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  • I have to say….I”M GONE! You lost this customer, which is a shame because I have over 6 licenses. You say this “problem” wasn’t caused by your theme? That it was something else? A token through ThemeForest? That’s not true, because my other 7 sites have ZERO issues updating when using Avada. Better. Faster. Sexier. Enjoy my money….I’ll be leaving now.

    in reply to: PHP 5.6 to 7.0 #958356

    Why wouldn’t your team handle this issue inside the update…I mean, we are simply talking about code, correct? Why not write those patches inside the update to handle this issue. Sure would make things easier on the customer.

    This is associated with ENFOLD and the recent update.

    I have the same issue: Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /home/gregwesterra4717/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php on line 6

    Using a back up, I restored my site last night…everything was fine until, that is, I updated the theme to 4.2.6 and then BOOM….the fatal error.

    Wordpress is up to date, so it’s in your update.

    I am putting log in credentials for enfold to sign in…in Private Content.

    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #707418

    Okay. Good deal. Looks like we’re back in business. Not sure why those plugins would cause issues.

    Enfold “recommended plugins” on the site says to use TinyMCE…which you had me disable. Should I put it back to ACTIVE?

    Also…what other plugin’s should I be running in your opinion?

    Thanks R….you’re a master! Way to stay with the issue and see it through. This is why I’ve purchased the Theme a total of 5 times for myself and clients. LOVE IT.

    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #706770


    Your FIX of new theme files did not work. Still having an issue here where I cannot make any changes to text on the entire site.



    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #706431

    Sorry man….it’s not working.

    I go into the page you created and try to make changes.

    I have taken screen shots to show where things break down in the TEXT BLOCK process.

    Each page in the DROPBOX file under ENFOLD SCREEN SHOTS you can see where I have marked up the screen shot and added notes to show you the process in which I am going through to make changes.

    This is no different than any other time I have made 100’s of changes to the site.

    Something is wrong with the theme since the last update…which is when this problem showed it’s ugly face.

    Please advise, Eric

    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #704959

    Yes, I tried your suggestions and when I go into ANY of my pages, this is happening. CHANGES ARE NOT TAKING EFFECT.

    When I click on the TEXT BOX on any page, the text box editor shows up and the text is WHITE…and I cannot make any changes to any page.

    Something is seriously wrong with the theme.

    Please go in and see if you are experiencing this same issue.

    I have also tried creating a whole new page and the same thing happens when I use TEXT BOX.

    What other options are there to create a page in this advanced layout editor and theme?

    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #704555

    Does this not sound like a coding problem in the theme itself? How and why would this all of the sudden become a problem? Shouldn’t an ENFOLD update fix problems like this? To use the default editor is crazy because I am using Enfold’s TEXT BOX and if I wanna bold something, I shouldn’t be penalized like this. Please advise.

    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #703954

    Link sent in Private content. Please see what are talking about in terms of making a change, but then when you click SAVE, the changes aren’t showing up on the page.

    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #703509

    I deactivated the Tiny MCE and nothing changed in tool bars.

    I want to attach some screen shots here to show you what is happening, but there is not place to ADD FILE here on this string.

    If you could see the screen shots, it shows added text to show more dates to the schedule….
    The 2nd screen would then show them NOT showing up as the changes are lost when “saved” from the text box to the page itself.

    This is what I’m trying to do…simply edit a text box and it’s NOT taking.
    Have never had this problem in the past.
    Please advise,


    in reply to: TEXT BOX CHANGES NOT TAKING EFFECT #702026

    Sent in private message. Please advise. Eric

    in reply to: Adding FACEBOOK BADGE to Top Bar via Phone Number #488069

    Okay, the client didn’t like the placement in the middle, so we went back to the Enfold Social Icons, but had a question….is there a way to make each icon the branding color of the social platform respectively? Facebook (their blue color) LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram colors?

    in reply to: REDER-BLOCKING JAVASCRIPT #479335

    Yeah, their speed test for developers is lame. They are telling me a whole host of images are too large, but in fact are 110-125kb in size. There’s even an image that is 180pxx180px they are saying I should make smaller. Page loads fine in my book, but hey…I’m not Google.

    in reply to: Image HOVER link arrow effect not showing up! #468165

    Yeah bro….there seems to be a bug with that Arrow Hover because it was there all last week on that page working fine, but then…POOF…went missing. Thanks for the look. Client really wants the arrow on all the linkables. Drag.


    in reply to: Enfold Gallery #467194

    Ah….solved the Gallery issue. Previous designer had that jQuery Color box Plugin installed. Fixed the issues with the gallery.

    The only issue we have now is the ARROW HOVER EFFECT not showing up on various places. The tiles below of all the custom home projects should have the ARROW HOVER like we have on the HOME PAGE for NEIGHBORHOODS and CUSTOM HOMES and SEQUIM tiles at the bottom of the page.

    Why would they work on the home page and other pages but not on the CUSTOM HOME page? All the settings are the same.



    in reply to: Enfold Gallery #467191

    The site is in MAINTENANCE MODE since I don’t want the client to see it yet. That’s why you see a link;

    Please sign in as ADMIN with the credentials below:

    The site is currently in MAINTENANCE MODE, but go to the FOSTER CUSTOM HOME page and click VIEW PAGE to see Gallery Issues I first addressed. OH….and the color box plug in thing? I don’t have a colorbox plugin installed. I use the colorbox from Enfold and I have it on the many pages and use the color box transparency tool and upload an image. It works on some pages, but when used on the neighborhoods page, the HOVER ARROW doesn’t work. It works fine on the SINGLE FAMILY HOMES page.

    in reply to: Enfold Gallery #467187

    The original issue was this:

    I have added a GALLERY into a page, inside of a SINGLE LAYOUT choice.

    I have chosen to view BIG IMAGE with THUMBNAILS below.

    When I visit the page and click on ANY of the images, featured image at the top or a Thumbnail under the BIG IMAGE, the image opens with 2/2 images…which is simply a duplicate image of the image I have clicked on.

    The only way to start the Gallery, like shown in the documentation is to click OUT of that image before seeing the way it should be….a gallery, like….again….how you show it here:

    Why are there duplicate images and why doesn’t the gallery act the same way as your demo content here:

    in reply to: Enfold Gallery #467185

    I don’t understand. What does that comment have to do with the GALLERY issue?

    in reply to: Enfold Gallery #467184

    The COLOR BOX is not a plugin, but grabbed from the layout editor in the theme itself.

    in reply to: Enfold Gallery #466785

    Hello? Where we at with this issue? It’s happening for every gallery page.

    Also, why isn’t there the green “hover” arrow over two images on my site page:

    Please advise. Can’t understand why the response is taking more than 24 hours.

    in reply to: Enfold Gallery #466602

    Okay….will do. Sending now. FYI, I got no email that you replied to my ticket.

    in reply to: Child Theme help #317141
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Child Theme help #316817

    Checked the SLIDER settings and the slider is set for 1400 x 500. The images we created are 1400 x 500, so there should be no cropping. It looks like the slider is showing up with the wrong height even though the settings are correct. If I got the slider with the theme, shouldn’t we be able to update that plugin?

    in reply to: Child Theme help #316805
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    in reply to: Child Theme help #316035
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Child Theme help #315695

    Have you guys fixed the bug that comes with WordPress 4.0 and how it interacts with the Enfold Theme 2.9.2?

    I’m reading a LOT about how nothing helps. Tried the deactivating plug-ins, but still can’t upload media.

    Please advise.

    in reply to: Change the font color and title of CONTACT FORM. #309015

    That worked great, thanks. The only thing I have left is that my socket … copyright and footer navigation aren’t showing up.

    in reply to: Change the font color and title of CONTACT FORM. #308910

    Deactivated the plug-in, and thank you for bringing that to my attention because I couldn’t understand why there was a FONT for the post headings and why it was the font it was.

    That being said, the COLOR of the Title in the contact form is still black. I need it to be white and match the contact form color.

    in reply to: Change the font color and title of CONTACT FORM. #308651

    Okay, that worked…but the TITLE of the Contact form logo is still black and needs to be white.

    in reply to: Change the font color and title of CONTACT FORM. #308471

    Why am I getting EVERY SINGLE support ticket email when I only clicked follow up replies to THIS string, not every single string or question you get. Where are “subscriptions preferences?” for the forum?

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