Forum Replies Created
But you completely deactivated the sidebar on these pages? BBPress normally will show a sidebar on the right (like here: ) you’re using a fullwidth page template at the moment. Maybe you modified a file to remove the sidebar (forum.php, etc.)?
PeterHey RevolutionGroup!
I get two js errors:
Uncaught ReferenceError: tribe_bootstrap_datepicker_strings is not defined Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
It seems like both errors are triggered by the “Events Calendar” plugin scripts and you might want to contact the plugin authors and ask them to look into it.
Yes, then your htaccess blocks the ajax request too. You can try to use a maintenance plugin like: or instead which will block external users from viewing your website but you can work on it if you’re logged in.
PeterNovember 5, 2013 at 12:16 pm in reply to: Enfold theme is making an error after change footer.php #184735Hey SwipeMedia!
Please try to re-upload all other theme files – maybe another file was modified accidentally and now the theme doesn’t work. Also make sure that the server really overwrites the files (i.e. set the file permission to 777) and that no cache is active (clear he browser cache and the W3TC or Supercache cache if necessary).
PeterHey Bruno!
You can use the “Forum” widget area if you want to display certain widgets on all forum pages. If you want to display a certain sidebar on all forum pages you need to modify sidebar.php. Open up the file and replace
if(!empty($the_id) && is_singular()) { $custom_sidebar = get_post_meta($the_id, 'sidebar', true); }
if(!empty($the_id) && is_singular()) { $custom_sidebar = get_post_meta($the_id, 'sidebar', true); } else if(is_post_type_archive('forum') || is_singular(array('forum','topic','reply'))) { $custom_sidebar = 'Forum'; }
Replace “Forum” with your custom sidebar name if you don’t want to use the default “Forum” widget area for the sidebar.
PeterNovember 5, 2013 at 10:43 am in reply to: Mysterious tabs content disappearing also from rolling back revision #184715Hey!
You just need to change the tab content. Enfold seems to hide them if the default content is used without any custom text. I’m not sure if this is a bug or feature and I marked the thread for Kriesi.
The font file imports just fine on my test server and I’m not sure why encoding is different on your server. Try following – open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/font-manager.class.php and replace
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
$response = utf8_encode($response); $xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
and check if the font file import works afterwards.
PeterHi philipewen!
Sure the changelog can be found here: – scroll to the bottom and in the middle of the page you can find the changelog.
As far as I know you can’t easily center elements with css when you work with LayerSlider because the slider script must calculate the position of all elements (images, text, etc.) dynamically based on the viewport size and the position you chose for the element on the admin screen. The only solution I can think of is to configure the logo like a standard image but with a short transition time of 100ms to avoid a noticeable transition.You can also try to deactivate the “Animate first slide” option (Global Settings) – then Layerslider won’t animate the first slide when the slider loads but will fade in all elements immediately.
Actually this slider doesn’t seem to work at all for me because of a javascript error in the logo offset calculation function. Please try to open enfold/js/avia.js and delete the entire code within the file. Then copy & paste the code from here: into the avia.js file and save it. It should fix the post slider issue but I’m not sure if it also fixes the image issue. We’ll see.
Best regards,
I’ll mark this thread for Kriesi and ask him to fix the issue with the next update. For a quick fix add following code to functions.php:
if(!function_exists('avia_change_wpml_home_link')) { add_filter('WPML_filter_link','avia_change_wpml_home_link', 10, 2); function avia_change_wpml_home_link($url, $lang) { global $sitepress; if(is_home() || is_front_page()) $url = $sitepress->language_url($lang['language_code']); return $url; } }
Best regards,
PeterNovember 5, 2013 at 9:14 am in reply to: Loosing language pack after updating Enfold through dashboard #184687Hey!
Try following code instead
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'avia_lang_setup'); function avia_lang_setup() { $lang = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/lang'; load_child_theme_textdomain('avia_framework', $lang); }
The code I posted in the other thread used the get_template_directory() function which will load the files from the parent theme. The get_stylesheet_directory() function should return the right path.
PeterHey PeterPan2!
Yes, you can change the “portfolio-item” slug. Go to Enfold > General Settings and on the option page you’ll find an option called “Portfolio: Enter a page slug that should be used for your portfolio single items”
I fixed it. WPML will use the permalink of the translated page in the language switcher dropdown. In your case the “Homepage” was a translation of “Startseite” and thus WPML used the permalinks of both pages in the language switcher – even on the front page. I now set the post status of the translated version of “Startseite” to “Draft” (you can delete this Homepage” entry btw) and added a separate page called “Homepage” to your pages. This entry is NOT a translation of “Startseite” and thus the language switcher works correct now.
It’s unfortunately a limitation/bug of wordpress:
You can try to add following code to the functions.php file of the theme
add_filter('the_posts', 'bump_sticky_posts_to_top'); function bump_sticky_posts_to_top($posts) { foreach($posts as $i => $post) { if(is_sticky($post->ID)) { $stickies[] = $post; unset($posts[$i]); } } if(!empty($stickies)) return array_merge($stickies, $posts); return $posts; }
which is a slightly modified version of the workaround someone posted here: but it doesn’t work for me very well. Another solution would be to use a plugin like which allows you to manually sort the posts but the disadvantage is that you need to check the sort order after you published a new post.
The code I posted above doesn’t work yet – that’s why I said it will work with the next update.You can try change the z-index of the post nav links with following css code
#top .avia-post-nav { z-index: 200; }
PeterHi ksakkos!
No, right now the search results page does not support a special layout for portfolio entries. You can request this feature here: and if more user request this feature we might look into it.
Best regards,
Try following css code
#top #wrap_all .avia_textblock p .av_font_icon { display: inline; text-align: initial; float: none; margin: 0; }
PeterHey DDamjanovic!
Can you please post a link to the post slider? i couldn’t find it on the homepage and I’m not sure if you removed the slider or if it’s located on a sub-page.
Best regards,
PeterHi allegrabillings!
I just tried to reproduce the issue on my test server but the gallery seems to work just fine for me. Do you use a special post format (gallery, link, etc.)? Please give us a link to your post and create us an admin account. Please post the login credentials as private reply and we’ll look into it.
Best regards,
PeterHey cmaifre!
You can use the “excerpt” field on the post editor page to insert a custom excerpt text or use following code to change the length of the generated excerpt:
add_filter('avf_masonry_excerpt_length','avia_change_masonry_excerpt_length', 10, 1); function avia_change_masonry_excerpt_length($length) { $length = 100; return $length; }
Insert the code at the bottom of functions.php and replace 100 with any other custom value. Kriesi uses an excerpt length of 60 by default.
PeterNovember 4, 2013 at 11:14 am in reply to: Enfold – Issues with fixed Picture in Color-Sections on iOS #184176Hi Bruno!
I marked this thread for Devin and Kriesi – they can test your website with an IPad. I checked the website with an Android 4.1 phone (lg p700) and I couldn’t reproduce the issue.
You can easily hide this phrase with following css code – insert it into the quick css field
.pagination .pagination-meta { display: none; }
Best regards,
It seems like you’re using another plugin now (AddThis Sharing) which looks better anyway. I’ll mark this thread for Kriesi though – maybe he can provide some useful tips for DiggDigg.
PeterNovember 4, 2013 at 11:03 am in reply to: Content in Page edit dissapeared but viewable on website #184169Hi Sobczak!
Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply.
Best regards,
PeterHi timfl!
Yes, we use the standard get_adjacent_post() function which is quite limited and which doesn’t support taxonomy terms at the moment. However the WP dev team plans to improve it with wp3.8 ( ) and they already included a fix in the developer version. For now the only suggestion I can provide is to hide the prev/next arrows until wp3.8 is released. Insert following code into the quick css field to hide the arrows on portfolio pages:
#top.single-portfolio .avia-post-nav { display: none !important; }
Best regards,
PeterHey ppaoletti!
Please try to deactivate all plugins and check if i.e. the birscheduler breaks the theme translation. If not, go to the Codestyling translation page and rescan the theme files (French translation). Then click on “Edit” to check if all necessary strings are translated and at least click on “Generate Mo” to generate the mo file.
Best regards,
PeterNovember 4, 2013 at 10:50 am in reply to: Would like to enable only theme options and disable remaining enfold options #184166Hi!
No, this code shouldn’t affect any other links
.avia_header .avia_shop_option_link{ display: none !important; }
PeterHi glozemedia!
Do you want to re-size the phone number at the top? If yes use following code
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ #top .phone-info.with_nav span a{ font-size: 10px !important; } }
Phones and mobile devices with small screens (767px width or lower) will change the font size to 10px. You can change the font size and/or max-width value if my code doesn’t give you good results.
Best regards,
Try to insert following css code into the quick css field
.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow>ul>li { background-repeat: no-repeat; webkit-background-size: contain; -moz-background-size: contain; -o-background-size: contain; background-size: contain; }
Peter -