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  • in reply to: After WordPress update to 4.5 animations do not work #618800

    After further research I systematically deactivated all plug-ins and found that the WP Google Maps Pro plug-in creates the problem, so have deactivated it for now.


    in reply to: After WordPress update to 4.5 animations do not work #617239

    Good point, have now updated PW and checked account accessibility.

    Sorry for that.

    in reply to: Low pagespeed rank #326865

    I am using also Google’s PageSpeed testing tool and have following results:

    I am using the Enfold theme ( And I changed my hosting provider having now 1,024 MB Server RAM.

    So I followed what Ismael suggested to the T:
    1. Optimize all images with AI/Photoshop before uploading to server ‘save as web safe’ jpg, done.
    2. Once all images are on the website optimize with ewww optimizer plugin twice 1hr 10mins apart, done.
    3. Install wp-smushit run once to remove jpeg extra data, then uninstall, done.
    4. Use BWP minify plugin to minify scripts and stylesheets, which I implemented with default settings, done.
    5. Install WP-Super cache, select all recommended settings, done.
    6. Logout your website, visit every page at least once to create super cache files, done.
    7. Join Cloudflare setup your website on their CDN, Choose options: Full CDN Optimisation save then activate purge files. once done log out, done.

    And got the following results PageSpeed improved only slightly from 39/100 to 39/100 for mobile and from 64/100 to 67/100 for desktop and demands me to still minify HTML/CSS/JavaScript files. The slight improvement might have been due to having Cloudflare already active before?

    Anyway the PageSpeed results go up to 73/100 for mobile and 92/100 for desktop when I switch the theme to another framework of course lacking all the icons and slideshow.

    Also deactivating all the other plug-ins does not make any difference to the PageSpeed score.

    Only when I take out the 6 page LayerSlider WP on my front page the PageSpeed goes up to 66/100 for mobile and 67/100 for desktop. Even with the LayerSlider off this is not a great speed performance.

    After doing tests with the situations seems to be much better, with everything activated and optimised I get a 95/100 score. Yet with a fairly bad first view loading time of around 12 Seconds.

    I am aware that I have activated pretty much every feature available, that’s why I bought it in the first place. If it sets me back in ranking due to slow speed I have to rethink using your theme. I was reading a lot in this Forum and the ones related to Minifying. Is there no other way to improve the speed effecting my User Experience and Rankings. Any help would be highly appreciated.




    I am having a similar problem which is that the Default Editor in a page is empty and only in the Advanced Layout Editor I can see the content but when I want to add a picture or a gallery it wont proceed.

    I have deactivated all plug-ins to see if it resolves the issue but it is still there. Also an update to the latest Enfold version did not resolve the issue.

    After various trial and error I could resolve the issue with the page having problems implementing any picture/gallery element via creating a new and replacing the trouble-some page now with all the content elements working including the picture!?



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by driedel.
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