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  • in reply to: " SHOWING IN SLIDER #1232749

    We also see the annoying quotation mark just below the sliders in several of our Enfold-driven websites. Please release a fix asap!


    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1162384


    yes, completely right. This should indeed be the best solution.

    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1162210


    hehe, no ;-). For sure it’s cool having Layer Slider as a bonus. It simply is not cool to be shown the red 1 although it is not possible to perform an update.

    As I said further above – the red sign only tells you “Ha-ha! There’s an update for the bundled plugin. But you cannot perform it! Ha-ha!”. As long as there is no possibility to perform an update, a notification for it is nothing else than annoying. At least it should be possible to switch off this notification for the case an admin doesn’t want to be bothered about it.

    We are maintaining 200 WordPress installations (and counting) with several hundrets of different plugins and dozens of different themes. So we are always endeavored to keep all installations at the current update level. It is not helpful to get into an Enfold’s backend and always have to be aware: “Oh, this red 1 doesn’t mean anything.” If all plugins and themes would throw around with unnecessary notifications like this you wouldn’t take notice of these notifications anymore, even if a notification made sense and would be important. So when there is a notification then it should make sense.

    So ok – of course, it is not a bug in the narrower sense. But telling that this is also not “a feature” is clear in our eyes and just a suggestion for improvement for Enfold if you want to follow our above arguments.

    Many greetings,
    – doffine

    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1156789

    Hey @Ismael,

    we made use of your suggestion to investigate whether our installations of Enfold use Layer Slider at all and we saw: No – none of our three Enfold installations use this plugin. So we deinstalled it as suggested by you via Enfold > Layout Builder Settings and got rid of this problem one and for all.
    So we cannot provide you a possibility to test it out anymore. But we recommend you to offer a solution for other customers to get rid of this annoying update notification that simply tells a useless “Haha! There is an update, but you cannot install it!”. Best solution would be a checkbox in Enfold settings “Disable update notifications of bundled plugins”.

    We are out now. Thanks for coming back to us in this thread and many greetings,

    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1156022

    Hey @Ismael,

    no we didn’t install it as a stand alone plugin, since we didn’t license it and don’t want to pay for a Layer Slider license just to get rid of the notifications. It’s enough for us to use the bundled version that comes with Enfold.

    Unfortunately the filter @guenni007 suggested doesn’t work – please read my posting #1154299 directly above yours. There you’ll read that @guenni007’s filter disables ALL plugin notifications in a WordPress, not only the ones of the bundled Layer Slider plugin.

    But: The code of @guenni007 looks like it could be possibly fixed to do what it should: Only to disable bundled Layer Slider update notifications. That’s why I asked you in #1154299 whether you could let your developers check that up.

    Many greetings,

    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1154299

    Hey @Vinay,

    thanks for coming back to us. Have you taken a closer look at the code snippet at #1133098? For us it seems that there might be a possibility to remove update notifications from the backend. Unfortunately the snippet above removes all update notifications at once. But if you look at the code perhaps it seems to be possible to modify it so that only the update notification of one (the bundled one) plugin isn’t shown any more.

    The filter “pre_site_transient_update_plugins” might be the key to this. Would it be possible to check this with one of your developers?

    Many greetings and thanks again,
    – doffine

    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1152540

    Hey @Basilis,

    thank you for coming back to us. But this plugin won’t solve our problem. It is not that we don’t want to see ANY plugin update notifications any more. It is that we ONLY don’t want to see this “phantom” update notification(s) caused by Enfolds bundled plugin(s).


    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1152115


    Thank you for your reply. This snippet is interesting, but it doesn’t solve our problem. We just want to get completely rid of these annoying update notifications caused by hidden Enfold components. It is not of help for us to have an area in that we get informed about the cause of the update notification. We simply don’t want to see it anymore.


    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1151283

    Hello again @guenni007,

    we just noticed that the above code not only makes the Enfold update notification disappear but all other WordPress plugin update notifications disappear, too. So in this way you block all WordPress plugins’ updates effectively without even knowing it. Just try it and you will see it. Do you have an idea how the code can be fixed to only let Enfold notifications disappear?

    Many greetings again,

    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1133819

    Thanks for this indeed interesting variant. But it is nothing we think we need for our particular case. We trust Enfold developers that they would instantly supply really urgent third party software updates with an Enfold update, let’s say in terms of a security problem or so. In the meantime we just don’t want to see this annoying update notification all the time – since it doesn’t have any benefit, because we cannot perform any update anyway.

    Enfold’s update notification of this type kinda says “Hey, there’s an update for a software component used in our theme. But ha-ha, you cannot perform it!” That’s bothersome.

    ‘s solution stops this perfectly.

    in reply to: Bug: Enfold causes wrong update markers #1133098

    @guenni007, thank you so much. This solves our problem perfectly.

    , we cannot understand why Enfold doesn’t do this on itself. Since you cannot upgrade anything after all when you see this update notification it litters up the admin backend with useless information. At least there should be a checkbox to deactivate this in Enfold. Or even better – integrate the filter of @guenni007. We remember that we are not the first ones coming up with this “problem” in the years.

    Here is the modified code from @guenni007 so that you don’t have to replace the current domain path – perhaps it can be useful for someone (this code is for the case when WordPress resides in the domain’s root)…

    function remove_ls_update_notification($value) {
    	if($value) {
    		return $value;
    add_filter('pre_site_transient_update_plugins', 'remove_ls_update_notification');
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by doffine. Reason: Added the hint that our code is for WordPresses in the domain's root
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