPeggs!
I see a mega menu with three columns and that’s the only sub menu I see. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your seeing so we can get a better idea?
Best regards,
ElliottHey Nathan!
You can insert your own headings like so.
<h4>Some text</h4> <h5>Some text</h5>
And then change their sizes in Dashboard > Enfold > Advanced Styling.
You can also use our special heading element to do the same thing.
ElliottHey Nona!
It will just install new pages. It will overwrite all of your theme settings as well but you can export / import your settings in Dashboard > Enfold > Import/Export to save them.
Best regards,
Elliott -