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I have Layerslider 6, but previously whenever I tried to disable Layerslider in Enfold and use the separate plugin I had issues I was unable to resolve. I stopped trying that.
I’m building a big interactive slider in LS6 and am setting up a whole separate site (sans Enfold) for it. If the Enfold Devs get LS6 into before then, then I wont have to do that, but I’m not counting on it anytime soon.
So what I gather from your reply, is that it is not possible to align a video to top. Is that correct?
Your suggested solution is basically the same as the previous suggestion above. It does not align to top, but adjusts up and down based on a center align (vertically speaking). The problem with that is it displays differently on different devices and for example on phones there is blank space above the video.
Thanks for your assistance.
I want to control the positioning of the background video.
When I put an image as a background, there are positioning options:
top-left, top-center, top-right
center-left, center-center, center-right
bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-rightWhen I put the background video, there are no options. It defaults to center-center and the top of the video is cropped off. I want to be able to control the vertical positioning of the video. In this case, I want top-left
How do I do that?
I want the background video to vertically align to the top of the container. As is, it vertical aligns center so the top of the video is cut off.
Yigit’s code manually moves the video, but that is still in relation to being vertically aligned to center so that changing the browser window size changes how it aligns and creates blank space at the top.
Is there no solution to controlling the background video position?
Glad you are looking into it. It may indeed be a wordpress problem, however, it is when using the avia layout builder that I consistently encounter it. So it may be that the Avia layout builder brings out a problem in wordpress.
That is what I try to do. But sometimes the button is going to get greyed out some seconds after closing a widget so waiting a few seconds is not a guarantee of success. The only sure way is to wait (sometimes 30 seconds+) for the button to grey out then when it is back, then hit save.
Are you working on some resolution for this problem?
Still trying to resolve this problem
Also, on one of the Enfold Demo projects (business flat demo) there is a page with a background video. It appears that the video is fitting to the window width (except on phones). On my test page, the video is wider than the window so it is cropped (left and right).
Okay… that affects the height, but it only works for a specific browser width. Change the width of the window or preview in tablet size etc and it does not work right (black space at top).
I just tried your suggestion (using ID = background-video). It has no effect. I changed the % from 0-100 and in between and no change.
Oops… my apologies… I made the page public so you can see it now
I’d like a response please
Once the button turns blue again, there is no issue… it seems that there is a tiny window of time when the button is about to grey out (auto-save) and if one clicks it right then, it locks up and all changes are lost
Here is a sample page I just made
The video is a background for a color section with page height set to 100%. The video is vertically centered so the top and bottom are both cut. I want the top of the video to be visible (top aligned).
Also, and it is not so important in this case, but the video is much wider than the page. Is there a way to control that?
If a photo is used as a color section background, there are some options to control the size, repeating etc. There are no options for video backgrounds. So can video backgrounds be controlled using CSS?
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
The problem is resolved with the plugin maker.
April 29, 2016 at 10:36 pm in reply to: Video Slideshow (slider) that pauses when video plays #624814Thanks for the reply…
Layerslider doesn’t help me because it can only be full width.
So there is no other way in Enfold to have a video slider that auto-rotates?
The function above works except that the share buttons are at the top of the page… surely there is some way to use that function but edit it to make the share buttons appear at the bottom of the page?
Oh, didn’t realize that was there… thanks
That does mean that I have to add the share buttons to every page. Is there some way I can just make that default for all pages and all portfolio items?
The featured image no longer shows on the video archive page center column. Thanks… What did you do to make that work?
The widget is displaying fine, but I would like to exclude the HTML category from the list and cannot.
I disabled any plugins that have anything to do with widgets such as other types of widgets and widget logic. This did not fix the issue.
Visit this page specifically. can see on the sidebar I’m using the Enfold widget for listing portfolio items. Only some of them have image icons. This is because if I add a featured image for the video portfolio items, then the featured image shows in the center as well as the video which is no good.
For photo galleries it works fine for me because in the blog listing I am only showing the featured image, not the actual gallery. But for videos, I of course want the actual video showing as it is.
I can live with the sidebar having images for photo entries and the blank square for the video entries. But if you can think of a way to address this, I’d appreciate it. Otherwise consider this a feature request for a bit more user control in a future update.
Hi Elliot,
Thanks for your help.
There are portfolio categories Video, Audio, Photography and HTML
We are using the latest version of Enfold 3.2.3 (which by the way, updates from within WordPress never work for us. I always have to manually update Enfold via FTP)
We are in the middle of a critical moment and I do not want to disable all plugins right now as that will disrupt the site.I included login info for you in the private content if you want to take a look.
Thanks, that worked. Do you understand why that was necessary?
Your help is appreciated.
Pretty sure it’s a bug in Enfold… anyway, I know what not to do so I need no other assistance on this issue. I posted what I found for your info and for any user who might encounter the same weird problem
Actually, that does not work right either…
For photo galleries I have to have a featured image. For videos no featured image. I’ll live with the inconsistent display in the widget unless there is some way to not show the tiny thumbnails including the empty squares
okay… thanks
I’ll delete the featured images from all the individual entries and just live with “Enfold Child Latest Portfolio” widget having a title and an empty square next to it… not ideal, but not so bad either.
Been busy but I found the culprit a while back. I had these two shortcodes in a post. They were above the ‘read more’ and that was causing the site to be super slow and in effect, not working. When I moved them below the ‘read more’ link, site worked fine.
I did not experiment to see whether it is one of the two that was the problem.
[av_hr class='invisible' height='40' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello'] [av_blog blog_type='taxonomy' link='post_tag,142' blog_style='single-big' columns='3' contents='excerpt' content_length='content' preview_mode='auto' image_size='portfolio' items='1' offset='0' paginate='yes']
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by