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  • in reply to: Process form params instead sending via e-mail #992990


    You need to escape the ” quote like:

    $att = "onclick=\"_gaq.push([ '_trackPageview' , 'UA—......\" ";


    Best regards,

    in reply to: TemplateMonster Affiliate program offer #992988

    Hey Allison,

    Thank you for your message – we’ll forward it to Kriesi.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Edit Password Protect Page #992986


    Glad we could help you :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Cookie Consent Message erscheint immer wieder #992984


    Probably the easiest solution is to use a custom shortcode. Add this code to your child theme functions.php file:

    add_shortcode( 'polylang_cookie_message', 'avia_polylang_cookie_message' );
    function avia_polylang_cookie_message() 
    	$message = 'I agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>';
        	$lang = pll_current_language('locale');
    		switch ($lang)
    			case 'en_GB':
    			$message = 'I agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>';
    			case 'de_DE':
    			$message = 'Durch die Nutzung unserer Angebote erklären Sie sich mit dem Setzen von Cookies einverstanden. Mehr erfahren Sie in unserer <a href="">Datenschutzerklärung</a>.';
    	return $message;

    and replace the message text strings with your custom text (you also need to adjust the privacy page urls). Maybe you also need to change the locale en_GB (i.e. to en_US).

    Then go to Enfold > Theme Options > Privacy and insert this code into the “Provide a message which indicates that your site uses cookies.” settings field:


    Best regards,

    in reply to: Keine Posts mehr anlegbar / No more posts possible #992940

    Die Schreiberechte sollte der Server-Administrator verwalten und ändern können. Es sollte daher dein Hoster in der Lage sein, die richtigen Berechtigungen für die Datenbank zu setzen. Wie genau das funktioniert hängt von vielen Faktoren ab und variiert von Server zu Server.

    Die PHP-Fehler stehen mit den fehlenden Schreibrechten in Zusammenhang und sollten nach Behebung der Schreibrechte gelöst sein.


    in reply to: Google Search: No information is available for this page #992904

    Hey AlyssaMandy!

    Please access the WordPress admin area and go to Settings > Reading.
    There you will find an option called “Search Engine Visibility.” Make sure the box that says “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” is NOT SELECTED. (Screenshot: )

    If this box was not selected I’d recommend to install a seo plugin like: – it comes with predefined settings which make sense in most cases and it should improve your ranking dramatically.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Can we take bookings using Enfold? #992898

    Hi Christopher!

    Enfold does not support such a feature out of the box. However I think this plugin will do what you want.


    in reply to: Keine Posts mehr anlegbar / No more posts possible #992863


    Ich habe mir die Sache angesehen und es liegt offenbar weder an den Plugins noch am Theme. Auch wenn ich das Standardtheme TwentySeventeen aktiviere, bleibt das Problem bestehen. Ich habe auch mit WP-DBManager ein Database Repair darüberlaufen lassen – leider ohne Erfolg. Es dürfte daher am Server bzw. der Datenbank liegen (vgl Meldung mit gleichen Problem: ). Ich empfehle dbzgl den Administrator und Hoster zu kontaktieren.


    in reply to: Probleme mit Bilddarstellung in Farb-Section-Umgebung #992858

    Hey meyerhuber-wondratschek-archiv,

    Ist das der korrekte Weg oder gibt es einen anderen als mit der Farb-Section zu arbeiten?

    Ja, alternativ könnte zB ein Slider eingefügt werden, aber die Farb-Section ist sicherlich dann sinnvoller, wenn darüber noch Inhalte dargestellt werden sollen (Spalten, etc.).

    Welche Größe in Pixel sollte das Bild haben, damit es gut angezeigt werden kann? Ich habe die Einstellung gewählt “mind. 50 % der Browser-Höhe”.

    Das lässt sich pauschal nicht sagen, da jeder Website-Besucher ein anderes Endgerät verwendet und auch die Bildschirmauflösungen und Einstellungen abweichen können. Ein hochauflösendes Retina-Display wird beispielsweise mehr Pixel “vertragen”, als ein alter LCD-Bildschirm mit HD-Auflösung. Ich würde zumindest die Breite mit 1920px wählen und die Höhe bei zumindest 540px (Hälfte von 1080px) ansetzen. Eine höhere Auflösung wäre natürlich besser, aber verursacht auch wieder längere Ladezeiten, da die Datenmenge größer wird.

    3) Kannst Du mir bitte einen Link zur Website senden, damit ich mir das näher ansehen kann.



    Great, glad I could help you :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: enfold theme license #992846


    You can use both licenses. If you want to use the regular license ($ 59 for one license) you need to purchase a license for each wordpress instance which runs Enfold. For example if your multisite network has 5 blogs and you want to use Enfold on 3 blogs you need 3 regular licenses. If your network has 100 blogs and you want to use Enfold on all blogs you need 100 licenses, etc.

    If you purchase the extended license you can install/use the theme on as many blogs as you like, however you’re not allowed to resell the theme to someone else. You just need one license even if your multisite network runs 1000 blogs.

    To sum it up – if you don’t want to install Enfold on 50+ blogs I’d recommend to stick with the regular license and to purchase a license for each blog.


    Hey blacknetguy,

    Please add this code to the quick css field or child theme style.css file to hide the flags:

    #top #wrap_all .av-language-switch-item{
    display: none !important;

    Best regards,

    Hey Tony,

    Unfortunately this customization is too time intensive and beyond the scope of our support forum. I’d recommend to use the existing plugins or widgets and to add them to the sidebar area. If you really want to add them to the menu/Header please hire a freelancer for this task. I’ll leave this thread open in case another user can provide some hints.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Leverage Browser Caching Problem with Google Font #992815

    Great, glad it’s working now :)

    Best regards,


    Glad we could help you :)


    in reply to: Which SMTP plugin is compatible with Enfold? #992775


    Thanks for the hint Guenni007!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Theme not working AngularVersie: 2.0 #992774


    If you’ve a license for Angular you can download the latest update here: (Sign in, go to “Downloads” and download the theme files).

    If you don’t have a license please contact the company which created the website for you and ask them to update the theme for you. Alternatively you can buy a separate license here to get access to the theme updates.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Menü wird iin Chrome nicht angezeigt #992768


    You had some custom css code in the quick css field:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1040px) { nav.main_menu {display:none !important;} #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {display:block !important; } }

    which removed the mobile menu icon. I deleted the code and the icon shows up now.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Google maps is blank #992764


    I’m not familiar with the plugin (we didn’t test it with Enfold and we can’t support it) but probably it uses the standard google maps api: like Enfold to embed Google maps. It seems like the plugin removes the Enfold maps code (i.e. the code I asked you to add to your functions.php is missing but there’s even more is missing, i.e. the coordinates of the maps marker, etc.) and thus the maps won’t work.

    On the demo page here: for example the coordinates and map styling code looks like:

    <script type='text/javascript' class='av-php-sent-to-frontend'>/* <![CDATA[ */ 
    var av_google_map = {};
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0'] = {};
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker'] = {};
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0'] = {};
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['address'] = "Main Street, California";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['city'] = "";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['country'] = "";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['long'] = -79.88742450000001;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['lat'] = 40.0577507;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['marker'] = 2078;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['imagesize'] = 80;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['tooltip_display'] = "";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['av_uid'] = "av-3e0e9c";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['marker']['0']['icon'] = "https:\/\/\/themes\/enfold-2017\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/66\/2017\/02\/marker3.png";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['hue'] = "#35383c";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['zoom'] = 16;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['saturation'] = "fill";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['zoom_control'] = 1;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['streetview_control'] = false;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['pan_control'] = false;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['mobile_drag_control'] = 1;
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['maptype_control'] = "";
    av_google_map['av_gmap_0']['maptype_id'] = "";
     /* ]]> */</script>

    and this code is completely missing on your website. Unfortunately you can’t simply fix this by adding this code to the child theme functions.php file because it’s generated dynamically for each map element based on your map settings (styling of the map, coordinates, marker image, etc.).

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Which SMTP plugin is compatible with Enfold? #992756

    Hey Macroview_research,

    You can try this plugin:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Leverage Browser Caching Problem with Google Font #992755


    I’m not sure why it didn’t work for you but I just uploaded the font files and selected them (instead of the google fonts) and now I see a A 100% grad in pingdom:!/IbuZ1/

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Keine Posts mehr anlegbar / No more posts possible #992754

    Hey SaschaNe,

    Bitte überprüfe, ob der Account Admin Rechte hat. Ich kann auf das Dashboard leider nicht zugreifen.


    in reply to: contact form –> captcha –> german translation #992546

    Hey Carsten,

    Please add this code to the child theme functions.php file to translate the captcha label:

    add_filter( 'avia_contact_form_elements', 'avia_translate_cf_captcha', 10, 1 );
    function avia_translate_cf_captcha($elements)
    		$elements['avia_age']['label'] = 'Bitte l&ouml;sen Sie die Gleichung.';
    	return $elements;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Exclude search page from Google search results #992544


    To be honest I don’t know. Maybe the Alexa tool caches the results or it ignores the meta robots rules :/

    Best regards,

    Hey Cordell,

    The documentation is outdated – your way (adding the code to style.css) is the recommended and best way. I’ll ask Kriesi to update the docs.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Favicon Stopped Working #992539

    Hey djsmbd,

    Please go to Enfold > Theme Options and replace the favicon url:




    The browser will not load the image if the url points to an insecure source (non https url)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: OutBrain #992538


    There’s no wordpress or theme shortcode which outputs the page url. However you can add this code to the child theme functions.php file:

    function avia_get_permalink_shortcode($atts) 
    	extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => 0), $atts));
    	return get_permalink($id);
    add_shortcode('av_permalink', 'avia_get_permalink_shortcode');

    and then use this shortcode


    to output the url of the current page. You can also output the url of a specific page by adding the id parameter like:

    [av_permalink id=30]

    This shortcode would output the url of the page with the id 30.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: OutBrain #992478

    Hey Rafael,

    No, you can paste this code into the text editor (standard wordpress pages) or you can use the “Code” element of the advanced layout builder to embed this widget code into an advanced layout page.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Problems with posts & pages #992477
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Phone number clickable? #992472

    Hey James,

    Yes you need to replace the telephone number with a link to the telephone number. Use this html code:

    <a href="tel:123456789">123456789</a>

    and replace 123456789 with your telephone number.

    Best regards,

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