Forum Replies Created
Hey Kurt!
You would need to set them to float left or right. I tried viewing your page but it keeps timing out for me.
Or if you want to keep positioning them absolutely like how your currently doing then you can use this to target the second one.
#header .widget:nth-child(2) { position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 100px; }
ElliottHey mleite1!
Add this to a codeblock element to your page content.
<style type = "text/css"> .avia-post-nav { display: none !important; } </style>
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 22, 2016 at 3:13 am in reply to: Default position of page elements within a colorbox set to 100% screen size #569718Hey MindSpark!
You mean a color section right? Add this to a codeblock element in the page.
<style type = "text/css"> main { vertical-align: top !important; } </style>
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 22, 2016 at 3:07 am in reply to: Pricing table header alignment in Internet Explorer #569717Hey Kevin!
I checked in IE11 on Windows 10 and it looks fine to me. Can you take a screenshot highlighting what your seeing?
ElliottHi AgenceKineka!
Can you send us a link to your page so we can take a look?
ElliottHey lstephan!
You can do this,, to add a widget area to your header and then drag the meta widget to it to display login / logout links. Or you can use a text widget and display the links with HTML tags.
Or you could add the links to the header menu area by creating custom links which would probably be easier.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
Hi Marily12!
It looks the same to me. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your seeing?
Best regards,
ElliottHi timzinfa!
Your getting a few javascript errors. Let’s try the following.
1. Deactivate all plugins.
2. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.
3. If your using a child theme then try activating the parent theme instead of the child theme to see if it’s a problem in the child theme.
ElliottHi amit2602!
If your using the Masonry element then you should already be able to filter by each category,
ElliottHey ginigarbick!
As far as I can tell it looks fine. Take a screenshot and highlight what the issues are so we can get a better idea.
ElliottHey ThomasWitzany!
Have you checked out our column elements? You can give them custom borders and equal heights, etc etc.
ElliottHey JTV Digital!
It’s because your using the grid layout. There isn’t enough space there. Are you wanting to add it? It’s most likely going to break onto the next line but if you want to do it then you can find the spot around line 440 in the /enfold/config-template-builder/avia-shortcodes/postslider.php file.
$meta .= "<time class='slide-meta-time updated' $markup>" .get_the_time(get_option('date_format'), $the_id)."</time>";
You could try displaying the author with this.
ElliottJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:45 am in reply to: Portfolio grid – Nav bars – wrong ASC vs Date filter #569699Hi fernandomoralesmarquez!
Your talking about the navigation arrows on the sides right? They are supposed to just display the next / previous posts,
I think changing that is going to take a lot of time and code to implement so it would need to be done by a freelancer.
ElliottJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:38 am in reply to: Display arrows full opacity on large testimonial slider #569694Hi 1039 Online!
Add this to your custom CSS.
.avia-slideshow-arrows * { opacity: 1 !important; }
ElliottHi luckylobo10!
Perhaps this CSS would work for you.
@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { #footer .widget { text-align: center !important; } }
Best regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
Hey Raymond!
Add this to your custom CSS.
.blog-author, .comment-container { display: none !important; }
ElliottHi drimendo!
Open up one of your pages and switch to the default editor. You’ll see there is a shortcode for the social icons. You can copy that and paste it inside a text widget.
There is also an option in Dashboard > Enfold > Footer for displaying the social icons in the socket area.
ElliottHey GabrielAlberola!
Are you sure your just setting the link to “mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ” and nothing else? Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,
ElliottHi thatryan!
It looks like your using Enfold 3.3.2. You’ll need to update to the latest version, 3.4.7.
ElliottHey krestien!
In the /enfold/includes/loop-index.php file on lines 211 – 245 you’ll see this.
echo "<span class='post-meta-infos'>"; $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_time','echo'=>false)); echo "<time class='date-container minor-meta updated' $markup>".get_the_time(get_option('date_format'))."</time>"; echo "<span class='text-sep text-sep-date'>/</span>"; if ( get_comments_number() != "0" || comments_open() ){ echo "<span class='comment-container minor-meta'>"; comments_popup_link( "0 ".__('Comments','avia_framework'), "1 ".__('Comment' ,'avia_framework'), "% ".__('Comments','avia_framework'),'comments-link', "".__('Comments Disabled','avia_framework')); echo "</span>"; echo "<span class='text-sep text-sep-comment'>/</span>"; } if(!empty($cats)) { echo '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">'.__('in','avia_framework')." "; echo $cats; echo '</span><span class="text-sep text-sep-cat">/</span>'; } echo '<span class="blog-author minor-meta">'.__('by','avia_framework')." "; echo '<span class="entry-author-link" '.avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'author_name','echo'=>false)).'>'; echo '<span class="vcard author"><span class="fn">'; the_author_posts_link(); echo '</span></span>'; echo '</span>'; echo '</span>'; echo '</span>';
That’s the post meta information your referring to. You could try moving it above line 280.
echo '</footer>';
ElliottHey Oliviasimone!
Probably an issue with your content above it. What happens when you try it on another page? It works fine? I would try creating a template of that page and then add your elements in piece by piece to try and figure out where the problem is.
Also, you need to update Enfold to the latest version, 3.4.7. Your currently using 3.1.5 it looks like.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
Hey AirstreamCoach!
Your trying to increase the letter spacing? Like this?
h2.avia-caption-title { letter-spacing: 20px !important; font-weight: 400 !important; }
Best regards,
ElliottHi AirstreamCoach!
Add this to your custom CSS.
.avia-slideshow-button { font-size: 20px !important; font-weight: bold !important; }
Best regards,
ElliottHi PessimismSucks!
Can you send us a link to your page so we can take a look? You can set your reply as private if you wish.
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:10 am in reply to: Need Header to Stick, not just appear on scroll down #569670Hey Eleina_Shinn!
There is an option for that in Dashboard > Enfold > Header > Header Behaviour. Set it to “not sticky”.
ElliottHi pomeroymom!
We don’t have any features for that currently. You could check out the ubermenu plugin. Or you could just add HTML inside the link descriptions.
<img src = "URL to your image" />
But I don’t think it’s going to work like your expecting.
Best regards,
ElliottHey themeforesttony!
That’s going to take a lot of time and code to implement so it would have to be considered custom work. I don’t know of any plugins to recommend and it would most likely require custom coding so it would be best to hire a freelancer to help you out with that.
ElliottHi haydaw!
You can filter them by category with the Masonry element but we don’t have any features for multiple filters yet.
Best regards,
ElliottHey blakeholgate!
It’s showing up on my end. Perhaps you need to clear your cache? If your using a caching plugin then be sure to clear it’s cache as well when making changes.
ElliottJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:03 am in reply to: Change colour of bold characters on the blog section #569661Hey JTV Digital!
On the actual blog page where the post entries are listed? Try this CSS.
.template-blog strong, .template-blog h1 { color: black !important; }
If that’s not working then send us a link to your page and take a screenshot highlighting the area.
Elliott -
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by