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  • in reply to: Left align text in blog posts #1358926

    Hey Rikard,

    Thanks for the very fast answer and sorry for the late reply.

    This worked perfectly:)

    Have a nice day!

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    This one worked, thanks a lot for the help!

    Best regards,

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for the suggestion. I tried it on the EN version of the site ( – enabled the preloader and added the code above to the quick css in the child theme. I cleared the cache multiple times, but the spinning wheel still shows on the single portfolio and blog post pages, and they’re back to loading for more than 5 seconds before displaying… Here’s an example:
    Please find below a link to a screenshot of the Quick CSS on – the code is on top and everything is saved. You can also check via the logins provided above.

    Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    Thank you or your support.

    Best regards,

    Hi Ismael!

    Thank you for the suggestion. I disabled the Page Preloading and now the internal Porfolio item/Blog post pages load quickly on all the browsers. But now the loading of some of the main pages looks a bit rough and choppy:) It’s especially visible on the main portfolio pages ( – the portfolio collection used to load in a much smoother fashion… Isn’t there a way to disable the Page Preloading option only for the portfolio item pages and blog posts?

    Thanks a lot for the support,

    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for the test. However, I’m not sure this kind of test is relevant to what the user experiences in different browsers.

    Please find below a quick video of a side-to-side comparison of this page
    On left I have Chrome, on right I have Internet Explorer. I hit F5 to reload both, first on Chrome, then on IE. You can see how the page on IE shows the main content in 1-2 secs and then gradually loads all the elements, and Chrome shows a spin wheel until all the elements are loaded… Note that Chrome sometimes behaves like IE, sometimes not. In Safari I get the same results as in IE.

    I’m not sure this particular behavior in Chrome/Firefox would be solved by a caching plugin or a general optimization… Maybe there’s some settings in the theme that I should toggle to get those pages always load like in IE/Safari?

    Thank you for your help,

    Hi Ismael!

    Thank you for your answer. I’ve created a temporary admin user for you, please find the login credentials in the private field.

    I haven’t tried disabling the plugins yet because I’m not sure of the impact. For example, I use the Instagram plugin (smashballoon) that came with the theme and I have spent quite some time setting it up and customizing it, so I’m a bit scared I might mess it up if I disable it:) If I disable something, will it work/look exactly as before after re-enabling it?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Help needed for updating the Enfold theme #1298682

    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you so much for the quick help!

    I reviewed the site right after your intervention, everything seemed to be working fine. I was aware of the Instagram widget problem before the update – I was hoping that updating the theme/WP will solve it, but since it didn’t, I followed your post and it worked, although it was a bit tricky to make the feed look like your old widget:)
    I also tested the backup plugins – they worked fine. I updated the 2 default WP themes to make disappear the red alerts, no problems there either.
    I created a Personal token in the Envato site, it was verified successfully in all the child themes, hopefully next time I’ll be able to update the main theme from the WP Dashboard.
    Finally, I did a bit of research about the PHP version, apparently WordPress recommends using 7.4 but in the same time their recommended plugin for PHP compatibility checks isn’t updated for 7.4 yet, so I was reluctant, but eventually decided to give it a go. The site seems to be working fine after this final update, I was also able to do backups with the plugins:)

    I believe we’re done with the update process for the moment. I’ll continue with adding more content and optimizations. I’ll open another ticket if needed.

    Thank you for your kind support and have a nice evening!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Help needed for updating the Enfold theme #1298544

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for the reply! I just finished creating some backups and the required logins:) I didn’t update anything yet, so you can go ahead and start with the theme first:)

    I’m posting the logins details below in the private area.

    I definitely don’t use any cache plugins, but I’m not quite sure about the server sided cache… Generally, my hosting settings are the default ones, I don’t remember having changed anything related to cache there, so hopefully it will be fine.

    Please tell me if you need something else.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Help needed for updating the Enfold theme #1298325

    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you for your answer and for your kind proposal to update the theme, I’ll gladly take it!

    I’ll create the temporary logins you requested and add it to the private area later, meanwhile could you advice what exactly I should do to prepare the site for the theme update? Should I first update WordPress itself, PHP and the plugins, and then let you update the theme? I also read that “cashing off” is recommendable, but I’m not sure at which step of the process it should be done and if it refers only to browser cache or to other things as well?

    I guess that the very first step to do is to make a backup with the backup plugins:)

    Understood about the Personal token, I’ll add it after the theme update in order to make easier future updates.

    Thanks again!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Easy Slider top and botton margins #1149964

    Hi Rikard,

    This is exactly what I need, thanks a lot!

    One last thing: all this custom css I’ve put in the Quick CSS field – will it be saved once the theme is updated? Or is it better to transfer it to the css file of the child theme?

    Thank you:)

    in reply to: Easy Slider top and botton margins #1149619
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Easy Slider top and botton margins #1149042

    Hi Rikard,

    The site is under construction and not accessible without login info… What is the procedure in this case?

    By the way the page is similar to the Home page of the Minimal portfolio

    I just added an Easy slider on the top of the Fullwidth one – directly in the body, not in a Color section. The Fullwidth slider on this page has 0 margins everywhere – I need the same for the Easy slider as well. FYI on my page .av_slideshow_full.avia-slideshow margins are perfectly controlable via the Inspector, only the top and bottom ones of the Easy slider are problematic…

    Thanks in advance!

    in reply to: Whitespace Separator height problem #1149036

    Hi Rikard,

    This works!

    Thanks a lot and have a nice day:)

    in reply to: Whitespace Separator height problem #1148595

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the answer.

    The code works, but adds space on every page. Is it possible to target a specific page, like when adding a whitespace separator element?
    In the above example, I’m interested to have more space only on the Home and About pages.

    Thank you in advance!

    in reply to: Translate “ALL” in protfolio filter #1140349

    Hi again,

    I found a solution right after posting the above comment:)

    It’s actually an answer from you in another thread on the forum that I’ve somehow missed on my first search:

    I replaced ‘avf_portfolio_sort_first_label’ with ‘avf_masonry_sort_first_label’ and it worked.

    Apparently people are having trouble with this occasionally, so why not add it to the documentation at some point:)

    Anyway, thanks again and have a nice week-end!

    in reply to: Translate “ALL” in protfolio filter #1140344

    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you for your answer.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t work with either language.
    I also tried to set the conditions to check the url with get_site_url(), then to check the page’s title with get_the_title(), without success in either cases…

    I’m sure that I’m putting the code in the right file, because I’ve successfully enabled and disabled the builder debug mode on various locations.

    Do you have any other suggestions?


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